Queen of Gods

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Queen of Gods Page 6

by Scarlett Dawn

  And the overlords were motherfucking bastards because their invite had lied.

  The four possible contenders were dressed in their finest attire.

  Even if the overlords were merely in black matching suits.

  Glitter and splotches of vibrant, dark color marred the room from the women’s elegant dresses. They were glorious and stunning, stars upon the night, their lips blood red and hair perfectly coiffed.

  The only sparkle I had going for me would be my shoelaces.

  My eyes wanted to narrow, and my fangs wanted to descend.

  I bit it all back, swallowing my fury.

  Gradually, I peered up to the overlords and dipped my head to them.

  Fine. They were above me. Figuratively…and literally right now.

  I strolled with subdued confidence, just the right amount, to stand next to the ladies.

  Lord Belshazzar sat on the far left, in order of age. He was the eldest.

  Lord Xenon next to him.

  Lord Cato—asshole father—was in the middle.

  Lord Otto followed him.

  And last but not least, Lord Pippin brought up the tail end. The youngest.

  Lord Belshazzar had a history of being astute and caring. Lord Xenon was always a mystery, never letting his emotions show. My father was just a dick—and had ruled with an iron thumb. Lord Otto prided himself on his intelligence, a scholar. And Lord Pippin enjoyed life to its fullest, robust, and hungry for more adventure.

  My gaze raked over them, trying to decide who had thought it would be humorous to lie on the invitation. Because, obviously, the time was even off with everyone already in here and waiting. The individual wanted to humble me, to test if I had learned my lesson or if I would react with force.

  If I were a betting woman, my money would be on Lord Xenon. Mystery Lord.

  In fact, it was he who leaned forward in his chair. “How lovely of you to finally show up.”

  I would have won big at a casino.

  Instead of retorting with anger, I dipped my head once more. “My apologies, Lord Xenon.”

  He snorted softly under his breath and rested back in his cushioned and jeweled chair. His attention eventually turned from directly toward me, allowing his eyes to scan the group of women. Lord Xenon explained calmly, “You all know why you are here. And I’m sure you all at least know of each other, even if you’re not friendly with one another. So please line up in order of age. The oldest to our left, youngest to our right.”

  I peered around the group, my first time getting a good look at who they actually were versus how the four others were dressed. Lord Xenon was correct. I did know all of these women. How could I not? All were well known and were the oldest female vampires left on planet earth—that weren’t already previous queens, since they weren’t allowed to rule more than once, only with their king. It was exactly who should be here, by the law, to stand up for the position of queen.

  Anna was the oldest. Far, far older than me.

  She went to the left.

  Cleo was closest to her age.

  She stood next to her.

  Somewhat surprised, I was next…which meant a few female vampires had died since the last crowning. I hadn’t been invited to that one.

  I stood in the middle. Ironic, my position put me directly in front of my father.

  Hortensia was a few centuries younger than I was.

  She stepped on my other side.

  Deborah was the youngest.

  She walked to the end.

  Silent, we peered up to the dais. We waited.

  Lord Belshazzar stood from his chair and walked with confident ease down the steps on the back of the dais. He strolled to stand before us, his eyes never leaving our group. Once he was centered between the other overlords and us, he explained calmly, “Two of you have been here before, but three are new. So I will explain. The way a Queen Novitiate is picked happens in two parts. I will ask the oldest if they want to be the candidate. If they say yes, then the overlords will decide if she is the correct choice. If we say no, then we will move on to the next in line. Do you understand the rules, which are law?”

  “Yes, Lord Belshazzar,” we stated.

  “Once the candidate is picked, the first Challenge is given right here. If that woman fails the first test, then we will immediately move on to the next woman and begin again. Do you understand the rules, which are law?”

  “Yes, Lord Belshazzar,” we answered.

  My hands began to perspire, and I clenched my fists behind my back.

  The lord nodded once. “Also, once you leave this room, the compulsion we used to get you here will disappear, no more.” His attention turned to the woman at the end. “Anna, what say you? Do you wish to be the candidate?”

  I peered down at her profile, observing cautiously. My nails dug into my palms.

  She peered straightforward, not looking at him. “With much respect, Lord Belshazzar, I decline once again. I will not be able to perform all of the trials required of the Queen Novitiate.”

  He sighed quietly. “No disrespect taken. The overlords respect your choice.”

  My brows snapped together as I straightened.

  Why wouldn’t Anna be able to accomplish the trials?

  She was a marvelous vampire. It didn’t make sense.

  Were the trials even more dreadful than I had anticipated?

  And damn, who was the leak who told her what they were?

  I wanted that information too.

  Though, with another peek at her, I didn’t believe she would tell me.

  Her jaw was as hard as granite, her eyes like steel.

  A perfect specimen of loyalty to the law.

  Lord Belshazzar turned his attention to the next oldest. “Cleo, what say you? Do you wish to be the candidate?” His eyes were expectant, all-knowing…and suddenly kind.

  Cleo cleared her throat, staring directly into his gaze. “With much respect, Lord Belshazzar, I decline. I plan to take my Eternal Slumber soon to join my soul mate.”

  He nodded gently. “Lord John is missed by all. The overlords respect your choice.”

  I stood blinking like an idiot. That was what happened when you went into Rest. Occasionally, you missed out on the big news, like a rare soul mating. I hadn’t even known Cleo was no longer married to her previous mate, her husband.

  The women all turned to her and hugged her.

  The declaration of an Eternal Slumber forever. She would end herself.

  And yet, while all the women cooed over her choice, a few tears running down their cheeks, all I could do was stand stalk still in place. I blinked repeatedly, not seeing anything before me. My dreams of ruling the vampire people…were right in front of me with the two oldest declining. I sucked in a sharp breath and shook my head, clearing the shiny gem of real possibility from my gaze.

  And, belatedly, I realized I was staring right into my bastard father’s eyes.

  Calm as a dropped stone, he was gazing back.

  All the overlords were staring right at me, ignoring the women consoling Cleo.

  I stood all by myself. Alone from anyone else.

  My life in a nutshell.

  Except for my one true friend. I always had her.

  I blinked when Cato’s lips twitched.

  He knew I was back from my mental merriment.

  Lord Otto spoke loudly, “Everyone back in line. Save your words for later.”

  The women scurried back to their places on either side of me.

  I cleared my throat and stood tall—or as tall as I could.

  It was my turn. My throne to win. My people to lead as I saw fit.

  Oh, and the good I could do for them.

  I would protect them with every ounce of intelligence and power I had.

  Lord Belshazzar turned his attention to me, his eyes never leaving mine. “Gwynnore, what say you? Do you wish to be the candidate?” That gaze gleamed, already anticipating my answer.

  “I do, Lord
Belshazzar.” My chin rose, my voice steady. “I wish to be Queen Novitiate.”

  Next to me, Hortensia sucked in a sharp breath. Disappointment radiated off her in waves. The woman had wanted the spot…and wanted it bad if the reek of her aggression told the truth.

  I didn’t bother looking in her direction. My eyes were for the overlords.

  They decided now if they wanted me.

  And, so far, I don’t believe I had impressed them.

  The eldest lord’s lips twisted into a crooked grin. “The overlords respect your choice.” He dipped his head to me, peeking up under his lashes. “And the overlords accept you.”

  My eyes widened in shock—it couldn’t be held back.

  They hadn’t even convened to talk about it…

  Unless they already had. Cunning bastards.

  I swallowed down my shriek of joy, barely managing to stay in place. With an unruffled tone, I murmured, “Thank you, overlords. You humble me with your acceptance.”

  And…they did. It wasn’t just Adelie or myself who thought I would be an excellent queen. It was the most influential and powerful individuals in our race who thought so too.

  As far as I knew, none of them knew Cato was my father. I kept that private.

  This was all me. It was my time to shine.

  Lord Belshazzar gestured for me to come forward. “Your first Challenge happens now. Please, come stand next to me.”

  I yanked my hands from behind my back and attempted to walk with forced calm. I hoped I was pulling it off. My excitement was barely contained. I would need to get my act together soon, hopefully when the adrenaline left my system.

  I stopped next to him and peered up, waiting patiently.

  He opened a slot inside the stone dais. Small and functional, it opened easily.

  An ancient tomb lay inside. Brown leather flaked off it despite the magic that sizzled around the massive book. The pages had yellowed with time, and the spine was breaking.

  With careful fingers, the lord lifted the book from his hidden spot.

  He flipped through a few pages until he stopped. His eyes met mine.

  “Queen Novitiate, your first Challenge is to agree to these trials listed.” Lord Belshazzar maneuvered to stand directly next to me again so I could see the text. “It is spelled so you’ll be able to read the ancient language.”

  I leaned closer to him and stood on tiptoe to fully view the page.

  Surprised, he grunted and bent his knees, lowering the book to my short height.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and my feet went flat on the floor again.

  Just as quietly, he answered, “You’re welcome. Now read.”

  I cocked my head, studying the words. It was all a jumble of scribbles…until it wasn’t.

  Suddenly, I could read it clearly, the magic working.

  There were five trials. Each vastly different.

  I didn’t speak, reading them through. Multiple times.

  1. Agree

  2. King

  3. Secret

  4. Truth


  My brows puckered in confusion. “Why is number five—”

  “Quiet,” Lord Belshazzar snapped, cutting me off before I could say too much. All kindness vanished from his features as he straightened to his full height. He closed the book, his nostrils flaring. “Gwynnore, what say you? Do you accept the trials?”

  I closed my eyes, running them through my mind again.

  Why was terminate capitalized?

  It was extremely odd.

  My eyes opened and wandered to where Anna stood.

  Her gaze flicked in my direction, stalled, then swiftly looked away.

  Whatever the trials were, they would be brutal.

  That much I knew.

  I sucked in a sharp breath when fingers gripped my chin, pulling my face forward and yanking my attention off the other woman. I slapped at the fingers, and growled, “What the hell?”

  Cato had appeared directly next to my side without me even hearing him. His fingers gripped my chin harder, stinging my flesh. But his words were cool and composed, even their meaning was just as brutal as his touch. “No one—past, present, or future—is allowed to reveal secrets of the trials to other candidates.” A hard shake of my chin. “It is punishable by death. For both parties involved.”

  In a flash, I shoved his chest. Cruel and hard, right in his solar plexus.

  The asshole didn’t even take a step back, but he did release my chin. To cross his arms and stare down the tip of his nose at me—that nose was my nose. Pert and straight, perfectly placed on his face. His brows rose slowly, speaking even more gradually, “Do you understand, Gwynnore?”

  I took a step back from him, allowing the tips of my fangs to show. “Don’t touch me again.”

  Lord Belshazzar sighed heavily and stepped between us, his eyes only for me. “Answer his question, candidate.”

  I swallowed my pride and nodded. “Yes, I understand.”

  Fuck, I wasn’t going to ask her.

  It had been a knee-jerk reaction to look at her.

  Cato turned and walked away, back to the dais.

  He was good at that. Walking away.


  Lord Belshazzar waited until the other lord had taken his seat before asking me once more, “Gwynnore, what say you? Do you accept the trials?”

  I inhaled heavily and exhaled slowly. I tipped my face up to his. “I do, Lord Belshazzar.”

  This time, he did glance up to the other overlords.

  Lord Xenon nodded, his eyes on mine.

  Lord Pippin nodded while evaluating his fingernails.

  Lord Otto shook his head, his jaw tight.

  Lord Cato nodded his head once. Yawned.

  Lord Belshazzar’s regard returned to me. “The majority agrees. The Council is pleased with the outcome. You have passed your first Challenge.”

  My gulp was audible. Damn throat was dry.

  The eldest lord turned to the other women. “Ladies, thank you for coming. You may go now.” Quick and efficient. As the women trailed out the room, the lord’s attention returned to me. He stated factually, “We will be watching. I suggest you follow Lord Cato’s orders and refrain from tracking Anna down.”

  All right. I was the Queen Novitiate now.

  My civility crumbled in glee.

  “Fuck you, bastards,” I growled and started marching toward the door. “I wasn’t going to ask her anything, and all you’re doing is pissing me off.”

  Lord Xenon called, “I wondered when we would see your true side again.”

  I turned around and pointed a sharp finger at him. “I did not appreciate you messing with my invite. I was trying, dammit. And you went and fucked that up.”

  No expression, not even a little crack. “That was the point, candidate.”

  Lord Otto smirked, adding, “How much can you handle before you break?”

  I snorted and threw my arms wide. “I’m the best bitch you guys have ever had in here. The past three queen’s, while beautiful and elegant, didn’t do shit for our people. And you know it. So quit pushing, and I’ll do the same. But if you don’t…you get the fun Gwen!”

  With that, I turned on my heel and slammed the door behind me.

  Arrogant assholes.



  “Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it?” Adelie pounced.

  I shut my apartment’s door behind me gently…

  A shit-eating grin spread across my features, and I screamed, “I got it! Oh, my God. I’m the Queen Novitiate!”

  Adelie squealed right along with me, throwing her arms over my shoulders.

  I picked her up and swung her around and around in circles laughing.

  Then I dumped her straight on her butt onto the floor, ignoring her initial startled glance, and lowered my voice as low as I could, attempting to imitate the overlords. “Listen, wench, you barely scraped thro
ugh. You better shape up or you’re out of here!”

  She snickered and ducked her head in a mock bow, “Oh, my gracious and fabulous and sexy Lords, I shall endeavor to kiss your precious feet and wipe your fine asses like the lowly female that I am.”

  My head tipped back as I laughed. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. I held my stomach as it started to cramp, but I kept on chuckling.

  Adelie jumped to her feet and lifted both hands into the air, her voice full of assurance and conviction. “I told you! I knew you had this. You’re going to be the best damn queen ever.”

  I raised both of my hands too and high-fived her with gusto. “You bet your ass I am.”

  Still grinning like a fool, she flopped down onto the study room’s ornate chair, her hands flying in the air with excitement. “So tell me all about it. Was it everything you thought it would be?”

  My head tipped in thought. I took a moment to consider that as I sat on the rolling chair next to the desk. I tapped my foot and wiggled my shoulders. “Actually, it was. It was stimulating and interesting and full of political intrigue. Just like we always guessed it would be. Those fucking overlords are too slick for their own good.”

  Her brows rose. “Too much ego?”

  “Perhaps. But I believe some of it is well deserved. They are more of a challenge than I thought they’d be.”

  A finger point in my direction. “Ah, so too much ego there.”

  “Probably,” I conceded. “But they sure as hell know how to get under my skin.”

  “And that…,” she threw her hands up into the air, “…is what it’s like to be the official candidate. It’s their job to get you riled up. They need to know what you’re made of.”

  “They’re definitely seeing my bitchy side.” My lips twitched.

  My friend side-eyed me, her lips thinning. “Do I even want to know?”

  “I would say no,” I evaded. I tapped my fingers on my desk, staring at the black computer screen. I hesitated, and then mumbled, “These trials are going to really test me. I have this gut feeling it won’t be good.”

  She hummed softly, her brown eyes capturing mine. “It won’t be easy to be queen. You need to be tested.”

  “I know.” I nodded. “I’m just a little nervous.”


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