To Refuse a Rake

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To Refuse a Rake Page 6

by Kristin Vayden

  “How strange… I wasn’t aware of any finale.”

  “Indeed? Well, allow me to remind you.” He set the flute down and turned his chocolate gaze toward her with warm intensity. “Upon arriving we… ventured… that you would be the sensation of the ball and men would be attracted to your simple beauty rather than be repulsed by it. Which was in stark contrast to your own beliefs. Since I am winning, by a vast majority I might add, I will receive my winner’s reward. A lingering, sensual kiss bestowed by none other than you.” He leaned forward and ran his fingers down her arm with a feather light touch before backing away.

  Emma shivered then glanced around, hoping no one had noticed.

  “I don’t remember ‘lingering or sensual’ being part of the agreement.” She spoke after deciding his misbehavior hadn’t been noted.

  “Ahh, a kiss cannot be anything but!” Hudson admonished and crossed his arms.

  “Well…” Emma didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t proper for her to be speaking of such things!

  “I’ll not trouble your feminine sensibilities any longer.” Hudson chuckled then extended his hand. “I believe I should at least be the recipient of one dance.” He waited, raising his eyebrows as she glanced from his hand, to his face, then back at his hand.

  She wanted to refuse him, but in doing so she’d create a stir. With a heavy sigh she grasped his hand and immediately noticed its warmth.

  “Lovely. For a moment I thought you would refuse me,” he murmured as he led her to the floor.

  “Believe me, the temptation was overwhelming.” As Emma followed his lead, her heart betrayed her by picking up speed. His hand sent a scorching heat through her glove and his chocolate gaze was stirring in ways she’d rather not explore.

  “Then, why accept? Are you so fond of dancing that you don’t wish to sit out the rest of the evening?” Hudson turned as the first measures of a waltz began.

  Emma groaned.

  “You offend me! I’m really a gifted dancer.” Hudson pulled her in closer and began to glide across the floor.

  Emma glared.

  “You really aren’t as well mannered as everyone seems to think. I’ve asked you a question and all I’ve received is a groan and glare. Really, Emma…” He clicked his tongue and gave her a reproving look.

  Emma glanced down and stepped on his foot. “Forgive me. I find I’m quite clumsy. Perhaps I’m simply tired from all the dancing. I believe I’ll retire earl—”

  “You forget that you arrived in my carriage.” Hudson spoke patronizingly.

  Emma narrowed her eyes and glanced away. “To answer your question, I didn’t refuse you because I didn’t want people to talk about why I sat out the rest of the dancing and associate me with you.” She turned back to Hudson and raised an annoyed eyebrow.

  “Ah, I must say I’m impressed with your self-control and forethought. That must have been exceedingly difficult for you.”

  “It was.” Emma nodded.

  “Judging by your surly behavior, I’m assuming that you know how thoroughly you’ve lost. Am I correct? Though I must say my pride is terribly wounded that the bestowing of a kiss is such an ominous idea that your manners become deliberately foul.”

  “Only around you.”

  “Ah, so I provoke strong emotion, do I? You know the line between love and hate is quite thin…” Hudson remarked with a quirked eyebrow.

  “They are oceans apart in my world.”

  “I do love verbally sparring with you, but I am curious. Aren’t you at least wondering why I was so certain I’d win this challenge?”

  Emma considered him. Truly, she was quite confused. She had been sure that her simple attire and severe coiffeur would cause a stir, but of an entirely different type. Didn’t all men love the beautiful gowns, expensive jewelry, and elaborate hairstyles? Wasn’t that why women did it?

  She hesitated, not sure if she wanted to stoke his ego by admitting her ignorance. But her curiosity won out. “Do tell.”

  “Miss Kingsly, allow me to give you a deep insight into the mind of a man. You see, while men do love to see their women dressed to present the wealth they, the men, have amassed, it is also quite fussy — the apparel, hats, and such. A man doesn’t dream of a woman in a heavily beaded gown with elaborately dressed hair. A man dreams of a woman without any…” He cleared his throat and glanced away as if uncomfortable. “Perhaps I should put it another way. A man dreams of a woman with long flowing hair, or hair pulled back neatly so that it is not in the way should he desire to kiss her. Men don’t dream of dresses that take several maids to remove, they dream of effortlessness… for reasons I won’t explain.” He grinned wolfishly. “In dressing with simple elegance tonight, you are far more inviting than if you were to dress in your finest gown. Women notice other women’s clothes. Men, usually, do not. They would rather dream about… what lies beneath.” He gave a discreet cough as his chocolate eyes burned with fervent intensity that made Emma’s stomach clench with awareness.

  Could he be correct? Though that was certainly more information than was necessary — her face was unquestionably flushed with embarrassment — it was certainly interesting. If that were the case, why would women go to such lengths to impress each other, as Hudson believed? As she thought about it, though, it did make sense. The ladies of the ton were constantly speaking about this person’s gown or style and if she had made a faux pas. Weren’t parlors filled with those very same conversations the day after a large event?

  “You’re seeing the truth in my statement. I can see it in your lovely blue eyes.”

  “Possibly… but you really must take care and not speak of such things to ladies, Lord Daventry,” she scolded, trying to distract his attention.

  “Forgive me, Miss Kingsly. I couldn’t think of another way to explain it… thoroughly.” He ended the dance and offered a deep bow. Then he rose and delivered her to her sister’s side.

  “Lady Hodge, may I have the honor of this dance?”

  Sadie nodded and walked away, leaving Emma to mull over all she had just learned. The nagging realization of his accuracy was almost as difficult to accept as the fact that she was beginning to dread the winning kiss even less. Indeed, she found herself almost filled with… anticipation. Could the night get any worse?


  “Tell me, Lady Hodge, does your sister reserve her finest behavior for me or am I simply favored among men?”

  At his question Lady Hodge burst into a giggle that she quickly covered with her gloved hand.

  “Ah, well I must say that I haven’t seen her in such fine form… ever. Truly it must just be your ‘favored’ state, Lord Daventry. But I must admonish you, do not be discouraged. Surely you know my own sordid history and I’m afraid that has tainted my sister’s view of love. However…” She waved her fan and chuckled softly. “I do believe that if anyone can correct her false beliefs, it is you.”

  How strange! Lady Hodge, who had borne the miserable burden of betrayal by two lovers, at least certainly in her own thinking, had such an optimistic view on love. Why couldn’t Emma have that same perspective? Hudson shook his head as he reached for another lady’s hand and twirled her around, leaving her in the care of her next partner.

  At least Lady Hodge thought him to have a fighting chance. Indeed, that was good news! Though Emma was prickly at best, he was quite certain that her behavior stemmed from the fact that he threatened her ideas about love. Maybe he even tempted her to change her mind. How he hoped so! But he must take it slow. All that was needed was one false step on his part and she’d have her ideas set in stone for the rest of her life.

  The dance ended and Lady Hodge accepted his offered hand.

  “Care for a turn about the room?” he asked gently.

  “Of course.” She said demurely. “While dancing I realized I might have overstepped and assumed too much, Lord Daventry.”

  Hudson’s heartbeat stammered then continued its rhythm. Was she retracting her idea that
he could indeed win Emma’s heart?

  “I assumed that your interest in my sister went beyond a polite association. Forgive me if I assumed—”

  “Lady Hodge, you were correct in your assumption. Indeed, I find myself irrevocably allured by your sister and hope to change her position on matrimony. But I also realize that it will, indeed, be a difficult endeavor.”

  “It will, but her stubborn streak will not last forever. You see, sometimes it is easier for the person wronged to forgive and far more difficult for the person who loves the person wronged, to be able to forgive and let go. I’ve been blessed to know love, however short or, in another case, unfulfilled.” She glanced meaningfully at him.

  “My brother?”

  “Yes. But because I’ve seen the wonderful side of love, I’m able to hope in it, trust that the good far outweighs the bad. My sister, she has never seen any side but the miserable one. Rather than having an unbiased opinion, she is heavily jaded.”

  “I thank you for sharing such sensitive subject matter with me, Lady Hodge. Truly you are a remarkable lady.” He bowed and kissed the air over her hand.

  “Even when my sister is stubborn, remember that that same streak can be used in good ways. A stubborn person might be reluctant to love, but once they do they will never let go.” She nodded once, then turned and walked away.

  As the evening drew to a close, Hudson’s heart sped up with the realization that soon he’d collect his prize. He scanned the crowd for Emma, hoping she hadn’t bowed out and disappeared. After searching for a few minutes, he found her in a far corner speaking with Lady Hewett. He strode toward her, waiting for her to notice him.

  As he drew nearer she glanced toward him, and he saw her eyes widen. Lady Hewett paused and turned as well.

  “Hello, ladies.” He bowed.

  “Lord Daventry.” They acknowledged in unison.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I must speak with Miss Kingsly. Would you accompany me?” He offered his arm to Emma.

  She glanced from Lady Hewett to him, then visibly swallowed and accepted his offered arm.

  “Excuse me, Lady Hewett.” She nodded graciously and then tilted her chin up, as if facing her unfortunate future with bravery.

  “You are not facing your execution, Miss Kingsly,” Hudson whispered as he led her down the hall and toward a vacant balcony.

  “Says the executioner,” Emma shot back.

  They entered the open balcony. Hudson walked to the edge and glanced down at the garden below.

  “Come now. You must know that I would have adhered to my word.” He clicked his tongue and released her arm as he leaned over the ivory-colored stone wall.

  She regarded him with a wary eye.

  “Let us finish this then,” she said softly.

  “Already? My, my… you are an impatient one. No savoring the moment, prolonging the delicious seconds before you—”

  “No, I’d rather not.”

  Hudson chuckled yet part of him was beginning to question whether he was being wise. Oh, a kiss was nothing to most women. Certainly he had kissed more than his fair share of women, but with Emma, he knew it would be different. His heart warred with his mind as she tentatively reached out and grasped his coat sleeve then pulled him closer. His heartbeat increased as she glanced up at him, an expression of tolerance mixed with uncertainty on her beautiful face.

  He reached around her small waist and pulled her close until her spicy orange and cinnamon scent permeated his senses. He gazed down at her, knowing his eyes betrayed the depth of his emotion but unable to hide it. She watched him intently then closed her eyes, waiting. Hudson stared at her. Her oval face shone in the moonlight and her dark sooty eyelashes fanned across her perfectly fashioned cheekbones. She appeared otherworldly, and she was waiting for him. Slowly, he began to close the distance and let his eyes close as he lost himself in her scent and the warmth radiating from her body as it pressed into his. He paused just before his lips met hers, unable to take what she was not willingly giving him. She was offering out of duty, not out of desire. Though the rake in him wanted to take all she offered and more, he wouldn’t. Slowly he opened his eyes and moved his head slightly. Deliberately, he rubbed her cheek with his nose, inhaling deeply and savoring the sensation of flesh on flesh. Softly, he pressed a lingering and tender kiss to her warm cheek and backed away. A sense of loss covered him as he increased the distance.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked at him. Her eyes were wide with wonder and confusion.

  “I thought…” The husky quality to her voice caused his body to tighten to the point of pain.

  “I will not take that which is not freely given, Miss Kingsly. Consider your debt paid in full.” Hudson bowed and began to walk away, willing his body to relax from its painful state. He closed his eyes for a few steps, calling himself ten kinds of fool for not taking the chance to taste the flavor of her lips, the honey under her tongue. When he opened his eyes once more, he let out a tight breath.

  “I will not.” Her voice echoed across the stone balcony.

  Hudson paused mid-step. After a heartbeat, he turned to find her striding toward him with purpose-filled steps.

  “Pardon?” Hudson questioned.

  “I will not consider myself paid in full. I gave my word. I’ll keep it,” she whispered as she came closer. With trembling hands she reached up and rested them on his shoulders. Rising up on tiptoes, she placed a warm kiss directly on Hudson’s slightly parted lips.

  His shock only lasted a moment and then he took control of the kiss. Her lips were deliciously soft as they molded over his. Without thought, he wrapped his arms around her waist, instinctively guiding her into his embrace. She followed his lead willingly. Hudson savored her spicy honey flavor. He teased her lower lip and flicked his tongue against her teeth as she gasped. Gently, he invaded her mouth and vowed to remember her taste, the million sensations of her body pressed into his and willingly surrendering. Her hands reached around his neck, pulling him in closer and Hudson willingly obeyed.

  Through the fabric of her dress he could feel her pounding heartbeat that was certainly echoed by his own. Never before had a kiss so consumed him. All that existed was her. Slowly she pulled away, as if reluctant. Hudson gentled his hold, but continued to tease her lips with increasingly tender kisses. With a final lingering touch of her lips, she released her hold on his neck and Hudson opened his eyes. Her own gaze was drunk with passion and her lips were swollen and cherry red from his attentions. Never had she appeared so beautiful.

  “I believe now… my debt is paid in full.” She spoke with a husky and deeply alluring quality to her voice, sending Hudson’s self control almost over the edge.

  More than anything, he wanted to press her against the stone wall and take far more than nectar-laced kisses, but he wouldn’t.

  “Yes. You are indeed.” Hudson’s own voice was deeper and more gravelly. Slowly he reached up and trailed a finger down her soft cheek. She closed her eyes for a moment then seemed to remember herself. With a delicate cough, she backed away and smoothed her dress with her hands.

  “Yes, well. I believe it’s time to return.”

  “Of course. I’ll wait here and follow you in a few moments, Miss Kingsly,” Hudson offered with a slight bow.

  “Thank you, Lord Daventry.”

  “Believe me, it was my pleasure, Miss Kingsly.” He tried to suppress the grin fighting to be free, but when she grinned back instead of raising an eyebrow or tossing an annoyed expression his way, he lost the battle and smiled broadly.

  As Hudson waited for the correct time to return to the ballroom, he replayed the kiss over and over. How she had shocked him when she had strode over and declared herself not paid in full! There was no sweeter taste than her lips, nothing more alluring than her flushed face after being thoroughly kissed. His pursuit of her had been sincere before, but indeed, now he was more determined than ever to win every ounce of her affection. Even then, he doubted it
would be enough to satisfy his growing hunger for her. The kiss simply had fanned the flames that had started so many years before.

  Chapter Six

  Emma closed her eyes for a moment before entering the ballroom. She waited behind a velvet curtain and touched her lips with her gloved fingers. Truly Hudson could kiss! Never had she dreamed of such an amazing sensation! While she didn’t have much experience in that area of life, she certainly doubted anyone could captivate her senses as thoroughly as he had. Even now his minty fragrance lingered, sending prickles of delight from the memory. The sensitive flesh around her mouth was still tingling from the alluring friction of his slight beard. She remembered how he gently teased her with his captivating kiss. His lips, so soft then so demanding. The kiss had been spellbinding, locking her inside a dreamlike state of bliss from which she struggled still to free herself.

  It could never happen again.

  Already her body yearned for another taste of his demanding yet gentle kiss. Should he choose to do so, she knew he could easily conquer her resolve to remain unmarried. No, she must not give in to the temptation that he presented. Never could she give into his kiss. For his kiss caused her to abandon all caution and forget all her convictions. Surely such kisses were how women became ruined! It was a sobering thought. With a heavy sigh she left the security of the curtain-shrouded wall and entered the room, hoping her flushed face wouldn’t give away her recent tryst.

  “There you are!” Sadie said as she approached Emma.

  “Yes. Here I am.” Emma tried to offer a confident grin, but her smile faded as Sadie began to narrow her eyes and study her face with intensity. “Yes?” Emma offered, feigning indifference though her heart was pounding.

  “You… I believe it’s time we departed,” Sadie finished, still studying her sister’s countenance.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Emma released a breath of relief.

  “Have you by chance seen Lord Daventry?” Sadie asked the question calmly but her eyes betrayed her interest in the answer.

  “Not for some time,” Emma answered, aware that her answer was both truthful and perfectly vague.


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