Mate of Two Vampires

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by Dakota Dawn

  Vamp Mates 3

  Mate of Two Vampires

  Pierce Linden is dead to his family. Being transgender and gay in a small town has made Pierce an outcast. Not able to find a partner, he focuses on his spice business. As he works alone, Pierce longs for a family to love.

  Things change dramatically when Pierce’s business draws the attention of a killer as well as two vampires.

  Needing to see Pierce, the alluring voiced spice grower Darrin McLauchlan does business with, he drives over to Pierce’s place. Darrin arrives to see a charred home and a blood trail that leads to Pierce. One whiff of the beaten man has Darrin’s possessive side rearing up and his fangs coming out.

  Being a young vampire, Darrin mists Pierce to the wrong room and right to Zotikos Vaughter, a vampire who’s more than happy to find his mates. Zotikos immediately takes over and mists his mates home to bond with them.

  Zotikos lets the beast in him free when he finds out someone is trying to kill his mates. Will he be able to save them?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 56,184 words


  Vamp Mates 3

  Dakota Dawn



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Dakota Dawn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-297-2

  First E-book Publication: August 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  If you have purchased this copy of Mate of Two Vampires by Dakota Dawn from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Dakota Dawn’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Dawn’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my husband and children for all their crazy support. Thanks belong to Kara for reminding me to add more detail. Love you guys!

  And to all the people who love a juicy vampire story—I’m with ya!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author


  Vamp Mates 3


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Pierce Linden snipped another aged leaf from the plant he was supposed to be focusing on. Each minute that passed was getting harder to pay attention to his job. A job he normally loved.

  It was all Darrin’s fault.

  He shivered as he moved to the next plant and started tending it. The man had been calling in regular orders for the last nine months. He’d lost his phone for a few hours the first time the man had called and Darrin had left a message.

  The man’s sexy-as-sin voice had been like a shot of adrenaline, lust, and dark passion to his groin. No other man had ever had that effect on him.

  If he wasn’t such a freak, he’d have made a personal delivery of the herbs and spices Darrin ordered just to meet the man. One bad beating and two rude responses to him showing a man attention had taught him that quite a few men didn’t like transgenders at all. No permanent physical damage had been done, but he’d learned he was a freak. People don’t like freaks. All the citizens of the small town he’d grown up in had proven that. The town he lived close to now was no better.

  Looking at his inherited property, he was proud of all he’d accomplished since a distant great uncle had passed away and left it to him. He may not be fit to date, but he sure as hell knew how to grow and run an herb-and-spice company. The ten acres he’d inherited seven years ago were perfect. There was room to grow the business and the soil was great for plants. Taking a deep breath, he enjoyed the fresh, woodsy air. Yes, this was a great place.

  Speaking of great, Darrin should be calling sometime today. Most likely in the evening. The guy must be too busy to call during the day like the rest of his customers did. Pierce didn’t care. Hearing the man’s voice made his day. Grinning, he acknowledged that Darrin could be an older man with four grown children and a devoted wife.

  That didn’t stop him from masturbating to Darrin’s voice. Sometimes he could do it from memory alone, other times he played the recording he had.

  He looked down at his fit, firm body. Would Darrin think he was strange? There were those who’d think he was nothing more than a thirty-four-year-old weirdo. His genitals didn’t match what his mind told him he was. He gladly took supplements like men’s vitamins, calcium chews, protein shakes, and natural spices and herbs that helped him be stronger and feel more like a man.

  The women in his family were naturally flat chested, which helped him out. All he had to do was work out to keep his chest looking manly. Facial hair was something he didn’t worry about at all. Several races didn’t have a lot
of facial or body hair and that didn’t make them less manly.

  A few women had hit on him over the years, all from other cities. The ones he went to in order to get supplies for his business. He chuckled at the thought of how horrified they’d have been if he’d stripped down. His cut, muscular form would have impressed them for sure. The lack of a large penis would’ve had them running and screaming. Although, his clit was extra large and looked like a small cock. It was big enough to be proud of.

  Looking around at all the woods that surrounded his garden from a distance, he felt a pang of loneliness. Most of the time he didn’t mind being alone. Lately, though, he’d begun to wish Darrin was free and gay. A male that didn’t mind being with a transgender man. What were the odds of that happening? Almost zero. It was best he stick to all those dildos he had collected over the years. Although he’d never been with anyone, he was no virgin.

  The thought of Darrin’s sexy voice had him creaming his briefs. As soon as he got off work he was going to get down with two dildos. Now there was a dream. Two hot men fucking him senseless.

  Speaking of dreams, he shivered when he remembered the dream he’d been having for the last year. Mmm. Two vampires making love to him. They caressed and kissed him everywhere and when he was so hot he couldn’t think straight they’d sink their fangs into him and fuck him blind.

  He groaned before taking a calming breath. Vampires weren’t real so his dream could never come true. Their perfect lips had sure felt real. He’d never seen their faces, but he had pictured their lips and the special energy they emitted.

  A crazy part of him wished Darrin was one of the vampires in his dreams. That sexy voice would fit one of his dream men perfectly.

  Shaking the lust off, he tried to once again pay attention to his work. A well-tended plant produced more herbs and spices than an unkempt one. Doing this job gave him a reason to live. All of his products healed people. Because of his gifted green thumb people lived healthier lives. Not everyone on the planet was hateful. Some were even nice and innocent.

  He knew there were places where transgender males and females were accepted. One day he planned on taking a vacation in one of those places. The internet was full of information on the subject. So far, growing his business had stopped him from going.

  Then there was his unnatural desire for Darrin. A man he’d never even met. He was losing it. That was the only feasible answer. Or maybe he was just dog tired of being alone. He’d been by himself since he was eighteen. He sighed, and unbidden, the part of him that longed for a large family to love and be loved by rose to the forefront of his mind. With a little mental effort he put it back in its secret hiding place in his heart. Yep, he needed a vacation. One where his kind were normal. He’d look up places to go right after he masturbated to Darrin’s husky voice.

  Moving on down the row, he snipped leaves and talked to the plants. He wasn’t a crazy loon, he just thought the plants did better when he talked to them. Plus, the plants gave him someone to talk to everyday. Sure, he talked to regular customers all the time. The conversations were short and always about business. He could talk to his plants about anything.

  “Aw. What a lovely plant you are. So robust and aromatic,” he told the next plant he came to. Quickly pruning the damaged leaves, he worked on it and then moved to the next.

  As he admired the plant in front of him a stick snapped. That was strange. The woods around his garden, greenhouse, and home were full of animals, but he usually didn’t hear any of them until later in the evening.

  He got up and looked in the direction he’d heard the sound. Listening closely, he heard a faint curse and the shuffle of feet through the leaves that littered the ground under the trees. It was probably a lost hunter. As long as the man didn’t start shooting in his direction it would be okay. Right now most of the animals weren’t moving anyway.

  When he heard another stick snap, he decided to call out a warning. “Hey, you’re close to my house. Don’t shoot this way.”

  He expected to get a friendly apology. That didn’t happen. Instead, a man came out of the woods and stared at him for a few seconds.

  “Are you lost?” he asked when he didn’t see a gun. He’d never seen a hunter go hunting without a gun or bow and arrows.

  The man blinked a few times and then started chanting. “Must kill…must kill…must kill.”

  “I don’t want any trouble. Go back where you came from,” he called out.

  The man advanced on him as he continued to chant the deadly words.

  Pierce pulled out his pistol that he kept strapped to his thigh and drew it. As he cocked it, he warned, “Get back.”

  The man advanced anyway. When he got within five feet of him, another man came out of the woods and started chanting the same words.

  Fuck, they were on drugs for sure. The one closest to him got within three feet, and he fired. One round to the chest dropped the crazy man. His buddy started running toward him, and Pierce shot him in the head. He was still shaking from shock when three more men stepped out of the woods and headed for him. They were all chanting must kill. Keeping an eye on them, he walked toward his workbench.

  Didn’t they see their dead friends? What kind of drugs were they on? As he scanned the approaching men, he wondered how many bullets he had left, two or three at most. He carried the pistol to warn off animals, not to kill a small herd of humans. That was exactly what he was being forced to do today.

  “Stop if you want to live,” Pierce shouted. The idiots didn’t stop. As they got closer he noticed that their eyes were bloodshot. Oh yeah, they are on something.

  Not giving them a chance, he aimed at the biggest one and fired. A bullet to the man’s heart stopped him. Aiming at the next largest man, he fired. This one went down to his knees and then slowly got up. With blood pouring from his chest, the man advanced. Pierce fired again.



  Two, that’s all the fucking bullets I had left. Putting the gun back in his thigh holster, he picked up a knife from the workbench near him. Throwing the knife at the wounded man, he felt relief when it sank deeply into the big son of a bitch’s neck.

  The man faltered and dropped to his knees. His lips kept forming the words must kill even as he breathed his last breath.

  His last assailant was about his own size. Maybe a few pounds lighter than his own one hundred seventy pounds. That was good. The bad part was that the man was still chanting and he looked insane enough to try to kill him. The guy didn’t even blink an eye as his buddies dropped like flies.

  Sending out a punch, he hoped to end it quickly. The fucker dodged like a pro. The guy also had a hard upper cut to the chin.

  Pierce saw stars as his head snapped back. He fell against the workbench. When the stars disappeared, he found the man choking him. Grabbing a small ceramic pot, he smashed it against the man’s temple. The bastard only loosened his grip for a second and then tightened it again.

  Not about to die before he’d tasted a real cock, Pierce thrust his arms up between the vicious man’s and then forced them out. Satisfaction hummed through his body when he broke free of the man’s grip. He immediately punched the guy in the face. Bodybuilding wasn’t something he did for fun alone. Being quick and tough was part of who he was.

  Turning to his workbench, he quickly looked for some twine or rope to tie the guy up with. The kick to the back of his knee had him falling into the workbench. Pain spread through his leg, pissing him off.

  Picking up a watering can, Pierce smashed it into the guy’s head. The sight of blood made him happy, but only for a second because the chanting man shoved it back in his own face. Blood ran from his right eyebrow and dripped down his face. Throbbing pain beat through his head.

  Fuck, he hated eyebrow injuries. They hurt like a son of a bitch. Using the pain to keep him motivated, Pierce dropped the watering can and punched the man in the mouth two times. The annoying chanting stopped for a minute.

; Before the guy could react, Pierce pulled out his pistol and hit the man in the head with it three times. More blood dripped down his own face. He wiped it away and flinched when he touched the edge of the cut.

  While he looked for something to tie the guy up with, his phone rang. He looked at it and smiled, Darrin. Glancing around at the dead bodies and knocked-out man, he knew right now wasn’t the best time to talk. He longed to hear the man’s husky voice. If he were lucky Darrin would leave him a message. Once things were under control here, he’d call Darrin back.

  Finding some twine, he grabbed it up and headed over to the man crumpled on the ground. Just when he got within kicking range, the man’s eyes opened. A big boot kicked him in the head right where he was already injured. He could feel the skin come apart this time. More blood gushed from the wound, blinding him in his right eye.

  The chanting started again. The guy jumped him. They took a few staggering steps backward and then landed in one of his herb gardens. The crunching of his plants had fury raging under his skin.

  He rolled the man under him and started hitting the idiot with all his strength. The guy grunted and started chanting louder. In a crazy move the man locked his legs around Pierce’s and rolled them until Pierce was the one on bottom and taking all the hits to his face and shoulders.

  Adrenaline pumped through his veins. With a powerful shove, he pushed the guy off him and kicked the man in the stomach as he flew backwards. He heard a cracking noise and figured he may have broken one of the man’s lower ribs.

  The crunching of more of his plants also came to his ears. The bastard was steadily stepping on more of his plants as he walked off the pain. Not wanting the man to totally recover, he jumped up and kicked the guy in the ribs. Once again the sound of cracking ribs carried on the wind.

  That should do it. Who would keep on fighting with broken ribs? The chanting grew louder as the man charged him. The crazed guy stepped on Pierce’s foot and shoved him backwards. Pain radiated through his ankle as he fell backward into his plants. He wished he’d thought to use that move. The small pop that had come from his ankle wasn’t a good sign. It was time to get away from the guy.


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