The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English

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by Geza Vermes

  the intelligent man with the fool

  A Sapiential Work (iii): Ways of Righteousness


  Two badly fragmented copies of a Wisdom composition portray the behaviour of the righteous man in universal terms. However, since the vocabulary of 4Q421 1 i echoes the terminology of the Community Rule, the whole work may be classified as sectarian.

  For the editio princeps, see T. Elgvin, DJD, XX, 173-202.

  4Q420, fr. 1 (4Q421, fr. 1 ii)

  II to practise righteousness in the ways of God (4Q421 ii).

  ... he shall not reply before he has heard,

  nor shall he speak before he has gained understanding.

  He shall patiently respond and... shall issue a word.

  He shall seek truth (and) judgement

  and by searching righteousness he shall find its outcome.

  A humble and modest man shall not turn back


  A faithful man shall not depart from the ways of righteousness

  and he shall set his heart on ...

  and the bones (of) his hands on ...

  He shall be redeemed through righteousness;

  through understanding... his fields.

  His territory...

  to [practise ri]ghteousness ...

  4Q421, fr. 1a i

  ... [He shall bring all] his wisdom, knowledge, understanding and good things [into the Community of God] ... (cf. 1QS 1, 11-12) to regulate all (placement of) one before another... the first lot will fall. And thus they shall set out... (cf. 1QS 11, 21-23).

  A Sapiential Work Instruction-like Composition


  The main aim of this poetic composition is to instruct the just man how to ensure the progress of wisdom by not entrusting its propagation to the unworthy. Palaeographically it is dated to the second half of the first century BCE.

  For the editio princeps, see S. Tanzer, DJD, XXXVI, 333-46.

  Fr. 1

  ... and he will choose to build it,

  and will spread plaster on its wall.

  He too ... will become loose because of the rain.

  Do not learn a precept in the company of hypocrites

  nor come to the furnace with a totterer,

  for he will melt away like lead,

  and will not stand up to the fire...

  and do not entrust a sleepy man with something delicate,

  for he will not treat your work gently...

  Do not send... learning (?),

  for he will not smooth down your paths.

  Do not [send... ] a grumbler to procure money for your


  nor put your trust in a man with twisted lips,

  [for] he will surely twist your judgement by his lips.

  His desire will not follow the truth,

  ... by the fruit of his lips.

  Do not put a stingy man in charge of mone[y],

  ... mete out your food according to your desire...

  ... those who bring abundance...

  but at the time of gathering he will be found ungodly.

  The short-tempered... the simple,

  for he will surely swallow them up ...

  Fr. 3

  ... and he will not do his deed by weighing it.

  A man who judges before inquiry,

  and one who believes before ... ,

  do not put him in charge of those who pursue knowledge,

  for he will not understand their manner

  so as to justify the just and declare the wicked [wicked];

  he too will be for contempt.

  Do not send a blind man to bring a vision to the upright;

  li[kewise] do not send a man who is hard of hearing to inquire

  into judgement,

  for he will not smooth out a quarrel between people.

  Like one who scatters into the wind...

  ... who does not test,

  so is he who speaks to an ear which does not listen,

  and talks to a man deep asleep through a spirit...

  Do not send a ‘fat-hearted’ (dense) man to acquire thoughts,

  for the wisdom of his heart is hidden,

  and he will not be in charge o[f his heart],

  and will not find wisdom for his hands.

  An intelligent man gains un[derstanding],

  a knowing man will bring forth wisdom...

  an upright man delights in justice,

  a man of truth rej[oices in] ...

  a mighty man is zealous for...

  He is an adversary to all changers of boundaries,

  ... righteousness for the poor of...

  He disputes with all who move the boundaries.

  A merciful man [gives] alms to the poor.

  He is concerned for all those without property;

  The sons of righteousness...

  The Two Ways


  Inspired by Deuteronomy xi, 26-28, this fragmentary text, palaeographically dated to the end of the first century BCE, is akin to the Instruction on the Two Spirits in the Community Rule (1QS 111, 13-IV, 25).

  For the editio princeps, see T. Elgvin, DJD, XXII, 289-99.

  ... and He has placed [before you] t[wo] ways one which is goo[d and one which is evil. If you choose the good way], He will bless you. But if you walk in the [evil] way, [He will curse you] ... and in your [te]nts, and He will destroy you with ... and mildew, snow, ice and hai[l] ... with all.

  Bless, My Soul

  (Barki nafshia-e, 4Q434-438)

  Cave 4 has yielded five manuscripts (4Q434-438) of a poetic composition designated by the opening words of the first section as Barki nafshi or ‘Bless, my soul’. A sixth manuscript (4Q439) is said to be akin to it. The pieces translated are not unlike some of the Thanksgiving Hymns, but include no sectarian features.

  For the editio princeps, see M. Weinfeld and D. Seely, DID, XXIX, 255-334.

  4Q434, fr. I

  Bless, my soul, the Lord

  for all His marvels for ever,

  and may His name be blessed.

  For He has delivered the soul of the poor,

  and has not despised the humble,

  and has not forgotten the misery of the deprived.

  He has opened His eyes towards the distressed,

  and has heard the cry of the fatherless,

  and has turned His ears towards their crying.

  He has been gracious to the humble by His great kindness,

  and has opened their eyes to see His ways,

  and [thei]r e[ar]s to hear His teaching.

  He has circumcised the foreskin of their heart,

  and has delivered them because of His kindness,

  and has directed their feet towards the way.

  He has not forsaken them amid the multitude of their


  neither has He handed them over to the violent,

  nor has He judged them together with the wicked.

  [He has] not [directed] His anger against them,

  neither did he annihilate them in His wrath.

  While all His furious wrath was not growing weary,

  He has not judged them in the fire of His ardour,

  but He has judged them in the greatness of His mercy.

  The judgements of His eyes were to try them,

  and He has brought His many mercies among the nations,

  [and from the hand of] men He has delivered them.

  He has not judged them (amid) the mass of nations,

  and in the midst of peoples He has not judged [them].

  But He hid them in [His] ...

  He has turned darkness into light before them,

  and crooked places into level ground,

  He has revealed to them abundance of peace and truth.

  He has made their spirit by measure,

  and has established their words by weight,

  and has caused them to sing(?) like flutes.

  He has given them a
[perfect] heart,

  and they have walked in the w[ay of His heart],

  He has also caused them to draw near to the w[ay of his


  For they have pledged their spirit.

  He sent and covered them and commanded that no plague

  [should affect them].

  His angel fixed his camp around them;

  He guarded them lest [the enemy?] destroy them.

  Fr. 1 ii

  II... in [their] misery [and] afflicti[on]s [and] He de[liver]ed them [from] all affliction.

  ... and Thou hast done for them against the sons of man and Thou hast delivered them for Thy sake.

  ... and they expiated for their iniquities and the iniquities of their fathers, and they atoned in wa[ter] ...

  ... by Thy judgements and to the way which Thou didst teach again...

  Fr. 2

  ... to comfort the poor woman for her mourning... ... the nations to [des]truction and He will raze the peoples. And the wicked...

  Renew the works of the heaven and of the earth,

  And they will exult and [the whole earth] will be filled with His glory

  He will atone [for] their [guilt] and great goodness will comfort them.

  ... eating its fruit and goodness.

  Like a man comforted by his mother, so will He comfort them in Jerusal[em.

  Like a bridegroom] with the bride, so will He dwel[l] with her [for e]ver.

  [Fo]r His throne is for ever and ever and His glory ... and all the nations.

  ... the arm[y of heav]en will be in it and their delightful [l]and...

  I will bless the ... ... Blessed be the name of the Most Hi[gh] ...

  Fr. 7b

  ... their portions from there from the des[ert to] the gate of hope.

  And He made a covenant with them for peace with the birds [of hea]ven and the beasts of the field.

  He made manure of their enemies, He ground Edom and Moab into dust...

  4Q436 (combined with 4Q435i)

  I understanding to strengthen the contrite heart and the spirit (which is) in it for ever; to comfort the weak in the time of their distress and the hands of the fallen so that they may rise; to make instruments of knowledge; to give knowledge to the wise and the upright to increase understanding; so that they may understand Thy deeds which Thou hast done in the years of old, in the years of all generations. Eternal understanding which... before me, and Thou keepest Thy law before me and Thou hast entrusted Thy covenant to me. And Thou dost strengthen the heart... to walk in Thy ways. Thou hast visited my heart and Thou hast sharpened my kidneys (affections) that they may not forget Thy precepts.... Thou hast... Thy law. Thou hast opened my kidneys and hast strengthened me to pursue Thy ways... Thou hast made my mouth into a sharp sword and opened my tongue for words of holiness. And Thou hast set discipline [on them] that they may not meditate on man’s actions, on the whisper of his lips. Thou hast strengthened my feet... and with Thy hand Thou hast strengthened my right hand. And Thou hast sent me on the straigh[t path].

  ... Thou hast chased away from me. And Thou hast placed a pure heart in its stead; Thou hast chased away the evil inclination [from my] ...

  II And Thou hast placed [the spirit of holine]ss into my heart and hast taken away from me the eyes of fornication. And Thou hast looked

  ... Thy [wa]ys; Thou hast removed from me the stiff neck and replaced it with humility. Thou hast taken away [from me] the rage of anger and hast placed in me the spirit of patience [4Q435, fr. 1]. A haughty heart and lofty eyes Thou hast... from me ... to me. Thou hast blotted out the spirit of lies [4Q435 i] ... hast given me ...

  4Q437 (combined with 4Q434-5)

  Fr. 2 i

  I... from the congregation of the seekers after...

  They have concealed [a net] to catch me and they pursued [my] sou[l].

  ... their [swor]d penetrated their heart and their bows were broken.

  [For all thi]s I will bless Thy name during my life, for Thou hast delivered me from the trap of the nations ... [peo]ples.

  Thy mercies are a shield around me and Thou hast guarded my soul among the nations...

  Thou hast [not] made my friends ashamed of me.

  I have not forgotten Thy precepts.

  In the affliction of [my] soul [Thou hast not forsaken me, and] Thou hast not hidden Thy face from my supplications.

  Thou hast seen all my moanings and my iniquitie[s] ...

  When my spirit was fainting, Thou hast listened to my voice.

  [Thou hast hildden [me] in Thy quiver [and] ... me.

  Thou hast made of me a pointed arrow; Thou hast concealed me in the hiding place of Thy palm.

  [... and from the mud] Thou hast delivered me lest I sink in it, and from the stream of the gentiles lest it sweep me away and from... and I sank in its depth.

  And from hell Thou hast brought up my soul.

  Thou hast placed life [before me] and Thou hast seated the congregation of the men of marvels before me.

  And among the children of righteousness Thou hast comforted me.

  And according to the line of judgement Thou hast cheered up my soul,

  And according to the weight of justice Thou hast vivified my spirit.

  I bless the Lord with al[l my power and I praise] His [g]oodness with the joy of my heart.

  I have remembered Thee, O Lord, and my heart is firm b[efo]re Thee.

  I have hoped in Thy salvation, O Lord... I have remembered.

  And my heart has rejoiced and my horn will rise towards Thee.

  My soul thirsts. [My] soul [c]leaves to Thee. On thy deeds will I meditate.

  I have remembered Thee on my [couc]h during the watches of the night.

  A Leader’s Lament


  Two small fragments have survived of a poetic lament by a person in authority. The text is too small to allow us to determine whether these are the words or pseudepigraphic words of a head of the sectarian community.

  For the editio princeps, see M. Weinfeld and D. Seely, DJD, XXIX, 335-41.

  Fr. 1 i

  I... [to] assemble the right[eous] of my people and to establish the way of life ...

  [to brin]g into the covenant the men of my company... my inheritance.

  Therefore my eyes are a spring of water... discipline and those who will stand up after them, who ...

  And behold my whole city has changed into thorns...

  [Be]hold all my judges have become fooli[sh] ... my righteous ones simple-minded, wh[o] ... traitors...

  Fight against Evil Spirits


  The main purpose of the person reciting this prayer, of which six small fragments have survived, is to curse the spirits of wickedness. The genre is the same as 4Q510-11.

  For the editio princeps, see E. Chazon, DJD, XXIX, 367-78.

  Fr. 1-4 i

  I As for me, on account of my fear of God He has opened my


  And through His holy spirit... truth for all [thes]e.

  They have become spirits of dispute in my body,

  Precept[s of] ... [from] the frame of the flesh.

  And God has placed in [my] h[eart]

  the spirit of knowledge and understanding, truth and


  And fortify yourself by the precepts of God,

  And to fight against the spirit of wickedness and not...

  His judgements. Cursed be ...

  Songs of the Sage


  Scraps of two manuscripts from Cave 4 (4Q510-11) represent a mixture of sapiential psalms and poems of exorcism. Their editor, M. Baillet (DJD, VII, 215-62), assigns the script to the end of the first century BCE, or the turning of the era. The first fragment preserves an interesting list of names of demons.


  ... praises. Ben[edictions for the K]ing of glory. Words of thanksgiving in psalms of... to the God of knowledge, the Splendour of power, the God of gods, Lord of all the ho
ly. [His] domini[on] is over all the powerful mighty ones and by the power of his might all shall be terrified and shall scatter and be put to flight by the splendour of the dwel[ling] of his kingly glory. And I, the Master, proclaim the majesty of his beauty to frighten and ter[rify] all the spirits of the destroying angels and the spirits of the bastards, the demons, Lilith, the howlers (?) and [the yelpers ...] they who strike suddenly to lead astray the spirit of understanding and to appal their heart and their... in the age of the domination of wickedness and the appointed times for the humiliation of the sons of ligh[t], in the guilt of the ages of those smitten by iniquity, not for eternal destruction but for the humiliation of sin. Exalt, O just, the God of marvels. My psalms are for the upright... May all whose way is perfect exalt him.

  4Q511, fr. 1

  ... [on the ea]rth and in all the spirits of his dominion always. Let the seas b[le]ss him in their turn and all the creatures living in them. May they proclaim the ... of beauty all of them. Let them rejoice before the God of justice with shouts of salvation, for there shall be no destroyer in their territories, and no spirit of wickedness shall walk in there. For the glory of the God of knowledge has shone forth in his words, and none of the sons of iniquity shall endure.

  Fr. 2

  I For the Master. [First] Song. Praise the name of his holiness; all who know [justice], exalt him... He put an end to the chief of the dominations without... eternal [joy] and everlasting life, to cause light to shine ... his [l]ot is the best of Jacob and the inheritance of G[o]d ... of Israel ... they who guard the way of God and the pat[h] of his [hol]iness for the saints of his people. By the discerning knowledge [of Go]d, he placed Israel in twelve camps ... the lot of God with the ange[ls] of the luminaries of his glory. In his name the praises... he has established for the feast of the year and for a common government that they may walk [in] the lot of [God] according to [his] glory [and] serve him in the lot of the people of his throne. For the God of...


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