Remnants of the Gods

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Remnants of the Gods Page 4

by Erich von Daniken


  Professor Fritz Rogowski from the Technical University in Brunswick was the only academic far and wide to want to try and crack this nut of a puzzle. He did indeed find small stone circles here and there in the mountainous terrain of Greece. He looked around for further markers and, lo and behold, in several cases he discovered a second stone circle just within view.17 Rogowski extended the lines of the marker points and—in multiple cases (!)—landed on a cultic site at the end of such a chain. Had the nut been cracked?

  No. The lines in the Greece of antiquity bridged not just mountain ranges but also sea routes. One line of the Delphi–Olympia–Acropolis triangle bridges a 20-kilometer-long track across the sea. The same applies to Dodoni–Sparta. It becomes patently absurd in triangles such as Knossos–Delos–Argos. About 300 kilometers of sea lie between Knossos on Crete and Argos—not bridgeable with the naked eye.18

  The clever academics of our day adhere to the principle of “simple probability,” the “most obvious solutions.” This principle prohibits them from any other way of thinking. They cannot escape from their thought prison, because with the “most obvious solution,” the problem has been dealt with. What else is there to investigate? This method, even if it is declared to be infallible by science, only provides half-answers for any but the most superficial problems. One of these non-solutions which lulls these minds happily to sleep is derived from the knowledge of the mathematicians of Greek antiquity. Euclid lived in the third/fourth century BC and gave lectures in Egypt and Greece. He compiled several textbooks both on the full range of mathematics and on all of geometry, including proportions. Euclid was a contemporary of the philosopher Plato and he, in turn, was intermittently active as a politician. Thus Plato is said to have sat at the feet of Euclid and listened to his discourses on geometry. Is it not obvious that Plato was inspired by the explanations of the mathematical genius Euclid and made use of this geometrical knowledge when he discussed building projects in his capacity as a politician?


  This honorable intellectual approach is worthless because all the sacred sites which come into question existed long before Euclid. Their origins go back far into prehistoric times, even for “ancient Greece.” That applies to the Acropolis, Delos, Mycenae, and Epidaurus as much as to Knossos on Crete. Every place was originally megalithic. (Images 80–85) At best, Euclid was passing on knowledge which was much older than he was himself. That is something which the few academics who study the mathematics of antiquity also know. Professor Neugebauer has compared Platonic geometry with Euclidean, and the latter with the geometry of Egypt and Assur.19 His colleague Professor Jean Richter discovered a geometry in the temple layout in ancient Greece which had long been in existence in pre-Euclidean times.20 The brilliant Greek mathematicians cannot have had anything to do with the geometrical arrangement of the holy sites because these locations were already sacred long before these mathematicians were born. Euclid, Plato, Pythagoras, and Socrates cannot help us further here. But where did this geometrical knowledge come from and why did the “ancient Greeks” arrange their sacred sites in accordance with geometrical patterns and equal distances? Plato—Euclid’s listener—mentions whole series of geometrical connections in chapters seven and eight of his work Timaeus. He knew about the vast distances extending far beyond Greece and therefore warned, “Let no one ignorant of geometry have a say in this matter. Geometry is the knowledge of eternal existence.”21


  The facts are clear to see: precise, applied geometry in the thousands of menhirs near the town of Carnac in Brittany (a2+b2=c2). Precise, applied geometry in the so-called ley lines which run across Europe. Precise, applied geometry not just in Franconia (Germany) but throughout Germany and beyond. Precise, applied geometry over a large territorial network of holy and secular points in Tuscany. Precise, applied geometry both in France and in ancient Britain. As long ago as 1870, the historian Henry Black, a member of the British Archaeological Association in London, declared, “Monuments exist marking grand geometrical lines, lines which cover the whole of the west of Europe, extending beyond Britain to Ireland, the Hebrides, the Shetlands, the Orkneys, right up to the Arctic circle.... [This system] exists in India, China and in the provinces of the east which are all laid out in the same way.”22 Precise geometry over the prehistoric temples in Greece. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. The New Zealander Bruce Cathie, professional pilot and former captain of a DC-8, in two books establishes a giant network of ancient lines which spread across the globe.23, 24 A comparable network of lines also lies over South America. Books have been written about that which no one knows about.25, 26, 27, 28 I myself deal with the subject in Die Steinzeit war ganz anders, p. 249ff. (The Stone Age was quite different).

  We might be able to explain these things if the Stone Age people had somehow and somewhere marked their territories. But this simple explanation does not work. Just try measuring a straight line of 74 kilometers in dense forest overgrown with roots, ferns, and trees—and, moreover, in hilly terrain. In recent centuries, these areas were surveyed from one triangulation point (triangle) to the next; today it is done from the air or with satellites. What resources did the grunting prehistoric humans possess? And why, for heaven’s sake, did our ancestors, who had hardly mutated into Homo sapiens, survey their lands both north and south of the Alps (Tuscany)? A tunnel through the Swiss Alps did not exist at the time, and the Alps were covered in mighty glaciers. Why did the prehistoric Greeks practice the identical surveying skills in their mountainous land and over maritime distances of 300 kilometers? Why the planning games with geometry also on the remote British islands?

  It is time to prick up our ears. Who is responsible for the geometric grid over our countries? Who surveyed the earth millennia ago? That even includes a survey of Antarctica. We know about it from the charts of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis. In 1513, he had created a new chart from more ancient ones he had found in Alexandria, and the coastline of Antarctica has clearly been included on it, including all the offshore islands. An Antarctic, remember, which did not exist at the time of Piri Reis because Antarctica, still covered in ice today, was unknown in 1513. (There is a more detailed explanation in Im Namen von Zeus.29)


  I am aware that this whole business of incomprehensible geometric facts is wearing on the nerves. It sounds somehow exotic, far-fetched; our reason refuses to accept what is clearly there. Our thinking shuts down in the face of the prehistoric land survey. We know that there was never a “megalithic people,” that a “worldwide kingdom” never existed, that our “Stone Agers” did not maintain contact with one another over thousands of kilometers, that there were no global means of transport. And yet these facts undeniably lie right in front of our eyes. In order to come to grips with this incredible reality, we first have to jettison all preconceptions, be they from politics, religion, or science. Our scientific thinking keeps to scientific rules that the British statesman Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626) formulated almost 400 years ago. Francis Bacon was a controversial and combative figure. He was considered conceited, well-read, boundlessly ambitious, and, for good measure, devoid of feelings. He was—rightly—annoyed by the un-scientific attitudes and superstitions of his time. Hence in his work Novum Organum, he demanded experiments that could be replicated at any time. Knowledge was a way to achieve power, for Francis Bacon. (“Knowledge is power.”) On the path to knowledge, all illusions (so-called idols) had to be avoided. The whole of science still keeps to this maxim today. It has brought us magnificent results, but at the same time ensured that numerous subject have never been tackled at all.

  Then, in 1975, philosopher of science Professor Paul Feyerabend, who taught at the University of California, Berkeley, for a long time, published his “anything goes” approach.30 His hypothesis contradicted the idea of a continuous process of finding scientific truth as had been demanded by Francis Bacon. Feyerabend postulated that a scientific method could only produce t
he result permitted by that method. In fact, many scientific innovations occurred precisely through not observing methodological rules but by breaking them. We need both: Francis Bacon and Paul Feyerabend.

  The fact that huge swathes of land were surveyed in prehistoric times calls for the thinking of a Paul Feyerabend. Our logic continues to be puny; we do not dare to lift our gaze beyond our own navels. We are basically in the process of waking up and are laboriously keeping our eyes shut. It is high time to investigate the motives that lie behind the surveyed facts of our prehistory. And to do so without any restrictions. “Anything goes!”31


  Who did the survey work millennia ago? Why? By what means? Here are a bunch of off-the-cuff thoughts:

  • Feng shui, the Chinese teaching of magnetic fields?

  • Electrostatic fields?

  • Magnetism?

  • Infrared? Ultrasound?

  • Microwaves?

  • Cosmic radiation?

  • Ant or termite mounds?

  • Geomancy?

  • Old paths?

  • Mineral or water veins?


  • Border markings?

  • Gaia? (The earth as a living being, wherein the lines are its veins.)32

  • A grid to control and influence human beings?

  Nothing seems to fit. The magnetic fields of feng shui do not just run in straight and rectangular lines, but also in curves. The same applies to mineral and water veins and all the other types of field. Border markings across thousands of kilometers and across the sea do not fit with the “Stone Agers.” They would, in any case, have run their borders along water courses. Ants and termites do not build their nests along straight lines either. Now it is undisputed that the survey points in Greece are definitively older than Euclid and Plato. The “Stone Agers” which we learned about in school are ruled out in any case. They simply were not globally active.

  Perplexity is the word for “bewildered,” “poleaxed.” Perplexity sets in when thinking has reached a dead end. What are we to do? What happens next? Who, for heaven’s sake, surveyed ancient Greece x-thousand years ago? Negating facts is unscientific in the profoundest sense of the word.

  Plato expressly notes in his book Timaeus (Chapters 7 and 8) that these geometric relationships were based on accounts several thousands of years old. From whom? The ancient Chinese report that at the time of the Emperor Fuk Hi “a monster with the body of a horse and the head of a dragon” had appeared out of the waters of the Meng Ho River.33 The speaking monster carried large diagrams of the cosmos and the earth on its back. Something similar is reported by the Babylonian priest Berossus (c. 350 BC) in his Babylonica. A being called “Oannes” had risen from the waters of the Erythraean Sea (today known as the Arabian Sea) and had instructed human beings in all things, including how to survey land. The same teacher is called Yma in the holy book of the Parsees, the Avesta.34 Even the God of the Old Testament explains to the patient prophet Job, “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?...Who has laid the measures there-of?...Who hath stretched the line upon it?” (Job 38: 4–5)

  We people of today survey the earth for quite practical purposes. How far is point A from point B? How long does it take to get there? Air routes would be impossible without a global system of coordinates. Were there flyers in antiquity, far superior to the ordinary people? A stupid idea? Almost 30 years ago, Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanjilal, professor at the Sanskrit College in Calcutta, underpinned precisely this hypothesis with a thorough analysis.35 (I was permitted to reproduce a section of his work on flying machines in ancient India in a previous book.36) Kanjilal provides evidence for everything he writes from the correct sources. It can be checked by every expert. A short extract follows:

  The Rigveda contains well-known hymns which are addressed to the divine “Ashvin” twins, the “Rbhus,” and other gods. These hymns contain the first indications of vehicles which were capable of flying through the air with living beings on board. These flying vehicles are described in the Rigveda as “Rathas.” The word can be translated analogously as “vehicles” or “chariots.” The “Rbhus” built a flying chariot for the “Ashvin” twins who were considered to be the physicians among the gods. This flying chariot was extremely comfortable. It was possible to fly everywhere with it, even above the highest cloud layers and into the “heavens” (firmament). The hymns mention that this flying chariot was faster than thought. At least three persons were required to operate it.... The heavenly war chariot as described was fuelled with liquids which cannot be correctly translated today. The words “madhu” and “anna” come closest in meaning to “honey” and “liquid.” The chariot moved through the sky with greater ease than a bird, swept up toward the sun and even as far as the moon, and landed on earth with a great noise... When the vehicle came down from the clouds great crowds gathered on the ground to watch the landing....37

  Without precise maps, the pilots of such flying machines would not have known where on earth their favorites or their enemies were located. Even the legendary King Solomon possessed a “chariot which traveled through the air and which he had made in accordance with the wisdom lent him by God.”38 If we read the most ancient Ethiopian account, the Kebra Nagast, then Solomon “covered a distance of three months in one day on his flying machine, without sickness and suffering, without hunger and thirst, without sweat and exhaustion.”39 Hardly surprising that such a skilled pilot had to possess excellent aerial charts. Arabia’s most important geographer and encyclopaedist, Al-Mas’udi (895–956) wrote in his Histories that Solomon had owned maps which showed “the heavenly bodies, the stars, the earth with its continents and oceans, the inhabited regions, its plants and animals and many other amazing things.”40


  The finding that at least large parts of our earth had already been surveyed in prehistoric times is clearly verifiable. By whom? Why? Nowadays we not only survey the whole planet with satellites, determine the heights of mountains and depths of the oceans, but small surfaces such as a finger tip or face can also be registered. A grid made up of squares is laid over the face despite the irregularities of nose and eyes. They can be enlarged or reduced, and every detail in the corresponding square can be called up. Reassembled, we have the whole face again. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World41 has become reality thanks to this technology of grid squares. Surveillance cameras observe crowds in railway stations, streets, stadiums, or at passport control. Every face is recorded by the camera and disassembled into small squares by a computer in seconds. If all the details fit with the image of a wanted person, there is a direct hit. The authorities now know the location of the person concerned.

  The things we can do today, the things we will be able to do the day after tomorrow, was already old hat for the gods millennia ago. They operated Aldous Huxley’s surveillance system to perfection. Precise maps were essential when they flew on earth—and grid squares for keeping an eye on their creatures. I suspect the system is still working today. As recently as 25 years ago, the radio astronomer Professor Ronald Bracewell of Stanford University, developed his hypothesis of “super galactic communities.” This club only admits mature societies; all the others are monitored.42 And his colleague, Professor James Deardorff, went one disturbing step further with his “zoo hypothesis.”43 According to this idea, the earth is viewed by the extraterrestrials as a refuge, a kind of “zoological garden.” The prerequisite for the proper working of a zoo is the goodwill of the keepers and the zoo visitors. Thus visitors are prohibited from destroying the nesting sites of rare birds, feeding live dogs to crocodiles, provoking lions, or stealing poisonous snakes. All the visitors to the zoo must observe the rules. The animals are exclusively for looking at and, for the study of their development. The keepers for their part maintain a very close watch that the rules are observed and they know, of course, which species among the animals possesses greater intelligence than the rest: human beings. The keepers also know that it is
only a matter of time before human beings have developed the technologies to break out of their zoo. Should they be allowed to do that? Are human beings perhaps a danger to keepers and zoo visitors? Is humanity being monitored, from millennia ago to the present day?

  This thought might appear totally fanciful at first sight. We, the crowning glory of creation, the apex of evolution, nothing more than the most advanced apes in a global zoo? It is worth considering something which appears as completely ridiculous as that, as the following example shows.

  On March 24, 1967, First Lieutenant Robert Salas of the U.S. Air Force was on duty at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. A message came through that an elliptical, red object was hovering over the Oscar Flight control center. The Oscar Flight control center is not any old Air Force base, but a top-secret site because that is where intercontinental missiles mounted with nuclear warheads are kept in underground silos. While First Lieutenant Salas phoned the base commander, “the warning lights for the missiles went out one after the other on the status console, which meant that the missiles were deactivated.”44 Not a single missile could be started any longer; all had dropped off. And this happened while the missiles were 18 meters underground in their silos, and each missile was 1.5 kilometers away from the next one. Moreover, each silo had its own independent power supply and control and switching circuits. The same thing had already happened a week previously on the morning of March 16, 1967, at the Echo Flight base 45 kilometers away. A total of 20 intercontinental missiles had been immobilized.


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