Hard Roads

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Hard Roads Page 5

by Lily White

  I needed him to untie me, to release me just long enough to duck and run. I wasn’t going to convince him with words because it seemed like everything I had to say pissed him off in one way or the other. This was a moment where I needed to think quickly, act smart and drop the megabitch attitude that I’d always worn like clothing within the walls of my club. What options had I been given besides being a woman? I couldn’t overpower him. I couldn’t outrun him. There was nothing I could say or do to convince him to let me go. I could only think of one thing that could earn me my freedom and despite how the thought disgusted me, I realized that this situation was life or death. Play the game or meet the reaper.

  Cracking open my eyes again, I stared at the ceiling and moved my hips on the bed, pretending that I was just waking up and discovering that I was bound. He didn’t speak or move, but I could distinctly hear the sound of the bottle tipping to his lips. I didn’t know for sure, but I could feel his eyes watching me. I moved again, pulling at my arms and legs before relaxing back against the mattress.

  I expected him to say something, to break the silence with a sarcastic remark, but he didn’t. I realized that if any communication was going to occur, that I would be the one who needed to start it. My lips felt brittle when I opened my mouth to talk and my throat felt like sawdust had been shoved inside to remove all the moisture from my system.

  “JD?” My voice was rough and gritty, squeaking out from my throat to cross my lips on the heat of my expended breath. He didn’t respond except to raise the bottle to his lips again. I could hear the liquid bubble and I could hear his throat as he forced it down. Fear tickled along my spine, but I wouldn’t let it stop me from trying. The only focus I had was on saving myself.

  “JD, I ne … I need water please. My throat is so dry.”

  He was silent for a moment or two, to a point where I wondered if he’d left the room. Lifting my head from the pillow, the headache that I didn’t realize I had suddenly rallied against me, placing a vice around my brain and allowing dizziness to rush in and take hold. When my eyes finally caught sight of him, he was sitting in the chair without his shirt on, his jeans were unbuttoned at the top and I could see where thick, black stitches ran about an inch up from his hip. In one hand he held the Jack Daniels bottle on the desk beside him and his amber eyes were rimmed red from the effects of the half bottle he’d apparently drank.

  He smiled a crooked grin, anger still apparent in his gaze. “Afraid I can’t help you there, Munch. The water is in the bathroom, you’re tied to a bed and I don’t have a cup.”

  He leaned forward in the chair, the shock of pain evident in the way his face twisted with the movement. The bottom of the bottle slid against the wooden desk when he pulled it to himself, taking another swig before resting it on his leg. “What I do have is this whiskey, which I tried to offer to you earlier before you decided to BE A FUCKING CUNT!”

  My body jumped at the volume of his voice and I laid my head back down on the pillow, preferring to stare at the ceiling instead of the angry man who sat in front of me. I realized in that moment that I’d never really been scared in my life. Not when I watched my daddy kill people and not when I learned that my mother was dying and leaving me alone in this world. Nothing fazed me in my life. At least, not until this moment and this man. I couldn’t believe the heavy weight of fear that held me prisoner. When I heard the chair slap against the wall again, his boots move across the floor and felt the bed dip down from his weight, every muscle and nerve ending in my body tightened and pinged on high fucking alert. Like a deer in headlights, I couldn’t move. All I could do was wait as he crawled up the bed towards me.

  His head came into view followed by the broad, smooth width of his bare chest. He spread his legs so that they were folded under him, bent at his knees, which he pushed under my legs and rested on either side of my hips, pushing my hips up and into position. The zipper of his jeans was pressed up between my legs and he balanced himself over me with one arm while holding the bottle with the other.

  Holding it up so that I could see it, he smiled. “Would you like a drink, Munch? Is it good enough for you now?” Tilting the bottle, he let a few drops fall on my cheek. He smiled brighter. “Oh, damn. Looks like I missed your mouth.”

  Bending over, he brought his face to mine and licked up the trail of the drops. My body shuddered when his chest brushed up against the erect tips of my breasts. He smelled like soap and shampoo; something masculine, a spice mixed with musk. When he pulled back, fire was stoked behind the gold amber of her eyes. “Wanna see if I can get it in your mouth this time?”

  I shook my head, but he only let out a dark laugh and tipped the bottle so that the whiskey poured over my closed mouth.

  “Fuck, Munch. You didn’t open up.”

  When he bent down this time, his lips pressed tightly against mine, his jaw opening so that my mouth opened with his. The whiskey that was on my lips dropped into my mouth, pushed deeper by the thickness of his tongue. He kept his chest hovering over me so that it barely touched mine and the warmth of his skin seeped into me. Despite my anger and fear, my body responded. I could feel myself grow wet from where his jeans brushed up against me. My legs fell open and my breasts swelled to be touched. He kissed me with such passion that I lost myself to the moment, my breath stolen and my lungs burning for air. When he finally broke the kiss, he pushed himself up, taking the opportunity to look down my body and back up into my eyes.

  Using his arm, he wiped the whiskey from his mouth, smiling before commenting, “Oh damn. Looks like there is still some on your neck. I should probably clean that up.” He winked and when his mouth met the skin of my neck, I melted into the uncomfortable fucking mattress on the bed. A sigh escaped my lips and his chest rumbled against me when he laughed in response. On a deep growl, he asked, “You like that baby? Because I can promise you this whiskey only tastes better when it’s on your skin.”

  I couldn’t help the tremors that tore through me. His tongue felt hot as he dragged it across my skin, the trail left behind suddenly felt cold when exposed to the air in the room. My back arched and the pain in my shoulder was dulled by the way my body heated to have him near me. I allowed my head to fall back and I cried out when I heard the liquid slosh in the bottle and felt it trail in rivulets over my breasts. His hot tongue lapped up the alcohol, sweeping over my nipples and forcing the air once again from my lungs.

  “Oh, fuck…” The words escaped me before I could stop them. His drunken lust was becoming my own. His jeans pressed harder against me and I knew he’d become hard. My hips bucked up and he took one nipple into his mouth, softly biting it between his teeth before moving to the other breast. His tongue followed the trail of alcohol down along my abdomen and to where it had pooled over my belly button. I peered down, watching as his lips slid over the skin of my stomach and he looked up suddenly, with nothing but wicked thoughts obvious in his gaze.

  “How about now, beautiful?” his voice was as rough as mine, the muscles of his shoulders flexing as he moved even farther south. “Still thirsty?” Lifting the bottle again, he tilted it over my core, pouring the liquid down along the slick skin. The alcohol burned the sensitive skin, but when his mouth covered me, a carnal moan escaped my lips mixed with the lust and absolute need he stirred inside me. His tongue swirled over my clit as he licked me clean and after he finished lapping at the center of my core, he brought his hand up to press a finger inside. My legs trembled on either side of his head and I dropped my head back to the pillow one more time.

  I should have stopped him, should have fought off every effort he made to force himself on my body, but I didn’t want him to stop. The word ‘no’ was no longer part of my vocabulary as his hands and tongue pushed me over an edge that was so erotic, it felt like I was lost and floating in a thick sea of my own desire.

  Chapter Seven


  The woman had my attention and after placing the bottle of Jack on the floor by the bed, my h
ands ran up the insides of her thighs pushing her legs apart as far as they would go. When the ropes prevented me from pushing her knees up to her ears, I was instantly fucking aggravated, quickly grabbing my knife from my back pocket and forcing myself away from her exquisite cunt to reach down and cut the bastards off her ankles. A quiet complaint escaped her lips as soon as my mouth no longer covered her. My lips turned up into a wicked grin at the sound. I was drunk as fuck, completely numb and my side burned like it would split from my movement, but I didn’t. Fucking. Care. My cock was rock hard in my pants and I wanted to bury myself inside her.

  This woman was as addictive as the best blow in town: smooth like butter and the type that caused a sweet heat to spread over your body as soon as you tasted it.

  As soon as the ropes were cut away from her ankles, I shoved her legs so high that her knees completely covered her ears. I watched her face for a moment, enjoyed the expression of desperation and need that had replaced the typical angry scowl. She was beautiful. Without a lick of makeup and naturally tan skin she looked nothing like the club sluts and heel-locks that occupied the majority of my nights.

  Reaching down, I slid my finger over her lips, chuckling at how wet she’d become. She moaned out and I almost fucking lost it just watching the sound roll out of her mouth. I ached to kiss her, but she was so wound up that I ached to hear her scream out my name more.

  I lowered myself while gripping her legs, holding them in place above my head as I buried my face between her legs. Her body arched and I heard her breath blow hard from her lungs. I looked up and watched her as I lapped, nipped and sucked. Her head would shake slowly back and forth and I knew she was trying to keep from going over that edge … but I sure as fuck wasn’t havin’ it. If I wanted this girl screaming, she would be screaming.

  Shoving my tongue deep inside her, I kept pushing in and pulling out until the noises coming from her mouth reminded me of a volcano that was about to explode. She was a fighter in every aspect, even in bed, but I was bound and determined to win this, to show her that despite how much she hated me, I would own her body if I wanted it.

  It didn’t take long for me to own her because within seconds, her mouth opened wide as a carnal moan spilled out. Her chest heaved with a heavy breath, but then seemed to catch and hold when her legs tightened around my head. The obvious waves of her orgasm slid over her body in a sultry and seductive way that made her look like a dancer over the sheets. My cock slammed against my pants and I groaned from the pain of not being inside her.

  Pulling away, I chuckled to see the fine sheen of sweat that glistened over her body and the drunk look that now filled her once angry, colorless eyes. Her head swiveled on the pillow when she turned to look up at me, her eyelids heavy and her dark lashes falling over her cheeks as she blinked her eyes.

  “Still hate me, Munch? ‘Cause there’s nothing better than a good, long and angry fuck every once in a while.”

  A slight grin crinkled the corner of her lips just before she opened her mouth to say, “We’re not friends, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  The rough and sated tone to her voice sent shivers across my skin. The sudden need to dominate this beautiful woman caused my fingers to grip into her legs where I still held them spread open before me.

  Cracking her lips open again, she added, “But if you’re asking if I want you to stop … fuck no.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face. “I don’t need to be your friend to fuck you, baby girl.”

  Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, her entire body clenched when she spit out, “Don’t fucking call me that.”

  The reaction shocked me for a second, but the alcohol coursing through my veins and the swollen cock in my pants soothed that shock almost instantly. I didn’t give a fuck why she didn’t like the term and I was perfectly fine with keeping my mouth shut until she was singing my name. “Whatever you say, Munch. I don’t need to talk to fuck you either.”

  I had my pants off quickly, tearing them from my legs and throwing them across the room so hard that they slapped up against the wall before slumping down onto the dirty carpet. As soon as my dick was freed, a hiss of air rushed over my lips and I gripped myself, stroking slowly while watching the way her body moved in anticipation of being filled.

  “Goddamn, woman. If I could record the view of your sexy body when you’re about to get fucked, I’d be a wealthy fucking man.”

  She didn’t respond except for pulling down on the ropes that still held her arms above her head. As much as I enjoyed the way her tits bounced, I turned her over quickly, needing to mount the bitch like a feral fucking animal. Positioning myself between her legs, I loved how her back arched almost immediately, presenting the sweet swell of her ass. I couldn’t help myself. My hand came up, slapping her against one cheek and when she cried out, I speared myself inside her. Buried to the hilt, I slowed down to enjoy the way the muscles of her core flexed and rippled over me. It was like striking gold. You get that first little taste and suddenly you’re addicted to the absolute fucking elation it brings you. At that moment, this little woman was my favorite fucking addiction. After reaching up to grip her hair into my hand, I had to fight to ride her with slow, full strokes; head to balls until she was purring beneath me.

  A growl emanated from my chest when I said, “You’re a dirty little bitch, aren’t you?”

  Her head turned on the pillow so she could peek back at me. “I thought you said you weren’t going to talk.” Her words were broken apart with every stroke I made in and out of her body, but I still grinned at the anger in her tone.

  I winked. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Losing my composure at the little bit of rebellion still inside her, my rhythm went from a slow burn to a raging fucking inferno. Small moans that had once lovingly caressed her lips turned into cries of pleasure and eventually quieted into heavy breathing as her body started to clench around me, preparing to ride another wave of the release I was forcing through her. It wasn’t enough to have her crying out, I wanted to fuck this girl silent. In my opinion, I hadn’t done my job until the woman beneath me could barely breathe as she came.

  When her muscles were moving in a steady rhythm, the strength of which was milking the cum straight out of my body, I slapped her ass again, so hard this time that it stung my palm. It was like smacking the red button of a bomb, because as soon as the sound of the slap stopped echoing off the walls, she exploded around me. Gritting my teeth, I allowed my head to fall back as I slowed my pace to draw out the orgasm that was shaking her body. Her hands gripped into the rope that tied them to the bed and she buried her face into the pillow. But fuck that; I wanted to see the expression of a woman broken in two.

  “Fuuuuuck.” The words slipped from my lips. “You are the most beautiful slut I think I’ve ever seen.”

  Pulling out when her cunt stopped gripping me, I flipped her back around, my mouth landing on one tit as my hand gripped the other. Her legs wrapped around me, pushing me deeper inside her as my tongue licked over her nipple before me teeth bit down.

  “Oh Fuck! JD …”

  And there it was: my name rolling over her swollen, pink lips. I let go of her breast to look up and find her eyes clenched shut, her mouth open just slightly and her hands still gripped and holding onto the rope. I wasn’t going to last much longer, so I pushed myself up onto my knees, pulling her hips up off the bed and I groaned when she tightened her legs even more, holding herself in place. The entire bed shook with the force of our pounding bodies. Sweat trickled down my chest and landed on her stomach, sliding along the tan skin and shimmering in the low light of the room.

  My balls tightened between my legs and I released her hips to come down on top of her, holding myself up by my elbows as I pushed in as deep as I could go. She moaned and I moved to cover her mouth with mine, stealing not only the sexy as fuck sounds she was making, but also the breath forced from her body when she broke apart over me for a third time. Her e
ntire body quaked beneath me. As I shoved my tongue in her mouth, I pulled out of her quickly, my cum spilling all over her stomach. Jolts of satisfaction tore through me and I released her mouth when it was necessary to breathe again.

  I watched her face until she opened her spent and sated eyes. Making a point to look down at her stomach and back up, I winked. “That looks damn good on your skin. It’s a shame I’ll have to clean you up.”

  She smiled briefly, something small and instantly gone, but I saw it.

  “Fuck. You. Dick.”

  A chuckle broke free of my lips. “You just did, Munch.”

  That familiar scowl fell over her face and I laughed to see it. “Guess we should clean you up because I sure as hell ain’t sleeping in that.” Pointing down to her stomach, I chuckled again when she gave me the finger from where her hand was tied to the bed. “So, I’m going to untie you from this bed to let you go to the shower. Might as well tell me now if you’re going to try to run again. You won’t make it. I’m faster and stronger. I’d prefer that you just do as I say and not piss me off.”

  “Just untie me please.” She held her body as if she’d given in, but the sparkle in her eye told me she was just as rebellious as ever. Fuck if I wasn’t going to have to stay up all night watching her.

  Picking up the blade I’d dropped on the mattress after cutting the ropes at her feet, I reached up and cut the one that connected her to the bed. She groaned when she pulled her arms down and her eyebrow cocked when she noticed that her wrists were still bound.

  I winked again, pushing off of the mattress and asking, “You didn’t think I’d actually untie you all the way, did you?”


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