Dalziel, George Mother Goose, 3
Dane Court School 335n, 338, 380, 390, 398
Dante, Alighieri Divine Comedy, 135n, 212, 282
Inferno, 83, 193n, 212
Purgatorio, 193n, 425
men. 124, 154n, 155, 167, 287,
Daphni 394, 397
David 274
Davidman, Helen Joy biography, 334; Anya, 334n
Letter to a Comrade, 334n; ‘Longest Way Round,’ 334n, 335
Smoke on the Mountain, 335, 337
Weeping Bay, 334n
and Childhood’s End, 211
Tolkien on, 217
Narnian title, 311
writes to L, 330
marriage and family, 334–5; meets L, 336
break with husband, 337
becomes Anglican, 337
to England with sons, 338
divorce; 348
meets Dorothy L. Sayers, 348
and Elliott family, 348–9; L’s inaugural lecture, 350–1; discusses Till We Have Faces with L, 353– 4
her character in, 356
Till We Have Faces dedicated to, 357
moves to Oxford, 360
cannot renew passport, 373
civil marriage, 373– 5
cancer, 375– 6
desires Christian marriage, 376– 8
married in hospital, 379
moves to Kilns, 380
recovers from cancer, 380
Tolkien not told of marriage, 381– 2
her friends, 383
meets Jean Wakeman, 383
L accepts her pains, 384– 5
honeymoon, 385– 6
and Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation, 387– 9
biography of Madame de Maintenon, 389
their happy marriage, 390
meets T.S.Eliot, 392
cancer returns, 392
trip to Greece, 392– 6
is happy, 397
meets Tolkien, 398
last outing, 398
her death, 399
epitaph, 400
men. 333, 403, 404, 405–11, 414
Davidman, Jeannette 348, 414
Davidman, Joseph 348, 414
Davies, R.T. 151
Davis, Norman (ed. with C.L.Wrenn) English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien, 420
men. 341
Dawson, John Hill Mackintosh 74
Day-Lewis, Cecil Georgics, 178
men. 178
Deane, A.C. 283
Death 27, 108, 284
Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions 133
Deirdre 21
De la Mare, Walter Behold the Dreamer, 81n
Peacock Pie, 81n
Return, 81n
Songs of Childhood, 81n
men. 81, 159, 218n
Dell, Rev. Edward T. 422–3
Delta 409–10
Democracy 261–4
Denecke, Margaret Paul Victor Mendelssohn Benecke, 153
Dent and Sons, J. M. 82, 131m 132
Derrick, Christopher 371, 416, 417
Deuteronomy 219
Devil see Satan Dial 82
Dias, R.W.M. 369
Dickens, Charles Bleak House, 410
men. 150, 159, 312
Dictionary of National Biography 58n
Disney, Walt 224
District Model National School (Belfast) xviii Dixon, Arthur Lee 78, 155
Dobson, Henry Austin 159
Doctrines 87, 90, 100
Dodds, Eric Robertson Missing Persons, 61n
men. 61
Dominicans (Order of Preachers) 167n
Donne, John The Second Anniversary, 64
The Soul’s Progress, 64
men. 148, 183
Dorsett, Lyle And God Came In, 334n, 335n, 336–7, 338, 348, 354
Dowding, C.S. 43
Dowell, Rev. Joseph 253
Down, County 2, 32, 41
Downing College (Cambridge) 141
Downside Review 132
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan ‘Great Keinplatz Experiment,’ 196
Sir Nigel, 3
men. 12, 175, 313
Dracula 415
Drayton, Michael 84
Drogheda 292–3, 304, 331, 404, 418
Dryden, John Marriage-à-la-Mode, 158
men. 148
Dublin xviii, 11n, 15, 38, 292
Dunbar, Nan 369
Dunbar of Hempriggs, Dame Maureen Daisy Helen 38, 47, 50, 55, 58, 77, 88, 95, 106, 123, 216, 235, 292, 308, 428
Dundalk 337
Dundas-Grant, James 167, 178, 179, 411, 417
Dundas-Grant, Katherine 167n
Dundela Flats (Belfast) xxiiin Dundela Villas xxii, xxiiin, 1–2, 6
Dunkirk 126–7, 175, 226–7
Dürer, Albrecht 53
Dyson, Henry Victor Dyson ‘Hugo’ 62, 101, 114–16, 120, 124, 163, 165, 166, 169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182, 188, 225, 367
Eagle and Child (‘Bird and Baby’ pub), The 163, 171–2, 173, 177, 178, 179, 310, 367, 386, 397
Eastgate Hotel (Oxford) 123, 220, 336
Eddison, Eric Robert Egils Saga, 260n
Fish Dinner in Memison, 260n
Mezentian Gate, 260n
Mistress of Mistresses, 260
Stybiorn the Strong, 260n
Worm Ouroboros, 260, 371
men. 260–1
Eden 6
Edwards, John Robert 51
Edwards, Rev. Maurice 242–3
Elder Edda 22
Elgin Marbles 73
Eliot, George 159
Eliot, Thomas Stearns ‘Dante’, 124
Four Quartets, 82n
Poems, 82n
Prufrock and Other Observations, 82n
The Waste Land, 82n, 83
men. 82–4, 124–5, 132, 160, 175, 260, 284, 293, 348, 364, 389–90, 392, 405–6
Eliot, Valerie 390, 392, 405–6
Ellis, Henry Havelock 388
Elliott, Rev. Leslie Llewelyn 348–9
Elliott, Mrs Leslie Llewelyn 348–9
Elliott, Paul 348–9
Elliott, Msgr. Peter J. ‘A Child’s Memories of C.S.Lewis,’ 349
men. 348–9
Elton, Godfrey, Baron 266
Emmanuel College (Cambridge) 147n, 341, 369n
Empson, William 266
Encyclopedia Boxoniana 89
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 276
Endicott, Lizzie 1–2, 3
Endsleigh Palace Hospital (London) 44–7,
English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien see Norman Davis
English Language and Literature, School of 52, 58–9, 62–6, 69, 70, 75–6, 79n, 80–2, 99, 145–53, 157, 224, 339
Epic 182
Epimenides of Crete 209
Episcopalian, The 422–3
Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation 386–9
Equality 261–2
Erasmus, Desiderius 90
Erechtheum 393
Essays and Studies 125, 138–9
Eton College 37, 83n, 167n, 341n
Euripides Bacchae, 50
Helen, 357
Hippolytus, 99
men. 369, 371
Eurydice 122
Evans, Charles Sheldon 48
Eve 198, 199, 231, 313
Every, George 142
Ewart, Charles Gordon 11n
Ewart, Gundreda see Gundreda Forrest
Ewart, Hope see Hope Harding
Ewart, Kelso ‘Kelsie’ 11n
Ewart, Lily 11n
Ewart, Mary, Lady 11, 11n, 13n
Ewart, Robert Heard 11n
Ewart, Sir William Quartus 11, 13n
Exeter College (Oxford) 59, 62n, 63, 65, 66, 70, 132, 136, 163, 417n
Fablel dou Dieu d’Amours 90
Fafnir 16
Fairy Tales 3, 194, 245, 286, 301–28, 428
Fall of Man, The 191, 221, 222, 261–2
Farnell, L. R. 59
Farrar, Fredrick William Darkness an
d Dawn, 9
Farrer, Rev. Dr. Austin ‘The Christian Apologist,’ 274
Finite and Infinite, 24n; ‘In His Image,’ 322
Revelation of St John the Divine, 24n
men. 24, 253, 354n, 374, 375, 376, 383, 399, 405, 406, 412, 428, 429
Farrer, Katharine At Odds with Morning; Cretan Counterfeit; Gownsman’s Gallows; The Missing Link, 354n
men. 24n, 354, 375, 381, 383, 386, 399, 405, 406, 412, 428, 429
Felix (the cat) 81
Fenn, Rev. Eric 242, 248, 252, 253, 255, 256, 264–6, 267, 286, 296, 297
Field, Walter Ogilvie ‘Wof’ 87
Fielding, Henry 159
Firor, Dr Warfield M. 176, 331–2
Fisher, Archbishop Geoffrey 389
Flanders, Michael 403n
Flannery OP, Austin (ed) Vatican Council The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, 133
Foch, Field Marshal Ferdinand 42
Forrest, Gundreda Ewart 11n, 13n
Forrest, John 11n
Fouqué, Friedrich 30
Fowler, Alastair (ed) Spenser’s Images of Life, 435
Fox, Rev. Adam ‘At the Breakfast Table,’ 155–6
Old King Cole,’ 155n
men. 155, 163
France, Anatole 161
Fraser, George Gordon 21
Frazer, G.S. 348
Frazer, Sir James George Golden Bough, 31, 100
Free Will 221, 324
Freud, Sigmund 129, 275, 388
Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay see Robert Greene
Galsworthy, John 47
Ganymede 163
Gardner, Dame Helen ‘Clive Staples Lewis,’ 157, 340, 344, 347
men. 342–4
Garrod, H. W. Wordsworth, 71
Gaskell, Jane 358
Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir 28, 88, 149
Gay, John 162
Geach, Peter 289n
Gebbert, Vera 403
General Strike, The 72
Genesis 201, 231
Genius 184–5
Geoffrey of Monmouth History of the Kings of Britain, 209
George V, King 240n
Gibb, Sir Alexander 355n
Gibb, Jocelyn (ed) Light on C.S.Lewis, 68
men. 355, 373, 396, 407–8, 423
Gibbon, Edward Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 422
Gibson, Strictland 64
Gilbert, Martin First World War, 39n, 226, 238
Gilmore, Rev. Charles James Frederick 242–3, 251–2
Giovanni Calabria, St 293–4, 304, 406
Girton College (Cambridge) 369
Glasgow University 50n
Glenmachan 11
God the Father 47, 83, 100, 101, 102–16, 129–30, 133, 137, 141, 142, 165, 166, 188–9, 192–4, 200, 201, 203, 216, 218–19, 221–24, 227–33, 244, 245, 250, 262–8, 283, 287, 297, 315, 324, 358–9, 384, 421–6
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 30
Gorgons 213
Gortyna (Crete) 396
Gospels, The 100, 101, 116, 243, 245
Gordon, George Stuart 52, 64–5, 66, 76, 87, 91
Graham, Billy Just As I Am, 365
men. 221
Grahame, Kenneth Dream Days, 93
Wind in the Willows, 10, 301
men. 322
Graves, Robert 48
Gray, Simon 409
Great Bookham 17, 23–8, 47, 63, 369
‘Greats’ see Literae Humaniores
Greece 1, 147, 390, 392, 393–6, 397, 432
‘Green, Henry’ (Henry Vincent Yorke) Blindness, 83n
Caught, 83n
Pack My Bag, 83n
Party Going, 83n
men. 83
Green, June Lancelyn 380, 383, 392–6, 406–7
Green, Roger Lancelyn C.S.Lewis, 326
Into Other Worlds, 186
King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, 371
Luck of Troy, 313
Mystery at Mycenae, 356
Theft of the Golden Cat, 310
Wood that Time Forgot, 60, 305– 6
men. 4, 60, 80, 147, 150, 152, 158, 173–4, 178, 183, 186, 193, 201–2, 210, 211, 213, 219, 305–11, 313–15, 327, 332–3, 339, 346, 356–7, 371, 372, 374–5, 378, 380, 383, 386, 390, 392–6, 397, 405, 406–7, 413–14, 417, 419, 429, 432
Greene, Graham 293, 348
Greene, Robert Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay, 206
Greeves, Arthur 11n, 22–3, 25, 26–7, 30–1, 36–8, 41, 44–5, 55–6, 62, 70, 79, 82, 90, 91, 92–3, 101–2, 103, 104–10, 108–9, 110–14, 115–6, 118–19, 119–20, 127, 130–1, 133–4, 136, 158, 163, 198, 242, 250, 260, 293, 296, 331–2, 338, 346, 373–4, 384, 385–6, 391, 404, 412–13, 425
Greeves, Joseph 23, 119
Gresham David Lindsay 308, 334, 335, 337, 338, 373, 378, 383, 398, 404, 406–7, 414, 418, 419, 429, 430
Gresham, Douglas Howard Lenten Lands, 335n, 337, 398–9, 404
men. 308, 334, 335, 337, 338, 373, 378, 380, 383, 393, 398, 404, 406–7, 414, 420, 421, 425, 429, 430
Gresham, Meredith 335n
Gresham, William Lindsay Limbo Tower, 334n
Nightmare Alley, 334
men. 334–5, 336–7, 338, 348, 353–4, 374, 376, 381, 404, 419–20
Griffiths, Dom Bede Golden String, 127n
Marriage of East and West, 127n
New Vision of Reality, 127n
men. 127, 166, 246, 253, 296, 376, 381, 384
Grundy, G.B. (ed) Murray’s Small Classical Atlas, 306
Guardian, The (church newspaper) 236–7, 259, 282, 284, 285, 288
Guerber, H.M.A. Myths of the Norsemen, 22
Haggard, H. Rider Ghost Kings, 9
Pearl Maiden, 9
When the World Shook, 195, 210, 321; (with Andrew Lang) World’s Desire, 357
men. 134, 150, 322, 370, 371
Haig, Sir Douglas 42
Haileybury College 132n
Haldane, J.B.S. Possible Worlds, 186, 204
men. 276
Halder, General Franz 226
Hall, Bishop R.O. 262, 264
Hamilton, Augustus ‘Gussie’ (L’s uncle, 1866–1945) xix Hamilton, Elizabeth 3
Hamilton, Hugh (of Evandale) xix
Hamilton, The Rt. Rev. Hugh I (father of Rev. Thomas Robert Hamilton, 1729–1805) xix
Hamilton, Hugh II (son of Hugh Hamilton I, 1790–1865) xix
Hamilton, Hugh (son of Thomas Robert Hamilton, 1864–1900) xix
Hamilton, Isabella xix
Hamilton, Sir James (d. 1540) xix
Hamilton, Lilian see Lilian Suffern
Hamilton, Mary Warren (L’s grandmother, 1826–1916) xix, xx–xxi
Hamilton. Rev. Thomas Robert (L’s grandfather, 1826–1905) xix–xxii, 119
Hamm, Victor 194
Hardie, Anthony 154n
Hardie, Christian 154n, 354, 412
Hardie, Colin 154, 167, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 354, 411, 432
Hardie, Nicholas 154n
Hardie, William Francis Ross 81, 83
Harding, George 11n, 15, 16
Harding, Hope Ewart 10, 11n, 15, 16
Hardman, Sir Donald 17, 20
Hardy, Thomas 159, 161
Harper, Annie 6, 7
Harris, Percy Gerald Kelsal (‘Pogo’) 13, 40–1
Harrison, G.B. (ed) Major British Writers, 336n
Hartmann, Cyril Hughes The Cavalier Spirit, 51n
men. 51, 54–5, 57
Harvard University 82n
Harwood, Alfred Cecil 29, 60, 71, 73, 136, 158–9, 207, 385, 417
Harwood, Daphne 29n, 207, 385
Harwood, Laurence 385, 420
Hastings, Adrian History of English Christianity, 421, 422
Hávamál, The 116n
Havard, Dr Robert Emlyn ‘Humphrey’ ‘Philia Jack at Ease,’ 166
men. 166, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, 218, 227, 272, 291, 330–1, 374, 381, 411, 417, 427
Hazebrouck, Battle of 42–3
Hazlitt, William 158
Alfred 417n
Head, Beatrice 417n
Head, Rev. Canon Ronald Edwin Royal Supremacy, 417
men. 417, 424, 429
Heard, Robert 14n
Heaven 69, 104, 108, 205, 222, 228, 245, 267, 282, 306, 325, 345
Hebrew University (Jerusalem) 414
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 100, 427
Heinemann, William 47
Helen of Troy 21, 54, 313, 356–7
Hell 108, 115, 216, 221–22, 227–33, 267, 280–3
Henley, William Ernest 159
Henry, Vera 304, 337
Heraclitus 161
Herakleon 395
Herbert, A.P. 266
Herodotus Histories, 26
Herrick, Robert 84
Hertford College (Oxford) 17n, 36, 50n, 340n
Heywood, H.L.C. 266–7
Hichens, Robert A Spirit in Prison, 48
Highgate School (London) 29n
Hill, J.R. 43
Hillegas, Mark R. The Future as Nightmare, 214
‘Hillsboro’ 61, 95
Hitler, Adolf 216, 219, 226, 227
Holberg, Ludwig Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum, 322
Hollywood 334n
Holy Spirit, The 119, 266
Holy Trinity Church (Rome) xix
Holy Trinity Church (Headington Quarry) 216, 227–8, 233–4, 413, 417n
Home Guard, The 235
Homer Iliad, 25, 28, 372n, 432
Odyssey, 25, 28, 141, 322, 372n
men. 83, 322, 347, 369
Hong Kong 146n, 262
Hook, Mrs 199
Hooker, Richard 114
Hooper, Walter C.S.Lewis A Companion & Guide, 8n, 24n, 29n, 59n, 62n, 82n, 151n, 154n, 155n, 164n, 167n, 209n, 286–7, 337, 363n, 391 ‘Oxford’s Bonny Fighter,’ 276n
Through Joy and Beyond, 402
men. 103, 105, 106, 122, 134, 171, 178, 179, 217, 218, 224, 232, 235, 236, 245, 258, 284, 286, 290, 295, 297–8, 306, 316, 326, 340, 345, 370, 376, 385, 388, 390, 392, 397, 426–9
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 183
Horace 26
Horizon 160
Housman, A.E. Last Poems, 63
men. 91
Humanism 22, 83, 129, 212, 278, 350
Hunter College 334n
Hydra, The 105
Ibsen, Henrik Peer Gynt, 25
men. 27
Icelandic Sagas 2, 88–9
Icelandic Society see Kolbítar Idealism 85, 100, 101, 129
Ideologies 272, 278–9
Illustrated London Times, The 420
Imagination 65, 85–6, 267, 285, 305, 312
Imperial College (London) 242n
Incarnation, The 192, 267, 289
India xix, 4, 127n, 219n
Inge, William Personal Religion and the Life of Devotion, 113
Inklings, The 55, 62n, 145–79, 195, 205, 220, 225, 282, 411, 432–3
Inner Ring, The 20, 161, 207–8
In Review 362
Irving, Washington Rip Van Winkle, 209
Jacob xxi
C. S. Lewis Page 57