Chained Cargo

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Chained Cargo Page 2

by Lesley Owen

  Quinn pushed into the cabin and burst out laughing at the sight. She was overjoyed - this was a great catch - the very woman she had been hunting for years was now in her hands.

  “Tie her up and get her daughter. Gag them both and lower them into the boats as quickly as you can. Put this man with the others and make sure they’re securely bound. Fletch search all of these cabins for the dowry, it’ll not be far away.” Quinn turned to look at Danielle. “Maybe this woman can help us save time?”

  “Non! Certainment pas!” Danielle de Moncey answered defiantly. “Allez faire foutre!”

  “You’ll be whipped for that! Kill an officer or two if you have difficulty finding the dowry Fletch. Start with the one who was fucking this bitch.”

  The women were tightly bound and gagged as they were; Françoise in her night shirt and Danielle naked. They were lowered by ropes into one of the boats now waiting at the starboard side of the ship, the side completely unseen from the shore.

  Quinn looked down to make sure all was in order. “Return the women to the Scorpion Tom and keep them below on the middle deck with their governess until I return.”

  Fletch had located the dowry, after having cut the throat of the naked officer to make the others talk. The chest was lowered into the second boat, along with other valuables found in the captain’s cabin.

  Quinn watched the process intently. “Has the rudder been disabled?”

  “Aye cap’n,” Fletch replied. “All ropes to the helm are cut. Do we burn her?”

  “No. Let’s not attract attention from the shore. A clean get away is what I want. I have my prize. Everyone back to the Scorpion and get ready to sail out to the open sea!”

  Before leaving, Quinn took out a document from inside her jacket and went into the Captain’s cabin to lay it on the chart table. It was the ransom note. She searched for a quill and ink. She added on the outside of the note, “We now have Danielle de Moncey as well as your daughter Françoise. The ransom is now double. The Count must deliver it in person as instructed inside.”

  Once the boats were stowed back on board the Scorpion, Quinn wasted no time in weighing anchor. There was still a good breeze. In the dead of night the Scorpion silently glided into the Caribbean and away from Dominica.

  Quinn went down to the aft middle deck to the compartment just behind the main mast. There the two hostages were sitting on the wooden planking still roped and gagged. Sarah, still naked and in her yoke, was sitting against the side of the ship. The yoke behind her neck was attached by a chain to a ring on one of the ships members.

  The Scorpion still had its old slave attachment rings on its middle deck, a reminder of its days as a slaver. Lines of iron rings were attached to all of the ships side members at this level, about four feet off the deck. Other lines of rings were set into to the deck and roof beams. Hundreds of slaves were chained to these during the ship’s voyages from Africa to the Caribbean.

  As with all sailing ships, the main mast descended the full depth of the ship to the keel, passing through each deck level like a wide column. It was the central feature in this otherwise empty compartment.

  “Have the old lady attached to the mast Fletch and get me the cat.”

  Danielle de Moncey was hauled to the mast and roped to it by her wrists and ankles. She hugged it closely, still gagged. Fletch returned with a bag, which contained the ship’s cat ‘o nine tails. He handed it to Quinn, who removed her jacket.

  “Remove her gag. I want to hear her yell and beg. Her daughter and her governess can watch.”

  Fletch did as ordered and Danielle de Moncey was now roped naked at the mast. She had a fine figure for a woman in her forties, with a strong back and large firm arse. Her large breasts oozed out each side, pressed firmly against the mast.

  Quinn brought the first forehand lash of the cat across Danielle’s back. She flinched, but made no sound. The second backhand lash came down on her backside, again no yell. Quinn continued to lash her a dozen times. At each movement of the whip Quinn’s large breasts moved freely and enticingly under her loose shirt. Finally she paused. It was clear Danielle was starting to break; she was panting and shuddering in her bonds, her body shining with sweat. The cat had left her back and backside covered in dozens of raised crimson stripes.

  Quinn then continued mercilessly. Danielle’s first yell came after the fourteenth lash. It made her daughter struggle in her ropes, trying to plead for her through her gag. But Quinn had been waiting for this moment for a long time and she had a wicked grin on her face. She stopped again only after the twenty fourth lash.

  “Aaaaagh arrêtez! Je ne peux plus. I beg you, stop! I’m sorry for what I said.”

  Quinn handed the cat back to Fletch.

  “Well, in future mind your tongue or you’ll be whipped again and again with this. Untie her and put her in a slave yoke like her governess. She can remain here naked chained to the ship’s side as well. Yoke the daughter too, she can keep the nightdress.

  Quinn left Fletch to it. Two iron yolks were taken from a crate on the ships side. Each consisted of a four foot rod of iron with three ‘U’ shaped iron loops along its length. The middle loop was wider to take the neck. Fletch took the first and unlocked its end and dismantled it. He untied Françoise and took her left wrist and placed the first wrist loop around it and slid the rod through the holes on its ends. A short spacer tube was slid down the rod to the loop. The larger loop was placed around Françoise’s neck and the rod slid through it, another spacer tube was slid down the rod to the neck loop. Finally her other wrist was placed in the remaining loop and slid on to the remaining end of the rod where Fletch locked it with a paddlock.

  Fletch dragged Françoise by her yoke to the side of the ship opposite Sarah. He attached a long length of chain to a ring on the yoke behind her neck and pulled it through a ring on the side of the ship. He left her a length of chain to move around with before paddocking it. He lifted her nightdress.

  “Nice young body, no sense in marking it. Youz ma will take all youz whippin’s instead.”

  Fletch went over to Danielle, who was still tied to the mast. He looked over her back. The cat had left a number of cuts. He went back up to the weather deck and returned with buckets of water and a sponge. He started to sponge Danielle’s back with fresh water, she winced as he touched her. He released her from her ropes and she fell to her knees exhausted. He put her in the second yoke in the same manner as Françoise, then he made her stand up.

  “Youz got a nice body for an old mother, bitch.” He took hold of one of her breasts. “Huge tits! Iz take great pleasure in shafting youz and whipping youz some more if youz misbehavin’.”

  “Mais je vous connais! You once visited our plantation with your maitre!”

  “Yeh and I rememberz youz. Youz liked to watch the slave whippin’s and youz used to come for some black cock from time to time when master away.”

  He made her sit down at the ship’s side and chained her yoke to the ring along from her daughter.

  “Iz gonna leave youz now. Therez empty buckets for youz to use and fresh water in the buckets over there.”

  He put out the lamps and left them in the dark. Then he made his way back up to see Quinn in her cabin, Swift was with her.

  “Iz left ‘em chained as you asked cap’n. And cap’n - the ma recognised me.”

  Quinn smiled. “But she didn’t recognise me! I guess I’ve changed a lot. After all I’m thirteen years older and I’ve been through a lot. We’ve had a good night. Have some rum Fletch.”

  Swift looked up at Quinn, puffing on his clay pipe. “What’s the plan now cap’n?”

  “The rendezvous for the exchange is in four days, at the eastern end of Green Island just east of Nonsuch Bay, Antigua. I want to be in British waters with plenty of known coves to hide in. We will also have the protection of the forts either side of the entrance to Nonsuch Bay, particularly Fort Harmon the nearest. They won’t know we’re pirates, we’ll be flying the red
ensign. This should deter Pierre de Moncey from using the French Navy.”

  Swift laughed. “It seems ironic that as pirates we’re going to use British forts to protect us! What’s to be done with the daughter? She’s a nice young girl. Can we use her?”

  “No, we don’t want to spoil the merchandise. We’ll see what she’s made of though. It would be nice to ruin her for her husband to be.” Quinn got up to get a cigar. “To get there we’ll retrace our route back to Antigua on the Caribbean side and once north of Guadeloupe we’ll make our way to the south east of Antigua and the Atlantic. It’s around one hundred and fifty miles and should take us three days if all goes well. I left instructions in my note to De Moncey that he’s to come ashore alone at Man Of War Point with the gold. We’ll put a small party at the rendezvous point the day before to keep a lookout. On the morning of the exchange Françoise and Sarah will be taken to the point. The location is good because we can also off load some of our booty at Conk Point afterwards and have it transported to our hiding place near Harmony Hall. The Scorpion will stay anchored close by to the north - out of view.”

  Swift looked puzzled. “You didn’t mention the mother?”

  Quinn paused to light her cigar. “I’ve other plans for her. Besides we need to keep some collateral in case the count gets tricky. We’ll think about releasing her at a later date.”

  Swift was not happy. “But we may lose her ransom and end up with the French Navy after us for months!”

  “Look, the count will have no choice except to pay us both ransoms and the French Navy’s always after us, so what’s the problem?”

  Swift was still puzzled. “What are we going to do with her then?”

  “For the next few weeks we’re going to keep her chained below. We’re going to whip her and use her. She owes me.”

  Quinn, or Christine Cartwright as she was known then, had also, like Sarah, once worked on the De Moncey plantation on Grand Terre, Guadeloupe. She was only eighteen when she first arrived there and was employed to look after the young four year old Françoise as well as to teach English to her and the countess Danielle de Moncey. Danielle, who was in her early thirties at the time, had become jealous of Christine’s youth and beauty. She also knew that her husband Pierre had been using her.

  After Christine had been there for a couple of years, there had been one incident after dinner when Danielle had peered unseen through the smoking room window. She had seen Christine on all fours, naked in front of Pierre and three of his friends. Christine wore a dog collar and lead and was being led from one man to another. Her task was to suck their cocks as they smoked cigars. Danielle stayed long enough to witness her husband fuck Christine from behind as she sucked his friends. This had been the last straw for Danielle and Christine’s days at the plantation were soon to come to an end.

  3. Guadeloupe to Green Island

  They had covered a good forty miles during the night and at dawn they were level with the Îles des Saintes just south of Guadeloupe. Basseterre could be seen looming in front of them.

  Fletch went below to check on the prisoners. They were sitting, leaning against the ship’s sides looking hot and exhausted. Fletch unfastened Danielle and made her stand. He then threw her chain through a ring hanging from an overhead beam. The chain was pulled tight and padlocked to a ring on the ships side beam. He went to the chest and got out a four foot leg iron with two ankle loops, similar to the yoke but without the neck loop. He attached and locked it to her ankles. He tightened the chain once more and Danielle was now spread and on her toes. He washed her all over.

  Sarah was watching. “Hey! I’ve been here nearly two days! I need a wash too.”

  “Beez careful what youz wish for woman!”

  Fletch felt between Danielle’s legs. “Youz need a shavin’.” He explored further and she tensed. “Ha! Youz slut! Youz wet from the chainin’ and washin’! Like that do ya? And youz daughter watchin’ and all! Iz likes that! Iz gonna nail ya!”

  He undid his britches and let his cock hang out; it started to erect. He rubbed his hand up and down until it stood out at right angles to his body. It was every bit as big as was rumoured, a good twelve inches long and as thick as a lady’s forearm. He turned and showed his cock to Françoise.

  “Youz maybe gonna suck this sweety. Youz ma will soon and youz can watch.”

  He walked back to Danielle.

  “Laissez ma fille, espèce de sale gorille noir!”

  “Only if youz do as youz told ma.”

  He attached another chain to a centre ring on her leg iron, threaded it through the same ring above her head and pulled hard. Her feet left the ground and were raised to be level with her yoke. Her hairy crotch was wide open. Fletched attached the other end to the same side ring as her neck chain, then he walked back over to her. She grunted at the pain in her ankles and wrists.

  Fletch put his fingers into her. “Youz cunt’s as wide and as wet as any whore! Youz gonna take me cock right now and youz gonna feel this bitch!” He slid his huge cock into her vagina. “Jeez youz ready! Iz slipping into a greased cave!” He held her hips and pushed it in as far as it would go. She moaned in response. Then he moved his hips backwards to withdraw by several inches then thrust hard. His pubis hit her crotch with a slap. She had taken his full length.

  “Aaaaah! Merde! Quelle tige! You’re big black boy and ‘ard!”

  Fletch established a rhythm and shafted her without pity. “Youz can take it bitch. Youz had black cock before.”

  “Aaaaaaaah! Oui! Plus fort! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!”

  She writhed in her bonds as she came, yelling and squealing. Fletch continued to shaft faster, then he withdrew and held his cock in his hand, letting it squirt over her stomach.

  “Ugh, youz white bitch took it good. Iz be back for more.”

  He unfastened the chain holding her legs lowering her feet to the floor and went up top. On the weather deck he bumped into Swift.

  “Ah Tom! Iz just fucked the old lady good, youz should have a go! She’s nice and greasy!”

  Swift and Fletch went back down to the women’s compartment. They set up a low wooden table with its side against the ship’s side ribbing. They undid Danielle’s neck chain and pushed her back against the table’s edge. They re-chained her yoke to the slave attachment ring just behind her head on the ship’s side ribbing. As they tightened it Danielle was forced backwards with her back on the table. After removing the leg iron her ankles were chained to the two rings on the adjacent ribs, lifting her legs and spreading them wide. Her back was supported by the table to her waist but her backside hung free over the table’s edge.

  Fletch then started to dry shave her pubic hair with a sharp razor using her sweat to assist the process.

  “Well old lady, chained like this youz be more available for shaftin’.”

  Danielle remained silent and still, offering no resistance as Fletch stroked the razor close to her labia. She quietly watched Swift, who was standing to one side, britches open, as he stroked his erect cock. He was big, but not as big as Fletch.

  Fletch had finished shaving her and he ran his fingers up and down her slit.

  “Nice clean shaven cunt! And youz now pretty wet bitch, Iz can seez it! Swift’s gonna warm youz up and then Iz takes over again.”

  Fletch moved away and Swift took up position between Danielle’s legs. He inserted his cock and slid it in.

  “Ooo this is a well lubricated cunt Fletch! You’d better get a few others down here.”

  In fact three men had come down after overhearing Fletch on deck and had been watching from the other compartment. They entered.

  “Ha! Youz guys want some too! Gets in line behind Tom and gets ready.”

  Swift shafted Danielle hard, whilst she silently stared at the roof. Both Françoise and Sarah watched in silence and fear. Swift came, letting it squirt over Danielle’s belly and front. The others followed in turn and Danielle moaned from time to time. Then Fletch took over whilst the other
s watched. He was the only one to extract a real reaction. Danielle clenched her teeth and grunted as he buried his cock slapping against her crotch. She immediately began to writhe and then she screamed.

  “Aaaaaaaagh! Salaud! Aaaaagh!”

  “Youz cummin’ you bitch! Black cock – white whore! Iz not done yet!”

  He continued as Danielle writhed and moaned. Then she came again more intensely.

  “Aaaaaaaaaagh! Merde! Aaaaaaaaagh!”

  Fletch still continued even harder, holding firm as she thrashed about, ignoring her yells. Danielle continued to orgasm.

  “Aaaaaaaaaagh! Arêtez! Assez. Je ne peux plus!”

  He pulled his cock out and ejaculated over her.

  “Ugh! Thatz good! Youz my size! Youz a good fuck, bitch!”

  Fletch moved away. Danielle was panting heavily and her cunt was still wide open. White fluid had run onto her groin and was dripping onto the deck. Her chest and stomach were covered in thick white streaks from the five men.

  “Youz look as though youz can take more! Youz really like being fucked! They sayz a woman at twenty’s scared o’ cock, but at forty sheez needs it real bad!”

  Quinn came running down the companionway to see what the commotion was. “What’s going on! You could hear this whore coming all the way back on the quarter deck!”

  “Aye cap’n. Sheez a whore alright. Sheez took five of us and loved it!

  Danielle looked up at Quinn. “J’étais toujours pute - je l’avoue. Now I’m chained like zis, I see no reason to ‘ide it. You can fuck me all you want – je l’adore!”

  Quinn grinned wickedly. “Okay! Tonight we’ll see just how much of a whore you really are! Fletch, get her up and spread her legs with a leg iron. Do the same with the daughter, she can watch. I’ll get my whip.”

  Fletch got them ready. They were both facing one another, separated by ten feet. Quinn came back down the companionway.

  “Well it’s time for your morning flogging Danielle! Blindfold her Fletch and pull her up so she’s on her toes. Gag the daughter.”


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