Buying A Bride

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Buying A Bride Page 4

by Cassandra Dee

  Yet somehow, I still found myself alone.

  Maybe it’s because I’m picky. I don’t want just anyone. If I’m going to spend my time and money on someone, then I want to make sure that she’s worth it.

  So why had I agreed to Miranda’s deal? Yes, her daughter was undeniably beautiful but I knew nothing about her. For all I knew, Melanie could be the world’s biggest bitch and I had just agreed to let her live with me. Hell, maybe I was the one being taken advantage of. Technically, I could always weasel my way out of the agreement because it was made at a bar when we were both intoxicated.

  It would hardly hold up in a court of law.

  Nonetheless, I was curious. As I stepped into the shower, I wondered what Melanie was like. My mind conjured up a million and one different possibilities.

  Would she be like every other girl I had ever dated? Or would she be different? Did she like to dance? Did she wear makeup? Would she know how to hold her own at a social function?

  All these questions came to mind as I ran a wet sponge along my body. After last night, I was dirty inside and out. I wanted to get rid of any remnants of that bar and start fresh.

  Eventually, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around my hips. Ugh, morning wood. My member stood stiffly between my legs, pitching a tent against the towel. For a moment, I thought about satisfying myself but then I shook my head and got dressed. What was the point anyway? It wouldn’t feel half as good as a real girl. Plus, it would probably just make me feel even lonelier.

  In my closet, I tossed on a black dress shirt and matching slacks. As I fixed a tie around my neck, my stomach started to rumble with hunger. Quickly, I straightened out my hair before heading downstairs.

  I walked straight into the kitchen.

  Normally a few of the girls would be working on breakfast but for whatever reason, no one was there.

  Had I given them the weekend off? Probably.

  So I popped open the fridge and pulled out a V-8.

  As I sipped my drink, I wasn’t sure how to feel. My mind replayed arguments I’d already had in the shower. I was excited but, at the same time, I didn’t know what to expect. Miranda had been a strange and crazy woman, liberal with her alcohol. I had no idea what her daughter would be like. For all I knew she could be an ogre and I’d just leashed myself to her for month. Fuck.

  A million dollars.

  What was I thinking?

  There were plenty of escorts that would do much more for much less. Why hadn’t I just called one? I should have just stayed home last night instead of going out.

  And yet I couldn’t get Melanie out of my head. The picture I had seen last night wasn’t much, but it was enough. I could already tell that she was gorgeous. That curly brown hair and chocolate eyes…mmm. She was definitely my type of girl.

  But then again, looks aren’t everything. Sure, I want my partner to be attractive, but I need more than that. If I’m going to spend time with someone, I want them to be my intellectual equal. There’s nothing worse than trying to hold a conversation with a ditz who thinks two plus two is five. It makes you want to lose your mind.

  Sex appeal is just a bonus, if I’m being honest.

  And this girl has it. But then again, I am a sucker for the curvy ones. It’s nice to have something to hold at night, when you’re finished making them scream your name.

  I chuckled, already getting ahead of myself.

  With the V-8 in hand, I walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed the morning paper. I tried to distract myself with the printed black and white sheets, but it was useless.

  Melanie kept coming to mind.

  Maybe it was the fact that I’d been wondering about a relationship recently. Of course I’ve tried, but it’s not easy when you’re a billionaire. All the girls want money and clothes. I don’t mind being generous, but if I’m going to fuck someone, I want a girlfriend and not a parasite.

  Plus, last night, Miranda had confided in me that Melanie was a virgin. It baffled me that she’d known that, and it baffled me even more to think of the implications. Miranda had sold her daughter like a cow at auction. What mother does that?

  I ran my fingers through my hair, ruing my decision to go to Surly Wench again. Why did I think it would be a good idea to make this deal in the first place? Now I’m stuck dealing with a three-month live-in relationship with a girl I don’t even know. And she’s a fucking virgin!

  I groaned.

  Maybe I’d made a mistake.

  Money can buy you pretty much anything, but a virgin? That seems wrong.

  I could just call the whole things off. It wasn’t like we struck up a contract or anything. It was just a verbal agreement – a drunk one at that. Its validity was close to nil.

  Or I could take a risk and see where things go. I didn’t get where I am in life by straddling the line of safe and sound.

  Knowing I needed to clear my head a bit, I headed outside. There I tugged off my shirt and stepped up to the pool. It was huge, taking up one thousand square feet of land in my back yard. The deep end dipped to a depth of fifteen feet, making it the perfect place for me to practice my dives.

  It had been a long time since I had done so competitively, but I still liked to enjoy the rush of adrenaline from time to time.

  Wearing nothing but my boxer briefs, I walked to the diving board. As I moved toward the edge, preparing for the plunge, I thought of Melanie’s big brown eyes and her luscious curves.

  If Victor had taken me seriously, then she’d be here soon. My assistant handles everything for me, and that includes a lot of logistics. It was likely that he’d already sent a car for this Melanie Carmichael person. And then I’d know, once and for all, if she was worth all the trouble. Who knows? Virgin or not, she might be fun to have around.

  I couldn’t help the fantasies that played out in my head. Oh, the things I’d do to her. I’d have her bent over almost every surface inside my mansion. Not to mention the things we’d do inside the pool. The possibilities were truly endless.

  My cock twitched between my legs. Despite the excitement I felt, I chose to ignore my erection. If sex was off the table, then I wouldn’t be getting much action. Better set myself up for disappointment now.

  I sighed, stepping closer to the edge and letting the wind whip around me. Taking a deep breath, I bent my knees, centered myself, and sprung upwards. Once I was in the air, I leaned forward and eased into a flip that panned out into a seamless dive. I rocketed toward the bottom of the pool, tapped it, and then propelled myself back toward the surface. There, I refilled my lungs with air and shook my head, sending water flying all over the place.

  Feeling the need to relax a little bit longer, I floated on my back, enjoying the sun. As I floated, I tried to think of how I could put a positive spin on all this.

  Melanie will want to be here, right?

  It would be like a three-month vacation for her.

  She’ll probably come walking in with the expectation that she had unlimited access to my wallet, not to mention maids and butlers waiting on her.

  I took a deep breath as I swung out my arms, circling them through the water. If I didn’t stop thinking about her, I would start losing my sanity. There was just something about her that was so…alluring. It had to be those eyes. Hopefully, she would be just as fascinating in real life.

  After almost an hour, I emerged and grabbed a beach towel from a nearby rack. Still dripping wet, I walked back into the house and up to my room. Once again, I stood in my closet, glancing over my clothes. The dress shirt I had worn earlier suddenly felt too formal. After all, it was the weekend and I could afford to put on something a bit more casual, but not too casual. I still wanted to make a good impression on this girl.

  No matter how unlikely the occasion, you always dress to impress.

  In the end, I picked out a pair of black designer jeans and a black button-down shirt.

  I left the shirt untucked but rolled up the sleeves to expo
se my forearms. In the mirror, I slicked back my black hair.



  My hangover was just starting to fade as I looked at my phone. Sure enough, Victor had texted me about an hour ago.

  “Just picked up Miss Carmichael. Headed to the spa and shopping.”

  So the deal was really happening after all. I smirked to myself as I glanced down at the screen.

  This was going to be interesting.

  I decided to text him back.

  “How’s it going with Melanie?”

  As I waited for his response, I turned on the TV and flicked to the news channel. My eyes followed the stocks crawling along the bottom of the screen.

  Things were looking good. This year might be my best year to date, in fact. I smiled to myself, glad my business was finally running itself. It made my life a lot easier but a part of me missed the hustle and bustle of the workplace. It kept me occupied and my mind churning. Now I spent most of my time alone, with nothing to do. Maybe that’s why I felt so lonely all the time. The idleness was getting to me.

  I was just about to change the channel when my phone buzzed. I narrowed my eyes as I read Victor’s text.

  “She is doing fine, sir. However, I will say that she seems a little stiff. Uncomfortable, perhaps.”

  I frowned.

  What the hell? Why was she uncomfortable? After all, what could possibly go wrong?

  Chapter Five


  I was still in a state of shock.

  Sitting in the back of the limousine, I couldn’t fathom how my mother had sold me off for a million dollars. It was unspeakably selfish. Not to mention, she had no right to do such a thing. I was twenty-two years old! I was an adult! She couldn’t just sell me like that!

  But a grim little voice in the back of my head knew better.

  My mother’s health was on the line, and even though we were living in Never-Never Land right now, the money, if it really existed, would be a boon.

  I bit my bottom lip, struggling with the turmoil I felt inside my chest. What was I supposed to do? What if I didn’t like this Aaron guy? There was no way I could stand living with him for three months if I hated his guts.

  But maybe I was getting ahead of myself here. For all I know, he could be a good guy – a good guy who frequents Surly Wench, that is. Who was I kidding? He was probably a creep who happened to be wearing a nice jacket when my mother saw him.

  My anxiety heightened as I thought about all the things that could go wrong.

  A part of me still hoped this was a dream and that I would wake up soon. But when I pinched my arm, pain shot through my body and I winced. Nope, all too real.

  Suddenly the chauffeur rolled down the partition. “Are there any stores, in particular, that you like?”

  I hesitated. Given the limousine I was in right now, Target probably wasn’t an option. “Um, do you have any suggestions?”

  “A few. Would you like me to take you to them?”

  “Sure,” I said weakly. “Yeah. Why not?”

  “Very good. After your spa treatment, I’ll take you to Lacey’s Boutique, Le Clair, and Oragan. I’m sure between those three, you should be able to find something that suits you.” He smiled at me through the rearview mirror before turning right.

  I didn’t quite know what to say. All those stores sounded outrageously expensive. I had never even considered stepping into one of the boutiques in town and yet, here I was, about to be chauffeured to them.

  How was this real life?

  Eventually, we pulled into a parking lot. When I looked out the tinted window, a giant white-bricked building loomed ahead of me. The entranceway was grand, decorated with detailed columns and a bubbling water fountain where a naked cherub held out a basin of water.

  “Where are we?” I whispered, unable to read the cursive print on the sign. This looked luxurious. No, this was the epitome of luxury.

  Holy cow.

  “We’re at Eau Fraiche, an upscale spa,” the chauffeur announced as he opened the door for me, helping me to my feet. “I hope you enjoy yourself,” he added with a smile.

  “Wait. Am I just supposed to go in there by myself?” I stammered.

  He nodded. “Just say that you’re using Mr. Black’s account. They’ll know what to do. I’ll be waiting here.”

  I stood there, feeling unsure.

  This felt wrong. Very wrong.

  I had no idea who Mr. Black was and yet he was paying for all this. And this wasn’t going to be cheap either, looking at the window of Eau Fraiche with its gold-colored curtains. “Are you sure that this is necessary? I mean, I don’t really need a spa treatment,” I said even though it sounded like heaven right about now. Anything to take the edge off.

  “I am very sure. Mr. Black insists that you arrive at the manse feeling as refreshed as possible.”

  “Did you just say manse, as in mansion?” I managed in a choked tone.

  The chauffeur nodded.

  “Yes indeed. The Black estate is quite impressive. You’ll be seeing it later this afternoon.”

  “Right.” My head was spinning just trying to keep up. First, a spa and now an estate. This all sounded like something straight out of a movie. “I just don’t know if I’m comfortable waltzing in there in my pajamas,” I said apologetically, looking down at the tank top and comfy flannel bottoms. “Are you sure this is okay?”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that,” he said with a smile.

  Still, I hesitated. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

  “I’m afraid not, Miss Carmichael. I have my orders to see that you are pampered at the spa and Mr. Black would be very upset with me if I did not see them through.”

  I frowned. I didn’t want to get him in trouble. So I took a deep breath and headed for the entryway.

  A set of automated doors slid open, revealing a beautiful lobby complete with plush red carpet and tasteful gold curtains on the windows. At the desk, a chipper looking woman smiled at me. “Welcome! You must be Miss Carmichael. We received word that you’d be joining us today.” As she walked toward me, her hand slid over the marble surface of the desk.

  Wow. Everything about this place was top of the line.

  “Mr. Black has specified that you are to get our twenty-four-karat package. It’s our best one. You’re going to leave this place feeling like a queen,” she chirped.

  “I’m sorry, did you say twenty-four karat? As in twenty-four karat gold?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “You’ll be getting the full treatment which includes a full body message where we hydrate your skin with gold-infused moisturizer. Then, we’ll give you a facial, complete with a golden face mask. From there, you’ll get your nails painted gold, of course. Chocolate strawberries and champagne come complementary with the package of course. You’re also free to spend some time in our sauna if that interests you.”

  The woman was speaking so quickly that I was having a hard time focusing on her words. All I kept hearing was gold, gold, gold.

  “Um, okay,” I finally said, too dazed to say anything else.

  She smiled brightly. “All right, I’m glad that’s settled. Let’s get started. Please come with me.”

  I followed her, trying not to stare at all the beautiful artwork on the walls. The paintings were stunning. I didn’t care about the massage. If it was up to me, I’d be perfectly content with roaming the halls and admiring the art, but I didn’t think that would go over well with Mr. Black and his entourage.

  Eventually we reached a large, marble-covered room, complete with a footed bathtub trimmed in gold.

  In the middle of the room stood a strong looking woman with sun-kissed skin and straw-colored hair.

  “Heidi, this is Miss Carmichael. She’s a guest of Mr. Black’s.”

  “Ah,” Heidi said, as if this were a common occurrence. I furrowed my brows together in question. Had he done this before? Was I simply another girl in his string of female purchases
? The thought alone was nearly enough to make me sick.

  “All right, you’re in good hands, Miss Carmichael. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.” The receptionist placed a hand on my shoulder, offering one last smile before she left the room.

  Now that I was alone with Heidi, I felt a bit awkward. But the woman was all business. Without a word, she headed for the bathtub, running her fingers through the water. A second later, she sprinkled some rose petals along the surface. Instantly, a soothing aroma filled the room, helping me relax.

  “Please undress,” she prompted, looking up at me. “We’ll soak you in the bath so that your skin will be nice and supple before we exfoliate and get rid of all those dead skin cells.”

  “Oh,” I trailed off and blushed at the realization that this woman was going to see me naked. “Um, do I really need to undress?”

  “Are you uncomfortable with that?” she asked quizzically.

  I flushed.

  She clicked her tongue. “Tsk.”

  I blushed even harder, sensing her disappointment. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve never done anything like this before. I just feel a little out of place.”

  “It’s not a problem,” she said, holding up her hand. “I will get you a complimentary bathing suit. You can wear it instead of being nude. It’ll make it a little harder to give you a full massage, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered under my breath. It was hard to believe that such a luxurious experience could also be so humiliating.

  When she left the room, all I could do was stand there like an idiot. I mean, what else could I do?

  With my body idle, my mind started to wander. If I was expected to be this guy’s live-in girlfriend for three months, what would he expect from me? I had little to no experience in the dating world and I was completely clueless when it came to the bedroom. The thought worried me. What if he wanted to have sex with me?

  What would he think when he found out I was a twenty-two-year-old virgin?


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