His Cherished Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 8)

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His Cherished Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 8) Page 11

by Anya Summers

  It wasn’t the whole kit and caboodle for the rest of the force, but it would give their operation more eyes and ears searching for the bastard.

  Jack left the station wondering how Rayna had fared without him watching over her. She’d not been home, he knew, because he had checked the camera feed on his phone. On the way back to his place, he picked up some groceries. That was one thing about being home so much, the amount of groceries he consumed had doubled. When he was working out of the station, he typically ate the majority of his meals there.

  Jack pulled his truck into the driveway and spotted Rayna sitting on the stairs leading up to her front porch. In the scorching heat, she wore a pair of blue jean shorts and a teal tank top that made her skin glow golden. Her hair was up in a high ponytail with dark tendrils escaping and framing her face. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses.

  He stepped out of the cab of his truck, eyes on her. She looked tense and like she was pissed off at the same time.

  “Something wrong?” He lifted a brow. Maybe he had been a bit too brash, and a bit of a dick in assuming that she was hot for him too.

  She rose from the stairs and warily approached. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure, why don’t you come inside out of the heat? It’s another scorcher.” He grabbed the groceries from the back seat and jingled his keys in his hand.

  “All right.” She followed him up to the door. He pushed it open and let her enter first before he followed her in and shut the door. She stood inside and pushed her sunglasses up onto her head, her gaze searching his place. There were a pair of battered Nikes next to the couch.

  He carried the groceries into the kitchen, and she trailed after him. At least he had done the dishes this morning before he left so he didn’t look like a slob. He stowed things in the fridge and freezer, then pulled two bottles of water out and held one out to her.

  She fidgeted with the top.

  “What did you want to talk about?” He tensed, preparing to be lambasted.

  “Okay,” she said, finally glancing up at him.

  “Okay, what?” He took a drink of water.

  “Yes, I’ll have sex with you.”

  He nearly inhaled the bottle of water and started choking. He sputtered on a wheeze, “What?”

  Her back went ramrod straight and she shook her head. “You know what, this was crazy. Never mind. Just go back to doing what you were doing.”

  And then the little termagant tried to escape after dropping a bomb like that on him.

  “Hold up.” He was faster, gripping her around the waist singlehandedly before she could make good her escape. Granted, she made it as far as the front door. He spun her around and pressed her up against it.

  Using his body, he trapped her against the door so he could use his hands. He lifted her chin up until he could see her eyes, blazing and spitting fire as she glared at him. He kept his smile to himself.

  “Now, say that again.”

  “You heard me the first time. I’m not going to repeat it,” she spat.

  “Ah, but you surprised me the first time. Let me get this straight so there are no misunderstandings. You considered my offer last night and would like to have sex with me. Do I have that correct?”

  She jerked her head in an angry nod.

  “I’m going to need more than that, babe. I need you to say it. What you want.”

  He could practically hear her grind her teeth. “Yes, I want you and would like to have sex with you. There. Happy?”

  His dick hardened and his body was inherently aware of her. “Yes. But let’s clear one thing up. I don’t do just sex.”

  Her face fell and her eyes narrowed like she wanted to throttle him into the next solar system. As long as she put her hands on him, he was good with it.

  Jack lowered his voice, staring intently at her reaction. “But I will fuck you so thoroughly and make you come so hard screaming my name that, any time you think of me, think of what is about to happen, it will make you wet.”

  Her mouth dropped open on a gasp. Her eyes grew large. And he could see her nipples poking through the fabric of her tank top.

  He cradled her head in his hands and lowered his mouth. “If this is not what you want, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Her hands curled into his chest, her lips parted. “Yes, Jack, I want this.”

  That was good enough for him. He claimed her lips and damn near growled as she wrapped her sweet fucking body around him.

  Jack wanted to fall on her like a ravaging beast. He wanted to forgo any foreplay and feel her clasped around his dick. A single kiss with Rayna and all his stalwart control fled out of the window. He was going to be hard pressed not to blow his wad before he even slid his cock inside her.

  Chapter 12

  Flames nipped at her body. Rayna was slowly, painstakingly being incinerated from the inside out, and from Jack’s mouth alone. His seductive, wicked mouth. The man kissed her as if she was the sole focus of his universe. It devastated any last remaining shreds of doubt.

  Rayna leaned into him as he ravished her lips. There was no other word for it. He commanded and bent her to his incendiary desire with every thrust of his tongue inside her mouth, every nibble of her bottom lip. And oh god, but the way he delved so deep—it felt like he was excavating her soul.

  His kiss mimicked sex, or what she believed it would be like with him. He lifted his lips from her mouth and kissed a trail down her throat.

  She gasped as he nipped the sensitive hollow of her neck. Her hands slid up into his hair to hold on. She tried to climb him like a tree. Now that she had made the decision to sleep with him, she was ready to climb aboard.

  His hands caressed her back only to cup her behind and lift her up. His mouth closed around her nipple through the fabric of her tank top. Pleasure arced through her body.

  “Jack,” she gasped on a strangled moan.

  He bit down on her nipple, hard, and a spike of pleasure speared her system. He did it a second time and then a third, making her nipple throb before he lifted his mouth. She raised her gaze and sucked in a ragged breath at the carnal intent in his. His hazel eyes darkened with need.

  “Keep your arms around my neck,” he commanded as he scooped her up into his arms.

  Rayna held on. He carried her up the stairs to his bedroom as if she weighed nothing. He kicked the door closed behind them with his foot. His bedroom was masculine in design. A big, heavy paneled wooden bed with thick, square posts at each corner dominated the room. It was covered with a navy comforter.

  He sat her on the side of his bed, the mattress soft beneath her. She shivered at the approaching storm, at what she had said yes to, and wanted his mouth back on hers.

  She reached for him. He grabbed her wrists and forced her down until her back lay flat and he was leaning over her, wedged between her thighs. “What are your limits?”

  “My limits?” she asked, confused. Why were they talking? She wanted to be doing.

  “Yes, anything I need to know that are hard nos for you?”

  “Oh, um well, I don’t know.” She had never really thought about having sex with a Dom. Okay, that wasn’t true. She had thought about it a great deal, had thought about Jack a great deal.

  He quirked a brow. “Did you think this was going to be vanilla style, babe?”

  She blushed. “Maybe. I didn’t really think that far ahead.”

  “Rayna, I’m a Dom. I have certain needs. We can do a few basics, keep it on the newbie side of things, but I need the control to feel satisfied. Have you ever been tied up during sex?”

  “No.” But the idea did not turn her off—quite the opposite, in fact.

  “Okay. What about anal? Ever had it?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  She had wondered what it was like, but she had never felt comfortable enough with a one-night stand to broach the topic and try it. Now she felt leagues out of her depth with Jack. Perhaps this wasn’t the best
idea. What had she been thinking? That she wanted him. That she’d watched him one time too many with the women at the club and had wanted to be on the receiving end of his passion. To feel an ounce of what those women did as they cried out in ecstasy. “Maybe I should go. I don’t really know any of this stuff.”

  He cupped her chin and searched her eyes. “You’ve never taken any of the Doms up on their offer? Not once the entire time you’ve worked at the club?”

  She snorted. “No. I haven’t even had sex for four years. I just…” She trailed off with dawning horror over what she had admitted.

  “I see.” Jack’s stern expression gave nothing away.

  Embarrassment slashed through her. Her face flamed. She had to leave. Now. Before he laughed at her, because then she would want to hurt him. The last thing she needed was to be charged with assault on an officer. “Really, I should go.” She tried to scoot away.

  He boxed her in on the bed. “No. Do you think that just because you’ve not been fucked in a few years, I wouldn’t want you? Just because you’ve been celibate the last few years doesn’t diminish the fact that I want you, want to hear you scream when you climax, and am looking forward to feeling your cunt wrapped around my dick.”

  He leaned down, brushed his lips over hers and claimed her mouth. He showed her exactly how much he did desire her with his kiss. It left her straining, trying to reach for him, to pull him closer. She wanted to feel his big body up against hers instead of hovering. But he pinned her hands to the bed above her head.

  She whimpered into his mouth as the feeling of helplessness rose within her. Jack lifted his head and stared. His eyes were dark with desire.

  “Since you’ve never indulged at the club like I assumed you had, I am going to change my initial approach with you.”

  “What do you mean?” she whispered. Her center was tingling, heat rising, and all because of the way he held her hands.

  “Are you curious about BDSM?”

  “Well, of course, being around all of you, I’ve wondered a time or two.”

  “And what does the thought of being restrained do to you? Even this little bit with your arms above your head, unable to move them in my grasp. Does it arouse you or scare you?”

  She looked up at her hands, at her wrists manacled by his big, long fingers. He held her with such ease. Deep down she knew she could struggle, that she could try to free her wrists, but in the end he was too strong.

  And something within her broke free. Yes, there was fear present, a fear of the unknown. But a calm unlike anything she had experienced before flooded her system and it packed a double wallop of heat that was like napalm to her already aroused system.

  “I need an answer from you, babe. If there’s one thing I expect, it’s honesty. It’s the foremost tenet of a relationship between a Dominant and submissive, whether for the night or long term.”

  She closed her eyes. That was one thing she could never fully give him. If she consented, she was going to be lying to him. But she could give him what honesty she could. Finding her courage, she lifted her gaze to his patient, intense stare and replied, “It’s a turn-on.”

  A darkly sensual grin slid over his mouth. “Good. What we’re going to do is a small entrance into BDSM. Enough for you to dip your toes in and see if it’s for you. After this, if you decide it’s not for you, then you at least know.”

  “But you won’t sleep with me again if that’s the case.” They hadn’t even done the deed yet. Why was she setting herself up this way?

  His lips twitched. “I’m a Dom. There are certain things I need to be satisfied.”

  “And what about my needs, about what I need?” She hated that she sounded petulant. But if BDSM was all about the Dom getting his while leaving the woman dangling in the breeze then no thank you.

  “That’s what I want you to trust me to discover. I want you to hand me control of your body, here and now, let me push it to the brink of pleasure and beyond. While I may not be able to promise that BDSM is for you, I can promise you more pleasure than you’ve ever experienced.” He trailed his fingers down her collarbone to graze her nipple, still covered by her tank top. “Question is, do you trust me?”

  She swallowed and her nipple hardened as he circled it through the fabric with his fingers. “I do.”

  “Good. Then I need you to strip and lie on your back for me in the center of the bed. From here on out, you will call me Sir or Master.”

  She snorted.

  “Problem?” He quirked a brow and pierced her with a stern glare. It was his in charge, bigger, badder, alpha glare and left her weak kneed. If she’d not been lying on the bed already, she would have melted onto it.

  “No. I just don’t get the whole Sir or Master thing.”

  “It’s a sign of respect.”

  “More than a woman panting your name?”

  He flashed her a grin. “Humor me. If you have any questions or anything feels uncomfortable or hurts, I want you to use the safeword, red, got it?”

  She nodded. “Red. Easy enough to remember. And I’m going to need the safeword, why? What exactly do you plan to do?”

  “I’m going to tie you up before I fuck you. And if you panic or something hurts, then that is a signal for me to stop, for me to make adjustments to ensure your pleasure as well as mine. Now, strip.”

  Rayna did as he asked, taking her shorts, tank, bra and panties off before she climbed into his big bed. She positioned herself in the center and lay back so that the pillows were beneath her noggin. The bed carried a hint of his spicy scent. Her pulse beat a staccato rhythm. Jack pulled items from his nightstand drawers: black cuffs, a sleeve of condoms, and two large leather straps that were each looped like a giant teardrop with a silver loop at the tip.

  Jack placed them on the bed beside her. “Give me your hands, babe.”

  His face was stern, his eyes authoritarian. It spurred her into action. Her belly muscles quivered. She gave him her wrists. Approval warmed his gaze. Then he proceeded to fasten the black leather cuffs around her wrists. The insides were lined with fur, and soft as silk against her skin. He drew her cuffed wrists up over her head and attached one to each corner post on the headboard. There were lengths of black rope with metal loops that had been hidden under the pillows.

  This obviously meant he was serious about restraining his women.

  When he stood and stared down at her with lust in his gaze, she shivered. She tested the cuffs, trying to lift her hands up. The lead on them gave her an inch of wiggle room, no more. She was well and truly restrained. The air caught in her throat and fear traced through her.

  “Easy, babe. Fuck, you’re gorgeous. Now, I want you to spread your thighs for me,” Jack ordered.

  She blushed but did as he asked, mindful of the fact that she was buck naked, with her thighs spread so he would have a perfect view of her sex, and he was still fully dressed. Then he gripped one ankle and slipped it through the teardrop shaped leather loop, lifted it all the way up and positioned it right above her knee. He gently positioned her right leg out to the side, the tip of the teardrop had a clasp to which he connected the bottom loop on her right cuff. He performed the same action with her left leg. This spread her thighs wide open, leaving her at his mercy, free to do whatever he would like.

  Rayna should have been terrified. But she wasn’t, which was the strangest damn thing. If anything, she had never been so aroused in her life. It was like she was an offering to a god who planned to use her in decadent, naughty ways.

  “Now there’s a sight,” Jack murmured, and tugged his shirt over his head in a one handed, manly gesture while he toed off his shoes, unveiling his rock-solid chest and belly. She wanted to trace all the contoured lines with her tongue.

  She tried to squirm at the heat pooling in her center and found she couldn’t move at all. Fire raged throughout her limbs, leaving them heavy. Her nipples beaded into hard points and her pussy throbbed in sweet anticipation.

  He remov
ed his jeans and boxers in one move, shoving them down his long, rough-hewn legs, exposing the part of him she had fantasized about, that she had masturbated thinking about. His wide, erect cock bobbed. She grew restless until he climbed onto the bed and positioned himself upright on his knees between her thighs. She licked her lips as his cock jutted from his ripcord pelvis, his sac heavy and full.

  And then he leaned over her, holding his body up so that she felt the heat emanating from his form. He held himself up above her, in a plank position like he was going to do a pushup, hovering over her, his body not touching hers, and lowered only his mouth to her lips.

  Jack claimed her mouth, pouring his hunger and need from his mouth into hers. His kiss was raw and dirty. It commanded a response from her. It left her weak and trembling at the sheer force of her desire. He demonstrated with a single, erotic, mind-bending kiss that she was going to love every minute of being with him, and beg for more.

  She strained against her bonds, wanting to get closer, yearning to feel his hard, masculine form pressed intimately against her. But his simple act of holding his body back slightly, and teasing her with the pleasure to come made her wild. A dam broke inside her, freeing a part of her that had been held back from living. Passion enveloped her and she returned Jack’s heady, spine-tingling kisses. Mewls erupted in the back of her throat.

  She had never wanted another man more. This was what her life had been missing all these years. Desire. Passion. It shone a spotlight on how listless and staid her world was, like she had been stuck in a cave for the last decade and finally there were rays of light emanating from cracks in the stone. Rayna sucked his tongue into her mouth until he groaned.


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