Virgin Bride: A Single Dad Romance

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Virgin Bride: A Single Dad Romance Page 1

by B. B. Hamel

  Virgin Bride

  A Single Dad Romance

  BB Hamel


  Mailing List

  Prologue: Erin

  1. Griffin

  2. Erin

  3. Griffin

  4. Erin

  5. Griffin

  6. Erin

  7. Griffin

  8. Erin

  9. Griffin

  10. Erin

  11. Griffin

  12. Erin

  13. Griffin

  14. Erin

  15. Griffin

  16. Erin

  17. Griffin

  18. Erin

  19. Griffin

  20. Erin

  21. Griffin

  22. Griffin

  23. Griffin

  24. Erin

  25. Griffin

  26. Erin

  27. Griffin

  28. Erin

  29. Griffin

  30. Erin

  Ruined: A Bad Boy Romance

  1. Riley

  2. Logan

  3. Riley

  4. Logan

  5. Riley

  6. Logan

  7. Riley

  8. Riley

  9. Logan

  10. Logan

  11. Riley

  12. Logan

  13. Riley

  14. Logan

  15. Riley

  16. Logan

  17. Riley

  18. Logan

  19. Riley

  20. Logan

  21. Riley

  22. Logan

  23. Riley

  24. Logan

  25. Riley

  26. Logan

  27. Riley

  28. Logan

  29. Riley

  30. Logan

  Royal Rock: A Bad Boy Royal Romance

  Prologue: Bryce

  1. Bryce

  2. Trip

  3. Bryce

  4. Trip

  5. Bryce

  6. Trip

  7. Bryce

  8. Trip

  9. Bryce

  10. Trip

  11. Bryce

  12. Trip

  13. Bryce

  14. Trip

  15. Bryce

  16. Trip

  17. Bryce

  18. Trip

  19. Bryce

  20. Trip

  21. Bryce

  22. Trip

  23. Bryce

  24. Trip

  25. Bryce

  26. Trip

  27. Bryce

  28. Trip

  29. Bryce

  30. Trip

  31. Bryce

  32. Trip

  33. Bryce

  34. Trip

  35. Bryce

  36. Trip

  37. Bryce

  Thank You



  Copyright © 2017 by B. B. Hamel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Important: Your book ends around 30% because of all the awesome bonus content. Enjoy!!

  Prologue: Erin

  I can feel his lips on my skin, and I know I shouldn’t. I know I should turn around and get the hell out of here, but something stops me.

  It’s his hand, slowly sliding down my stomach.

  “When I hired you, I didn’t think you’d come with such nice… bonuses,” he whispers in my ear. I can practically hear the smile on his lips.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I say as his fingers slip down the front of my panties. I can feel him behind me, his cock hard against my ass, his other hand tipping my chin back and to the side.

  “Good, I like when you pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about,” he whispers. “It’s more fun that way.”

  I bite my lip as his fingers find my soaking clit and pleasure washes over me. I know I should stop, I know this is wrong. Especially considering the secret that’s still hanging over my head.

  It’s so messed up, letting him touch me like this. I really like him, and I really want this, but he has no clue why I’m really working for him. He has no clue why I watch him so closely, think about him all the time, and obsess over every little detail.

  And he’ll never know. I can’t let him know. He presses my legs over wider as his fingers slide inside of me and back out. I gasp again and he laughs softly.

  “I love making you moan,” he says. “God, those fucking noises you make. It’s like you’ve barely been touched.”

  And that’s the other thing. I’m here for all the wrong reasons, but on top of that, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

  Literally. I’m a virgin. I’ve never had sex before and I’ve barely had boyfriends. Living in a country where you barely speak the language and have almost no friends makes it pretty hard to make serious connections. Plus, my father doesn’t allow me much freedom, or at least he didn’t for years.

  Not until now. He thinks he’s using me to further his career, but he has no clue what he’s done.

  Griffin spins me around and pins me back against the glass wall. His lips are against my neck, his huge body pressing against mine, as his fingers find my soaking pussy again.

  “How long do you think she’ll sleep for?” he whispers in my ear. “Just long enough?”

  “I think we have time,” I say with a slight smile. His baby daughter is napping in the other room, and he came home from work just for this.

  “Good,” he says. “Because I’m impatient. I’m going to have what I want today.”

  “What do you want?” I ask him, but I know the answer. Of course I know the answer. It’s what really scares me, to be completely honest.

  “Every inch of your body.” His lips press against mine and he kisses me deeply.

  I’m screwed. I’m so totally screwed. This man is rich, powerful, and he’s supposed to be my enemy. Instead, I can’t stop staring at his incredible body and his handsome smile. He’s charming and kind and a loving father of his little baby daughter.

  I’m going to commit the greatest betrayal of my life.

  But first, I’m going to let this man take me, again and again, because I know that I can’t stop myself.



  The alarm goes off at five in the morning like it always does. I roll over, contemplate going back to sleep, but I never do. I don’t have time to sleep more even if I wanted to. It doesn’t matter that I got home late last night and barely got five hours of sleep.

  I have responsibilities. And I’m not the kind of man to ignore them.

  I get out of bed, quickly brush my teeth, and work out in my little home gym for an hour. By the time I’m finished, I can hear Lacey just starting to wake up.

  Every morning at six, just like clockwork. I go into her room and she looks up at me. “Morning, little girl,” I say to her.

  “Dad,” she says. “Breakfast.”

  I grin at her. Lacey is one and a half, and that’s her way of saying good morning. I lift her out of her crib, change her, dress her, and walk with her out into the kitchen.

  This is our routine. Every single morning since she was born, I’ve taken care of Lacey. I’ve had some help, a long string of nannies and babysitters, but they never last very long. I’m too picky, I guess. I just don’t trust any of them with my baby girl.

en though I desperately need help. I stifle a yawn as I go about feeding Lacey breakfast, but I can’t really deny it anymore. I’m fucking exhausted.

  I was exhausted when Lacey was younger, but that was to be expected. Now she sleeps through the night, but I’m not getting enough sleep and I’m barely seeing her. Back when she was younger, my job wasn’t so busy, but things are different now. I could get away with not hiring someone fulltime back then, but I know those days are over.

  My company, The Numbers Group, is one of the largest data analytics companies in the world. We take huge consumer data sets and basically break them down into digestible pieces with actionable suggestions. I started the Group when I was just a kid in college at MIT, but I aggressively scaled it up, and now we work with congressmen, huge companies, and even Hollywood studios.

  I went from a poor orphan with a scholarship at a good school to one of the youngest billionaires in the world, and I did it all on my own. My parents died in a car crash when I was eighteen, leaving me alone to figure out how the hell I was going to get through college on my own.

  Things worked out for me, of course. Work was going great, I was on top of the world, up until I met my ex, Catherine.

  I liked her at first, but things quickly soured. I have a habit of not sticking around too long with any one woman. I’m young and attractive, I don’t see any reason to settle down too soon.

  At least until Catherine showed up one day with Lacey, claiming she was mine, and stating that she absolutely wouldn’t keep her.

  So of course, I took Lacey. I confirmed my paternity, because Catherine turned out to be a notorious liar, but fortunately Lacey is all mine and Catherine is very much out of the picture. I paid her off and now she’s living somewhere in Milwaukee last I heard.

  I lost my parents too young. I wasn’t about to let Lacey grow up without at least her father. And so my life changed, but it changed for the better. I learned responsibility. I learned what it means to love someone so much that it hurts. Every day, I love Lacey even more than the day before, and it kills me that I haven’t been able to see her as much lately.

  All because of the merger. The Group is in talks with another big data firm called Fisher Consortium, named after its founder and CEO Rick Fisher. His company is another big data analytics firm, and although it’s not as big as mine, they have some incredibly specialized and important data sets that we desperately want.

  My job works like this: places like Facebook and other websites are constantly tracking everything people do on the internet. So much data has been collected on everyone that we can get some pretty granular and amazing insights about them. But there’s so much data that it takes a special and powerful group of people to be able to make sense of it all, and that’s what we do. We take all that big messy data and we turn it into something useful that companies can then turn around and use in their advertising.

  The merger should be simple, but it’s not, not at all. Rick Fisher is an abrasive asshole who refuses to budge on any one of his demands, and so far negotiations have stalled. I’m working late nights to try and get this thing through, because it has the potential to make my Group the largest analytics firm in the world, but I’m starting to feel like I’m sacrificing too much to make it happen.

  As I finish up feeding Lacey, I grab myself a bowl of cereal. Just as I sit down to eat, the intercom at the front door buzzes.

  I groan a little and trot over to it. Lacey is busy playing with some Cheerios in her high chair as I go over to the intercom and hit the button.

  “Yes?” I ask, annoyed someone is here so early.

  “Uhm, Mr. McGrath?” It’s a young woman’s voice.

  “Yes?” I ask again.

  “I’m Erin,” she says and pauses. “The nanny,” she says.

  Oh shit, I think. I totally forgot. “Right, come on in.” I hit a button and the door opens. Erin comes in through the foyer and I open the front door for her. “Sorry about that,” I say, a little embarrassed. I totally forgot she was coming. My best friend and my second in command at the Group, James Moore, recommended Erin to me, and I basically hired her without ever even meeting her. I’ve known James for years, and I basically trust him implicitly. If he says Erin is great, then Erin is great.

  She steps in through the door. “It’s nice meet you, Mr. McGrath,” she says.

  “Call me Griffin.” I smile and we shake hands, which gives me a second to look at her.

  She’s young, probably in her early to mid-twenties. Long, dark hair, and bright blue eyes. Her skin is pale and smooth, and I can’t help but notice that she has a gorgeous little body. In fact, she’s really beautiful in a surprising way. She’s probably about five foot four, which means I tower over her, but I like that. I’ve always liked smaller women.

  For a second, I’m taken by how gorgeous she is. I can tell she’s maybe a little surprised by how I’m looking at her.

  “Come in,” I say finally. “Let’s go meet Lacey.”

  She follows me in, and I get the sense that she’s nervous and shy.

  “James tells me you’re great,” I say to her. “Lots of experience?”

  “Of course,” she says. “I worked as a nanny for a couple over in Germany for two years.”

  “Germany?” I ask her. “That’s interesting, why were you there?”

  “School,” she replies. “I went to this little liberal arts school in Germany for college. I became a nanny to help support myself.”

  “That’s good,” I say. “Reminds me of myself. I used to work two jobs while going to school.”

  “Looks like it paid off,” she says.

  I smile at her, surprised at the joke. “I did okay,” I answer.

  We enter into the kitchen and Lacey looks up.

  “Erin, meet Lacey,” I say.

  Erin walks right over to her. “Hi, sweetie,” she says.

  Lacey is friendly, one of the friendliest kids I know. The two of them quickly hit it off. Erin cleans her up and clears her little tray before lifting her out of the chair. I watch for a second then become intensely aware that I haven’t showered yet.

  “You look like you’re going to be okay, right?” I say.

  “Of course,” she answers, smiling. “Lacey, want me to read to you?”

  “Book!” Lacey says.

  I grin as Lacey leads Erin over to her little stack of toys.

  “I’m going to shower and get dressed. I’ll see you before I leave.”

  “Okay,” Erin says, and then she sits down with Lacey and starts to read Lacey’s favorite book.

  I shake my head and head back into my bedroom. I had no clue Erin was going to be so fucking hot. I might not have hired her if I knew. Truth is, I don’t have the best track record at keeping my hands off of attractive women, and I shouldn’t get involved with my kid’s nanny. That’s so fucking cliché it hurts. But I really need the help, and Erin seems great.

  I push any lingering reservations out of my head and hop into the shower. I’m happy Erin is here and I’m happy she’s clearly getting along with Lacey. I’m not going to screw this up like I’ve screwed up so many relationships before.

  This time, I’m going to be good. I’m not going to do all the dirty fucking things I keep thinking about, no matter how much I want it.

  Right now, it’s all about Lacey and the merger. Nothing else matters. I can’t afford to get distracted by the sexy nanny I just hired.

  It’s time to focus up and get the job done.



  Lacey McGrath is one of the cutest kids I’ve ever met.

  Although I don’t have a huge pool of kids to choose from, to be honest. I’ve met maybe four kids her age in my life, although Lacey is by far the sweetest and the cutest. She’s so easy to get along with, although she does get fussy around naptime. Fortunately, Griffin calls around ten in the morning and gives me a nice rundown of what to expect with her.

  I was startled when I first saw him. I
don’t know what I expected. Based on everything my father told me about him, I expected some slimy asshole with bad skin and a lisp. Instead, Griffin doesn’t seem like any of that.

  In fact, he’s probably the most handsome man I’ve ever met.

  He doesn’t seem like an asshole, either. He actually seems like a good guy. He’s a single dad, although I don’t know much about how he became one. I mean, I know how the birds and the bees work, although I am a virgin. I just don’t know where the mother is, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to find that out.

  I’m supposed to, though. That’s on the list of things I need to learn about Griffin McGrath.

  I was so afraid when I first walked in that door. I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous in my entire life. When he started to stare at me, I thought the whole thing was done. I thought he was going to recognize me and know instantly who I am, but he didn’t. In fact, the more I think about that moment, the more I realize that he was probably checking me out.

  I shouldn’t be surprised that he didn’t recognize me. He’s paying me in cash, which helps. That’s part of the plan, after all. Part of me hoped he’d know me, though, so that I wouldn’t have to go through with this. Doing this is basically the last thing I want to do in this world, but I don’t have any other choice.

  It worked out though. I’ve been living in Europe for the last ten years, from high school up through college, and there aren’t many pictures of me floating around. I’m sure Griffin has seen my photo at least once or twice, when I was probably like fifteen. I’ve grown and changed a lot since I was fifteen. My father said he wouldn’t recognize me, and my father was right.

  As always. I hate that he always seems to know the right thing. He’s been controlling me my whole life, and this situation is no different. I’m supposed to do my duty for the family, but I hate every single second of it.

  At least Lacey is cute. Maybe I don’t have any real experience being a nanny, but I did a lot of research. And I’m not a monster. I want to take care of little Lacey the best I can while still doing my other job.


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