Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue

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Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue Page 22

by Noire


  “Girl yo’ ass is a goddamn Domino now!” Bunni raised her shot glass of fuzzy balls in the air tryna come at me for a toast.

  “Dominion,” I corrected her, and clinked my glass of coconut Bacardi against hers. “I’m a Dominion now.”

  “Yeah! What the fugg I said!” she said and slurped from her glass so hard the brown liquid spilled over and soaked her hand. That cracked her up. “You see what a rich Domino bitch just made me do?”

  Ever since Selah had announced the results of the DNA test we had been flying real high, and tonight Dane had invited everybody out to a bar in Dallas so we could celebrate, and of course Barron and Pilar were the two who didn’t show up. Not that I gave a damn. I figured they were somewhere together fuckin’ like rabbits, which was way cool with me.

  Bunni was just a little bit too lifted over the twenty-five grand she had gotten as a reward for finding me, but I was feeling myself too. That little piece of paper from the lab had been the knock-out punch of the decade, and I was walking around poppin’ my collar and feeling like I was entitled to a slice of everybody’s pie.

  Our New York asses had dug in real deep and comfortable at the mansion during our last few days there, and we had been ordering food and drinks to our rooms and running those servants up and down the stairs like crazy.

  We’d gone on a shopping spree earlier, and Dane and Jock had carried mad packages as they followed us around in the bougie white people’s mall called NorthPark Center. It seemed like the Dominions had an account at every high-end store up in that bitch!

  “Just put this on the Dominion account,” I had grinned and told the store clerks left and right. All Dane had to do was show his ID and sign a form, and them clerks got to serving my hood-ass like I was a rich little princess!

  “Don’t worry,” I told Dane a couple of times. “I’ll pay it back outta my inheritance money.”

  Being New Yorkers, me and Bunni were no strangers to dropping big bank on some real lovely gear. We had done it countless times before, so it wasn’t like we got all ga-ga over all the expensive shit we were trying on and picking up off the racks. But to actually walk in a store and buy any damned thing we wanted without plopping down a dime was just amazing.

  I planned to be real careful though. I knew a hundred grand wasn’t gonna last but so long. And with Gutta coming home for his twenty-five large and a warrant that was about to be hanging over my head back in New York, I was gonna have to be watchful about how I dished off my cash. But I wasn’t tryna worry about none of that be-good shit tonight because my little rich ass was too busy celebrating!

  “So what’s your next move?” Dane asked me as we wilded out at the bar and tossed back shots. Fallon was in a booth with her stud chick, Freddie, all deep in a conversation. Jock was on the dance floor dry-fuckin’ Bunni, and if watching his little brother humpin’ on his squeeze pressed Dane out, he damn sure didn’t show it. “You’re family now, so are you gonna stay here in Texas with us or what?”

  I almost choked on my rum.

  “Are you kidding me? No, no, no!” I wheezed. My eyes burned and I coughed up tiny sprinkles of liquor. Hell nah I wasn’t staying in no damn Texas! Selah had told Barron to open me up a bank account and deposit my birthday money in it, and as soon as I got my bank card I was out! The first thing I was gonna get was two one-way plane tickets—one for me and one for Bunni. We were going home, and we were flying first class all the way too.

  “Remember,” I hit Dane with the same lie that I had told Selah, “I was only planning on staying down here for one day! It’s been two weeks now, and I really need to get back home. My job, my school, my aunts ...” I was lying like hell ’cause I didn’t have none of that to go home to. “I can’t just leave my life floating all up in the air like that. I gotta get back to New York and take care of my bizz.”

  “I feel ya,” Dane said as he packed another blunt with yay and held it under the counter while he rolled it. “But while you’re gone you better be thinking hard on that trust fund, ya feel me? If Pop doesn’t wake up soon then Barron’s gonna take over the company. And if that fool gets the key to the safe where the real money is waiting, then you and me both are gonna be ass out.”

  “Welcome to the family.” Uncle Suge walked up behind me and kissed me on the cheek. He left his lips on me for about two seconds too long, and when he pulled away he let them kinda drag across my skin.

  I turned around and grinned at his sexy ass.

  “Sorry I’m late to your party. But I did bring you something.” His hands were empty but his sexy-ass eyes were full of fun.

  “What? You got me a present? I love presents! Where is it?”

  He nodded toward the door. “In my truck.”

  I tossed back my drink and licked my lips. “Well what you waitin’ for, Big Daddy? Leggo!”

  I ran outside and squealed as I jumped up in his big old truck and wiggled my ass around on all that soft leather.

  “What you get me?” Being so close to him had me turned the hell on, and as bad as my na-na was leaking I was scared I was gonna leave a puddle on his fly leather upholstery.

  He pushed a button and his glove box popped open. I held my breath as he reached inside and took out a silver box that was tied with a tiny pink bow.

  “Welcome to the family,” he said and passed it to me.

  I pried the top off the box and stared at the prettiest pair of diamond earrings I had ever seen! They looked like a pair I had lusted after in Tiffany’s but could never get up enough dough to buy. Those babies glinted and sparkled and shined like mad in the darkness of his whip.

  I threw my arms around his neck.

  “Thank you, Uncle Suge! These suckers are hot as hell!”

  “These suckers are too,” he said as his big hands slid up my sides and gripped my titties. Our little game was over and I loved that shit. Wasn’t nothing timid about the way he jumped on me. He didn’t ask for no permission ’cause he knew he didn’t need none.

  He attacked my lips and ate them shits like they were steaks. His tongue busted up in my mouth like it was a landlord and I was late on the rent. I moaned as he took charge and handled my ass.

  Uncle Suge was damn sure sugaring me up right. He had me dripping. I reached in his lap and felt that bulge thumpin’ in his pants and my nookie got wet and wild. I turned away from him and backed up halfway in his lap as I banged my plump ass up against his bulge and slid it from side to side.

  “Ride ’em, cowgirl,” he growled in my ear, and the next thing I knew my little dress was hiked up in the back and Suge had scooped open both of my ass cheeks and lifted me dead on his lap so we could play pony.

  “Yeah, ass high, legs wide! That’s how we like ’em down here!”

  This fool was good. He rested my little frame on his forearms and pushed his meat into an extra-large rubber, then he slid one hand under my thong and the other one slid right up in my pussy.

  He started gently glidin’ two fingers up and down both sides of my clit with a bangin’ rhythm. I arched back against his massive chest and let my juices flow. He took his fingers out and lifted me up slightly, then brought me down on his monster dick, holding me over him while he eased that pulsating hot thang into me inch by inch.

  It was all I could do not to flip out in his grip. With both my hands, I reached back and popped buttons off as I ripped his shirt open. He scooted out from behind the steering wheel and helped me spin around.

  Once I was facing him, I bent my knees so he could lower me up and down on his lap. I felt like we were on a trampoline the way he bounced that dick around in my coochie. We was fucking rough-neck style all the way, and his windows was getting foggy like a muthafucka!

  “Let me hit that oil, baby!” Suge grunted. He slammed up into me and drilled my pussy until I was just about to come, and then he lifted me off him and pushed me down on the bench seat with my legs gapped wide open.

  He threw my legs over his shoulder
s and lifted my hips in the air, then he dove down and put my explosion point directly in his face. His lips covered my clit and he sucked it and rolled it around on his tongue. We were in oil country, and Suge slurped my gushy up like it was some sho nuff bubbling crude.

  “Yummm, Miss Mink,” he pussy-mumbled, “I’d stick my whole head up this fine ass of yours if I could!”

  I grabbed the back of his neck and he started mushing his tongue in and out of me like an accordion. I pointed my feet up in the air and hollered as I busted my nut, and after licking my na-na up like his tongue was a wet washcloth, Suge climbed on top of me and pumped me real hard until he busted himself one too.


  “So what happens now?” Pilar wanted to know. It was a few days after Selah’s big announcement and she was still pissed off. Barron was chilling in a soft leather chair and Pilar was standing behind him massaging the thick knots in his shoulder muscles. “We’re just gonna let that bitch get away with this?”

  Barron sighed. He put his head back and Pilar leaned over and kissed his lips. She darted her tongue out and slid it across his teeth.

  “C’mon, now.” Barron turned away, then held her wrists and moved her hands away. “We said we wasn’t gonna go there anymore, right?”

  Pilar smirked. “That’s what you said, Barron. Not me. I said we need to go there a whole lot more.”

  She came around in front of him and sat on his lap. She felt his dick jump as she stroked his neck and let her fingers trail down his chest.

  “Seriously,” she said. “You’re not gonna just let Mink get away with this, are you? I mean, it’s bad enough that she’s pocketing a hundred grand and her sidekick gets away with twenty-five. But that chick is a fraud, Barron. What’s going to happen if she comes after the trust fund? That’s a lot of money to throw out the window every year. Are you gonna let her get away with that too?” Pilar saw fire enter Barron’s eyes and she felt a spark of heat shoot up from his groin.

  “Why can’t you just tell her to go away? DNA test or not, get rid of her ass.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Barron explained, “and besides, there’s a chance that we might actually need her vote ... but I’m working on some things, and once I have my plans all lined up and in place, Mink is getting dropped.”

  Pilar moved in on him and gobbled up his bottom lip, sucking it gently and stroking it with her warm tongue. “Hurry up and drop that bitch,” she whispered as she arched her back and gyrated her hips on his erection. She shivered as Barron gripped her waist and thrust up to meet the motion of her sweet round ass. “Drop that bitch hard.”


  Now that I had a bank card in my hand, shit was official and me and Bunni really busted loose. We had the run of the joint. We got the drivers to take us for a spin in all the whips, ran the cooks back and forth bringing shrimp and lobster up to our rooms, and we basically acted like the wild little Harlem guttersnipes that we were.

  I couldn’t wait to get my ass back to New York! Yeah, Texas was real cool and all that, but I was feenin’ for the City That Never Sleeps. And even with the DNA proof staring at them in black and white from the lab, not everybody wanted to accept the fact that I was part of the family.

  Me and cousin Pilar had had us a little showdown, and I was all for that shit because it was definitely overdue. She got up in my face and called me a gold-diggin’ piece of street meat, and I called her a string of foul bitches too.

  “Oh shut the fuck up, you broke-ass trick!” I let loose on her like I had a gat under my tongue. “You just salty because you’re not me! But I tell you what, ain’t nobody stupid around here. That little kissin’-cousin thang you and Bump-Boy got going on is about to blow straight up, ya heard? You better keep diggin’ deep in his pocket stash while you can, stupaholic, because that dude is never gonna marry you.” I looked her up and down and then patted the round hump of my ass. “He might dig you out, but you really ain’t his type.”

  Selah wanted me to stay in Texas and she just couldn’t stop telling me.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving me when I just got you back,” she cried as her mascara ran down her face.

  I put my hand on hers. I had been so hyped over getting that hundred grand that I hadn’t really thought about how pulling up outta Dallas was gonna make her feel. It seemed like everybody had their own crazy reasons for wanting me to stay in Texas. Suge and Dane wanted me to stay so I could get down on their squad when it came time to cast some kinda upcoming stockholder vote. Jock wanted me to stay ’cause his horny ass was still tryna get up in Bunni’s funky stuff. But Selah wanted me to stay because she was convinced that I was her long-lost daughter, and based on that, she loved me.

  “I’ma come back real soon,” I lied. “I promise I won’t be gone too long, and I’ll call you a lot too, okay?”

  Selah looked a wreck. She’d gotten real clingy and mushy on me over the past few days. She wanted to know every damn thing that had jumped off in my life ever since kindergarten, and I wasn’t tryna drag up no old crazy memories of how I had lived with Jude, so I created some new scenarios and fed her a whole lotta bullshit that just made her cry even harder.

  I tried to let Selah hug me as much as she wanted to. It wasn’t that I didn’t like being touched like that, I just wasn’t used to it. I hated to admit it, even to myself, but she was a damn good mark. While she had been busy all this time hoping I was her daughter, I had been busy puttin’ in work. Coming to Texas had been a bomb opportunity to turn some fast money, but now I was ready to break out so I could go on with the rest of my fun little life.

  But for Selah, this was her life. She had spent so much energy feeling guilty about losing Sable and grieving over her daughter that it had become all she lived for. And now that she had found me, and especially since I was making moves to jet back to New York so soon, she looked real sad and lost.

  I hated it for her, I really did. But I knew leaving was the best thing for all of us, and when she asked me if I wanted to go back to the hospital and see Viceroy one last time, I almost screamed out, Hell the fuck no!

  Because even though that man couldn’t talk or point his finger, the look in his good eye and the way those machines started beeping and lighting up as he stared up in my face told me that somewhere in that damaged head of his, Viceroy knew the truth about me. And I knew without a doubt that if he ever got better and had a chance to bust me out to Selah and the rest of the family, he damn sure would.


  Finally! We was up in the air celebrating like a mutha! I was so hyped that I coulda flown that plane back to New York my damn self. I had a Coach wallet full of dough, a bank account that was loaded, and nothing but fun new opportunities stretched out in front of me for as far as I could see.

  Bunni was lifted too. We had smoked some chronic with Dane before we got in the limo to come to the airport, and right now we were sitting in the first-class cabin in extra-wide seats as Bunni ran them lil flight attendants back and forth with all her fifty thousand requests.

  “So check it out. This is how you should do it, Mink.” She batted her false eyelashes and counted off on her fingers. “You got a hundred grand, right? Okay, the first thing you need to do is throw that nine grand on your warrants so they don’t toss your ass under the jail. After that, we should go in half and half and get us a little weight—maybe fifteen to twenty g’s worth—and flip it a couple of times. Not in my building, ’cause that fool Punchie is probably still gunning for you, but maybe somewhere uptown. I got a few places in mind.”

  She snapped her fingers and the waitress brought her another shot of Hen-Hen on the rocks.

  “After that, you gotta put Gutta’s twenty-five racks to the side for when he gets outta jail, and you better find him a new apartment and get his shit outta storage too! That nigga don’t play when it comes to his cream, so we definitely gotta sit on that money and don’t touch it this time or we could end up dead. But that still le
aves us a whole lot more cash to play with!”

  “Damn right! Maybe we should take a vacation,” I said with my eyes lighting up. “We should take Peaches with us too.”

  “Yeah! Yeah! Let’s take our asses to Jamaica! We gon’ eat summa dat good roti and smoke some trees and get one a dem long-dick island boyz. Wha’ you know about dat shit mon?”

  “You so stupid!” I howled. “Jamaicans don’t sound nuthin’ like that!”

  “Whateva.” Bunni waved her hand. “However they sound, I want me one that ain’t never left the island. Not one of those dreads that be running around in New York!”

  “Well, wherever we go, our asses still gotta shop!” I giggled and took another sip of my drink. “I mean, how we gonna look busting up in Club Wood flossin’ some ancient shit? I need new gear from my wig to my shoes, baby. I feel like hitting a few hot parties when we get home too. You know I wanna make the rounds styling all my new shit so them hater-bitches sitting on your front stoop can faint!”

  “Hell yeah!” Bunni screamed all loud and made the flight attendants look at us like we was crazy. “Let’s do that shit, girl! ’Cause ain’t no party like a New York party, and a New York party don’t stop!”


  Barron rode in the backseat of the limousine holding his crying mother in his arms. They had just dropped Mink and Bunni off at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, and Selah was so broken down by the departure of this lost-and-found daughter of hers that it made Barron hate Mink even more. He glanced back at his brother Dane, who was sitting in the row behind them.


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