Connor's Gambit

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Connor's Gambit Page 35

by Z Gottlieb

  “Yes. Do you know what this is about?” Laco asked.

  “No,” Brad answered as the lift door opened to the bridge. “But I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” he answered as he walked toward the front of the bridge. The Kisskalu was on the forward view screen. It looked to be adrift.

  Griken stood next to Connor watching the stream of vehicles leave the Kisskalu and flying into the dark hole. As Brad and Laco approached, he turned to see them. “The two of you were the last ones to see Connor’s Gambit. Did you notice anything that would bring a battle cruiser to a full stop and disrupt its internal gravity? I can’t imagine the crew is finding it very easy to move around in the ship with the steep change in its internal gravity.”

  Laco stepped forward. “No sir, there were no unusual sensor readings to indicate that Connor’s Gambit was different from any other dark hole.”

  Brad looked at the Kisskalu. She was no longer harboring any extra protrusions. “What happened? It looks like the extra structures were sheared off.”

  “We observed a number of structures detach and enter the dark hole. We never suspected they were also self-propelled. The sensors picked up that each structure had a specialized function such as weapons, ammunition, and fuel storage. We also identified three hydroponic gardens,” Griken explained.

  Fernando walked up behind them. “Johnson, looks like you survived the planning briefs with the Special Combat Troops.”

  Brad glanced back at his friend. “It would have been nice to have some warning on the physical aspects of the simulation.”

  “And ruin the surprise?” Fernando laughed, as he watched the vehicles leaving the Kisskalu. He turned to Griken. “Is there anything from Intelligence? Have they been able to interrogate any of the spies?”

  “Nothing from Intelligence, yet, which is why I requested the two pilots who discovered Connor’s Gambit and you to come here to observe the activity. Other than the section destroyed by the transfer vehicle’s departure, we are not picking up any malfunctions that would have the crew abandon the battle cruiser,” Griken explained. He stared directly at both Brad and Admiral Dowelstergak. “Was there anything that might motivate them to abandon the battle cruiser?” They responded by shaking their heads “No.”

  “Sorry, there’s nothing I can help you with beyond their obsession with Connor’s Gambit. I wondered whether a fool had named the dark hole or it was a moment of brilliance. I have my answer now.” Fernando gave Brad a friendly tap on his back. “I’m going to go with the moment of brilliance.”

  Brad rolled his eyes at Fernando, and then looked back at Admiral Griken and Connor. “Has there been any news on Major N’Klaftin?” His relationship to Shinny still wasn’t well known and he didn’t see a need to advertise it.

  “The signal from her chip has been located. She has remained in the same position since she was located,” answered Connor.

  “Thank you,” Brad replied. Worried over the lack of movement, he pulled his tablet to appear busy and looked downward so no one would see his eyes flashing as he called out to Shinny through his chip. The lack of movement was more of a concern than not hearing a response, but he had hoped they were close enough for her to hear, even though he was aware the communication spectrum in the transit gate would not support it.

  Connor shook his head. “It is idiotic for the Aneplé to fly into the dark hole. If they had taken a moment to think about my decisions in the past, they would have ascertained I would never depend upon a dark hole as a gambit.”

  Griken continued watching the vehicles fly off the Kisskalu. “Although having the smaller vehicles fly off the cruiser makes our jobs easier. It appears the Kisskalu is drifting toward the dark hole; we need to get on that ship as soon as possible if there is going to be a successful rescue. I’m ordering the rescue operation to begin immediately.” As he was about to dismiss the two pilots, his communications officer spoke.

  “Admiral, I am receiving a surrender message from the Kisskalu.” Seeing the admiral point to the console near him, she ran the communications through the speakers on the bridge.

  “This is Custodian Yeshawliq Ofmyneston; I am surrendering the battle cruiser Kisskalu. Most vehicles have departed or are preparing to depart. Assistance is needed immediately. The Kisskalu is drifting toward Connor’s Gambit and I am having trouble controlling its movement. When you board, there are still a few armed enemy forces patrolling the ship that need to be disarmed. Medical teams are required for the injured CIG crew left behind with a few of the civilians who were traveling on the Kisskalu. Major Johnson also requires immediate medical assistance.”

  The tension Brad had running through him lessened hearing Shinny was alive, but what the hell did she do? Did she take on the whole ship? He was thinking he needed to leave but Griken was looking at him to answer a question. “Sir, I’m sorry, I missed your question.”

  “Who is Custodian Yeshawliq Ofmyneston?”

  “I’m not completely sure who Custodian Yeshawliq Ofmyneston is, however, Yeshawliq was the AI that assisted us in the escape. I would assume they’re related.”

  “The ship has an AI.” Griken repeated in disbelief. “Can it be trusted?”

  “Yes,” responded both Brad and Fernando simultaneously.

  Griken raised his eyebrows “Pilots, prepare to depart, I am issuing a ship wide order to execute Operation Recovery. You are dismissed.” Griken turned toward the communication station. “Communications, request Custodian Ofmyneston return the ship’s internal gravity to a balanced zero degree state if possible.” Turning to Fernando, “Admiral, if you have a moment, I’d like to know more about the AI.”

  Chapter 38

  Brad returned to his stateroom and gave Sperzs a quick rundown of what happened on the bridge. Although they had a heads up, he didn’t think they had much more time since Admiral Griken had ordered the operation to commence. Brad put on the armor and shield the Special Combat troops gave him and watched the view from the bridge on the room’s wall monitor. The sensor readings on the screen showed that the Kisskalu gradually returned the internal gravity slope to normal while straggling vehicles continued to head toward Connor’s Gambit. He felt guilty thinking good riddance, since so many of the Aneplé personnel had no choice when it came to self-determination.

  Brad sat down next to Sperzs, glancing at his lap. “Where did you find my blanket?”

  “A Neslin dropped it off. She said she wanted to return your luck. What did she mean by that?”

  Brad was glad to get his blanket back, but he wasn’t about to let the universe know he was superstitious about his good luck when it came to his blanket. He shrugged. “After spending weeks with the Neslins, I’m still not an expert in figuring out what they mean.” Not wanting to discuss it more, he let Sperzs rest with the blanket, and began swiping through his tablet, memorizing the routes to Shinny’s location. The waiting was wearing him down as he began searching for alternate routes to her location to take his mind off the stress.

  Brad jumped at the signal to commence Operation Recovery. The alarm directed everyone to report to their battle stations or vehicles. Focusing on what he needed to do, Brad stood and grabbed a backpack with supplies and equipment and put it on. Walking through the door, he shouted, “Sperzs, let’s go.” He watched people rush through the hallway to their stations.

  Sperzs grabbed a few things and bounded toward the door. He stood next to Brad and held Brad’s tablet toward him. “You forgot your brain.”

  Brad took the tablet and admonished himself for rushing. “Thanks. I know, don’t get caught without it.” He attached it to his armor as they walked at a quick pace toward the Transportation Room.

  Entering the room, there was frenetic energy everywhere—personnel rushing toward their assigned vehicles, technicians working last minute vehicle checks on the platforms. Seeing the Neslins on the platforms fully engaged also relieved him. He had learned to respect their skills after becoming personally familiar with a numb
er of them and finally understood they were the best when it came to technically maintaining the vehicles. A few who had been on the Kisskalu nodded salutes to him as he passed, which he returned. Coming up to Laco’s vehicle, he gave Sperzs an Earth-like salute wave. “See you later, best to the rest.”

  “Don’t let the troops practice their dentistry on you,” Sperzs joked as he returned the Earth salute and walked toward his squadron.

  Hustling up to the transport vehicle, Brad saw a familiar face and crossed to her. “Wesgwidy, how is your shoulder?”

  “It is almost completely healed. Thank you for asking. Admiral Dowelstergak informed me that you would be participating in Operation Recovery on this vehicle. My two highest rated technicians are looking this vehicle over.” Wesgwidy pointed to the two technicians located by the engine casing closing the door.

  “Thanks, I appreciate them rechecking the vehicle. Thank you also for returning my blanket,” Brad said, watching the technicians walking around checking the seals.

  “Ravelstan thought you might want it back. She wanted to surprise you and made sure it was on the transfer vehicle.”

  “Let Ravelstan know I welcome her thoughtfulness.”

  Wesgwidy motioned with a casual nod she would, adding, “Bring your mate back. We are immensely grateful and owe her for her sacrifice.”

  Brad considered Wesgwidy’s words. “I will. I think she would say it is we who owe the Neslin colony.” Brad nodded a return salute to Wesgwidy before he jogged up the ramp to the vehicle.

  Stepping into the vehicle, he was surprised by Laco greeting him at the door and the change in the vehicle’s configuration. The modular rooms had been replaced almost exclusively with rows of seats now filled with Special Combat Troops. “I thought you didn’t want anyone onboard until the signal went off. They look like they’ve been here awhile.”

  “I didn’t. But there were more of them than me, and they’re bigger. The colonel wants you to sit next to him,” Laco said pointing to an empty seat in the front.

  Brad groaned. “I think I liked T’Lentic better when I didn’t like him. Who’s flying second seat with you?”

  “Divazz is flying second seat. Give her a moment before you rush up there to greet her,” Laco warned.

  Brad whipped his head toward the cockpit, wondering what the hell Laco was talking about. He raised his eyes in surprise as he watched Sergeant Stapernoin’s bulking figure backing out of the cockpit. “Whoa, what did I miss over the past few weeks?”

  “It’s a story for another time. It turns out I know his sister. He’s not a bad guy, despite his branch of service,” Laco answered. “Go on up; remember Colonel T’Lentic wants you to sit next to him.”

  “Careful. I married into that branch of service,” Brad reminded him, amused by Laco’s comment on intra-service rivalry. Walking up to the front, he stopped in front of the sergeant, who stood in his way.

  Leevaal faced Brad, “Pilot, are you ready for the Aneplé to ‘eat shit and die’?” he asked in English as he nodded a salute.

  “Ah, something we both can agree on.” Brad returned the salute with a grin and watched the sergeant swing around into his seat.

  Brad walked forward to the cockpit and stuck his head inside. “Divazz, it’s great to see you. Uh, it does look like life is treating you well.”

  Divazz turned around, hearing the familiar voice, and smiled broadly. “Brad, welcome aboard. Leevaal’s a great person and has Laco’s approval.”

  “In that case, he has my approval, also,” he replied, smiling as he watched Laco sit in the first seat.

  As the seat and harness adjusted around Laco, he turned to his second seat, “Divazz, you may want to use some of the subroutines Johnson developed for the finer ridges.” He turned back to Brad. “This old man wants you in your seat now.”

  “Some things never change,” Brad chuckled. “Smooth flying, I’ll need it.”

  Brad turned and sat next to T’Lentic then nodded a salute to him. “Colonel.” After the colonel acknowledged him, he put on his hood to filter the air on the Kisskalu. Seeing the odd expression on the colonel’s face he explained, “I’m allergic to the air on the Kisskalu. My body reacts violently as if I’m being poisoned.”

  Colonel T’Lentic’s eyes blazed in anger. “There is a toxin on that ship and no one briefed me on exposing my troops to it.”

  Brad sympathized with the colonel. He would be just as angry if he were informed of the hazard at the last minute. “Apparently, I have a rare genetic mutation that causes the reaction. It’s the same reaction I had in your training room when I smelled it on the Aneplé spy. I’m allergic to a plant harvested by the Aneplé on the Kisskalu. For most people, if they are exposed over a long period, it acts as a narcotic. Although some of the gardens left the ship on the attached modules, Yeshawliq burned most of the hydroponic gardens growing the plant before I flew off the Kisskalu. Even with the exposure over a few weeks, the effects on Major N’Klaftin’s performance were minor. Physically, she was in top shape and held off the Aneplé to allow us to escape. However, for me, it would have been a death sentence had she not created a clean space with filtered air.”

  “I see. I would have preferred to have had this information in advance for planning purposes,” T’Lentic replied. “There have been a few changes. Lieutenant Inklanads and Sergeant Stapernoin will lead your team to search for the major. I’ve also added two medics to accompany your team. Pilot Voodel has also included an ambulatory area in back, should it be needed.”

  Brad looked past the colonel at the lieutenant sitting two seats over. Lieutenant Inklanads looked almost as large as ‘The Mountain’. “It doesn’t look like anyone will get past them.”

  “That’s the plan,” confirmed T’Lentic. “I will lead a larger group with Fleet officers to recover the bridge and the engine room. We need to gain control of the ship immediately to stop it from entering the dark hole.” T’Lentic shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “What I’m about to say is difficult for me, however, I realize I owe both you and the major an apology. I would go after her personally, if I could, but the primary objective of this operation is to reclaim the battle cruiser. Don’t let the small number of people I have assigned to rescue the major fool you. I have assigned my best troops to rescue her, and they will.”

  Brad responded to the odd apology with a nod. While he accepted the personnel and plan were the best course of action, he would never be reassured until Shinny was back on the Zuonopy. “Thank you, sir.” He leaned back and anxiously watched the monitor on the divider separating the cockpit from the seating area. He watched the Vipers and the Defenders take off and fly toward the Kisskalu. They flew an intricate weaving pattern in and out of the Kisskalu’s Transportation Room, ensuring that the landing platforms were empty and safe. It wouldn’t be too long before they finished securing the landing areas, he thought, as the engine of the Vetyhym fired up. Brad continued to watch the monitor as Laco flew the vehicle out of the Zuonopy then hovered, waiting for the signal to approach the Kisskalu.

  Chapter 39

  Perque Swetinny crouched on the floor holding his head, trying to find a position that would stop the incessant, high-pitched whistle running through his chip. The last half of the shift had become a nightmare. His friends had strapped Johnson to the table in medical and pumped her with the concentrated plant serum at two locations on her body. His squad then beat her as medical prepared her head for chip extraction. Although their beatings did not result in any new information, he allowed them to continue as retribution for killing so many of his colleagues. They would have continued to beat her except the ship lurched from the firing of retrorockets, as it began to shut down propulsion, and then finally coming to a complete stop. That’s when the tremendously loud whistling in his head started, along with the unauthorized orders directing everyone to report to the nearest vehicle to enter Connor’s Gambit. The whistle and orders continued to play in their chips in a painful loop that would n
ot turn off. The ship’s internal gravity field shifted several times creating a rocking effect. The havoc started when the ship first rocked to and fro forcing everyone out of the room making it difficult to reenter. The bed that Johnson was strapped on propped against a wall inside the room. The guards left the room to find out what was causing the whistling and the radical changes of the internal gravity that was rocking the ship.

  That was only the beginning. A technician who had managed to run into the room spread a rumor that the whistling and orders stopped once you boarded a vehicle to leave the Kisskalu to enter Connor’s Gambit. Instantly, chaos erupted as everyone dropped what they were doing and headed for the nearest vehicle in a mad rush. Didn’t they recognize an unauthorized order? He had no choice but to shoot two members of his remaining security forces for following the unauthorized command and abandoning their guard duties. Perque had no sympathy for the two he killed. He regretted not being able to kill more of the deserters. He didn’t care the whistle made it hard for anyone to think. Didn’t they see how dangerous Johnson was?

  They were going to see how dangerous she was once they read the information on her chip. However, both of the medics had insisted they needed to go to a vault for special equipment to extract the chip from her. He waited as long as he could for the medics to return, but at last he gave up waiting and decided to search for them. He ran the length of the ship to the bridge looking for the medics and to obtain further direction from the captain. No one was on the bridge. In fact, the ship was deserted, except for the CIG crew curled in fetal positions scattered around the ship. He decided at that moment it was time for him to leave.


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