Family Secrets: Books 5-8

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Family Secrets: Books 5-8 Page 86

by Virginia Kantra

  Although Hope was healthy and Debbie was doing well, Luke didnt want to dump the baby in her mothers arms and run. The snow was really coming down, but he had four-wheel drive and was accustomed to driving in these conditions. He wanted to rush to Faith and Abby, and he knew theyd be waiting for him when he did go home, no matter what time it might be.

  Stu was in much worse shape than either his wife or his new daughter. He was wound so tight he was about to pop, and he was terrified that something still might go wrong.

  Youre not leaving, are you? Stu asked frantically.

  Not just yet, Luke assured the agitated man.

  Debbies mama was going to come in to help, but with the baby being early and the quarantine keeping everyone out, I dont know what Im going to do. I cant take care of a woman and a baby. Stus eyes were bright with terror. I dont know what to do. Youre going to have to stay.

  Ill be here for a few more hours, Luke said with a smile.

  No, Stu said, shaking his head. Im going to need you for a couple of days.

  Luke laid a hand on the new fathers shoulder. Debbie and the baby and you are all going to be fine. Ill call Mrs. Langston and have her come by in the morning and check on you all.

  Mrs. Langston isnt a doctor!

  No, but she lives about five minutes away and she has seven kids and five grandchildren.

  Stu relaxed visibly. The fear in his eyes dimmed and his fists relaxed. Well, then, I guess shed know what to do.

  Trust me, she will, Luke said.

  Debbie and Hope were both asleep, and Luke was no longer needed. Not for any medical reason, anyway.

  But moments like these were the reason he had turned his back on making a career in a big hospital. He didnt want to run into a delivery room at the last minute, see a baby into the world and then rush out again. He knew these people, he cared for the entire family and he would care for Hope in the years to come.

  Right now Stu was as much his patient as Debbie and the new baby.

  Faith rocked the baby in the old rocking chair by the fire. The chair squeaked just a little, as a suitable rocker should, but did not have the desired effect.

  Abby should have been asleep two hours ago, according to Nelda, but the little girl was wide-awakeand presently trying to climb all over Faith as if she were a play gym.

  Now, Abby, Faith said as the child grabbed her nose and pulled vigorously. You know very well that its past your bedtime. Think of how cranky youll be in the morning if you dont get a good nights sleep.

  She had tried placing Abby in her crib and walking away, after explaining that it was bedtime, but that had not worked at all. The baby had screamed in a way that was ear piercing and very disturbing, until Faith had relented and returned to the room to lift the baby out of the crib. At that point, the screaming had stopped with suspicious suddenness.

  Theyd had a bath right after Abbys meal, and the baby was now cleaned of the remnants of her dinner and dressed in an adorable pink sleeper. Faith had been forced to discard her own clothes. Not wanting to snoop among Neldas or Lukes personal things for clothing, she had visited the laundry room and snagged a long, thick flannel shirt and a pair of too large but lusciously thick white socks. They were both Lukes, without a doubt. Faiths own clothes were in the washing machine, and if Abby ever went to sleep, shed toss them in the dryer while she finally grabbed a bowl of soup from the stove.

  If Abby ever went to sleep.

  You know, Faith said as the baby grabbed a handful of her hair and stood, pulling as she rose, just a few days ago I was certain I wanted a child exactly like you. A messy, stubborn, disobedient child who would rob me of sleep and attack me with pureed food.

  At this, Abby attempted to climb over Faiths head, using long strands of dark hair as her handhold.

  Faith tried to keep a firm hold on the child and not lose any more hair than was necessary. It would be foolish of me to have a baby at this point, especially since the child would have no father figure in her everyday life, and of course raising a child alone would be difficult. Abby giggled and muttered nonsense as Faith repositioned the baby in her lap and very gently rescued her hair from the childs grip.

  And then theres the newly added dilemma that there are apparently demented scientists out there who would love to get their hands on me, Faith said in a calm voice. If Im not safe, and my brother assures me that I am not, then no child of mine would be safe, either. Would it be fair to have a child, not knowing what tomorrow will bring?

  Abby cooed.

  This is strictly confidential, Faith said with a smile. But I believe I can trust you to keep my secrets. You have an honest face.

  Sitting once again, Abby reached up and laid a hand over Faiths cheek. That hand was soft, warm, so incredibly gentle. The smile that went with it was brilliant. Faith sighed. Yes, its true. No matter what the obstacles might be, if I had the chance I would love to have a child just like you.

  Again Faith tried to convince Abby that it was time to go to sleep. The child was obviously tired; she rubbed her eyes and yawned sleepily, and occasionally tugged on one ear. Abby did not take a pacifier, and had finished her bottle a little while ago. Lukes daughter was charming and beautiful, but she would not listen to reason.

  They continued to rock gently, and when Abby finally relaxed, Faith pulled the babys head down to her shoulder. Where it stayed. There now, Faith said softly. Shh. Isnt that better? Abby sighed and her body went limp. Completely trusting, warm and soft and smelling as a baby should, Abby cuddled against Faith.

  Time for night-night, Faith whispered.

  Ni-ni. Abby responded. And then she cooed.

  Faith cooed back. True, the sounds that emanated from her mouth had no meaning, but it felt right to answer in kind. Abby sighed, and Faith shushed the baby with incomprehensible baby talk.

  As they sat there and rocked, Faith muttered nonsense. She jabbered. She made meaningless noises that came to her mouth for no apparent reason. She resorted to gurgling and more baby talk, and Abby responded. Long after Abby fell into a deep sleep, Faith continued to rock and whisper.

  It was late when Luke finally saw the welcoming lights of his own home. The snow had stopped falling awhile ago, but the ground and the roads were covered with the white stuff. It had been a long, slow trip from the McCords back to town.

  Luke opened the garage door and noticed that Neldas car was still gone. Which meant Faith was here. It was after one in the morning, so she was probably sleeping. He hoped shed found her way to his bed.

  After the garage door closed, he entered through the kitchen. The house was warm, inviting as always, and he saw the note on the kitchen table. Soup in the refrigerator. Hope everything went well. Faith.

  Luke stepped into the main room, and there she was. Faith slept on the couch, curled up with an afghan and a pillow, her long hair loose and falling over her white pillow. The lamp on the end table at her feet had been left on. Because she slept in a strange place? Or because she knew he would return in the dark? Faith slept deeply. At the moment the dreams that had plagued her over the past several days were letting her rest. Good. She needed her rest.

  It had been a long day, but Luke was not sleepy. There was a touch of a chill in this room, so he quickly
and as quietly as possible rebuilt the fire. Faith only stirred once.

  As he tended the fire he wonderedshould he wake Faith? Carry her to his bed? Or let her be? It wasnt a difficult decision. Much as he wanted Faith in his bed, he couldnt bear to wake her.

  After he checked on Abby, asleep in her crib, Luke sat in his recliner, lost in shadows, and watched Faith sleep. The firelight flickered, lighting her face clearly for him. Heaven above, she was beautiful, much more beautiful than hed thought her to be when he first met her. More than that, she was passionate, she was smartand no matter what he said or did, she wouldnt stay here.

  Knowing that Faith wouldnt stay, he should dismiss what they had as a casual fling and put anything and everything else out of his mind. They had no future, they had no past. All they had was today.

  The problem was, nothing about his relationship with Faith felt casual to him. Anything more might be difficult. They both liked to be in charge and neither of them took orders well. She had her career; he had his practice and Abby.

  Hed known Faith for a matter of days, but damned if it didnt feel like hed known her all his life. Was it the crisis that drew them together? Faiths biological clock? Or was there something more pulling them toward each other in a way he could not explain?

  Luke dozed off in the chair, his last sight that of Faith, his last conscious thought of her.

  When he opened his eyes, a glance at the clock on the mantel read 3:17 a.m. Faith no longer slept on the couch. She sat at the desk on the opposite side of the room, scribbling furiously on a single sheet of paper.

  For a moment, he didnt move. What a tempting sight she was! Faith wore his favorite flannel shirt and a pair of white socks, but her legs were bare. Long, untended dark hair fell down her back. Luke smiled. She was a vision, sitting at the little desk where Nelda paid the bills and wrote her cousins, wearing his shirt and socks andWas she wearing anything else? Maybe. Maybe not. There was only one way to find out.

  Fully awake, he asked himself another, less pleasant question. What on earth was she doing? The past two nights she had sent him on his way, insisting that she had work to do. Was this it? Did she often work in the middle of the night?

  He stood slowly, and when he did, the chair squeaked. Faith jumped, glanced over her shoulder with wide, surprised eyes and held her breath for a moment. His presence in the room had startled her, but she recovered quickly, and while she continued to stare at him she opened the top drawer of the desk and slipped her nighttime work inside.

  I didnt see you there, she said as she rose slowly to her feet.

  Sorry. I didnt mean to alarm you.

  No, she said quickly. Im glad youre here. The smile she gave him was wicked and arousing. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about you.

  Unlikely, considering the way shed been concentrating on her writings. What are you working on? he asked, nodding toward the drawer.

  Nothing youd be interested in. Faith took a step in his direction. Nothing at all. You and I have better things to talk about than boring calculations and intricate formulas, she whispered.

  Now was as good a time as any to ask her about the way shed kicked him out of her bed and her room the past two nights. He had a feeling it had something to do with her boring calculations and intricate formulas. Faith

  She stopped in the middle of the room, reached beneath the flannel shirt she wore, and slipped her underwear down. She kicked the panties aside and Luke immediately forgot what hed been about to say.

  With each step she took toward him, she unfastened one button of her shirt. His shirt. She was wearing nothing but white socks and flannel and skin, and the flannel wasnt going to last much longer. Every movement was a seduction. The sway of her hips, the workings of her fingers, the smile, the way she tossed her head.

  So why did he get the bone-chilling feeling that this was not the woman he was falling in love with?

  Faith, he began again. We have to talk.

  Well talk later, she said as she reached him. The shirt she wore was now completely unbuttoned, but she hadnt taken it off. It was opened down the front, and swung in a strangely seductive way as she reached for him. Right now I have other plans for you.

  She kissed him, mouth hungry and demanding, and Luke kissed her back. How could he not? Her body pressed against his, her tongue danced and teased. She laid a hand over his erection and stroked gently. You know what I want, she whispered. Here. Now.

  His body said yes, but his brain was not yet convinced. Faith, honey, are you awake?

  She laughed. Of course Im awake.

  You just seemdifferent. He took her face in his hands and looked directly into her eyes.

  I am different, she said in a low, husky voice. I am Faith unleashed. I am Faith without inhibition. She unbuckled his belt. Surely you like this Faith better than the woman who is afraid to look a virile man in the eye and tell him what she wants. A woman who hides behind her work because shes so sure there is nothing else in this wide world for her.

  When she reached for his zipper, he caught her hand and stopped her. He didnt know what she meant by Faith unleashed, and until he didI like my Faith, he said.

  Your Faith? She laughed. There is no your Faith, Luke.

  I thought there was.

  She grabbed his free hand and laid it over her bare stomach. For a few moments she held his hand there, so that his fingers rested over the maddeningly soft skin of her belly.

  Your Faith is a more exceptional woman than you or anyone else will ever know. Shes unique in more ways than you can imagine. Shes strong, stronger than she believes she could ever be. No matter how badly she wants it, she will never be like other women. For a moment, Faith stood very still. Then she raked her fingers over the hand she held to her belly.

  This doesnt make any sense, Luke protested.

  Faith laid her mouth on his throat, kissed and licked. When she was finished, she took her lips from his skin and moaned softly. Cant you feel it? she whispered. Cant you taste it? Her eyes snapped open and she fixed them to his. Your Faith is a woman who cannot be denied, and tonight she wants a child. Your child, Luke.

  No, thats

  This body is ready, she insisted, fertile and wanting. I can feel it tingling, calling out for you, demanding you. You have what I need, Luke.

  He held one of Faiths hands, she held one of his. When she leaned in and kissed him on the mouth, it was with an open yearning he could taste. The unbuttoned shirt hung open, revealing more than it concealed.

  Only you can give me what I need, Faith whispered, what I want, what I must have. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Not now, Luke said, his body ready to answer Faiths earthy demands, but his brain insisting on answers of an entirely different sort. Not until you explain a few things to me.

  She was clearly annoyed. Her eyes drifted open and she pinned her gaze on his face. What do you need to know except that I want you? Isnt that enough?

  If this affair was as casual as shed have him believe, it would certainly be enough. Sex for the sake of sex didnt require understanding. But since he suspected he and Faith had more, or at least the possibility of more, he had to push for answer
s that went beyond what her body and his wanted.

  Its your wife, isnt it? she whispered.

  A chill passed through Lukes body. No.

  Dont lie to me. Her deep blue eyes turned hard as stone for a moment. Ive suspected all along that you still love her. I wanted to ask you about her, a hundred times I wanted to ask, but I couldnt do it. Maybe I was afraid of the answer.

  He couldnt tell Faith, not here and not like this, that part of the guilt he tortured himself with stemmed from the knowledge that he hadnt loved Karen enough. Not for a very long time before her death.

  Were not going to talk about me right now, he said. Were going to talk about you. What do you mean when you say Faith unleashed?

  She smiled. It seems self-explanatory to me. The Faith you know, the woman everyone thinks they know, has hidden her power for years.

  Power? he repeated. A prickle of warning crept up his spine.

  Power, she repeated, licking her lips. Knowledge, yes, on an extraordinary scale, but more than that she has a connection with her body that no one else in the world has ever experienced. She kissed his neck and sucked, teased. Can you tell me how fast your heart races when I lay my mouth on you? she asked when she took her lips from his skin. I can. She licked his neck quickly, with the tip of her tongue.

  Lukes body responded; he leaned forward to answer in kind, but stopped himself before his mouth touched Faiths skin. Something was wrong, he just didnt know what.

  Blood pressure, heart rate, the slightest change in body temperature, she continued. Right now my breasts are swelling slightly, just thinking of the way you will touch them, the way youll feel when you come inside me.

  Dont Luke said hoarsely.

  Faith lifted his hand and placed it on her breast. He allowed his fingers to linger on the soft flesh for a moment, before dropping them to her side.


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