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Family Secrets: Books 5-8

Page 69

by Virginia Kantra

  Honeys gut tightened as she drove. Squeezing, spasming, until she thought she might be sick. There would be an ignominious end to her short-lived career as a super-spy. Hi, Hatch, she thought, excuse me while I vomit. She had to get a grip.

  She pulled over to the curb three blocks from the Marriott. Her heart was thrumming. Im scared.

  Ah, Honey, damn it. He reached for her.

  She let herself lean her forehead against his shoulder for just a second. Then he spoke again, and she knew without a doubt that she really did love him.

  Go in there and kick some ass. Thats what youre made of.

  His words sank into her as deep as her soul. Honey straightened and drew in breath. As you enter the lounge, the curving hem of the bar is right there by the door. Then it sweeps down the entire room. Try to get a seat as close to the door end as you can. In case they had to make a quick getaway, she thought. She wanted him covering her from there. Im thinking Ha She broke off again and restarted. Im thinking this guy will probably get us a table. He doesnt strike me as the sit-at-the-bar type, but I could be wrong.

  Max got out of the Jeep then leaned back in through the window. By the way, when were done here, Im driving home. And on all occasions thereafter.

  She started to take exception to the fact that he seemed to be disparaging her driving, but she didnt have the chance. He started off down the street.

  Honey looked at the dashboard clock. It was six on the dot. If she was going to be fashionably late, she had to move now.

  She reached the Marriott and left the Jeep with the valet. She strolled inside to the lounge and suddenly everything within her was calm again. She thought of the man yesterday who had let a gun fall out of his pocket. She thought of poor Jakes shaky memory, which had lost whole years of his life. Of people who would grab and hurt the wrong brotherZachmaybe out of stupidity, maybe out of malice. She considered that they might hurt Marcus, and while she was still mildly ticked off at him, shed die herself before shed let that happen.

  Somehow she knew Hatch the moment she stepped into the lounge. Theirs had been entirely a telephone acquaintance. Shed never crossed paths with him while he was still active because the CIA wasnt quartered in the White House. If hed ever visited there, which he surely had done, the man would have had no call to visit the telephone operators. But shed built up an image of him in her mind, and when he stood from a table she knew immediately that she had been right on target. He wasnt tall, but compact and solid. His hair was close-cropped and decidedly gray. No Grecian Formula for this dude, Honey thought. She wasnt quite as appreciative of his wardrobe. His khakis could have rivaled a road map of New York, and the edge of his polo shirts collar was slightly frayed.

  Life must begin at sixty. He took her outstretched hand when she reached him.

  Honey cocked her head coquettishly. I was thinking more like twenty-three. May I? She leaned forward quickly and brushed a kiss over his cheek. I dont speak to many men twice a week for six months. This seems to require more than a handshake.

  She expected a blush or something along those lines. But then she realized that this man wouldnt be caught off guard easily. Ah, a heartbreaker, Hatch said equably.

  Honey grinned. If youve heard that, then Ive been terribly maligned.

  Have a seat, he urged. Please.

  Honey slid onto a chair. She wondered if Max was here yet. She looked into Hatchs eyes. There was nothing doddering, senile or lonely about them. They were bottle-green and they looked as if they could cut glass. He was going to smell a lie a mile off, she realized.

  A waitress came. Hatch looked at Honey questioningly, letting her order first. Old school, Honey thought. She liked that. Damn it, she didnt want to like him until she knew. She decided on something potent that she would sip slowly. She didnt dare order anything non-alcoholic, because Hatch would wonder why she had suggested cocktails if she didnt want a drink. By the same token, if she drank wine, she knew from past experience that she could knock back a whole glass without even thinking about it.

  Remy, she said.

  Two, Hatch agreed. But a side of milk for me.

  Then the waitress was gone and Honey felt the full focus of those green eyes. She decided to play this by what her gut was telling her. To do what she did best. She would veer off the conversation a bit then come back to it. She would make him wonder if she had any intent here at all. Word has it that you kept a strawberry plant alive in your office against almost staggering odds. You salvaged it from your wifes garden after she died.

  He looked startled, then pleased. Did you ask about me before we arranged to meet or after, Number Twelve?

  I didnt ask at all. Rumors follow you. The waitress brought their drinks. Honey waited until the glasses were on the table, then she leaned forward. Want to hear what else I know about you?

  By all means. The way he smiled told her he was enjoying himself.

  You were with the CIA, but I never heard which branch and Im good at getting people to talk. Ive also been hanging around the White House for a few years now and I know that means that whatever you did with the CIA, it was a top-secret section. Now, to my thinking, a man with any top-secret CIA section is going to know everything there is to possibly know about a woman hes going to meet for cocktails. Am I right or wrong?

  He lifted his drink to his mouth. Drank, put it down, lifted the milk. Drank from that as well, and put that glass down. Ulcers, he said to her in explanation. Then he added, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Honor Elise Evans.

  Honey grinned. I do so love being right.

  Then lets cut to the chase.

  You want my body?

  I might have, thirty years ago.

  I wasnt born yet then.

  Which makes this an even more intriguing occasion.

  Honey sipped the Remy. I like a man who speaks his mind.

  And I like you, Honey.

  Honey, she thought. He didnt miss a trick.

  So Ill tell you what you want to know, he said.

  And that suddenly, that simply, she knew that Matt was safe meeting with this man. It was pure gut, absolute instinct. He had no memory-erasing serum stuck up his sleeve.

  Youre here to give Tynan the go-ahead to talk with me. You would have been on Brunhia together last week. And now, suddenly, you want to meet me.

  Hed known what she was up to all along, Honey thought. Then she met those sharp green eyes with what she hoped was a knife-edged look of her own blue ones. I damned well want to know why Im doing this.

  For Mr. Tynan? Hatch asked.

  Hell, no. He already knows whats going on. For me.

  Hatch laughed again. Yes, hed keep this close to his vest.

  Thats putting it mildly.

  Im sorry I wasnt more of a challenge for you, Hatch said.

  Not necessarily. Youre not talking yet.

  This laugh was deep, true. I like you, Honor.

  Terrific. Then lets get married and run away to Lacrosse, Kansas.

  It would be my pleasure. B
ut youve already got a man.

  Honey reared back in her seat. Damn, youre good. She wondered for a wild moment if he knew about the rat-tat-tat-bam-bam-bam business and her rose-garden issue, too.

  And, of course, Im going nowhere until Ive ruined Willard Croft, he continued.

  She tried not to react, but she knew she did. Maybe the average man wouldnt pick up on it, but this one would. I dont know who Willard Croft is.

  Hatch studied her for a moment, then he nodded. Hes behind the Coalition.

  Them Ive heard of.

  He was watching her thoughtfully. People truly underestimate you, dont they?

  She thought again of her revelation on Brunhia, that maybe shed brought that upon herself. Im going to fix that now.

  He nodded. Tell Mr. Tynan that I am merely retired after a long fight, but I am neither senile nor old.

  Well, I can vouch for that.

  Not much goes on yet that I dont know about.

  The Pres does regularly take your calls.

  Its come to my attention that Mr. Tynan has been asking many questions about Code Proteus.

  Proteus. The name that had appeared in all those newspaper articles, she thought. Im going to take a wild leap here, she said. Im going to sort of think aloud.

  Id be delighted.

  She wanted to smile but she sipped her Remy instead. The government did this to my brother. To Jake and to Gretchen and whoever Faith is, right? I heard them mention someone named Faith. The government started it byby creating them.


  But they wouldnt do such an outrageous thing in the sixties right aboveboard where everyone could see.


  So Code Proteus was part of your deal. The CIA.

  Right and wrong.

  She wanted to be angry, but all she could do was look at him pleadingly. Please. I just need someone to finally be honest with me here.

  They sent you in like a lamb to slaughter, Hatch mused aloud. Didnt they?

  No. They just underestimated both of us.

  He smiled at that. Code Proteus was never my section. But yes, they were part of the CIA. And yes, they are behind the very existence of your brother and your friends.

  What happened?

  It fell apart largely because of the consciences of integral people. They died for it.

  Her heart skipped. Mom and Pop Test Tube?

  His mouth quirked. Willard Croft was involved as well. When Code Proteus fell apart, I believe he continued on in a less-than-government-authorized way.

  The Coalition.

  Hatch nodded. Tell your friend Tynan that I have been watching the horizon for many years now, waiting for Croft to surface. I have been paying attention. Tell him I may have information that could prove useful to him about Crofts whereabouts.

  Honey sat back. I will.

  And alas, I think that ends our meeting. Your young man is waiting for you. He nodded at the bar.

  Honey looked over her shoulder to see Max. She glanced back at Hatch. I guess Im pretty damned lucky you didnt turn out to be on Crofts side.

  Yes, he said. You are.

  She started to stand, then she hesitated. Id like to do this again sometime. For no ulterior motive whatsoever. I want to find out what happened to that strawberry plant.

  Then Ill tell you. He reached for her hand across the table. And I will also tell you this. Regardless of the fact that my Tuesdays and Thursdays will now be bleaker, I am very glad you resigned your position. You can do more, Honey, much more than answer phones.

  Her heart soared. Thanks. Im going to have to break some chains first, though.

  He nodded. I know.

  She wondered if there was anything he didnt know, then she got up to go to Max.


  H oney felt giddy with relief and happiness when she tucked her arm through Maxs at the lounge door. It went fine.

  He was so incredibly glad to feel her again, to touch her again, safe and secure by his side, that he forgot all his questions except one. I dont need to shoot anybody?

  Not tonight. She looked up at him. I want to go home now.

  Where are your keys?

  You didnt mean that part about driving from now on.

  I meant it entirely.

  Then again, she thought, it might be a good idea. Who knew that adrenaline and exhaustion could combine in such a numbing way? She felt suddenly shaky. She reached in her purse for the valet-parking ticket and a tip.

  He was distracted enough by whatever it was that he had just witnessed that he gave the little role of ones back to her and pulled his own billfold from his pocket when the valet came back with her Jeep. Honey stared at the cash he withdrew.

  What the hell? she squeaked.

  Max looked down and realized what he had done. Well talk.

  Thats a safe guess.

  Not now. At home. He didnt want her hitting him while he was driving.

  I have a home, pal. Last I heard, you were a vagabond.

  And I intend to continue to be one for some time to come. He peeled off several ones. He was normally more generous but discretion seemed the better part of valor at the moment. Hungry? he asked.

  Damned right I am. For answers. Suddenly her heart was thudding sickly.

  We can share some over dinner. Share, he thought, being the operative word.

  Ill cook. She grabbed the passenger-door handle and yanked it open before the valet could do it for her.

  You cant cook.

  The hell I cant.

  Name one thing. He went around to the drivers side, glad for the reprieve.


  He got behind the wheel and looked at her. Her arms were crossed over her chest. Wow. You can melt cheese?

  Sure. Throw in some beer, some spices, and youre good to go. She sniffed. It helps if you have one of those electric pots that melts everything for you.

  Do you have one? He drove back onto the street.

  Of course, I have one. The maid has nights off and its the only thing I know how to make.

  Max laughed. God, he loved her.

  That staggered him and filled him with something bright and white and overwhelming. He was going to tell her the truth about himself. And then he was going to marry her. The man from Pittsburgh was going to take a wife.

  Youre taking me home, she said when she realized where he was driving. I thought I just successfully convinced you to take me to a restaurant.

  I had this image of you melting cheese naked.

; That could be arranged.

  Why didnt I doubt it? Youve gotten naked on a beach

  Half-naked, she corrected.

  You stripped down to your bra the first time I met you

  You were bleeding. You needed a tourniquet.

  It wasnt a tourniquet. And we made love last night in a rose garden.

  I had a very big point to make with that.

  I guess you made it.

  She grinned at him, the wad of his money forgotten. So you want me to take my clothes off to make the fondue?

  I wouldnt mind.

  Life, she thought, was good. Then they turned onto her street and she saw a sight that drove every sweet, satisfied cell right out of her blood. Her fathers Rolls. Honey made a gargling sound.

  Max looked at her. Whats wrong?

  Roommates are back, she said shortly.

  He saw the Rolls Royce too. You travel in high places.

  You knew that. Keep driving, she decided.

  No, I want to meet them.

  No, you really dont. She twisted in her seat to look at him. Want to do something really outrageous?

  Define outrageous.

  Keep driving. Weve got the Jeep, Ive got my credit cards, youve got that bulging roll of cash, so lets just run. Now. Right now.

  You want to run without clean underwear?

  I can afford to buy more. And so, from the looks of things, can you.

  That might be the last cash I have to my name.

  Doesnt matter. Ive got my American Express.

  He pulled into the driveway anyway. Honey slid down into her seat and covered her face in her hands. Then she thought of what she had said to Hatch. Break the chains.

  She opened the Jeep door. Brace yourself, pal. This is going to get ugly.


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