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Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1)

Page 10

by Idella Breen

  Snow smiled and began to say something but suddenly broke into a yawn.

  “That’s enough talking for today. We have school tomorrow, and you need your rest.” Cait chuckled and began to climb off the bed.

  “Stay.” The word left Snow’s mouth before she could stop herself.

  Cait stopped. “I don’t know…”

  “I want you to stay.” Snow gripped her shirt.

  “I don’t know if I’m strong enough.”

  The girl pulled her closer. “You are. I trust you Cait.”

  The werewolf filled with warmth at her mate's words and settled back on the bed. “Until you fall asleep then.”

  “The whole night,” Snow demanded, and Cait chuckled.

  “We’ll see.”


  “I said we’ll see. Go to sleep now. I can see you drooping with exhaustion.”

  Snow yawned again and pulled the covers up higher and settled against the warmth of the woman next to her. She relaxed as the feeling of safety and the smell of rainwater surrounded her. She sighed as she felt deft fingers threading through her hair softly in a soothing motion. Snow didn’t know when exactly she fell asleep, but it was to the strong beat of her werewolf’s heart.

  Chapter 8

  Aiden Grey was a dark blood and not just any dark blood. He was the youngest to have been knighted in their long history. Men and women bowed their heads in respect as he passed them in the hallway on his way to the throne room. They all stank of fear as he brushed past them. Aiden grinned. His reputation preceded him, and this made him happy. He didn’t need friends, only soldiers, servants, and slaves. The only favor he cared to nurture was that between him, and the King, and the Queen. They were all that mattered. They understood his ways, and it always entertained them when he told them of his latest victims. Aiden paused in front of the doors that led to the throne room and glared at the servant shaking in front of him.

  “Announce me.” He demanded.

  The man moved quickly and burst through the doors before calling out, “Sir Aiden of the house of Grey.” The servant moved aside, and Aiden pushed him when he didn’t move fast enough. The boy made a beeline for the throne and kneeled at the foot of his leaders.

  “Rise Sir Aiden.” Came a deep baritone that caused a shiver to run down the boy's spine. He stood and met the cold red eyes of the King. “King Xavier. I have come at your request.”

  Aiden heard a quiet giggle to his left and glanced over to see Queen Xena, hiding her face behind a paper fan. The king's voice commanded his attention back.

  “It has come to my notice that you have made contact with the ice child.”

  Aiden paused before nodding his head.

  “I thought I commanded you to stay from their notice?”

  “I don’t understand why you need concern yourself with those weaklings your highness. They are but mere insects to your great power.”

  “You do not need to know. I gave you orders, and you failed in them.”

  “I could have killed the ice child. She is so weak. Her protector is no match for my power either. Let me kill them for you and put an end to this stupid prophecy!” Suddenly, pain exploded in his skull, and Aiden screamed, dropping to the ground and spasming on the floor. The pain was unbearable, and it was gone as quickly as it came. The knight lay on the floor. Every nerve felt like it was exposed and burned.

  “Good knight. You do not question the great king. You do his bidding.” The queen giggled snapping her fan closed and showing off her fangs.

  “I’m sorry,” Aiden said in a hoarse voice.

  “Good. Now the king has new orders for you. Take care to listen. We will not tolerate another failure.”

  Aiden forced himself up so that he kneeled before them again. His body shook with the effort.

  “Sir Aiden, I want you to bring the ice child to me.”


  “Did the great king stutter?”

  “No. I will do as you bid. Is there anything else?”

  “That will suffice.” Came the reply of the king.

  Aiden stood but wobbled a little before steadying. He left the throne room with his head held high along with one thought. He would capture the ice child known as Snow Bennett, but he would have fun with her before turning what’s left of her over to the king.


  When Snow felt her consciousness return, as a new day began, she felt warm all over, and quickly became acutely aware of several things at once, upon opening her eyes. The first was that she was flushed and horny as hell. She could feel her damp panties, as well as the muscular thigh, pressed tightly against her most intimate spot. Next, her notice was drawn to the hot hand palming her naked breast. Somehow, her shirt and bra had been taken off in the middle of the night. She was thankful her shorts were still where she left them. She moaned as hot breath fanned across her beaded neglected nipple and looked down to see Cait’s sleeping face resting on her chest. How was she doing this in her sleep?

  Snow’s breath was shallow, she gasped when Cait shifted, and the thigh between her own legs rubbed against her hot center. She couldn’t help jerking her hips against the hard thigh and the whimper that left her at the friction it created. She felt Cait’s soft lips trail up her collarbone and settle against her neck. She didn’t know how to get free, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to.


  The woman mumbled but didn’t wake.

  Snow tried again.

  “Cait? Wake up.” She tried nudging the werewolf. That roused her.

  “Snow?” Came her rough reply.

  “Hey.” Snow smiled at the adorable picture the woman made.

  Cait raised her head and smiled sleepily at Snow. “Good morning.” She mumbled her voice still heavy with sleep. When she shifted, her thigh rubbed harder against Snow, and the girl's breath hitched. Cait looked at her in confusion. The werewolf moved her hand and felt something soft and supple in her palm. She squeezed and watched Snow gasp and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. The redhead looked down to her hand and jerked it back as if she’d been burned.

  “Shit! I’m so sorry.” Cait moved to sit up and felt her thigh slide against something and heat ignited against it. She glanced down again and saw what exactly her leg was rubbing against. She jumped up quickly, and her feet got tangled up in the bedsheets. There was a loud thump followed by a groan of pain. Snow sat up and looked over the edge of her bed to see the werewolf sprawled out on the wooden floor holding her elbow. She couldn’t help the giggle that followed the concern.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I think so,” Cait said as she rubbed the quickly forming bruise on her elbow. The skin became a light brown, but a second later it disappeared, and Cait stood.

  “You heal quickly.”

  “Mostly small stuff. Anything deadly takes a lot longer.” Cait smiled at the girl but quickly looked away.


  “I’ll just let you get dressed.” She mumbled, and was out of the bedroom in seconds, closing the door softly behind her. Snow frowned in confusion. What was that about? She sat back on the bed and felt the coldness of she sheets against naked skin. She looked down. Oh, that’s why. She thought and blushed. She climbed off the bed and ignoring the wet sticky feeling between her leg, set about getting ready for school.


  Snow could feel the heat of his gaze burning a hole in the back of her head. She shifted uncomfortably at her desk. The dark blood that had threatened her was still in her homeroom. Honestly, she had hoped he would disappear or something. He scared her. She knew Cait could sense her discomfort as she kept shooting her worried looks as she said some of the morning announcements. Snow gave her a small smile and watched the werewolf relax slightly. The hot gaze was suddenly gone, and she let out a breath. Finally.

  “How was your weekend?” Sarah asked.

  Snow looked over to the siren and shook her head. “I had to visit my parents.�

  “Oh, that’s right you live by yourself. Did you forget something at home?”

  “No, I just wanted to visit them. They don’t live very far from me. I spent the weekend unpacking and just missed them.”

  Sarah smiled. “Well, my weekend was boring with a capital ‘B’. I just spent it doing homework and watching TV. My little brother was a real pain. There were many battles waged over the remote most of which I’m proud to say I won.” She smirked.

  Snow giggled, but it was smothered by the bell ringing.

  “See you later Snow.”

  She waved as the siren picked up her bag and filed out of the classroom along with the mob of students going to their first class of the day. She sighed and reached into her messenger bag to retrieve her book. She was behind on pages, and her teacher was the one to blame. Snow rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Exhaustion from everything that had happened in the past few days had begun to settle in.

  The brunette used to think her life was boring, and to be honest; it kind of had been. She had a sheltered childhood, and though she loved her parents, they were overbearing and tended to smother her. Snow could remember it had only been a few days ago that she wished for an adventure and a little excitement. Well, that’s exactly what she got. Cait was the spice that her life lacked.

  The werewolf was talking to a student that had just entered, and it looked like she was scolding him. Her usually wild mane of red locks was pulled back into a high ponytail though a few strands had escaped. Cait had her hands on her hips and was speaking quietly to the boy while he had his head bowed. She shifted from one foot to the other and Snow saw the muscles in her legs ripple in her tight jeans from the movement.

  She took in the woman at the front of the classroom in all her dominating glory. Cait was beautiful. The werewolf didn’t look a day over twenty. Her muscles weren’t large and bulky, but instead, she was toned. Snow could remember the hard warmth of the woman's abs when she had rubbed her core against them to get friction. She felt a blush stain her checks, and her body heat up, her core ached. She rubbed her legs together to relieve some of the ache and saw Cait’s body tense. The werewolf stopped mid-sentence, and zeroed in on Snow, catching her gaze with her electric blue eyes that flashed gold for a second.

  Chapter 9

  Cait had been telling Takeshi that he needed to remember not to let his wings out in the hallway. She had witnessed the tengu, also known to some as a crow demon, shoot one wing out to push another student into a locker. He was just playing a prank, and she had been warned by the other teacher's that he was a troublemaker, but she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  Tengu were noble demons originating from Japan, and though they were taught early on to uphold the honor of their flocks, the younger ones tended to go through a stage of rebellion. Cait had seen it time and time again while teaching. Young tengu were mean and could sense weakness which usually led to them playing pranks.

  “Takeshi, promise me you won’t do it again or-“ Her wolf suddenly slammed against her mental cage and she felt heat explode in her chest cutting her off mid-sentence. Cait’s gaze was locked in on her mate instantly.

  Snow had her bottom lip between her teeth, and her face was flush. Cait could feel the girl's need like it was her own. She was calling to her, and Cait’s wolf was responding in kind. She took a step forward.

  “Ms. Fallon?” She heard her name through the fog and glanced back to the boy. He gasped and took a step back as his eyes widened. She could smell the fear rolling off of him.

  “I promise, I won’t do it again.” He whispered and took off, not stopping until he was safely at his desk.

  She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose grinding her teeth. Stay in control; she berated herself. This was at school for christ’s sake. If she weren't careful, she would pounce on the poor girl and take her in the middle of the classroom.

  The bell for class to begin rang, cutting off her inner thoughts, and helping to clear her head. She rubbed her eyes, and though the wolf was still prowling back and forth, it had settled. Sighing, she went back over to the podium at the front of the classroom and retrieved the worksheets she had printed off that morning. She walked to the row of students on the far left, and counted out enough sheets, before handing them to the student in front. The girl took one and passed the rest to the boy behind her. Cait continued to hand out the sheets and spoke.

  “This is a worksheet with questions about the first ten chapters of Frankenstein. I want you to work on them quietly. You can work on them together if you like. We will go over them tomorrow in class.” She handed the boy in the last row a stack of papers then made her way to her desk in the back of the classroom. Cait passed Snow on her way back and swallowed hard to keep herself in check. All she had to do was get through school, then she and Snow were going to have a talk, back at the girl's apartment. A long talk.


  By the time she got off the bus and walked to her apartment, Snow was feeling even more tired than from the beginning of the day. School had exhausted her more than usual. Before she had left to find her bus, Cait had pulled her aside at the end of homeroom. She blushed at the memory.

  “Hey, are you alright?”

  Snow nodded, but Cait wasn’t convinced. The girl was practically drooping where she stood.

  “Yes, just tired. I think I might take a nap when I get home.”

  Cait smiled softly as the girl gave a huge yawn. “Okay, well I’m going to be late coming over today. I have a few errands I have to run and to get some things from my apartment.”

  “Oh, okay.” Snow paused and frowned at the thought of Cait not being there until later. When had she become so used to the werewolf’s presence that she felt a sense of loss when she was missing.

  “I won’t be long, promise.”

  “No, it’s okay. You have your own life. Actually, you don’t have to come over if you have things you need to do.” Snow’s gut dropped. Why had she said that? Of course, the redhead had to come over. She was supposed to.

  Cait frowned. “I’ll be back by seven. You won’t even notice I’m gone.”

  “I’ll notice.” Snow blurted out before she could stop herself.

  Cait smirked, a sexy tilt of the lips that drew Snow’s gaze to them. “Will you miss me?”

  Snow blushed and turned away from the woman’s tempting lips. They looked so firm, but she could feel the ghost memories of their softness against her own, sliding down her neck, drawing her breast into a hot mouth. The werewolf growled lowly in her chest drawing Snow’s attention to the woman in front of her. Cait’s eyes were shut tightly and her body tense.


  “Just a minute.”

  The girl made to move closer when she was interrupted by the sound of a girl's nasally voice.

  “Ms. Fallon, I had a question about-“ Cait grabbed Snow pulling her into her chest, and turned, letting loose a low growl at the girl behind them. The student backtracked.

  “Sorry, I’ll figure it out myself!” She ran until she was in the hallway. Snow glanced around the room afraid other students were around but released a breath when she saw they were alone.

  “Cait, you can let me go now.” She said softly.

  The werewolf ignored her in favor of nuzzling into her hair. She reached Snow’s ear and licked the outer shell drawing a gasp from the girl in her arms.

  “Cait we can’t. We’re at school. Someone might see us.”

  “No one’s here.” Came the deep throated response.

  “Someone might come in.” Snow knew she was fighting a losing battle. Even as she gave reasons to stop, her traitorous hands were pulling at Cait’s t-shirt drawing her closer. The red heads nose brushed against her own and their lips slid against each other roughly. Snow could feel the werewolf’s need to taste more of her as if it was her own. The brunette couldn’t resist peeking her tongue out to slide against Cait’s lips. The werewolf gave a throaty moan and p
icked Snow up by her ass. The girl gasped and wrapped her legs around the werewolf and her arms around her neck. Cait took the moment of shock to take control and dominate the girl's mouth. Her tongue entered unrepentantly and explored until meeting Snow’s tongue sliding the silky muscles against each other.

  Snow moaned and pulled Cait closer into her, running her finger into red locks, tugging. She needed more of her; she needed to be closer, she needed all of her. “Cait.” She groaned when the woman’s hand snuck up her shirt trailing lightly against her skin drawing goosebumps. Snow faintly heard the clearing of a throat but was distracted by the tongue dominating her mouth. The girl heard it again though louder this time. She opened her eyes slightly only to see Remus standing in the doorway. She froze, then pulled away from the kiss. Cait moved with her but wasn’t fast enough to reclaim her lips and let out a growl.

  “What’s wrong?” She whispered.

  “I don’t think this is really appropriate for school Cait,” Remus said evenly. “Or safe for that matter.”

  Cait rolled her eyes and set Snow down. The girl released her hold and let her legs drop down before setting about straightening her school polo. She could feel a deep blush staining her cheeks. Cait fixed her hair, and after checking Snow turned to meet the other werewolf, as well as her boss.


  “I came to check on you. I wasn’t expecting Ms. Bennett to be here.” He frowned.

  Cait didn’t respond.

  “I’m lending you my omega to keep things from getting out of hand, and therefore dangerous. If you’re just going to do it here, then you won’t be needing Gwen. You’d just be wasting all our time.”

  Cait fixed a glare on the werewolf in front of her. Had he always been this annoying? She must have just ignored him most of the time. “I still need Gwen. And you’re not lending her. She’s was never your’s, to begin with. She belongs to herself.”

  “She’s in my clan!” He growled.

  “By her own right!” She yelled back.


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