by Rhonda Byrne
It was a great feeling, as I could feel it was a message from the Universe saying, “Keep on doing it, it’s on its way to you!”
I did, and for the next month, nothing happened.
I got discouraged, frustrated, and forgot about it. Obviously, the law of attraction did not work. Well, that’s not what I believed. I believed it did work and I just did not know how to use it. Two and a half months and I couldn’t even attract a thimble? I must not know what I am doing.
Then I went to a magician’s convention in Las Vegas. At the end of the convention, our teacher asked us to sign his guest book and then reach inside his “treasure chest” and take out a little item he had used on the road.
Another magician signed the book and came back. “Look at this rock!” he said. “I’m going to use it as my gratitude rock!”
“Oh, you’ve seen The Secret?” I asked. He said he had. And then it hit me: My red thimble was in that treasure chest. Here was another sign. I went over, signed the guest book, opened up the chest, and right on top was a red thimble. I could not believe it! I searched through the entire box. Not another thimble in there. There was only one, and it was the color I had chosen, red.
Now, just as I told myself when I was wishing for it, I carry that thimble with me everywhere. It’s in my pocket right now. Whenever I feel it, I remind myself that my belief in the law of attraction is in that red thimble. There is no way this was luck or a coincidence; it is because I created it.
I don’t know why it took so long for a little thimble to come to me. I don’t know yet if I completely understand how to use the law of attraction. But every time I touch that red thimble in my pocket, I am a believer. I was not a total believer, but now I am. The law of attraction is real!
– Jason, Michigan, USA
Once you have personally experienced the power of The Secret and truly believe in the law of attraction, you will find that, as you put its practices to work for you, everything in your life will change for the better.
It Will Truly Change Your Life
About a year and a half ago I was living in Los Angeles for a few months with my two little girls (a five-month-old and a five-year-old) while my husband was in South Africa. We were living apart because in South Africa we just couldn’t survive financially anymore, so my husband and I had decided that it would be best if I took the girls to L.A., where I had family to help us for a while. Being apart from my husband and the girls being apart from their dad was traumatic, but I knew we all would survive.
Three different people told me about this movie called The Secret, and how watching it changed their lives. I went online and paid the money to watch the film. After watching it, I realized that I was actually living The Secret. I had been writing in my journal about all the things I was grateful for. I really believed that financially we would be okay, and I knew that we would see my husband again.
I also realized that when my husband and I were in the same place, something was not working, and it was because he was not living The Secret and I was. I knew that I had to get this film to my husband.
I ended up receiving a large sum of money, and I headed back to South Africa. I handed my husband the film and told him that it would change his life. At that point he had been living without his girls, on bread and water. Our dogs were starving, and he couldn’t get a job or pay any of his bills. When I returned to South Africa, I had enough money to pay all the bills and buy good food, and I had the key that changed the life of our entire family.
My husband watched The Secret and fell asleep with it on every night for weeks and weeks. He concentrated on what he actually wanted from life instead of what he didn’t have.
We wrote down on a piece of paper the life that we wanted, including the house we wanted. We cleared our life in South Africa and moved to the life we knew we wanted in Los Angeles. We have exactly the house we envisioned, our older daughter is in the best private school in Los Angeles, and my husband has not stopped working, so we have financial security. Every day of our lives we see miracles happening, miracles that are bigger than we imagined. We can see the perfection in having lived in South Africa and the time we spent apart, but now we can see a future that is glowing with white light. And it has been only a year since my husband watched the film!
The Secret has changed the lives of everyone in my family, and it will continue to do so forever! We all know now that we just have to Ask, Believe, and we will Receive. The more you use the tools, the faster the manifestation happens. IT IS GLORIOUS! And now, by sharing our story, we have helped change many lives around us. Thank you.
– Alex, Los Angeles, California, USA
No matter where you are, no matter how difficult things might appear to be, you are always being moved toward magnificence. Always.
– The Secret Daily Teachings
Keys to the Creative Process
For the law of attraction, nothing is impossible and everything is possible.
Whatever you consistently think about, you will attract into your life.
Ask, Believe, Receive – just three simple steps to create what you want.
Step one of the Creative Process is Ask. To ask, simply get clear in your mind about what you want.
You can be as specific as you want.
Once you have asked, know that what you want is already yours.
Step two of the Creative Process is Believe. Act, speak, and think as if you’ve already received your desire.
To believe, think, talk, and act as though you have what you want now.
How the Universe will bring your desire to you is not your concern or your job.
When you believe, the Universe must move all things for you to receive.
Test the power of The Secret by asking for something small.
Step three of the Creative Process is Receive. When you feel good, you are on the frequency of receiving, and the things you want will come to you.
Ask once, believe you’ve received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.
Change your thoughts now, and you will change your life.
To change our lives, at some point we have to decide that, rather than suffer anymore, we are going to live in happiness. And one way we can do that is to make the decision to look for things to appreciate, no matter what.
– The Secret Daily Teachings
How I Used The Secret for Happiness
Happiness comes from giving your full attention to thoughts that make you feel happy and ignoring thoughts that don’t make you feel happy.
Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts and change your life to one that is filled with happiness. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. When you give your attention to thoughts that make you feel happy, not only will you be happy, but every single circumstance in your life will begin to change for the better!
Simply put, your current life is the result of the thoughts you have been thinking, and for that reason, your entire life will change as you begin to change your thoughts and feelings. No one knows the truth of this better than Tracy, in our next story.
Like so many others, I was an abused and unwanted child. Suicide, eating disorders, and other self-harm became my safety net. I carried these feelings of worthlessness and zero self-esteem into my adult life.
I threw myself into nursing, into always caring for others, as there was no one there for me. I have always had wonderful girlfriends but terrible relationships with men. My ex-husband was a serial adulterer, and my boyfriend also betrayed me. I adore my son but felt that I was not a good mother and that he deserved so much more.
At a time when suicide was a serious consideration and I simply could not see a way to keep functioning, a dear friend recommended The Secret. This recommendation literally saved my life. I read it, r
eread it, and to this day I still read a chapter daily as part of my new way of living. It took me a while to understand and to begin to learn how to live. I had to work very hard at first to change my way of thinking. But there is simply no correlation between my old life and my life today. I start each day with a smile and a prayer of thanks. I am so happy, and each day it is a joy to know that no one is going to take it away, because the happier I am, the more happiness I receive. I keep a daily diary as well as a vision board, and I am so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. This includes a fabulous man who loves me so much and, as importantly, I am able to love in return. I have also learned how to love myself, which was a very difficult task. My whole life, at work and at home, is now so complete and satisfying, and I am very blessed with so much love in all areas of my life.
I have also given copies of The Secret to various friends of mine so that others can know just how beautiful life can be.
– Tracy, Canary Islands
When you feel bad about yourself, you are blocking all the love and all the happiness that the Universe has for you. Tracy stopped entertaining thoughts of misery about herself and her past life, and she began to choose positive, happy thoughts. She discovered for herself that the happier she became, the more happiness came into her life, including her perfect partner. And this is exactly how you change your life into one filled with happiness.
Hannah, in the next story, also changed her way of thinking after she read The Secret and, as a result, changed her life and experienced new-found happiness.
I read The Secret when I was sort of in a rut. I didn’t know where I was going in life or what I wanted to do. After I read The Secret at my super-boring summer job, things started to change. I started using it right away. I was totally broke at the time, but the night after reading The Secret, I checked my bank account, shocked to see there was more money in it than I had thought. I also envisioned something specific: a sleek silver lipstick case, and I stumbled across one a few days later.
A few weeks after reading The Secret, I found a new job, one that was extremely flexible and paid amazingly well. I was also offered an amazing internship at a public relations company in Manhattan.
When my junior year of college started, I was on a roll. My internship was allowing me to go to important events and meet influential and famous people. My job on the side was keeping me financially stable. My PR internship led to another internship at a major fashion magazine, where I was given fabulous free clothes and invitations to Fashion Week.
One great thing just led to another my entire year, and I am convinced that reading The Secret jump-started everything. My year was filled with amazing, kind people, exciting opportunities, generous gifts, glamorous parties, and most importantly, positivity! I attracted like-minded people.
I was determined to live in New York over the summer and pay rent on my own. I got hired by the PR firm where I’d interned, and I’m doing exactly what I’d envisioned for myself! So many beautiful, lucky, and inspired things happened to me this year that I wrote them all down. The list is nearing one hundred, and the good things just keep on coming!
– Hannah, New York, New York, USA
Let Go of the Past
If you constantly go back over your life and focus on the difficulties from the past, you are just bringing more difficult circumstances to you now. When you think back over your life, let go of all the things you don’t love about your childhood and keep only the things you love. Let go of the things you don’t love about your adolescent and adult years and keep only the good things. When you do, you’ll discover that you begin to feel happier and happier. The more positive thoughts you entertain, the more you notice the things that you love and that make you feel good, and the happier you become.
Like attracts like, and when you’re happy, you attract happy people, circumstances, and events into your life. This is how your life changes – one happy thought at a time!
Your life is a reflection of what you hold inside you, and what you hold inside you is always under your control.
– The Secret Daily Teachings
My life began when I discovered The Secret.
Before The Secret, I was unhappy all the time, depressed, tried to kill myself a couple of times, always angry, and could hardly laugh. I hated myself and almost everyone around me. I used to listen to depressing music and just cry. Watch sad movies and cry. Talk about all the problems over and over again and cry. I used to drink and behave really badly toward my friends. I was really down.
Of course, things that happened in my past are unfortunately still in my life right now, but I understand that I can’t change the past anyway, so it’s time to move on and start living. Thanks to The Secret.
Since I started to use The Secret, I’ve noticed all the love that surrounds me. I can’t believe I didn’t see that before. Really. I’m shocked. And so happy! Everyone says I’m a different person now; I shine!
I’ve found some really loving friends too. Everyone just starts to show their love for me as I show mine to them. And I just get more and more of that, as I’ve always wanted!
My next mission was to find my soul mate. And yes, I’ve already found him. Do I need to tell you that he has all the qualities that I wrote down on my list?
Whenever I get a chance, I am sharing The Secret with people. Even if I don’t know them, I just want everyone to feel what I feel. I am so grateful for this. Who knows where I would have ended up if it weren’t for The Secret?
Thank you. And thank you, God.
– Micki, Sweden
Creation means that something new is created – which automatically replaces the old. You don’t have to think about what you want to change; instead, think about what you want to create. When you fill your life with positive thoughts and feelings, you’ll find that guilt, resentment, and any negative feelings will leave you. And then you will start telling the greatest story ever told: the real story of your happy, amazing life.
The answer to happiness is simply to stop doing the things that are making you unhappy! And the biggest contributor not only to your own unhappiness but to that of all humanity is giving your attention to negative thoughts. The way out is to give all of yourself to positive and happy thoughts.
It was the middle of April 2008 when my best friend introduced me to The Secret. Her brother lives by it, and she tries to do so too. She could see I needed help. I was twenty-nine years old, on a high dose of antidepressants, and had been for four years. Social Services were monitoring my children, and I was feeling lost and alone.
I bought The Secret, and it immediately drew me in. Every word made sense and felt as if it were written on my heart. I read a little every night and really took it in. I started living by the rule, and the effects were immediate. I felt stronger, brighter, and more “real” than I had ever felt in my life. I stopped taking my medication and started growing stronger. I had the pills nearby in case I lost my footing, but I haven’t taken them since! I am a better person, I am a truer person. I share my feelings of gratitude, strength, and belief!
Social Services closed my case last week. They said, “I cannot believe the change in you, Mel, it is as if you were a different person.” I just smiled and said, “I am; I am finally me!”
I am now a very happy 35-year-old single mom to my boys, enjoying life, feeling strong, and sharing gratitude. I have my gratitude diary beside my bed and use it often. I have shared my copy of The Secret with several people and often remind friends who are struggling to simply look for small things to be grateful for and watch the feelings grow from there.
Sometimes I still find that I need to jog myself back onto the right path, but I am aware of that and manage to get back to happiness quickly! My Secret Shifters work, and the gratitude I feel is amazing. I have found myself in tears of gratitude over tiny things!
The Secret works! It is amazing!
– Melica P., Essex, England
The Secret Shifters that Melica refers to are things you can focus on whenever you find yourself feeling angry, frustrated, or any other negative emotion, in order to change those negative feelings in an instant. They might be beautiful memories, future events, funny moments, nature, a person you love, or your favorite music. Your Secret Shifters are unique to you, and you need to have a list of them to turn to, because different things will shift you at different times, and if one doesn’t work, another will.
Like Melica, you can use Secret Shifters whenever you need to jog yourself back onto the right path. You will start to feel good, and when you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting good things to you!
See It, Feel It, Receive It
Imagine what you want, really visualize having it, feel the happiness inside you, and the law of attraction will find the perfect way for you to receive it.
Since practicing the teachings of The Secret, I have manifested many things into my life: my husband, my financial stability, my health, and a new car, just to name a few.
My six-year-old daughter, husband, and I relocated to his hometown after getting married. He is the breadwinner while I focus on my education.
Recently, we decided to take the next steps in our marriage by looking to purchase our first home as well as trying for a second child. We had a time frame in mind, but as our mental deadline drew closer, we still had no house and no positive pregnancy test.
My husband is a firm believer in the law of attraction as well, and we realized that we had failed to properly Ask, Believe, and Receive!
We began constant visualization of the neighborhood we wanted to live in even though it is a high-demand area, the specific style of house we wanted, and a bottom-line price we would pay. We also began visualizing my pregnancy and our new baby. I even made a registry online of all the things we will need once our baby arrives!