Love Me, Master Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 6)

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Love Me, Master Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 6) Page 4

by Anya Summers

  It had pissed him off. Still did. He didn't lose his head over a woman. Ever.

  It was that simple. Bastian was the cool cucumber who didn't allow a woman to penetrate his shields and inner world. He couldn't afford to let anyone get close. He was the 'love them and leave them' type. It was safer. Colder, and less personal, but that's how he liked it. Someone always left in the end; he just always made sure that he was the one doing the leaving.

  So he'd been less than friendly as Delilah had finished her heart rending rendition, and had been a jackass when the time came for him to speak. He knew he'd been an ass. In his defense, he'd been attempting to draw attention away from the inconvenient erection he'd been sporting and the sudden lust clouding his system. All due to one luscious opera star who now sat beside him at the bar, attempting to contain her mewling as the bullet vibrator wreaked havoc on her composure. While they were both stars in their own right, they were worlds apart musically. He played to sold-out stadiums; she performed for the heads of state in Europe.

  He'd been an ass and he knew it. Enjoying the pouty fullness of her lips, he attempted to keep his eyes on her face and not the most gorgeous milky white boobs that strained against her neckline as she sang. He'd enjoyed the flash of temper in her eyes, the color reminding him of an aged cognac. He'd wondered if the thick strands of her long, golden caramel hair were as soft as they appeared. And then pondered what actions he might need to take to sink his fingers into her locks to find out.

  It had been a welcome surprise to find her in the Dungeon Fantasy Club, wearing a pair of unadorned cuffs which proclaimed that not only was she a sub, she was unattached. The Dom inside him had all but unfurled his pirate flag and staked his claim. And then she'd had the audacity to mouth off to him. While he didn't care for back talk, he did enjoy a sub who had a bit of a spine, and Delilah had a mighty fine, supple one at that.

  Her impertinence had given him an excuse to put his hands on her. And, by the gods, she was stunning. The body she'd hid underneath her leather dress had made him want to fall to his knees and worship every inch of her milky flesh. She was perfection. The pale pink of her dusky nipples poking through the rings of her bra just begged for his lips. Seeing the moisture build and flow from her pretty pussy as he'd laid into her ass, he'd nearly come in his pants like a teenager with his first woman.

  Bastian had been sweating by the fifth swat to her delectable ass. His cock strained against his leathers, just begging him to sink himself in her soft flesh. And then, when she had come, rocking against his lap as he spanked her ass ruby red, he thought he'd never witnessed a sexier vision.

  He knew he couldn't keep her on the barstool much longer. Just listening to the muffled moans she tried to hide as the vibrator worked its magic on her pussy was enough to make his blood pound, and need claw up his back. Bastian wanted nothing more than to be balls deep inside the opera star's succulent pussy.

  When Delilah's head lolled back on her shoulders, he deemed she'd had enough. With a salute, he turned away from his bass guitarist, Jax, who nodded in understanding. Bastian swiveled off his stool and moved until he was standing between her lush thighs. He couldn't help himself as he trailed his fingers over her soft flesh. Her whole body vibrated with the need for release. And he planned to give it her. He leaned over her, using his arms to hold him up while he ground his pelvis against her apex. Delilah whimpered.


  "Please what?" he said, and began nibbling at her delicate jaw, rubbing his stubble against her throat and watching her shiver at his touch.

  "Let me go." A heartbeat later, she added, "Sir," to her request.

  He rocked back on his heels, stunned. Bastian had never had a sub so near to release not want it from him.

  "I will make you feel better, give you what you need. All you have to do is ask, Delilah." He ran his fingers over her quivering body.

  She shook her head, denying herself the release her body practically screamed for. She really wanted nothing to do with him. When was the last time he'd been turned down by a woman, let alone a submissive? Not since he was an unschooled teenager. He studied her, noting the way her body trembled with need, but that there were also tears she blinked from her eyes. There was more going on here than just a dislike of him. This was his ass-headed fault. He was usually such a smooth talker when it came to women, but from the moment he'd met the songbird, he'd been an uncharacteristic dick. Bastian didn't bother with pretense, as her words didn't match what her body needed. He'd never leave a sub in such distress.

  Perhaps he'd gone past her limits, and taken her discipline a bit too far. Fuck, he was being an idiot.

  Her body needed release. There was no way he'd allow her to leave the club without it. And, as the Dom who'd taken it upon himself to discipline her, it was up to him now to care for her.

  And she needed to climax.

  Bastian did something he'd wanted to do since meeting her. He leaned back over her, using the barstool as he enveloped her with his body, his hands sliding into her hair. He bit back a groan at the silken feel. Tipping her head back, Bastian claimed her mouth with his lips. He growled in his throat at the softness of her pouty lips as they opened at his nudging insistence. Bastian's world narrowed as he drank down her cries in a scorching kiss. She tasted like sin as he thrust his tongue inside her wet heat. He fought to breathe, his brain clicked off as desire overrode his own senses and he plundered, tangling his tongue with hers in a scorching duel.

  He kept her prisoner with his left hand buried in her hair, not allowing her freedom of movement, but she returned his kiss with just as much fervor. Bastian slid his right hand down her neck, tracing his fingers over the delicate bones in her shoulders, down over the slopes of her generous breasts. His hand tugged and teased over her swollen nipples. He groaned into her mouth at the feel of those tight peaks. He plucked and rolled them between his fingers, drinking down her surprised moans. Traveling further south, his hand smoothed over the soft slight swell of her belly, the skin incredibly smooth and pliant, and then he went to the waistband of her black spandex panties. His fingers danced along the rim, toying with her flesh before he slid them underneath the stretchy fabric to her bare pussy. Bastian's fingers traced her mons and labia folds, the delicate skin slick with her desire. The subtle vibrations from the bullet pulsed against his fingers as he delved between her folds to the engorged nub of her clit.

  She whimpered into his mouth as his fingers stroked over her swollen bud. He rubbed and circled the taut nub. He flicked the delicate flesh in a series of rapid fire caresses, meant to drive her body over the brink.

  Delilah's keening moans were sweet music to his ears. Regretfully, he released her succulent mouth with a nip of her pouty bottom lip. Her cries spilled around them. Bastian pinched the sensitive flesh of her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger and said, "Come, Delilah."

  Her nipples stabbed up in the air, her head fell back, and she screamed in a deep, sexy alto that made his balls tighten in need.

  "Ahhh." Her body quaked and shook as her release detonated in her system at his command. She was gorgeous as she came. Delilah's body trembled, her chest heaving as she rode the waves of her orgasm. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as she panted. The pulse in her neck thrummed and fluttered. Sweat dampened her skin, and Bastian desired nothing more than to spread her body out before him and lick every square inch of her flesh.

  Instead of giving in and sating his lust, Bastian cared for Delilah, who was now reclining limply on the barstool. He shut off and removed the bullet vibrator from her drenched sheath, tossing it in the trash behind the bar. Then he accepted a blanket from Jared with nod of gratitude.

  Undoing her restraints, before she could slip off the stool into a puddle on the floor, he wrapped her up in the blanket and carried her over to the nearest empty couch. Her body still shook in his arms from the force of her release. Although he suspected she could use a few more orgasms before she was fully sated. And,
by god, he would be the Dom to give them to her. Bastian couldn't remember ever being so fully entranced by a sub. He fitted her lush body on his lap until she was burrowed up against him. The feel of her plush ass against his straining cock was enough to make him groan. Instead of doing what he wanted, which entailed having her ride him while he held onto the soft globes of her ass and watched her gorgeous tits bounce and sway above him, he ran his hands over her back in a soothing, calm manner.

  This little sub was in distress, and before the night was done, he'd get to the bottom of it.

  "Why did you want to leave before you'd found release, love?"

  She shuddered against his hold, seeming to crawl inside herself.

  "Because I'm fat and no one wants to watch something like that."

  He sucked in a swift breath. Christ on a stick. Was she lush, yes, but any idiot worth his salt knew a beauty when they found it. "Why would you think that?"

  She was in enough subspace from her discipline and orgasm to answer him honestly.

  "Because that's what I am. Ethan always said so, and that everyone at the clubs we frequented were too polite to say it to my face." The dejected note in her voice damn near broke his jaded heart.

  "Whoever this Ethan fellow is, he's a right daft prick. You are a gorgeous sensual woman, with the most beautiful set of tits I've ever seen, and considering the amount of women who flash me on stage, I think I have an inside edge."

  That got him a small laugh. "Don't try to make me feel better. I know what I am. And I'd like to go to my room now."

  "Not until you see yourself in a better light. Feel this." He pulled her tiny hand from where it was clasping the blanket down to the firm bulge straining against his pants, "This is all your doing. Only for you, not any other sub in this place."

  She stilled in his arms at his actions. He heard the soft intake of breath against his chest, felt the stab of her nipples upon his naked chest. Her delicate fingers felt like heaven pressed up against his cock. Even with the leather barrier between the two, her touch scorched him to cinders. When her hand inadvertently cupped him, Bastian felt his eyes roll back in his head. He had to tread carefully here. One wrong move and this little sub would shut down. He knew it instinctually.

  "Who's Ethan?"

  "My manager and my ex."

  "I see. And when did you two call it quits?"

  "Over Thanksgiving weekend."

  "And how long had you been together?"

  "Four years, romantically."

  He'd like nothing more than to pulverize the man who had obviously drummed it into the songbird's brain that she wasn't attractive. Bastian was suddenly desperate to prove to her just how desirable she was. She seemed unaware that her fingers were lightly caressing the outskirts of his erection of their own accord. She was one lovely, sensual woman, and he would show her before the night was over just how gorgeous she was, if she would let him.

  He shifted her until her face was tipped up to his so he could watch the emotions in her eyes as he began his campaign. His hands caressing her body switched from merely soothing her into seducing her, roving over her sensitized flesh, and drumming up her desire. Passion flooded her heavy-lidded gaze when his hands grazed her over sensitive nipples.

  He wanted her. More than he wanted air to breathe.

  "Come to one of the play rooms with me, Delilah. Let me pleasure you for tonight."

  Her parted lips snapped shut at his words and her body went rigid.

  "I'd like to go to my room, Sir."

  Her body had gone from supple and sleek to 'hands off' in under two seconds. As much as he wanted to press, he also didn't want to do more harm to the little sub. She obviously was fighting some massive turmoil over her ex, not that he blamed her, and it would take more time to push past her defenses. Well, they were both here all week.

  "I'll see that you get there."

  He placed her on her feet, stood up himself, helped her collect her dress, and led her toward the elevator.

  "I can get there myself," she protested, holding the blanket around her form like a shield. It made him want to cuddle her more.

  "Not going to happen. I will deliver you to your room and make sure you get there. No more arguing."

  Bastian pushed the call button on the elevator, noting the way Delilah clasped her dress over the blanket and looked like she wanted to run at the first chance. He wouldn't allow that. She was too fragile for him to even think of letting her go it alone. Just then, both Darla and Alexandra sauntered by, rolling their hips in blatant invitation. Bastian felt more than saw Delilah study his reaction to them. They were beautiful creatures in their own right, but he wasn't interested in them. He appreciated their beauty but it was Delilah who held all his attention. His band mates would snatch up the unattached subs while they were here, and they deserved a bit of fun.

  Instead of accepting the women's offers, he nodded in acknowledgement as the elevator dinged, and with an arm around Delilah's low back, escorted her inside. He pressed the button for the third floor as the doors slid silently closed, shutting out the club noise so that they were truly alone.

  Delilah studied him with an odd expression on her face as the elevator rose.

  "You could have gone with them, you know. I know you haven't…" she pointed toward his crotch, "gotten your own release tonight. I'd be fine on my own."

  Except something told him she wouldn't be. This was the point he was attempting to drive home with her.

  "I don't want to slate my lust with either of them. I want you. I told you before; this is all you, love."

  The short songstress made a move then, hitting the stop button on the elevator as she whispered under her breath, "Fuck it," and launched herself into his arms. The blanket and dress slid to the floor so that she stood nearly nude for all that bra of hers covered. Bastian wouldn't have been more surprised if she'd taken a tire iron to his skull. She plastered her delectable body to his, her lips covering his, urging him to return her fire.

  It took Bastian's system all of two seconds to reload and take over. He crushed her body to his, pushing her back up against the wall, growling in delight at the feel of her lush form pressed intimately to his.

  He feasted, plundering her mouth, her passion rocking him to the soles of his boots. Hunger engulfed him, thrummed inside his body. His cock strained inside his leathers. He nudged her thighs open with his knees and helped her wrap her legs around his waist. At the contact with her apex, he ground his hips, hissing at the feel of her against his leather clad cock. She may have launched the first volley, but by god, he'd not let her stop until neither of them could move.

  Chapter Four

  Bastian surrounded her. His big body crowded hers up against the elevator wall. She whimpered at the deliriously exquisite feel of his crotch rubbing against her sex. Her moisture drenched panties posed little impediment to the firm ridge of his cock encased in leather as he ground his pelvis against hers.

  Delilah wasn't quite sure what had happened to her sensible nature. One minute, she'd been absolutely sure the best course of action would be to retreat to her bedroom and let the insistent flames Bastian had created in her body extinguish into ash before reemerging. And then the next, she was kissing him like her life depended on it. Deep down, she knew it had been his dismissal of the other subs in favor of escorting her to her room. But she didn't want to examine that. Couldn't, in fact, as her brain just clicked off when Bastian's mouth left hers and closed around one of her nipples.

  He had magic in his mouth as he lavished her with deep, intense sucks that made her arch her back to give him more of her. He palmed her other breast, teasing the taut nub. Waves of sensation flooded her system. When his mouth moved from one breast to its twin, she felt her eyes cross from the sheer, stark pleasure wreaking havoc on her insides. Her fingers threaded into his black hair, holding him to her chest, not wanting him to end the delicious torment.

  By the time Bastian released her breast and headed
further south, Delilah was near mindless. Her breaths came in sharp pants as her need ratcheted higher. Bastian untangled her legs from about his waist, making her whine at the loss, setting her feet on the floor, but then he shifted her body into the corner and put her arms on the hand rails on either side.

  "Keep your hands there, understood?"

  He nipped at her belly and made her groan.

  "Yes, Sir," she said on a gasp as he ripped the fabric of her panties and knelt at her feet.

  Her body clenched in sweet anticipation as the remnants of her panties fluttered to the floor and his dark head moved between her thighs. He spread her legs with his large hands, granting him access to her sex.

  "You're gorgeous," he said on a muffled growl as he attached his mouth to her pussy.

  Bastian didn't ask for permission, or gently seduce. He plundered. He took. With nothing but his tongue and teeth, he drove her body up a startling cliff of passion so stark and intense it was blinding. He delved deeper, his tongue swishing over her swollen clit and driving her wild. He maneuvered her body, pushing her thighs further apart so he could drive deeper, wedging her body so that each one of her thighs rested over his impressively strong shoulders.

  Her fingers gripped the hand rails as she was suspended on his shoulders. She was completely reliant on his strength, his control, and she watched as he gorged himself on her pussy. Had she ever seen a more erotic sight than his dark head between her thighs, giving her the most rigorous oral sex of her life? He held her in place and their gazes clashed while he tongued her clit at a pace bent on destroying her inhibitions. When he slurped her clit hard into his mouth, her body drew back and snapped like a rubber band.

  "Ohhh," she wailed, never breaking eye contact with him. The hunger in his hazel depths had made them turn almost black with his desire and he milked her orgasm, never letting up or releasing her clit. He nipped and sucked, lashing the nub with his tongue in a series of flicks. Her pussy quivered as she rocked against his mouth.


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