The Bear's Heart: Clanless Book 2

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The Bear's Heart: Clanless Book 2 Page 1

by Victoria Kane

  The Bear’s Heart

  Clanless Book 2

  By Victoria Kane

  © 2018 Victoria Kane. All rights reserved.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  Author’s note:

  Thanks so much for choosing my book! If you like it, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. Reviews are incredibly important to me as a new author.

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  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 1

  Dark drops splashed into the sink as Laura wrung the last of the dye out her newly shortened hair. She had been reluctant when Rick had suggested changing it, but he had been right. Sure, it was unlikely that the media would be spreading her picture this far West, but all it would take is one person who recognized her from a photo on the internet to end her freedom.

  So a couple days before she had gone to the small towns only barber to have her curly shoulder length hair brought up to just below her ears and straightened. And now she had just finished changing the bright blonde of her hair to a deep, dark brown.

  Well, that’s what the box had advertised anyways. To Laura’s eyes it just looked brown. She supposed it was the best she could hope for given that the only dye they had been able to find in their small town had looked like something that had been made twenty years ago and had been sitting on the shelf ever since.

  It was strange to see the new her. Fugitive chic she thought with an inward grin. That inward grin wasn’t quite strong enough to come out through her face though.

  She spent a moment toweling her hair dry. It had been a week since her brother Craig’s death, a week that had been mostly spent in grieving, sometimes followed by ineffectual plotting. She hadn’t been able to think of a course of action that would do anything more than get her arrested or killed.

  Now finished drying her hair, Laura tossed the slightly dye stained towel in a small hamper. She was in the bathroom of Rick’s cabin, a small white tiled room. It was clean and simple, like the rest of Rick’s place. Like Rick himself, really.

  She tossed on her clothes for the day. It was a simple tee, with jeans and a light grey sweater. Her wardrobe was limited to what she had packed when she had left her apartment the week before. She had originally hoped that she wouldn’t be out here much longer than a few days, maybe a week, but reality had really kicked her in the ass. Her and her little brother.

  She fought down a surge of tears that threatened to break loose at the thought of Craig. This had happened a lot over the last week. Her memories of him or that day would drift into her mind and she would suddenly find herself teary eyed or openly crying. Rick had been more than understanding, but the few times it had happened in public had mortified her.

  She owed Rick more than she could ever explain, but he always shrugged off her gratitude with his usual stoicism. “You’re my mate,” he would say with a grin, as if that explained everything. Maybe it did, to a shifter at least, but she was still learning about his world and knew that she hardly understood it at all. All she knew for sure was that without him she wouldn’t have made it through any of this.

  It wasn’t just his help that had earned her gratitude, however. Rick himself had proven to be everything a girl could want in a guy. He was warm hearted and tender, but fiercely protective at the same time. She knew she was falling in love with him already, but hadn’t been able to bring herself to say anything like that to him yet. It seemed too soon, too needy and desperate.

  She left the bathroom to hear a familiar sound nearby. Thwack, thwack. Rick was outside chopping wood. The cabin actually had electricity, but he preferred to use the wood stove in winter time, so most days he spent a bit of time outside chopping and stacking wood in preparation.

  It turned out that along with the cabin Rick had actually bought a reasonably sized piece of land out behind it. He had shown her the small section he had cleared out to heat the cabin last year, with tiny new trees already growing in their place. Rick’s industriousness was always charming.

  She nudged the curtains aside and peeked out the small window in the kitchen to see him standing there, turned sideways to her. A large, almost huge man, Rick stood over six feet tall and who knew how many pounds. His body was covered in firm muscles, with broad shoulders and a chest deeper than it had any right to be. That chest ended in a neck that was probably wider than Laura’s arms, holding a face that looked like it had been sculpted out of marble. His hair was black, and cut short, almost military length.

  He turned as she looked out, giving her a wink before going back to his chopping. Small things like that still surprised her, how he could smell her even through the window. Or had he heard the slight sound of the curtains as she’d shifted them out of the way? Laura was trying to fully understand this man that had appeared in her life so suddenly, but there was still so much she didn’t know.

  That wasn’t due to recalcitrance on Rick’s part. He was very open with her about himself and his kind. Shifters, she reminded herself. Not his kind. But she still didn’t know what questions to even ask. The unknown unknowns, a quote from a politician somewhere if she remembered correctly.

  The one area Rick sort of shied away from was his past. She knew he was from Canada, and that he still had family up there. His clan, he called it. She sensed that his parting from them hadn’t been on good terms by the way he spoke about it. His normally booming voice got a little quieter, and his answers a little more evasive. It was so at odds with his normally open demeanor that it was always instantly noticeable.

  He had a tattoo on his shoulder and back that signified his clan allegiance. It was a black pattern, looking a bit like the tribal tattoos that had been popular some years earlier. Something about it reminded her of the totem poles that the Native people of Canada had traditionally made.

  If living with a shifter was one thing she was learning to deal with, life as a fugitive was the other. It was still hard to believe how neatly everything in New York had been wrapped up by that creep Vascenti. Laura had been blamed for the deaths of her brother and the thug with the pistol. Which was only fifty percent untrue, to be fair. She had shot the thug.

  That brief thought brought back the scene in a flash. Him aiming his large silver pistol at Rick, her stepping around the corner and shooting him square in the chest. The almost absurdly loud sound the guns had made in the small apartment. His expression had changed to shock as he looked down at the spreading pool of blood on his shirt, as if the thought of someone shooting at him had never even crossed his mind.

  She shook herself out of the dark thoughts. They had been bubbling to the surface constantly over the last two weeks, though she supposed that was normal. Regular, well-adjusted people couldn’t just kill someone and move on like nothing had happened. Just thinking about it was making Laura feel strangely guilty.

  No, she thought firmly to herself. I won’t feel guilty about that prick. She did the same thing she had done multiple times already, worked to squash out the guilt and sadness to leave more room for the dominant emotion inside her. Anger.

  Just then the front door opened, Rick stepping inside. His shoulders almost looked as if they wouldn’t fit through the door, and he had to duck his head a bit as he stepped in. He flashed her a grin, but his eyes wer
e concerned. “You okay Laura?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” she said, smiling back at him. If the smile didn’t reach all the way up to her eyes, well she couldn’t quite help that.

  “Well that hair color looks good on you.” Rick said, willing to change the topic. His blue eyes sparkled as he looked her up and down, drinking her in.

  He seemed to have an instinctive sense of when to give her space. She didn’t know if it was from his heightened senses or whether he was just more perceptive than most. Maybe both.

  “You still plannin’ on going to Chicago today?” he asked, moving nearer to her.

  “Yeah, I need to start gathering information about Vascenti. We still know hardly anything about him.” Her mind spun as she talked, remembering the interview he had given on the news shortly after they had escaped from New York.

  He had seemed entirely at ease being on television. His expensive looking grey suit had hinted at money, while his full head of black hair, greying at the temples, gave him the air of a politician. His words had been calm and measured, giving no sign that he was anything other than someone saddened by the pointless loss of life. It infuriated her just thinking about it.

  It was a pain to have to go all the way to Chicago just to do some googling, but her phone had been thrown in a garbage bin behind a highway gas station since she didn’t dare to use it while the police were looking for her. Rick didn’t have a computer or a smartphone, and there was nowhere in the little town near the cabin that offered a computer with internet access to customers. She could have gone somewhere closer for that access, but worried that the police could somehow notice her searches and didn’t want to hint at where she was hiding. It was probably a crazy thing to worry about, but she didn’t know enough about computers to say that for sure. It sucked. So did a lot of other things at the moment.

  Laura was jerked back to reality by Rick’s hands on her shoulders then, his eyes looking into hers. “We’ll figure this out together, you know that right?” he asked.

  “Yeah I know,” she said, reaching up to her face to wipe a bit of moisture from her eye. “But I need to get started now. I can’t keep sitting here waiting for a solution to magically appear.”

  “Alright, get your things together. I’ll drop you off at the bus stop. I’ll be working a couple towns over today.”

  Rick occasionally worked construction for as little as a day or two or as much as a week at a time. He lived a frugal life by choice here, and from the way he described it the construction more or less paid what little bills he had. It seemed like uncertain work to Laura, the phone ringing some evening and Rick jumping in the truck the next morning, but in this part of America uncertain work was more the norm than an oddity.

  Plus she really couldn’t see him wearing a suit and sitting in an office. Just the thought of it made her laugh a little. Did they even make suits that big?

  “You laughin’ at me?” he asked, tone all mock seriousness.

  “I just pictured you sitting in an office pushing around paperwork. It didn’t really fit.”

  Rick gave a little shudder, seeming to consider the thought. “Sitting at a desk all day? Not me. I’d probably break those little plastic office chairs everyone sits in.”

  “I bet you would.” she replied, that mental image keeping a grin on her face.

  This had been the way of things since her brother’s death. One second she was in tears, despairing at the almost impossible task of clearing her name, the next she was giggling like a young girl. She knew the sudden swings in emotion weren’t normal, but what about her life was at this point? Hiding from the police in a cabin with a man who was part bear. The normal ship had sailed, and this is what she had left.

  Just then she became aware of Rick’s hand tracing a languid path up her hip. His eyes locked on hers, head leaning in. Their lips met softly, sending sparks shooting through Laura. Rick had that effect on her.

  She pulled back. “I don’t have much time before the bus leaves.” It sounded breathier than she intended.

  “Bus? What bus?” he said, his grin mischievous.

  “Oh no you don’t,” she started, but his lips had found hers again, interrupting her protestations.

  His kiss was more insistent this time, mouth opening a little, tongue brushing across her lips teasingly. She felt whatever resistance she had left slowly dwindle away as she let her lips part, inviting him in.

  His hands roamed across her body as they kissed, gentle at first, but becoming more urgent. She let her body mold into his, and for all their difference in size she seemed to fit perfectly.

  Rick seemed to sense her will fading, breaking their kiss to drop his shoulder to her midsection, one hand pressed into her butt. He stood up, carrying her like a fireman might carry someone out of a burning building, her legs dangling down his chest, the rest of her getting a glorious view of his ass.

  “Unhand me!” she shouted in faux indignation. She was sure Rick could hear the grin on her face, but that didn’t stop her from drumming her fists on his back theatrically.

  “Quiet woman!” he growled back, starting towards the back of the cabin in long strides. He bent down as he walked through the bedroom door to make room for her, setting her down once inside. His gaze ravished her, but his eyes shone with amusement. “I have it on good authority you’ve been a very bad girl.”

  It was all Laura could do to keep a straight look on her face. “You caught me. What’s my punishment?”

  “You strip down, right this second.” Rick drawled, playing up his country boy accent.

  Fighting to keep from laughing, Laura did as she was told. She slid out of her sweater first, dropping it on the floor with as much of a pout as she could manage. The jeans went next, landing in a pile beside it. The t-shirt landed on top. Rick’s eyes traveled up and down her body, and she could see a delicious bulge in his pants.

  “Now turn around and assume the position,” Rick said, motioning to the bed behind her.

  She guffawed, but complied with his command, turning around and placing her hands on the bed. She may have wiggled her ass a little more than was necessary while doing it, a goofy grin plastered all across her face.

  “I’m going to have to check you for contraband now,” Rick said, his hands starting at her ankles and sliding slowly up her legs. His hands continued up as her legs became butt.

  “Hey hey hey there officer pervy,” she called, looking over her shoulder, her attempts at sternness somewhat defeated by the hint of a grin she was still wearing. “You can’t check there!”

  “Do you think I was born yesterday, ma’am?” he said, fingers hooking into the top of her panties and beginning to slide them down. “Us officers of the law know this is where women always hide the goods.”

  Despite her best efforts, a giggle slipped through Laura’s lips. And she had to admit, this whole scenario was pretty sexy.

  Her panties were down around her ankles at this point. “Spread em, ma’am,” demanded Rick, fingers playing across her ass and around her upper thighs.

  “But officer, whatever for?” she asked breathily. At this point it seemed silly not to roll with it.

  “To aid my search, ma’am. Not much light in here.”

  Again she did as requested, spreading her feet a fair distance from each other. She dropped from her palms pressing against the bed to her forearms to better balance herself, when she felt Rick’s finger slide along her vagina, from top to bottom. A low moan escaped her lips as the finger slid back and forth again, softly.

  “Mighty dark in here ma’am, gonna have to go in for a closer examination.” Rick said, his finger still sliding along her wetness.

  “Yes officer,” she said between soft gasps, her entire body tense with pleasure at Rick’s touch. His finger slipped inside her then, and her moan wasn’t soft anymore. She cried out, back arching as he worked his finger slowly in and out. His other hand pressed on her lower back, holding her steady as he continued.

  Rick didn’t let up, finger working smoothly in and out. Laura’s moans were increasing in intensity, an orgasm building absurdly fast inside her. He seemed to sense that she was near, and his motion quickened, finger moving with more urgency.

  All at once something gave way in her, her body shuddering in pleasure. She sagged down, letting her chest rest on the bed, legs still dangling off the side. She just laid there for a second, trying to catch her breath.

  “Hmmmm, seem to have found something here,” Rick said. She realized he was kneeling behind her. “Don’t move ma’am.”

  She could feel Rick moving towards her slowly, her dangling legs pressed against his side as he moved in on her. She was beyond trying to play along at this point, breath still rushing in and out of her uncontrollably. His hands came up to her stomach, palms up, and he lifted her hips off the bed, sliding her back so just her chest was touching it. She left her knees bent, letting his hands take the weight of her lower body. It seemed a petty form of protest.

  What exactly she was protesting remained a mystery to her, since she definitely did not want him to stop. Maybe the ease with which he handled her, somehow able to draw out all of her sexuality with nothing but a silly game and a rather large finger. It seemed almost unfair somehow, as if it came too easily to him. She was aware of how stupid the thought was as soon as it entered her mind.

  She realized just how close Rick was now, feeling his breath between her legs, his hands continuing to hold her hips as if she was weightless. He just stayed there for a moment, the warmth of his breath sending tingles through her. Then his mouth found her.

  She bit her lip, the feeling of his mouth against her warmth almost euphoric. Her body spasmed as his tongue began to work her, though he hardly seemed to notice, his hands not budging at all under her movement.

  Rick’s lips and tongue continued their inspection with gentle motions, though still eagerly. First licking, then gently sucking, then teasingly pulling away only to begin again. Laura couldn’t help herself, now moaning in an almost over the top manner. It would have been embarrassing with anyone else, but something about her connection with Rick had freed her from the silly games of typical courtships.


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