Monteith, Charles 406
Moore, Edward Francis Courtney 38
Moore, Francis Edward Courtney ‘Paddy’ L’s roommate at Keble College, 37
L meets family, 38
promise to L, 39
to France with Rifle Brigade, 39
killed in battle, 46
his mother on, 47
L’s promise, 106
men. 233
Moore, Mrs Janie King Askins meets Lewis, 38
he visits Bristol, 39
Lewis’s promise to Paddy, 39
Paddy to France, 39
Lewis to France, 40
Lewis loves, 41
their relationship, 45– 6
Paddy killed, 46
on Paddy, 46– 7
visits Oxford, 50
moves to Oxford, 52
joint –
life with Lewis, 55– 6
Owen Barfield on, 57
reads L’s diary, 58; ‘domestic drudgery,’ 69
brother’s madness, 70
financial worries, 72
holiday in Exmoor, 77
holiday in Cornwall, 88
Warnie invited to join household, 93
moves to Kilns, 95
sees less of L, 120
and Paxford, 121– 2
and evacuated children, 217
Tolkien on, 217
her atheism, 233– 4
arthritis, 255
lameness, 291
Maureen helps, 292
friction with Vera Henry, 304
needs constant watching, 330
Warnie will not help, 331
in nursing home, 332
her death, 332
men. 64, 88, 216, 337, 360
Moore, Maureen Daisy Helen see Dunbar of Hempriggs, Lady
More, Paul Elmer 83–4
Morris, Clifford ‘A Christian Gentleman,’ 367– 8
men. 399
Morris, William Grettir the Strong, 26
Life and Death of Jason, 28
Love is Enough, 106–7
Well At the World’s End, 27, 371
men. 26, 27, 30, 51, 78, 113, 131, 158, 371
Mount Bernenchon 43
Murray, Gilbert 50, 54, 371, 372
Mycenae 393, 397
Mythology 15, 22, 31, 65, 86, 92, 103, 114, 116, 130, 164, 175, 185–6, 188–91, 194, 322, 327
Mythopoeia (and Mythopoeic) 164, 211, 327
Narnia/Narni (Italy) 306–7
Nature (and Naturalism) 273, 279, 288, 290
Natural Law 101, 160, 161, 241, 248–50, 276–80
Nesbit, E. ‘Aunt and Amabel,’ 321
Five Children – and It, 3
Harding’s Luck, 9
House of Arden, 9
Phoenix and the Carpet, 3
Story of the Amulet, 3, 322
Treasure Seekers, 308; ‘Unlikely Tales,’ 308
men. 10, 150, 301, 304, 305, 308, 313, 314, 322–3, 327, 328
Nero 9
Newbolt, Sir Henry John 37
New College (Oxford) 12n, 29, 74n, 86n, 164, 175n, 339
New English Bible, The 390
New Masses 334n
New Statesman and Nation 237
New Testament 287
New York 334, 337 New York Times 314
New Zealand 173n
Newman, John Henry Development of Christian Doctrine, 189–9
Dream of Gerontius, 425– 6
men. 142
Newton, Sir Isaac 87
Neylan, Mary 172
Nicea 251
Nicholson, Marjorie Voyages to the Moon, 194
‘Northernness’ 14, 15, 22
North West London Talmudical College 335n, 418, 429
Norse Sagas 22, 82, 92
Norton, Thomas (with T. Sackville) Gorboduc, 64
Nott, Kathleen Emperor’s Clothes, 348
Noyes, Alfred 84, 267
Nuffield, Viscount (William Richard Morris) 367
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre see Wingfield-Morris Hospital
Numbers 269
Numinor 209, 210
Observer, The 385, 421–2
Odin 116n
Officers’ Training Corps 29, 30, 36,
Old Icelandic 82
Old Inn (Crawfordsburn) 386, 391
Old Norse 82, 116n, 147
Old Testament 287
O’Neill, Joseph Land Under England, 322
Onions, Charles Talbut Advanced English Syntax, 64n
men. 64, 154
Only Toys! see F. Anstey Order of Jesus (Jesuits) 289
Oriel College (Oxford) 29, 66n, 76n, 154n, 413n
Original Sin 189–90, 222
Originality 28, 141, 183, 207, 267, 321
Orleans, Phillipe de France, Duc d’ 412
Orpheus 122
Orthodox Church 263, 395, 397
Orwell, George 267
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (Drogheda) 292–3, 384, 404
Ovid Pars Estis Pauci, 20– 1
men. 69
Oxford Cathedral 379n
Oxford Crematorium 399–400
Oxford Dante Society 167
Oxford High School 235 Oxford Magazine, The 91, 124, 163, 170, 177n
Oxford Mail 378
Oxford Summer Diversions 75
Oxford Union 37
Oxford Times, The 62–3
Oxford University Dramatic Society (OUDS) 62n, 75
Paganism 13, 114, 116, 119, 175, 188, 189, 356, 397
Pannett, Juliet 421
Papworth, Mr (Lewis’s dog) 95, 122
Paradise 203, 281, 282
Pargny 46
Paris 42, 84, 280
Parkin, Col. Herbert Denis 292
Parnell, Thomas 162
Parson’s Pleasure 37
Parthenon, The 196, 393
Partridge, Sir Bernard 3
Pasley, (Sir) Rodney 51, 54, 57
Pastor Pastorum 165
Patmore, Coventry The Angel in the House, 105–6, 107
Patroklos 26
Paul, St Ephesians, 258
men. 116, 142, 416
Paul VI, Pope 264–5
Paxford, Alice Sophia 121n
Paxford, Frederick ‘Fred’ 121–2, 123, 241, 244–5, 255, 326, 340, 341, 342, 382, 392, 429
Peacock, Thomas Love Misfortunes of Elphin, 371
men. 66
Pearson’s 9
Pelagius 190
Pelham Downs Camp (Ludgershall) 47
Pelleas, Sir 371
Pellinore, Sir 371
Pembroke College (Cambridge) 355n
Pembroke College (Oxford) 177, 220
Penelope, Sister (A Religious of C.S.M.V.) Meditation of a Caterpillar, 187n
Wood for the Trees, 187n
men. 187–8, 198, 221, 235–6, 243–4, 247, 284, 285, 332, 345, 384, 419, 429–30
Pepys, Samuel 363n, 412
Peto, Michael 385
Petronius 161
Phaistos 396
Philosophy 70–1, 73–4, 76, 81n, 86, 100, 152
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 92n, 162n
Pierce, Claude 334, 337, 338
Pierce, Renée 334–5, 336–7, 338, 348
Pisa 396
Pitt, Valerie 274
Pitt, William 178
Pitter, Ruth First Poems, 160n
A Mad Woman’s Garland, 160n
Poems, 160n
Pitter on Cats, 160n
A Trophy of Arms, 160n
men. 159–60, 292, 338, 419
Pius XII, Pope 293n
Plato Republic, 325
Symposium, 109
men. 86, 136, 276
Platonism 356
Plotz, Dick 172
Plymouth Brethren 119
Pocock, Guy 84
Poe, Edgar Allan 206
Poetic Diction 372
Politian see Poliziano Poliziano, Angelo 212
Pontifical Council for the Family 349
Poor Servants of Divine Providence 2
93n, 294
Pope, Alexander 148, 162
Pornography 160
Potter, Beatrice Peter Rabbit, 301
Samuel Whiskers, 301
Squirrel Nutkin, 3, 6
men. 170, 322
Pound, Ezra 82n, 84, 260
Powell, Dilys 84
Powell, Frederick York Powell (with G.Vigfússon) Corpus Poeticum Boreale, 22
Poynton, Arthur Blackburne 50, 51, 74
Prentki, Tim Francis Warner, 391n
Pre –
Raphaelites, The 76
Presbyterian Church 17, 242, 253, 334
Preseau 41
Price, Cormell 78
Pride 105
Princeton University 74n
Prinknash Abbey 127n, 253
Procrustes 253
Prodigal Son, The 102 Prose Edda 22
Protestants 294, 295, 334n, 397
Protestant Evangelicals 222, 295
Proust, Marcel 370
Prudentius (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens) Liber Cathemerinon, 281
men. 135
Pseudo Apuleius Asclepius, 185
Psalms, The 82n, 177, 281, 304, 364, 389–90, 418, 419
Psyche 321, 351–9
Psychoanalysis 70n, 85, 287, 334n
Psychotherapy 409
Punch 3
Purgatory 424–6, 430
Puritanism 119
Pursglove, Glyn Francis Warner, 391n
Pusey House (Oxford) 154
Quakers 119
Queen’s College, The (Oxford) 146n, 164n, 166n, 173, 376n
Queen’s University (Belfast) xxi, 74n, 76n, 177
Queenstown (Co. Cork) xxi
Quennel, William Eyre Hamilton 20
Quiller-Couch, A. T. 84–5
Rabelais, François 211
Rachel xxi
Racine, Jean 83, 368
Rackham, Arthur 14, 15
Radcliffe Infirmary, The 166n, 171, 399
Radio Times, The 214
Radley College 155n
Raine, Kathleen 84, 415
Rakestraw, Dr Carolina 387–9
Raleigh, Sir Walter 64
Ramsey, A.M. The Resurrection of Christ, 220
Ransome, Arthur 308, 326
Rationalism 85, 93
Raven, C.E. 289
Rawlence, A.G. 43
Rayner, Karl 267
Reason 161, 267, 273, 287, 290
Reformation, The 351, 424–5
Refrigerium 280–1, 282
Renault, Mary The Bull from the Sea; The King Must Die, 372
Reporter, The (Cambridge) 364–5
Repton School 37
Responsions (Oxford University) 30, 36, 49
Restholme 332, 346
Resurrection, The 267, 324
Reveille 48
Revised Psalter, The 390
Reynolds, Barbara 193n, 215, 299
Rhodes 392, 394–5, 397
Rice-Oxley, Leonard 182
Richards, I.A. Principles of Literary Criticism, 140
Science and Poetry, 140– 1
men. 148
Riddell Memorial Lectures 276–7
Ridler, Anne 166n
Rieu, Emile Victor 372
Riez du Vinage 42–3
Rifle Brigade, The 37n, 39 Ring of the Nibelung see Richard Wagner
Roanoke College 295n
Robinson, Rt. Rev. J.A.T. Honest to God, 421–4
Redating of the New Testament, 421n
Roland, The Song of 27
Rolph, C.H. (ed) Trial of Lady Chatterley, 421, 435
Romanes, George John 431n
Romanes Lecture, The 431
Romanticism 28–9
Romantic Movement 71
Romantic Theology 136n, 137
Rome xix, xxi, 9, 139, 154n, 306
Romsey Abbey 134
Ros, Amanda McKittrick Irene Iddlesleigh; Poems of Puncture, 174
Ross, Alec 428
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 91
Rostrevor 337
Rowlings, J.K. 328
Rowse, Alfred Leslie 81, 432
Royal 9
Royal Air Force 168, 242–4, 250–2, 253, 255
Royal Army Medical Corps 70n
Royal Army Service Corps see Army Service Corps
Royal Corps of Signals 29n
Royal Field Artillery 100n, 341n
Royal Flying Corps 59n
Royal Fort Hotel (Rathmullan) 386, 391
Royal Magazine, The 12
Royal Military College (Sandhurst) 22, 62n
Royal Naval College (Dartmouth) 62n
Royal Navy xix, 242n
Royal Society of Literature Report, 218n, 431
Royal University of Ireland see Queen’s University (Belfast)
Rugby 413n
Rundstedt, General Gerd von 226
Ruskin, John 26
Sackville, Thomas see Thomas Norton
Sadism 161
Sadler, Sir Michael Ernest 71, 73
Sagas 65, 82m 88–9, 92–3
St Aldate’s Church (Oxford) 271n
St Anne’s Church (London) 348
St Anne’s College (Oxford) 271n, 354n
St Bartholomew’s Hospital (London) 20n
St Benedict’s Al Monte(Verona) 293n
St Catharine’s College (Cambridge) 391, 412
St Catherine’s College (Oxford) 64n, 378n, 379
St Cross Church (Oxford) 172
St Edmund Hall (Oxford) 24n
St Hilda’s College (Oxford) 342
St Hugh’s College (Oxford) 63, 289n
St John the Divine, Cathedral of (New York) 337
St John’s Church (Watford) 119
St John’s College (Oxford) 50n, 70, 151n, 167, 242n
St Jude on the Hill (London) 259
St Jude’s Gazette 259
St Leger, Warham ‘False Gallop of Analogies,’ 326
St Mark’s Church, Dundela xix –
xxii, 31, 132n, 134
St Mary Magdalen Church (Oxford) 428
St Mary the Virgin, University Church of (Oxford) 218–19, 244–6, 286–7
St Paul’s Cathedral 218n, 240n, 242, 389
St Peter’s College (Oxford) 391n
St Philip’s School (Birmingham) 62n
Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman History of English Literature, 63–4
Salisbury, fourth Marquess of 291
Salisbury Plain 87
Sambourne, Edwin Linley 3
Sampson, Ashley ‘The Crusading Intellect,’ 286–7
Famous English Sermons, 218n
From the Ashes Poems, 218n
Ghost of Mrs Brown, 218n
Wolsey, 218n
men. 218, 219–20, 236
San Zeno Orphanage (Verona) 293n
Sandeman, Austin 71
Sandhurst see Royal Military College
Sargent, Paul 377
Sartre, Jean-Paul 273
Sassoon, Siegfried 48
Satan (Devil or Lucifer) xx, 105, 191, 192, 193–4, 199, 200, 201, 222, 229–32, 254, 287
Saturday Evening Post, The 407, 430–1
Saturn 16, 185
Satyrs 21
Sayer, George Jack, 160n, 170, 374, 375–6, 428– 9
men. 131–2, 175, 311, 375, 417
Sayers, Dorothy L. The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers, Vol. III, 211, 263
The Man Born to be King, 193n
The Mind of the Maker, 193n
Whose Body?, 193n
men. 193, 285, 293, 348, 378, 381
Schliemann, Heinrich 393
School Certificates 70
Science 272
Scot, Reginald Discoverie of Witchcraft, 306
Scotsman 48
Scott, Sir Walter 150, 159, 178, 350
Scriblerus Club 162
Scrutiny 141, 142, 409
Seafarer, The 63
Seaton, Ethel 182
Selly Oak College (Birmingham) 242n
Selwyn College (Cambridge) 392
> Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 209
Seymour, William W. History of the Rifle Brigade, 46n
Shadowlands (Plato’s) 325
Shakespeare, William As You Like It, 73
Hamlet, 86, 100, 182
King Lear, 64
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 124, 158
Tempest, 4
Winter’s Tale, 114
men. 16, 28, 124, 147, 151, 178, 350
Shanghai 87, 92
Shelburne, Mary Willis 239, 296, 414–15, 417, 427
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 3, 95
Sherlock Holmes 9, 175, 302, 313, 371
Shmeruk, Chone 414
Sidney, Sir Philip 28
Sidney Sussex College (Cambridge) 240n
Sidonius Apollinaris 175n
Sienkiewicz, Henryk Quo Vadis?, 9
Siegfried 14–15, 127
Sieglinde 23
Silenus 322
Simon Magus 54
Sisam, Kenneth 135
Sleeping Beauty, The 303
Smith, David Nichol 64, 305
Smith, G.D. 255
Smith, Harry Wakelyn (‘Smewgy’) 20–1, 51
Smith, John Alexander 154, 155, 156
Smith, Lyn (ed) Swann’s Way, 434
Smithers, Geoffrey Victor Early English Verse and Prose (with J.A.W.Bennett and N. Davis); Havelok; Kyng Alisaunder, men. 340–1, 342, 343
Smollett, Tobias George 159
Society of St John the Evangelist 235
Socratic Club, The Oxford University 15, 24n, 166n, 167, 209, 271–7, 289–91 Socratic Digest, The 271–2, Somerset Light Infantry 40–4
Somerville, Martin Ashworth 37, 38
Somerville College (Oxford) 193n, 271, 272, 289, 369
Somnium Scipionis 186
Soper, David Wesley (ed) These Found the Way, 334n
Sophocles 51, 63, 83
Soundbox, The 15
South Africa 62n
Sparrow, John Hanbury Angus 86–7
Speaight, Robert 259
Spectator, The 283, 289, 410
Spenser, Sir Edmund The Faerie Queene, 26, 60n, 138, 370, 412, 418
men. 51, 69, 135, 148
Spirit of the Age 257
Spiritualism 70n
Staples, Rt. Hon. John xix
Stapleton, Olaf Last and First Men, 186, 198, 204
Star Gazer, 204
men. 211
Statius 369
Steiner, Rudolf 29n, 59n, 87n
Stein, Gertrude 84
Sthenno 213
Stephen, St 429
Stephen, Henry 96n
Stephens, James 3, 51
Sterne, Laurence Tristram Shandy, 25, 6, 94, 109
Stesichorus Palinodia, 357
Stevens, Courtney Edward ‘Tom Brown’ Sidonius Apollinaris, 175n
men. 175
Stevens, J.E. 369
Stevenson, Robert Louis Wrong Box, 364
men. 150, 371
Stevenson, Victoria Clover Magic; Magic Broom; Magic Footstool, 309n
Stock, Thomas 153
Stonehenge 75
Stopes, Marie 388
Strand Magazine, The 3, 9, 301, 302
C. S. Lewis Page 60