Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Julie Shelton

  * * * *

  Eight years ago

  Smiling at the laughter and happy shrieks coming from the swimming pool, she picked up the fresh pitcher of ice-cold lemonade and pushed through the kitchen door. She’d only gone two steps when she saw Ryder Malone, Jacob Rendell, and Tucker Blanchard come sauntering out onto the pool deck.

  Stopping dead in her tracks, she watched as Tucker led a laughing Heather Johnson toward the cabana. Jacob, with Sandy Borowski on his lap, was untying the bows holding up her bikini bottom. A leering Ryder Malone was squeezing Ginger Morton’s suddenly naked breasts.

  Sarah must have made some sound, because all of a sudden Ryder turned his head, focusing on her like a laser. Instantly releasing a startled Ginger, he started toward Sarah, a lascivious grin splitting his lips.

  The breath whooshed from her lungs as she turned and ran, dropping the heavy pitcher in her terror. It shattered on the brick walkway, flinging jagged shards of glass and sticky lemonade in all directions. Wrenching the screen door open, she ran through the kitchen toward her father’s study, the only room in the house with a locking door and a telephone. Ryder’s heavy footsteps pounded behind her. She was only halfway down the hall when a hand grabbed her hair. She let out a shriek as she was jerked painfully backward against Ryder’s hard body.

  He’d been drinking. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, sour and nauseating. Her stomach lurched. Bile rose into the back of her throat. She kicked her legs, trying to jerk away. “Let go of me, asshole!” It was a word she’d never used before, but she had no trouble using it now.

  “Shut up, bitch. You and me, we got some unfinished business between us.”

  Anchoring her to him with his left arm around her waist, he released her hair, thrusting his right hand inside her bikini bottom, down over her mound into her slit. “Oh, shit, your pussy’s shaved! Christ, I gotta have me a taste of this!”

  She screamed, twisting and pushing at his arms, kicking frantically as she tried to break his hold.

  “Scream all you want, bitch, this time nobody’s gonna rescue you.” He bit her ear and she screamed in pain as he fell to his knees in the middle of the hallway floor, effectively forcing her to hers. He bent over her back, breathing heavily. “I been waitin’ three years for this.”

  “No! Let me go, damn you!” She twisted violently, but he settled more of his weight over her, crushing her down onto the rough carpet. “Stop! Oh, God, please stop!” Blackness shimmered around the edges of her vision and she knew she was on the verge of passing out.

  Shoving his thick, grease-stained fingers through her slit, he fingered her roughly, searching for her opening. “Stop,” she sobbed, continuing to struggle, even though she knew it was futile. “Please. Think about what you’re doing! Rape is a crime. My father’s a judge! You’ll go to prison!”

  “Oh, yeah?” he smirked. “You gonna testify against me?” The smirk turned into a laugh, a harsh, ugly sound. “I’ll just say it was consensual. Who do you think they’ll believe, huh? The judge’s daughter who’s been sleepin’ with that half-breed bastard, Colter? Or the son of the Town Council President? You got away from me once before, but not this time. This time I’m gonna fuck every hole you got, includin’ that hot little mouth of yours. But first—”

  His rough hand left her pussy. She heard a tearing sound as the string ties on her bikini bottom were ripped away. She heard the rasp of a zipper; the rustle of clothing as he shoved his jeans down, freeing his cock. She heard her own deep, guttural sobs as he jerked her ass higher in the air before pulling her hard against his now-naked groin.

  Oh, God, this is actually happening! He is going to rape me!

  She felt the hard length of his penis sliding between her buttocks as he bent to whisper in her ear, “First, I’m gonna fuck this sweet little ass, bitch.”

  She screamed, long and hard, lifting her head and twisting her shoulders, trying to roll over, struggling desperately to pull free of his hold. But he was a foot taller and over a hundred pounds heavier and all she succeeded in doing was hurting herself and making him harder and bigger.

  He chuckled and she knew it was a sound she would hear in her nightmares for the rest of her life. “Yeah, bitch, you can fight me, but you’re gonna give it to me. Just like you been givin’ it to that Breed lover of yours for years.” He shoved her head down violently, scraping her cheek against the rough carpet. She screamed again as he pulled his hips back, preparing to ram into her.

  There was a muffled grunt behind and above her and then, all of a sudden…nothing. Ryder was no longer holding her. In fact, he was no longer even there.

  Realizing she was free, she scrabbled across the carpet on her hands and knees, sobbing with relief. With a tremendous effort, she staggered to her feet. Trying to cover herself with her hands, she turned around and let out a gasp. “Jesse!” Oh, my God, Jesse! Where had he come from? How had he known?

  “Call 9-1-1,” Jesse ordered without turning to look at her, his voice sharp as a blade. His powerful arm was around Ryder’s neck, slowly squeezing the breath out of him. Ryder was gurgling, his now-limp cock hanging out of his open jeans. “Tell them you have three intruders. Tell them one of them is dead.”

  “No, Jesse, don’t kill him!” she cried tearfully. “You’ll go to prison! He’s not worth it.”

  “The fuck he’s not,” Jesse retorted. “This is the second time he’s tried to rape you. How many more shots you gonna let him have?” His arm tightened. With one last wheeze, Ryder went limp. Dropping him like a sack of potatoes, Jesse stepped over him, moving toward her, his expression fierce. He grabbed Sarah by the upper arms, pulling her hard against him.

  She went with a sob, throwing her arms around his waist, burrowing her face into the hollow between his chest and arm. She heaved air into her lungs, inhaling his scent, exhaling in ragged little gasps. She didn’t know what miracle had placed him there. She just knew she’d never been so happy to see anyone in her life.

  “Christ, Princess.” His voice was barely audible. It sounded strangled. “When my cousin Matt told me he’d overheard the three of ’em talkin’ about comin’ up here and startin’ some trouble, I didn’t believe him. But I followed ’em anyway, and when they turned into your driveway, I nearly shit a brick.” He pushed her slightly away from him. “Are you all right, baby? Did he—did he—?”

  “No!” Her hands came up to frame his face—that beloved face she hadn’t seen for three years—except every night in her dreams. “I’m all right, Jesse, he didn’t do anything. You got here just in time. Thank God for you, Jesse.” Unable to stop herself, she rose on tiptoe and kissed her way across his smooth, square chin before placing her trembling lips against his. God, he tasted so good. His lips were so soft, so…“Where have you been?” she asked against his mouth, moving her head back and forth, brushing kiss after kiss against the moist fullness of his lips. “Why did you stay away from me? God, Jesse, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Sarah! You’ve got to stop this—”

  But she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. She needed his kiss with a desperation that terrified her even as it turned her on. She needed him just as much as she needed the very air she was breathing.

  And evidently he needed her just as badly. Against the softness of her belly, she could feel his penis harden and jerk behind the zipper of his leather pants. With a groan, he tightened his arms and lifted his head. For one brief, sizzling moment, he stared into her eyes, his own black and glowing like fiery hot coals.

  Her breath seized in her lungs. “Jesse…” It was a whisper, barely audible, yet it seemed to hang, shimmering, in the air between them. She licked her lips with the pink tip of her tongue and saw him wince as his erection tightened even further.

  “Jesus, Sarah, I have to kiss you. God forgive me—I can’t wait any longer.” He slanted his lips over hers, claiming not just her mouth, but her soul, kissing her with a desperation matched only by her own.

Forcing her jaw open, he thrust his tongue inside the moist cavern of her mouth. Her tongue tangled with his, the wild taste of him bursting through her like a song. The breath shuddered from her lungs and suddenly she was doing what she’d been longing to do, what she’d been dreaming of doing for three long years. She was kissing Jesse Colter. And, as first kisses went, it was devastating.

  A low moan ripped from her throat as she arched into him, crushing her voluptuous breasts against his chest. Her nipples poked through the fabric of her bikini top, hard and aching for his touch. His hands came up to cradle her head, holding her still while he ravaged her mouth with his tongue, lips and teeth, biting, suckling, licking. She melted against him, flowing over him like molten lava flowing over the sides of a volcano. “Jesse,” she whispered into his mouth. “God, Jesse, I love you so much. Please tell me you love me, too. Please tell me we can be together.”

  Releasing her mouth, he bent and swung her up into his arms. A quick glance at Ryder’s unmoving body confirmed that he was still out for the count, so Jesse left him there, sprawled in a heap on the floor. Carrying her easily, as though she were weightless, he strode down the hall and entered the judge’s study. Kicking the door shut behind him, he turned, tilting her so she could lock it. Then he deposited her on the leather sofa and stood looking down at her, his eyes half-shut, his expression hard with need and a towering hunger he could no longer disguise. A flush darkened his face, shadowing his strong cheekbones, stretching his dusky skin tight with lust.

  “Jesse…” She licked her lips and slowly, deliberately let her legs fall open, revealing her moist pink slit to his hungry gaze. She was trembling, shaking like an aspen leaf in a gale. Every wet, secret place deep inside her body was throbbing, aching, on fire with a craving that stole her ability to do anything but want. She had done this a million times in her dreams. Now she wanted the reality. Her clit was burning with hunger and need. Need that only Jesse could fill.

  The way he was looking at her sent fiery chills racing up and down her spine. No one had ever looked at her like that before. She swallowed convulsively, breathing in short staccato bursts, as a low moan feathered past her lips. “Touch me, Jesse. Love me. Please…” The words ripped from her throat just before it closed up completely.

  Jesse’s rough breaths sawed in and out of his lungs. “Jesus, Sarah, you don’t know what you do to me. I know I should stop…but I can’t, I want you too badly. I need you too much—Christ, I’m starving for you.”

  With a groan, he fell to his knees in front of her. Placing his hands beneath her buttocks, he pulled her hips forward to the edge of the sofa. He was staring greedily at her hot, slick pussy, licking his lips in anticipation. Gently he lifted her thighs and spread her legs farther apart. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered reverently, unable to take his eyes off of her swollen flesh. “So fuckin’ beautiful…And so goddamn wet.”

  He leaned forward, inhaling her sweet scent deeply into his lungs. “Jesus Christ, you smell delicious. God forgive me, Sarah, I can’t help myself. I have to taste you. I have to taste your sweet syrup—” Then his mouth was on her, tonguing and licking and suckling as if he were a starving beggar allowed to partake of a particularly sumptuous feast.

  She let out a yelp and arched her back, driving her hips upward to grind against his face with mindless desperation. The heat of his mouth burned her skin. No, deeper than skin. Deeper than flesh. Deeper than bone. It burned all the way to her soul, consuming her in blazing fire. She was swimming in sensation. Drowning in pleasure. Truly alive for the first time in her life.

  And she never wanted it to end. “Yes, Jesse, yes!” she shrieked. “Oh, God, that feels so good!”

  The breath shuddered from her lungs as she reached out and gripped her fingers in his crisp black hair, holding his head hard against her throbbing pussy. Pleasure knifed into her, blade deep, hot, and sharp. She writhed and moaned as his tongue rasped against her swollen clit and she nearly fainted with the furious pleasure he was giving her with his wicked mouth. Pressure coiled inside her, winding like a spring, tightening her inner core until she was ready to snap.

  She’d known it was going to be good. She’d been masturbating for years, pleasuring herself with her fingers. But nothing she’d ever done to herself had prepared her for the sheer ecstasy that was racing through her at that moment, threatening to rip her apart.

  “God, Jesse, don’t stop. Please…”

  Jesse’s lips and teeth scoured her slit, suckling her throbbing little nub, while he thrust his tongue in and out of her vagina, fucking her with it. “Christ, Sarah, I can’t believe how good you taste.” He pulled out his tongue and swirled it around and around her hard little clit. He sealed his mouth around the entrance to her vagina and sucked hard, as if he were sipping soda through a straw. She shrieked, feeling the pull all the way up to her belly button. Her back arched and went rigid with pleasure.

  She felt one long finger slide through her wet furrow, lubricating itself and circling her portal before seeking entry into her virgin body. She gasped and sucked in her breath, holding it until she thought her lungs would burst.

  “That’s it, baby,” he crooned against her slick, swollen flesh, stroking her with his finger. “That’s it, let me in.” Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he penetrated her with his finger, pushing it in slowly until it met her virgin body’s built-in resistance, then pulling it back out with a slurping sound as the tight muscles of her cunt clutched at him.

  “Jesus, Sarah, you’re so fuckin’ tight. And so hot, you’re burnin’ my finger!”

  She cried out, a broken, breathless little sound as he invaded her body again, curving and twisting his finger to scrape along the nerve-rich flesh. She pulsed around him, her slick walls sucking at him, pulling him in as far as he could go without rupturing the flimsy membrane of her hymen.

  She moaned as he pulled back out, only to gasp in pleasure as he added a second finger, pushing both of them inside. The muscles of her sheath fisted around them, gripping them tight. She could not stop the ragged little mewls of pleasure ripping from her throat.

  He rose over her, his fingers making a wet, slurping sound as they continued their shallow thrusting in and out of her dripping channel. Lowering his head, he closed his mouth over one hard, pink nipple and she let out a shriek of pleasure as the exquisite suckling pull sent flames streaking through her body straight to her clit. Her breasts were swollen, heavy with need, and he feasted on them as if they were succulent pieces of fruit. The rasp of his tongue flicking across her nipple was so excruciating she didn’t think she was going to survive.

  She was trembling, her breathing labored, her body coming apart cell by cell from a pleasure she couldn’t control. She had never been so aroused, so overcome with lust and need. It rampaged through her veins, white-hot and destructive, assaulting her senses.

  This was Jesse! The man of her dreams. He was here and he was real! And he was making love to her! Frantically. Passionately. As if he couldn‘t get enough of her. As if she were something special, belonging only to him, a treasure to be cherished and loved. A low moan ripped from her throat as she arched up toward him. “Jesse…Jesse…Oh, God, Jesse…”

  Releasing her nipple, he scooted back down her body until his face was mere inches away from her slippery folds. He held his fingers still as he stared at her through half-lidded eyes. The look on his face was reverent, almost…worshipful. “Christ, Sarah, you are so beautiful here. All soft and pink and shiny.”

  She could feel the warm gust of his breath on her wet, sensitive skin. “Jesse,” she sighed as he touched his lips once again to her throbbing clit, sucking the little nubbin between them, pulling on it until she cried out in ecstasy. He feasted on her, devouring her sweet juices, savoring the rich taste of her arousal as it erupted over his tongue, coating him with her thick, creamy syrup.

  Flinging her head back and forth against the sofa seat, she bucked her hips against his face, tig
htening her inner muscles around his invading fingers. The needs raging inside her were dark, furious, pounding through her with every hammering beat of her heart as she strained toward a release that was going to annihilate her.

  And then she screamed, arching her back in a rigid bow, as her body exploded in an orgasm so fierce, so shattering, it roared over her like a rogue wave. As she convulsed and spasmed, gasping his name over and over, Jesse continued to lick and suckle her, prolonging her pleasure until she exploded again in a starburst of swirling colors and flashing lights. She bucked and writhed as pleasure splintered her into a million shards of scintillating bliss. Then she collapsed back onto the sofa, sobbing weakly, fighting for breath as aftershocks rolled through her, making her shudder and gasp and moan.

  Jesse was breathing harshly, and when he finally raised his head to look at her, his mouth was wet and shiny with her juices. Her belly clenched as she regarded him steadily, her eyes glazed with lust and a need so intense she was shaking with it. “God, Jesse, that was so awesome,” she whispered. “Even better than I dreamed it would be. But I want you inside me. I want you to make love to me.”

  “Christ, Sarah, I—you—” His throat closed on a deep groan as he struggled to his feet and staggered back away from her. “Jesus, what have I done?” He stared at her, aghast, his face white with anguish. “You’re a child! I could go to jail for what I just did to you.”

  “I’m not a child! I’m eighteen!”

  “You’re still a virgin, for chrissakes! And I want you so fuckin’ bad I can’t keep my hands off you!” He raised his hands, staring at them as if he’d never seen them before. “Christ, Sarah, how could I have lost control like that? I’m a Dom, for chrissakes! I’m always in control.” His shoulders slumped as he half turned away from her, lifting one hand to rake through his hair. “Jesus, how could I have allowed this to happen?”

  She struggled to sit up. “You didn’t allow it,” she cried mutinously, “I participated as much as you did.” Her eyes narrowed. “Why can’t you finally admit it?” she demanded angrily. “Why can’t you finally admit how you feel about me? You love me, just as I love you. And now that I’m eighteen, you can have me. We can finally be together.”


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