Demon's Dream (High Demon Series #6)

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Demon's Dream (High Demon Series #6) Page 11

by Connie Suttle

  "She's only ten," Belen pointed out. "If you hadn't ordered an ambulance, Reah would have died." He looked again at Ilvan, who lowered his head before the god. "But before we leave, we'll go forward two days." Belen flashed them to the appropriate time. Reah's small body still lay on the hospital bed, unconscious. Two nurses walked in. Kevis drew in a breath. He knew one of them. Quite well, in fact.

  "Who'll know?" she hissed. "Do you know how much we can get for natural hair this color? Do you?" A young Ceerah Kade pulled scissors from her pocket and proceeded to cut through Reah's long braid, right at the nape. Stuffing it inside a medical waste bag, Ceerah and her fellow conspirator walked out of Reah's room.

  "Edan wouldn't pay for a haircut afterward," Ilvan's hands shook and he wouldn't look at anyone. "The hospital staff claimed her hair was cut so they could treat the head wound. It was crooked of course, and Reah was teased and mocked by her schoolmates and the kitchen staff before it grew out again."

  "I want to kill you," Lok had a knife at Ilvan's throat. "And go back and kill that evil that was your brother. Do you see this?" Lok hauled Ilvan toward Reah's bed. "She's ten, for fuck's sake. And you stood there and let Edan beat her. Except you didn't turn out much different, did you? He stole from your father; you stole from her. Addah might not have missed the money. Reah did."

  "I'm sorry," Ilvan whined. "I thought all of you were taking care of her. She had that house in Targis and everything."

  "The house you helped yourself to?" Gavril was as angry as Lok, his eyes red, fangs out.

  "She asked us not to harm you," Lissa said, standing before Ilvan and Radolf suddenly. "Radolf, how could you do this to her? How?"

  "The spell Wylend placed wore off," Radolf sighed. "And I thought the same as Ilvan. That someone else was taking care of her. I wanted revenge against Wylend, but what can you do to the King of Karathia? I took my anger out on Reah. I see now that was a mistake. What are you going to do with us?" Radolf looked at Belen.

  "I won't do anything," Belen replied. "But when you leave this life, you will choose your own form of punishment in the next one."

  "That one," Kifirin pointed at Ceerah, who was back, checking the machines monitoring Reah's heartbeat and respiration, "that one will certainly suffer in her next life."

  "I intend to see that she suffers in this one," Lendill hissed.

  "And Reah can't even despise her father now," Kevis sighed helplessly. "She can't work through the anger, ever, because she can't be angry with a man who is no longer the one who fathered her. He wears the same likeness and she is powerless against that."

  "It was a failed experiment," Kifirin admitted quietly. "I thought to give her a parent. That wasn't the one she needed. I also wasn't the one she needed."

  "It's too late to take him back now. He's an important member of Karzac's team," Lissa pointed out.

  "I know this," Kifirin said. "But his life will not be extended, as I thought to do at first. He will have to understand that."

  Kevis left them all standing there, discussing the current Edan Desh. Approaching Reah's bed, he held out a hand. "Pretty girl," he whispered, touching her face, feeding her the slightest bit of healing power and repairing the damage a steel ladle had done to a small head.

  "Not too much, just enough," Belen whispered at Kevis' side. Kevis nodded and went to the ankle after treating what could have been permanent brain injury. Bits of bone in the ankle fused together, reforming until there was only a clean break left. "Very good," Belen said, pulling Kevis away.

  "We will go now," Belen announced, landing them inside Lissa's palace library. "Perhaps you should serve refreshments?" Belen told Lissa before folding away.

  "Garde, you're not welcome here," Lissa snapped at him.

  "Oh, he has sliced his own hand," Kifirin said. "Don't tell him to leave, avilepha. Or me, either. We will both bear the weight of our treatment of Reah."

  "I'm going to a jewelry store," Aurelius moved away. "I'll get something to eat while I'm out."

  "I'm coming with you," Gavril said. Lok, too, came along. Farzi and Nenzi, who'd mostly remained silent and troubled during the entire ordeal, nodded and slipped behind Gavril. Tory, Lendill and Ry, not to be left behind, joined the group.

  Chapter 7

  "Too gaudy." Lok shook his head at the huge diamond ring presented to him. "The cost isn't an issue," he assured the sales assistant, a bright young man who was hoping for his largest commission ever. Eight men stood inside the jewelry store, all determined to buy something.

  "Something smaller and more tasteful," Ry agreed. "Reah won't wear anything that huge. She'll just use it the next time somebody needs medical treatment."

  "At least she had something to use. I don't mind that a child's life was saved through the sale of a necklace," Aurelius said. "But I want to get a replacement. Today."

  "This," Farzi and Nenzi were in total agreement. The gold and platinum had been etched in a snake scale pattern on the bracelet and necklace. It wasn't too thick, either, and both knew the set would be striking on Reah.

  "Where are our rings?" Lendill asked Gavril.

  "I have them at the palace," Gavril replied. "In her jewelry box. I was waiting to make sure she wanted them before returning them."

  "Gav, she could have sold your ring by itself and had any life she wanted. You know the first things she asked that thieving woman about were her rings." Rylend referred to the woman Garde had hired to take Reah's place in the groves. The woman, with her husband, had taken Reah's things and burned what they thought to be trash. Those things had been important to Reah; she wouldn't have kept them if they weren't.

  "You're right," Gavril pinched the space between eyebrows. He had all of Reah's rings inside her jewelry box at the palace in Campiaa City. "And she needs clothing and shoes and anything else she wants. We should take her to one of those places that sell cooking knives and utensils. That woman on Kifirin took those, too."

  "She won't go out in public. Not after that fucking nurse screwed her. Twice. I can't believe it's the same woman who cut her hair and then sold that recording to a reality show. That one should have been locked away long ago."

  "Norian is going back through her employment records, to see if any other incidents happened around her. We'll get to the bottom of this," Lendill said. "What do you think of this?" He held up an emerald necklace. It looked like delicate filigree, with an emerald drop.

  "Perfect for her eyes," Gavril said. "Are there earrings to match?" He and Ry went to look.

  * * *

  "I don't believe this." Gavril stood, stunned at the sight of Reah sleeping peacefully against Astralan on the hammock. Astralan grinned cheekily at Gavril before placing a kiss against Reah's forehead, waking her.

  * * *

  "Huh?" I looked up at Astralan, who gave me a gentle smile.

  "Time to wake, I imagine, your mates are here."

  "Oh." I turned to blink at Teeg, Lendill, Ry, Lok, Tory, Aurelius, Farzi and Nenzi.

  "Have a nice nap?" I shrank away from Teeg; he didn't look happy.

  "Baby, don't." Teeg held out a hand. "I should have seen it coming a long time ago. Astralan, don't make me shorten your name by mistreating Reah."

  "As if I would. And you'll have other competition, too, I think. Edward Pendley asked her to marry him this afternoon. I think she's settled for a date first."

  "What were you doing with Edward Pendley?"

  "Working on my future, I hope," I said.

  "Gishi fruit ice cream," Astralan grinned and then employed power to get both of us out of the hammock. "She's going back in two days to look at what he's done with a temporary building and make some samples to take to vendors. They'll buy, no matter how much it costs. That's the best thing I've ever eaten."

  "Reah, come here, sweetheart," Teeg pulled one of my hands to his lips and placed a gentle kiss there. "We picked up a few things while we were out. You need to come see."

  The kitchen island was covered in je
welry. I stood, shocked, staring at all of it.

  "This for you, love of our hearts," Farzi smiled.

  "Farzi," I sniffled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  * * *

  "What are you doing?" Karzac stood in the doorway to the bedroom Kevis kept at the villa.

  "Righting a wrong, I hope," Kevis replied, tossing a few things into a bag. "I'll be back tomorrow if everything goes well."

  "You're not getting into trouble, are you?" Karzac lifted an eyebrow.

  "Trouble? Me?" Kevis folded away.

  * * *

  "These cartons are nice," I held one up. The container was gold on the outside, with black and silver lettering. The cartons would have to be nice to convince a customer to spend at least one hundred seventy-five credits on it.

  "I have an office in Adrixx, complete with an advertising account," Edward said. "Apparently when I say jump, they don't even bother asking how high. They just jump as high as they can and see if that's good enough." We were ready to fill the cartons with ice cream to take to Edward's vendors. It was a gift of sorts; an attempt to get them to buy.

  "The inspectors are coming in three days," Edward added. "When are we going on our date?"

  "Edward, we need to have a talk," I said. "You see how I'm crazy and all, according to my mates and the doctor. And a nurse in the Reth Alliance sold some sensitive vid to that stupid reality show, Temporary Insanity. The whole Reth Alliance and at least half the Campiaan Alliance thinks I'm crazy. Some think I'm dangerous, too. You should have seen those mothers pulling their babies away from me when I went out in public."

  "Those people are fools," Edward huffed. "Reah, if you think we can't go out somewhere on a date, then we'll stay in. I have a pool and a game room and a vid room and a lot of other rooms I probably don't realize I have."

  "Then we can stay in, as long as I get to cook."

  "You don't have to do that."

  "But I want to. You can help if you want."

  "Sweetheart, I can scramble eggs. That's about it."

  "I like an honest man," I smiled up at him.

  * * *

  "You have something for me?" Dandril Wond asked. Dandril was Edward's gishi fruit distributor throughout the Campiaan Alliance. Edward set a tink carton of gishi fruit ice cream in front of Dandril and offered him a wrapped plastic spoon.

  "A new product that's about to go into production," Edward smiled. "I wanted to give you first crack at it."

  "What is it?" Dandril lifted the top off the carton and gazed at the contents.

  "Gishi fruit ice cream," Edward's smile widened. "Go ahead, try it." Dandril dipped the spoon in and lifted ice cream to his lips. And then lifted another, larger spoonful. "I want everything you produce," Dandril declared, dipping out more ice cream.

  "I was hoping you'd say that," Edward laughed. "Dandril, this is going to make us three times as wealthy as we are. Production starts in an eight-day, and we have an ad campaign to plan."

  * * *

  Kevis had been gone for three days and my healers came out of bedrooms every morning with wide smiles. In fact, two of Franklin's mates, Shane and Tomas, had come, met with Celestan and Galaxsan and that was that—they were hooked. We went up the mountain with them one afternoon and watched—Astralan and I, while they snowboarded down. "Reah, I don't think I've ever been this happy," Astralan sighed, leaning over to give me a kiss.

  "Hon, don't say that yet. I don't know when I'll feel like sex again."

  "You will. Kevis will get you back to us. Besides, I've waited this long. I can wait a while longer. Tell me you care for me, Reah, that's all I need."

  "I do," I said. "I can't say how much right now, because I'm still numb from Cloudsong. You're going to need that patience, honey."

  "Teeg just hunches his shoulders around me, now. He doesn't know how this will fit into our working relationship," Astralan said. "I don't mind, as long as it doesn't interfere with us. Come over here. You look tired. How's that baby?" Astralan rubbed my belly soothingly as I watched Franklin fly down the slope, just ahead of Galaxsan. We'd gotten a private room with a balcony so I wouldn't be subjected to the scrutiny of the other guests. Ceerah had ruined the possibility of my going out in public and remaining anonymous. She'd likely gotten me shot by whoever had a vendetta against me.

  "You have good hands," I said, tracing the veins on the back of the hand that wasn't rubbing my belly.

  "Those hands want to touch a lot of things," Astralan breathed against my ear. "Don't tempt me, Reah. I'm patient if you don't dangle that in front of me."

  "I can't touch you?" I turned to look up at him.

  "Reah, you set my blood on fire. You have to be careful, my heart."

  "All right. Go back to the belly rub," I sighed.

  * * *

  "Reah is coming to make dessert for Mom's birthday," Franklin grinned at his father. Merrill, the former King Vampire, was now a member of the Saa Thalarr's elite corps of Enforcers.

  "I hear you're going to introduce a couple of new mates as well," Merrill smiled. He had a very dry sense of humor, when he employed it.

  "Reah is responsible for that," Frank was still grinning. "They fit right in, Dad. Joey, Norton and Bearcat aren't the only ones who have a warlock mate. We have two."

  "I didn't realize it was a contest."

  "Dad, I love you," Franklin gave Merrill a hug.

  "I love you, too, son. Always have. Do you know what Reah is making for us?"

  "I don't want to spoil it, but word has it that it's the most expensive dessert you'll ever eat."

  "Then I'll look forward to it. How is Reah, by the way?"

  "I think she has three people panting after her, and only knows about two of them," Franklin's dimple appeared.

  "Besides what she already has?"

  "Well, yeah. That Edward Pendley guy asked her to marry him already."

  "He's at least half Elemaiya. Was born on Earth, did you know that?" Merrill smiled.

  "And now he grows gishi fruit."

  "And now he does. Perhaps you should invite all of Reah's mates and prospective mates to the party. I wouldn't mind talking to Mr. Pendley, son."

  * * *

  "Reah, can you make twice as much ice cream as we originally thought?" Frank moved the hair off my neck and fanned it gently—it was hot out by the pool. "Those are claiming marks?" He examined the four punctures on my neck.

  "Yes, those are claiming marks," I said. "And I can make three times the original amount, if you want it."

  "Let's do that, then," Frank grinned before hugging me. "I think I love you as much as any gay man can love a woman."

  "Hey, now," I turned to poke him in the ribs. "Those eyes are way too tempting. You should watch out," I hugged him back.

  "Got those from my dad," he laughed.

  "On your birthday, right?"

  "First one."

  "I'll bet your dad is something," I said.

  "He is. Mom is, too. She says she's not freaked out or scarred for life, she was just shocked that a naked nymph was drawing designs on her belly."

  "No designs, I promise," I said. "I know nothing about the naked nymph thing."

  "It's hot. Let's get in the pool," Franklin lifted me up, and just like that, every stitch of clothing I wore disappeared. As did his. We were floating around in the pool in no time. The water was nice, actually. Farzi, Nenzi and their six brothers showed up and dropped into the pool as lion snakes.

  "Honey Snake," I reached out to stroke Farzi's head.

  "You can tell them apart?" Franklin didn't know what to think about eight snakes swimming around him.

  "By the patterns," I nodded. "They're all different. See, this is Nenzi," he lifted his head and I kissed him between the eyes. "And here's Chazi," I pointed out the slight differences in his pattern. "Bekzi, Hirzi, Yanzi, Perzi and Darzi," I pointed all of them out. Nenzi curled around my neck. "Sweet man," I stroked his scales.

  "A party?" Teeg walked out, immedia
tely dropped his clothing and slipped into the water.

  "Damn." Joey and Norton came out of the house, drinks in hand. They were impressed by the snakes and the males in the pool.

  "Holy shit." Kevis chose that moment to come back.

  "Aw, come on. I'm in here," Frank said.

  "Baby," Teeg moved Nenzi aside and hugged me against him. "Put your arms around my neck. Come on." I worried my lower lip while staring into his dark eyes. "Come on," he coaxed softly. "Yeah, that's right," my arms went around his neck. "How's our baby doing?" A hand slipped between us, stroking my belly. And then he pulled my head against his shoulder.

  "There's nothing to worry about, unless you attack one of them or Reah," Astralan slapped Kevis on the back and shucked his clothing too. Astralan didn't have a thing to be ashamed of, sliding into the water easily. "Just right," he sighed with pleasure.

  "I will join you." Nefrigar, whom I hadn't seen for days, appeared in the water and sat in a corner. His head was far above the water in the four-foot depth on one end.

  "Kiss me, baby. Tell me you still care about me," Teeg murmured against my ear.

  "Teeg," I hugged him tighter.

  "That's good, sweetheart," he sighed. I was glad the reptanoids had built a huge pool after a while. Everybody was in the water. Mathilde came out with trays of drinks, didn't even blink and went back for more.

  "Bro, can I get a turn?" Tory was behind us, tapping Teeg on the back.

  "This looks like fun," Ry, Erland and Corolan appeared. Was I prepared to see Erland naked? I guess. Ry got every bit of his good looks from his father.

  "Come on, baby, come to your High Demon," Tory sighed, sliding me away from Teeg. Except for Nefrigar, Tory was the tallest one there. Tory held me, but I had difficulty meeting his gaze. He tilted my head up. "Do you know how sorry I am?" Tory said softly. "I can't believe what kind of fool I was." He tilted his head and kissed me.

  I should have remembered about the linking. I should have. I hadn't had a High Demon lover for twenty-five years and I'd forgotten that until the moment we came into contact. His desire linked right into mine. It didn't matter whether I wanted him to start with. Tory's rush of fire heated my blood. What he wanted, I wanted. And he wanted everything. Right away. "Don't be scared, don't be scared," he whispered against my mouth. Was he going to do this, right in front of everybody? He skipped us away at the last possible moment, landing us in a bed, somewhere.


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