Virgin Bride: A Single Dad Romance

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Virgin Bride: A Single Dad Romance Page 12

by B. B. Hamel

  I can’t believe it. I can feel the second orgasm building up inside of me.

  “You’re going to fucking come for me, aren’t you?” he asks, fucking me faster. “Not before I fill you up, you little slut.”

  “Oh god, Griffin,” I moan. “Please. I want to come again. I need it.”

  “You fucking dirty girl.” He slams into my ass, not being gentle at all anymore, and I work my clit faster. “I’m going to fill your little ass up. You filthy fucking girl.”

  I’m face down getting fucked in the ass and I fucking love it. All at once, the pleasure peaks, and he thrusts deep inside of me, groaning.

  I come just as I feel him come inside of me. I think the feeling of him coming inside of my ass pushes me over the edge and my whole body drops into spasming pleasure. It’s pure fucking bliss as he groans, filling me up. I keep rubbing my clit through it all, working myself through the orgasm, pushing my limits.

  When we finish, he slowly slides out of me. We collapse onto the bed together and he wraps his arms around me, kissing me tight and deep.

  “Am I forgiven now?” I ask him, buzzing with electricity.

  “You’re more than forgiven.” He kisses me again. “You’ll always be forgiven for anything you do from here on out.”

  I grin at him and kiss him softly. I go to adjust but I wince as I move.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Sore,” I admit.

  He grins. “Sorry about that. I went a little overboard.”

  “It’s okay.” I kiss his lips. “I liked it.”

  He grins at me. We go into the bathroom together and get into the shower. We spend the rest of the day kissing and touching and talking softly.

  I never thought I’d have this again. I thought he was gone for good. Part of me expected him to fuck me and then leave me, but I was willing to let him do that.

  But he’s not leaving. He says he’s never leaving. He says he can’t leave, even if he wanted to, because I make him feel so good. He makes me feel that way, too.

  It’s incredible. I never expected this. I also never expected to have him deep in my ass, but it’s funny how things happen.

  It’s not over, of course. My father is still a problem. But right now, it’s a problem for anther day, because I’m going to enjoy this moment with Griffin and nothing can take it away from me.



  I don’t go to work the next day, because fuck it. It’s an irresponsible move to make, and I know it’s probably the wrong one, but I can’t help myself.

  I know she betrayed me. But she didn’t know me, and when she did get to know me, she changed her mind. I can’t fault her for wanting to do right by her family, even if her family is a bunch of psychotic assholes.

  I won’t hold that against her. Not when I’m so desperate to taste every single inch of her tight little body.

  I hire a sitter for the next day, and we spend it in an expensive hotel room, just exploring each other. We fuck slow, we fuck hard, we taste every single inch. And when we’re through, we head back to my house to relieve the sitter and to put Lacey to bed.

  As soon as we’re back at my place, and Lacey is in bed, I can’t help but think about tomorrow. I have to go back into the office and face James, that traitor bastard. He’s much worse than Erin, much, much worse. And although I’m keeping him around, I still hate looking at his smug fucking face.

  “I want to get back at them,” I say to Erin as I pour myself a drink.

  She looks at me and smiles a little. “I don’t blame you.”

  “I don’t know what I did to that fucking bastard James.”

  “Some people are just…” She trails off, shaking her head.


  “Rotten.” She smiles when I hand her a drink. “Some people are just rotten. They can’t see beyond themselves. They think they deserve more.”

  “Nobody deserves anything,” I say.

  “Maybe. But some people just think they deserve the world, and they’re mad when they don’t get it. They blame everyone but themselves.”

  “And they’re willing to hurt those that are closest to them to get it,” I say softly.

  “Maybe.” She shrugs again. “Maybe he’s just not willing to work hard. But he’s willing to betray you in order to get what he wants.”

  I grunt and look down at the counter. The thought of James betraying me breaks my fucking heart.

  I brought that guy with me. When things started going well, I gave him everything. I made him a very rich man, and in return he’s always been my closet friend and confidant. But maybe that was always an act. Maybe he was just pretending to like me in order to keep getting paid.

  And now that he has a lot of money, he doesn’t need me anymore. To get to the next thing, he’s willing to do whatever it takes, even finally revealing himself as the snake he really is.

  “So what do we do?” she asks me.

  “I’m not entirely sure.” I frown at my whisky and take a sip.

  “They deserve it, you know. They deserve some revenge.”

  “I know,” I say. I watch her as she sips her drink and suddenly an idea comes to me.

  I don’t know why I think of it. Maybe because I look at her left ring finger and it just pops into my brain. But it could be a good idea, or at least the start of one.

  Erin is the key to this. Her father doesn’t know that she’s not on his side anymore. But I don’t want to use her the way that her father used her. I want to make her mine, completely and entirely.

  There’s one easy way to do that. It’s insane, and definitely too soon, but it just might work. It just might throw Rick Fisher off enough for me to get the upper hand on him.

  Or it’ll be a total disaster and it’ll ruin all of my relationships. But as I look at Erin and she smiles at me a little quizzically, I don’t think that’ll happen.

  “Actually,” I say softly. “I did just think of something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We need to throw your father off his game,” I say. “Make him rethink everything he’s doing. Maybe that way, he’ll finally give in and sign the damn papers.”

  “Okay, that makes sense,” she says. “But how do you want to do that?”

  “You,” I say, leaning toward her.

  She raises her eyebrows. “How am I going to throw him off? He doesn’t care about me.”

  “Maybe not as a person, but he cares about you as a tool.” I clench my jaw a little bit but push on. “He’s that kind of man. He’s a user. And I don’t want to use you.”

  “Griffin,” she says softly. “I’ll help you. I owe you that much.”

  “I want to ask you something, but it’s a lot. I want you to know that you can say no. There are other ways.”

  “What is it?”

  I stare at her, not sure about this at all. It’s insane and too soon but it just might work. This whole situation is so over the top, so absolutely crazy, that I need something equally crazy to really get back at Rick. My only hesitation is how Erin will feel about it.

  I don’t want her to think she’s just a tool to me like she is to Rick. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have brought her back to my apartment again and let her see my daughter. I want Erin in my life for real, want her to stay around. Frankly, this plan is crazy and it’s mostly about winning this little war against Rick Fisher, but there’s also some selfishness involved in it. I want this girl and I want to make her mine, and this is one easy way to do that.

  “Are you sure you want to know?” I ask her.

  She nods. “I promise. I want to hear it.”

  “Okay.” I lean back and cross my arms, smirking at her. “Erin Fisher, will you marry me?”

  She goes dead silent for a second, her eyes wide. I grin at her, waiting for her response, loving her reaction. She’s clearly surprised, but she’s not revolted or something like that. In fact, I can tell that she’s interested.

; Slowly she gets control of herself and her surprise is replaced by a smile. “So that’s your plan,” she says.

  “Hear me out.”

  “Okay. I’m listening.” She smiles at me. “Although I’m pretty sure this is just a ploy to get in my pants.”

  I laugh and jostle her a little bit. “Been there already.”

  “Good point.” She winces a bit and adjusts her seat. “As I’m very aware.”

  I grin at her. “Are you complaining?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Good. Because I can give you something to complain about.” I lean in toward her and kiss her softly on the lips.

  She laughs and pushes me away. “Okay, asshole. Tell me about the plan.”

  “It’s simple, really. This whole deal negotiation is a psychological battle between us. He was trying to use you to find something to throw me off my game with. I want to do the same thing to him.”

  She looks at me for a second and then nods her head slowly. “And you think getting married will do that.”

  “Exactly. Marrying his daughter will really freak him out.”

  “And then what?” she asks. “He’ll just do whatever you want?”

  “Not exactly,” I say. “But I’m hoping that he’ll be more willing to finally cut a real deal. Once that happens, I’ll make sure James gets what’s coming to him.”

  She watches me for a second, considering this, and I’m shocked to realize that I’m nervous.

  I don’t know why. This isn’t a real proposal. Well, it is, but it won’t be a real marriage. We’ll be doing it just for show, just to get back at her father. When it’s all over, we can divorce and move on from there.

  Or we can stay married. I mean, I don’t know what we’ll want at that point, but there’s no reason to divorce if we’re still happy together. I won’t say that out loud, though, since I don’t want to freak her out too much. Besides, she’s a smart girl, and I know she’s thinking about what’ll happen after we’re through with this issue with her father.

  Still, I’m nervous, and I’m worried she’ll say no. I don’t know why I care, since it’s not like I want to marry her for real, although I sort of do. It’s a fucking complicated situation, and I’m suggesting we make it even more complicated, but goddamn I can’t help myself. Just looking at her makes me want to kiss those perfect full lips. I realize that I’d throw everything away for her, if she just asked me to, and that’s terrifying.

  For a split second, I wonder if this is Rick’s plan all along. Maybe he told his daughter to come seduce me and then admit to the truth in the hopes that I’d fall even deeper for her. Maybe she’s playing the long game, and in the end she’ll turn around and destroy me as soon as they get what they want from me.

  But I can’t think like that. I take a sharp breath and bite my lip. I have to trust her. I do trust her. I can’t second-guess myself, not anymore, not right now. If I want to win this thing for real, I have to follow through with my plan and put my trust in her. It’s a two-way street. She’ll be taking a big leap if she marries me just like I’ll be taking a big one marrying her.

  I watch her face as she slowly meets my eyes. “Okay,” she says softly.

  “Okay?” I ask. “That easy?”

  “That easy,” she says, nodding.

  “This could get messy, you know. Going up against your own father like this.”

  “I’m not worried about that,” she says. “I’m done with that family, Griffin. I’m totally done with them. I don’t care what happens, as long as they don’t get to hurt you anymore.”

  I watch her and feel a sense of growing pride. She’s really figuring out what she wants, and she’s learning to move past her abusive and controlling family.

  “Okay then,” I say. “We’ll get married.” I look at her and laugh, shaking my head.

  “What?” She grins at me, laughing too.

  “It’s just crazy. You know that, right?”

  “Of course I know that. It’s totally insane.”

  “But we’re doing it,” I say.

  “We are,” she agrees.

  I grab her and pull her against me. I kiss her deep and full, not for any particular reason, not because I want to get back at her father, but only because I want to kiss her. It’s that simple at the end of the day. I want to kiss her and be close to her, and nothing will change that, not even getting married.



  As I stand outside of the judge’s chambers with Griffin and James, I can’t help but feel nervous as hell.

  This isn’t how I imagined my wedding ceremony would be. I guess I always pictured some enormous affair with lots of guests and some beautiful flowers. Instead, I’m sitting on a wooden bench in the city courthouse with other couples scattered around, and to top it all off, I’m not even wearing a dress.

  Griffin grins at me and squeezes my hand. “Nervous?” he asks.

  “I guess so.”

  “Don’t be.” He smiles at me warmly.

  “I’d be nervous if I were you.”

  I glance over at James. He’s sitting across the hall from the two of us, smiling a stupid smile, but I can tell that he’s nervous.

  I don’t blame him. Griffin invited him to this little last-minute wedding, and apparently he wasn’t too eager to attend. He didn’t tell Griffin why, but he did say that he felt Griffin was rushing into this. He eventually agreed, since we need a witness, but he’s clearly not happy about it.

  There are maybe five other couples in the courthouse this morning waiting for their turn. There’s one couple already in there, and I think we’re coming up soon. Nobody is dressed up, which makes me feel a little bit better, but still. I wish I had the big ceremony and the dress and all that.

  I have to remind myself that this isn’t supposed to be real. This isn’t meant to be some long-term thing that we’re really committing to. Yes, we’re doing it for real and making it legal, but only because my father won’t be fooled by faking it. We need to make it look real if we really want to throw him off.

  And I really do. I want that bastard to squirm. I can’t help but smile every time I picture the way he’ll react when he finds out that his precious daughter married his biggest enemy.

  Well, “precious” is probably not the right word, but whatever. I’m still his daughter whether he likes it or not, and he’s going to hate this.

  Griffin glances over at James, and I catch a glimpse of the anger and hate that I know he’s feeling.

  “We know how you feel about this already, James,” Griffin says. “No reason to make things harder.”

  James grins and holds up his hands. “Sorry, sorry. I’m here to be supportive.”

  “Thanks,” Griffin says, and turns back to me. “You sure you’re okay?” he asks softly.

  “I’m okay,” I answer. “I’m excited.” I smile up at him, and it’s true. I am excited to become his wife, even if it isn’t for real, even if I am wearing a pretty casual outfit instead of a big white formal dress.

  The big doors open and a couple walks out, smiling huge. The secretary calls in the next couple, which unfortunately isn’t us, and so we’re left to wait. Griffin squeezes my hand reassuringly again, and I try to smile up at him.

  I can’t pretend like I don’t have reservations about this. We are involved with each other, though I don’t know how seriously we’re involved yet. But when this is all over, we’ll really be married. We’re going to have to have the awkward conversation about whether we want to divorce or not, and what if we can’t agree on what to do? Part of me is afraid that I won’t want to divorce, but he’ll insist on it.

  In the end, I owe him this. I know that I do after everything. I came clean and even protected him, but I still went through with the dirty plan from the start. I trusted my father, which was my real mistake, and now I’m atoning for it. After this ceremony and everything’s done, I’ll consider us square and equal. But right now, I still owe him, and I’m goin
g through with this to help him.

  Although there is some voice in the back of my mind that really does want to be his wife. There’s a part of me that’s doing this because I want to marry him and be a part of his family. He’s shown me that it’s possible to have a happy family that’s normal and functioning, the total opposite of what I’ve grown up with. Griffin has shown me that I can be happy with a man and I can even help him raise his daughter. I can have a real life outside of my own family, one that’s happy and balanced and normal.

  Even though this isn’t normal, not at all, but still.

  James looks bored and nervous as we kill time, and I can only imagine what he’s thinking right now. I don’t know how involved he is with my father and what their deal is, but I’m positive he’s already told my father about this little ceremony. I haven’t heard anything from him, and I’m basically living with Griffin right now. I packed my bags last night after everyone went to sleep and moved them over to Griffin’s apartment, and once we’re married, I’m staying there with my husband.

  That’ll drive my father nuts. He won’t be able to control me while I’m living with Griffin. That’s what my father wants above all else, total control over everything I do. He doesn’t care about me or my happiness, he just wants to control what I say and what I do. But if I’m not living in his house and using his money, he can’t do a thing to touch me anymore.

  Maybe ten minutes pass and the other couple finally emerges. The secretary looks down at her clipboard and calls our names.

  Panic jolts through me, but Griffin just stand calmly. He smiles down at me. “Ready?” he asks.

  I look up at him and nod. “I’m ready.” I stand up and take his hand.

  “It’s going to be easy,” he whispers. “Trust me.”

  I squeeze his hand and take a deep breath. We follow the secretary back into the judge’s chambers, James bringing up the rear. Once inside, we gather in front of the judge’s desk.


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