Double Dare

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Double Dare Page 2

by Ellwood, Leigh

  the open box. Sue cautiously extracted the dildo and tested its heft in her hand. It felt so real, from the raised veins along the shaft to the spongy circumcised tip, which she brushed with the pad of her thumb. It wasn't very large or thick—Sue guessed six inches—but she imagined it would feel as good as a real cock. She closed her eyes momentarily and smiled at the idea of sliding this silicone shaft in and out of her wet pussy. It seemed like a suitable alternative for when Cal had to make trips to New York without her.

  Of course, nothing could replace the sensation of Cal's hard eight inches pounding into her.

  "Okay, that's enough, you're drooling," Ellie mock scolded her, and took back the dildo. "Your hands are probably so hot from touching it, you'll melt all the skin off." Sue blushed. "Sorry. Is Brady really going to let you use that on him?" Ellie nodded. "Not without a concession on my part, but he promised." She replaced the dildo in its box and slid it into the oversized bag hanging from her shoulder. "I can't wait. I don't know why, but I just get so hot thinking about doing it. I'm gonna come right here."

  "Save it, girl. Breathe." Sue turned back to the scuffed mirror on the ladies' room wall and checked her lipstick. She had to admit, her friend's turn-ons had become rather uninhibited since high school. Who would have thought prim, honor student Ellie Shaw, rumored never to have let a boy reach second base, could become aroused at the thought of strapping on a silicone wand and fucking her husband's ass?

  For that matter, who would have thought that Simple Sue Carmichael would wind up in Vegas, married to a magnificent sexual beast who could make her come with only a wink? Sue pursed her lips and smiled at her own good fortune. She couldn't wait to return to her husband—her husband—and begin the honeymoon. Much as she wanted to see Vegas, she doubted she and Cal would see much past the foot of their bed, and that suited her fine.

  The way Cal looked at her as they exchanged vows, though, Sue knew they weren't making it past the limo. Brady and Ellie had made that perfectly clear without saying a word—they were going to be busy as well. The anticipation of all that sexual energy in such a compact space excited her.

  Lost in thoughts of an orgasmic time to come, Sue heard only detached words from Ellie's continuing monologue. It wasn't until the word chick bounced off the concrete walls of the cramped bathroom that Sue turned her head. Ellie's voice had taken a sudden downturn. "Beg pardon?" Ellie rolled her eyes and straightened her dress about her slim hips. "I mean, yeah, I'm curious, and I think I'm over the jitters that got me the last time we planned this. But, to call up a total stranger for sex?" Ellie shook her head. "It's unnerving, and it's not like Brady." Sue blinked. "Total stranger?" She tried not to look too confused, and let Ellie catch

  on that she hadn't been paying attention. "Well, she's not a complete total stranger, but she is somebody who advertises in the back of those sex magazines," Ellie said. "Brady knows her from a couple of times he's been here over the years. She's entertained at a few parties he attended, and she agreed to do this for free. But still, she's basically one step up from a hooker. Honestly, I'd feel more comfortable if it was somebody we both knew joining us, not just Brady."

  "I agree," Sue nodded, relieved. So this wasn't difficult to figure out: Brady and Ellie would be entertaining a third party. An interesting event to occur on a couple's wedding night, but Sue wouldn't judge. She could, though, understand Ellie's reluctance to follow through with Brady's request.

  "You can't find anybody you know?" Sue asked, and bit her lip when Ellie shook her head. An odd response, considering that the Garristons socialized with a number of openly sexual people. Ellie could be quite frank about her adventures, too, regaling Sue with stories of "play" in the city, though Ellie claimed to limit her participation to voyeurism and two-male menages. Finding another woman with whom both would be comfortable didn't seem like a difficult task, so why would Brady insist on an escort? Anonymity?

  Impossible, Sue decided. Brady's career was on the upswing, people had been bugging him for autographs since they touched down in Vegas. A stranger would be on the phone with the tabloids right after everybody got dressed. Maybe Brady actually trusted this person.

  Sue snapped her purse shut and followed Ellie out of the building. Maybe Brady wanted to keep this three-way experience as detached as possible, something that couldn't be achieved with somebody they knew very well. Sue knew about the couple's experiences with Cal, and how Cal had become attracted to Ellie as a result. Maybe Brady didn't want that happening with a woman, having Ellie realize she preferred women to men.

  Don't be silly , Sue told herself. Ellie was probably just curious, nothing more, and wanted this experience to have meaning and not be cheapened by sharing it with somebody she would likely never see again.. Curious. She had been curious herself. Unbidden came the memory of a photo shoot Sue had been hired to do for her friend, Lauren McKenna. Images of scantily clad Lauren romping in bed, limbs bent in soft core poses, floated in Sue's mind as they approached the limo. Lauren had made her hot then and curious to know a woman sexually. She wondered if she would ever have the chance now that she was married.

  Did she want that chance, though? She and Cal had never discussed the status of their marriage, whether or not there would be concessions for extra-marital activity like Brady and Ellie enjoyed. Would Cal want that sort of thing? Would she concede if he did? If she did, would he place restrictions on her? She saw Brady approaching, cell phone in hand. They were mere steps away from

  the limo when Ellie suddenly executed an about face and touched Sue's shoulder. Oh, my. Sue felt her skin erupt, and her heart pounded. Never before had she experienced this kind of reaction with Ellie...she felt aroused. It had to be residual memory of her brief infatuation with Lauren. Yes, that was it. Was it? Was it something more? "Isn't this exciting?" Ellie squealed just as Brady took her by the waist and led her

  away. "Yeah." All she could see were Ellie's lips, stretched into a smile. All she could think of were Ellie's lips wrapped around one of her nipples, tugging gently. Ellie's hands cupping her bottom and squeezing gently, Ellie's hips grazing against hers in an attempt to come closer… Whoa.. Sue shook the thoughts away, but the excitement lingered and prickled her skin. She

  could feel her nipples tightened from the imagined touch. Where was this coming from, this sudden desire to be with Ellie? She and Cal just

  got married! She should be looking forward to being with him. "Hey, babe." The touch to her own waist made her jump. Cal laughed at her

  skittishness and drew her closer. "Don't tell me you have the wedding night jitters," he teased. "No, how could you think that?" Sue slapped him playfully, and screeched when he grabbed her ass. Her voice lowered an octave when his touch rounded her hips and slid up to her breasts. Her pussy flooded, wanting more of his touch. And more of Ellie's.


  "What? No, no, no! Don't tell me that!" Cal ducked into the limo after Sue just as Brady's voice lowered. Brady and Ellie snuggled on one corner of the back bench, while the Briscoes took the opposite bench. Sue had wasted no time stretching her long, shapely legs across the seat, blocking Cal from any possibility of sitting. Undaunted, Cal knelt before her thighs and slipped a hand under her dress. Prying her legs apart, he wiped away the patch of her thong panties that covered her mound and zeroed in on her clit, stroking it in small circles.

  "Can you get us something else? Anything?" he heard Brady asking the other party on the phone. "I mean, c'mon, this is Vegas. You can't swing a cat without hitting a hotel room."

  "Swing a cat?" This got Cal's attention and he turned away briefly. Before he could ask anything more, a grunt from Sue ordered him to return his attention to rubbing her clit, which he did with renewed vigor.

  "Fine. Call when you get something." A sharp click later and Brady pocketed his phone. "That was Jen," he announced, referring to his tour assistant. "Bomb scare at the hotel, they found some nutball wandering the casino with dynamite strapped to his chest."<
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  The ladies gasped in horror, but Cal found the notion amusing. "That's ridiculous. Why would anybody want to do that?"

  "Seems some national gay/lesbian activist group is holding a convention there, and this guy was none too pleased." Brady's voice had an edge.

  Cal shook his head, then eased up Sue's dress to expose her askew G-string. Her bare pussy looked absolutely delicious, more deserving of the attention the EunuchBomber was getting. "Does he own the hotel? If not, he has no right to complain. Just haul his ass to jail so we can start the honeymoon."

  "It's not that easy. Jen says they had to evacuate everybody, there's people all over the place. Nutball claims to have hidden bombs all over the damn hotel. Said it could take hours until we can go back."

  "Well, that's insane," Cal said. He could only imagine the owners of the hotel were furious to think of how much business this was going to cost them, to say nothing of hundreds of people being inconvenienced due to one man's prejudice.

  "What? That's terrible," Ellie cried. Cal heard her shift behind him. Fleetingly he wondered how far she had undressed, but he couldn't turn away from Sue to check. Her gaze held him fast, her arched hips begged for more. To hell with waiting for the bomb squad, he'd start the honeymoon now.

  He dipped low and lapped Sue's cleft with one broad stroke. Delicious. She tasted of lavender and her own enticing musk. The white noise of Brady and Ellie kissing and talking gradually faded as his focus centered more and more on his wife's pussy, yet as he sucked her clit and nibbled her pussy lips, he could still piece together their conversation. He heard a smacking sound as the couple behind him quickly tapered off a kiss. "Brady, all our stuff is at the hotel. What are we going to do?" "Don't worry. Allie and the crew got everything out. She's looking for another

  place." "From what I heard on the other line, she didn't sound too confident." Cal raised his head, gaze still fixed on Sue's swelled pussy lips. "Lot of people in

  Vegas this weekend. They heard Brady was in town." "Cute," Brady chided him. To Ellie, he said, "She'll call when she finds us another

  place, don't worry. Shit, I just remembered." More kissing, presumably Ellie somewhere on Brady, then the fluttering chirp of Brady's awakened cell phone. Cal tried half-heartedly to hear the one-sided talk but Sue's sighs of pleasure drowned out the words. He twisted his body for leverage for better access to Sue's pussy and reached underneath to ease three fingers in and out of her soaked cunt. She was warm and wet and beautiful, and lost in his loving her clit. Ellie's giggling in the background offered an excellent critique to his oral skills.

  "Damn," Brady said. The phone snapped shut again. "I can't get in touch with our girl, El. Looks like that'll have to wait." "Okay." Cal couldn't help but detect that Ellie didn't sound too disappointed. Brady buzzed the intercom on a panel on one side of the limo and ordered the driver to cruise the strip until further notice. The car launched smoothly, and Cal felt Sue writhe with the new movement. Feeling the limo floor rumble underneath enhanced his arousal as well; his cock strained in his pants, aching to be free.

  "And," Brady continued, "since your stuff is at the hotel, we'll have to wait for that, uh, other thing, too. Sorry, babe." Cal had to stifle a laugh mid-lick. Now it was Brady's turn to be relieved! "Well, actually..." Ellie's voice was quickly muffled by more kissing, loud and

  sounding wet. Cal couldn't resist this time. He stopped eating Sue's pussy and turned around to see part of his suspicions confirmed. Ellie's dress hung low around her hips, her beautiful breasts exposed, and Brady's pants were undone, the flaps spread to either side. Brady idly rolled one of his wife's thick nipples between his fingers while Ellie stroked the long, thick cock jutting from a nest of fabric.

  "Now, come on," Cal scolded. "This is Vegas. You can't swing a cat without hitting a hooker or a 24-hour sex shop. And since everything's drive-through here, we don't even have to get dressed."

  Sue cackled, bent forward, and reached to slap Cal's behind, missing by inches. "You guys need to stop abusing that poor cat."

  Cal crooked one finger deep inside Sue's pussy until he found her G-spot. "I don't like cats, but I love pussy."

  Brady's hand trailed down Ellie's stomach and slipped under her dress. Ellie obliged by spreading her thighs apart so Brady could touch her pussy. "Me, too," he drawled, and leaned over to suck a nipple. "Me, too." All at once, the giggling and heavy breathing ceased. And everybody looked at Sue.


  Sue wanted to turn as black as the leather seat upholstery and fade away. Did she just admit out loud that she loved pussy? Why would she say such a would she know, anyway? She'd never kissed another woman, much less buried her face between another woman's thighs.

  Her mind was clouded, and it just slipped out. That was it. Cal was driving her to ecstatic insanity with his touch, and she just got caught up in the emotion of the moment. That, and she had been fantasizing about a woman licking her slick folds in Cal's place, but she wasn't going to admit that!

  She loved Cal, she married Cal. She wanted Cal eating her and fucking her and kissing her every day until she died. Fantasy was fantasy, best reserved for the quiet recesses of her mind, for her inner visions only, unless Cal wished for access. That was inevitable, too, considering how open Cal was with her. He would want to know what she felt and thought in order to better please her.

  As faces around her studied her with varying degrees of amusement, Sue's gaze fell on Ellie's spread pose. Ellie's pussy was bare and beautiful, shadowed in her dress. Sue wondered what it would taste like, wondered if Ellie's juices tasted any different than a man's cum. Sweeter, maybe?

  She looked away. She wondered how Ellie might react, how everybody might react, were she roll off this bench and go straight for that pussy. She could always claim later that too many martinis and the haze of an almost orgasm warped her judgment.

  She felt a hand massage her breast. "Sue, love," Cal's voice prickled her skin; it sounded far away. "You wish to share something with the rest of the class?"

  She canted her head back to the group and smiled, but smile turned to shock when she saw it was Ellie's hand squeezing her over the thin slip of dress, while her other hand brushed against her own breast. Cal, his pants and boxers pooled around his ankles, sat next to Brady. Each stroked his own cock, watching.

  How had Ellie come over to this side of limo without her realizing it? I can't be that out of touch, Sue thought.

  Sue locked eyes with her husband. "You have something to share yourself?" she challenged. Someone?

  "You both know what Ellie and I had planned for ourselves tonight, I'll presume," Brady said. "It's something we've talked about for a while, and we considered coming to you both first because you're our best friends. We love you both." "It's mutual," Cal said quickly. "As such, we weren't sure how to broach the subject. Cal..." The words didn't need to be said, Sue understood completely. She knew the history of Cal and the Garristons, of his past occasional participation in their sexual activities. She knew Brady had been uneasy with Cal at one point, not so much for Cal's attraction to Ellie, but because of Brady's protectiveness of the woman he loved. He wanted to indulge Ellie's fantasies, yet wanted her to himself. It was a conflicting situation, yes, and Sue wondered if Brady had since realized that the way to please Ellie was to loosen his grip on her. "It's different now," Brady said. "How so?" Cal asked. "How is it different?" "We're married." "We're married to each other, yes," Cal said, "but we all love each other, don't we?" "We do," Ellie said. Brady echoed. "So." Cal leaner closer and brushed his lips softly against Brady's. Sue felt her pussy twitch at the contact, and judging by the sharp squeeze to her breast she could tell the gesture aroused Ellie as well. Cal had been very open about his bisexual adventures—all of which exclusively involved Brady—but Sue had never been witness to it. Now, she wished for more.

  "Let's love each other," Cal said, his hand seeking out Brady's cock. "Let's give the EunuchBomber something to really scream
about." Brady snorted. "What? The Eunuch—" His protest was muffled as Cal claimed his open mouth in a gentle kiss. Soon the two commenced a heavy liplock that left no room for words to escape. Just the sight of it made Sue want to come. She wanted to hold off on doing that for a while, however. "That is so fucking hot," Ellie said. She stopped rubbing Sue's breast and her hand

  glided down her body. "You know what would be hotter?" Sue asked. "Yes." Ellie turned back and smiled, leaning over Sue's face. "I do."


  The limo rolled quietly and slowly past miles of animated neon and sweating tourists, around the block and back again. The driver's retinas surely ached from the glare, and his boredom from repeatedly passing the same landmarks might have given way to a desperate, sharp left turn from the Strip onto the next interstate ramp had not Brady's generous tip bought his loyalty to stay the course. So the long, white sedan continue to crawl in circles, unnoticed in blaringly loud Las Vegas.

  The occupants in the back couldn't have cared less what was happening on the outside, and took no notice through the heavily-tinted windows. Outer and undergarments draped the seats and mini-bar, bare skin covered what space was left as the orgy rolled around the block once more.

  Cal tried to remember the last time he had indulged in such wanton activity. Had it been on Brady's tour bus, heading toward Nashville, so many years ago? From what he recalled of that pot-hazed ride, every mile yielded an orgasm for somebody. The Cal of yesteryear might have imagined his wedding night—had the Cal of yesteryear desired to have one—would be no different.

  The Cal of right now was a bit surprised, but as he craned his neck to better rim the pinched, pink asshole hovering over his face, he decided not to complain.

  He did, however, have to momentarily steer his gaze elsewhere so he could see who exactly it was he was licking. He lowered his eyes to see a lovely pair of swollen pussy lips waiting for equal attention. He obliged them one broad lick. That narrows it down a bit.


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