Hard Roads

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Hard Roads Page 9

by Lily White

  He had the bright smile of a predator with prey in its sight.

  “JD, long time, no see, brother. You’re a little later than I expected. I hope your trip here was an easy one.” He approached, taking my hand in one of his and placing his other on my shoulder. “I’d kiss your cheeks, but I know you bikers aren’t into my ‘customs’.”

  No. It wasn’t a cultural thing for Diablo. His customs were just habits and behaviors he’d picked up over the years that he believed made him more refined.

  “Good to see you. Not sure if you heard, but Bandana and Bandit will be rolling up soon enough to take my girl off my hands.” As soon as the words left my mouth, his eyes glanced over at Holly, a sly smile creeping over his lips as he took her in.

  “And what an absolutely breathtaking girl you have.” He tsked. “Well, if she were dressed properly, but I know how you bikers are, so I won’t hold style against you.” He winked at me when he returned his attention to my face.

  “She’s not a biker … just a groupie of sorts.”

  “Of course.” Nodding, he let go of my hand and shoulder and turned to Holly. “What is your name, beautiful?”

  “Her name’s Munch.” I interrupted before she could respond. We’d never discussed what name she’d go by, so I figured I’d just throw it out there to cover that base.

  Diablo’s eyes flicked to me, humor dancing behind the brown-gold color. “Can she not speak for herself?”

  He turned his attention back to her. “Munch? Such an awful name for such a beautiful woman.”

  Clearing her throat, her eyes glanced between me and Diablo before she responded, “Uh, yeah. It’s short for Munchkin.” When Diablo didn’t respond, she added, “My parents were assholes.”

  Laughter, dark and cruel, flowed over his lips. “I would say so. Well, come in.” He indicated to the interior of the house with a dramatic sweep of his arm. “Can I get you anything: water, wine, some new clothes perhaps?” Chuckling to himself, he strode in front of us, leading us into a large common area with a bar set off to the side. As soon as we entered the room, the junkies and sluts that were a permanent feature of Diablo’s compound could be seen sitting around in sofas and chairs arranged throughout the space. Like ghosts, their eyes slowly looked in our direction, noticing our presence, even though their drugged minds didn’t necessarily comprehend if we were real or an illusion.

  Holly looked suddenly nervous, stepping into me as if my body would protect her from the odd expressions of the people in the room.

  “Don’t mind them, beautiful. They don’t bite.” Diablo stepped behind the bar, pulling out crystal cups and placing ice inside. As each cube fell, it tinkled against the glass and echoed through the unusually quiet space. “These are just friends who like to hang around for the parties I throw quite often.”

  Holly forced a smile and we sat down on the wood and leather barstools as Diablo looked back in our direction.

  “Water? Soda? Something stronger, maybe?”

  Clearing my throat, I answered for both of us. “Water will be fine. It’s hot as hell out there and I think both of us could use the fluid refill.”

  He smiled, the light glinting off his perfectly white and straight teeth. “Water it is. We can always switch you to something stronger once you’re rehydrated.”

  “I’m not sure that’ll be necessary. I have to take off for Washington once the brothers arrive to grab Munch from me and I need my mind intact for the drive.” I tried to keep my tone as friendly as possible, not wanting to insult him for refusing his hospitality. Diablo was weird like that; his suggestions or offers coming out more like an order or command.

  He smiled like a viper. “I understand completely. I hear John is organizing a run. I have your supplies ready for when you leave. Payment has already been arranged, so all you need to do is pick them up on your way out.”

  “That’s what John told me, so thanks for that.”

  His smile never faltered as he quickly turned his attention back to Holly. “So…Munch. Tell me how you came to be in the company of such a rough group of men.”

  Holly looked up at Diablo, a fake smile plastered once again over her beautiful face. Shrugging, she played stupid and I grinned at how well she pulled off the act. “Oh, I don’t know. I just have a thing for bikers, I guess. Get it from my momma, although she’s never been able to keep one interested for too long.” She looked over at me and winked. “I hope to hang on to this one longer than a few months. Possibly even get him to go down on one knee or somethin’.”

  Diablo grinned wider. “Well, I wish you luck in that endeavor. Although, a beautiful girl like you could do so much better if you found the right man. Don’t you agree?”

  Every muscle along my spine stiffened at the underhanded insult. Holly didn’t seem fazed.

  “Oh, he’s the right man alright. Big and rough, just like I like them.” Elbowing me in the side, she asked, “Isn’t that right baby?”

  Diablo’s voice lowered an octave when he replied, “You like them rough? That’s a good quality in a woman. But I hope you realize, a man doesn’t need to be a biker to be rough.” His head tilted to the side with his words.

  Placing our glasses in front of us, he refused to take his eyes off of her. If I had hackles, they’d be raised up in irritation at this point. The fucker was pissing me off. His expression gave away the fact that he was doing horrible things to Holly in his head and I didn’t like the sleazy look he was giving her.

  I wanted to gut him right then and right there, but it would fuck everything up that I’d worked for. The only thing I could do was continue playing this out until the brothers arrived to escort Holly away from the compound. After that, she wasn’t my problem anymore.

  And for some fucked up reason, the thought didn’t make me feel better about any of this.

  Chapter twelve


  He wasn’t as beautiful as JD, but damn if Diablo wasn’t a close second. He moved with feline grace and his light colored clothes worked hard to hide the natural tan to his skin. Black hair adorned his head and brown eyes with large gold flecks peeked out from beneath thick black lashes. His shoulders were broad and his abdomen dipped down into his narrow hips. I couldn’t find a single flaw about him. Charming was the perfect word to describe him, the kind of charming that could seduce you into walking towards your own death just to be near him.

  The man was a predator, plain and simple. My eyes ran the cut of his cheekbones along his face and glanced down to admire the most perfect smile I’d ever seen.

  “So, Munch. Tell me about yourself.”

  I could tell that JD wasn’t comfortable with the attention that Diablo was paying me and I sank against him when he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me and my stool closer to where he sat. I glanced at his face, noticing the slow anger that burned behind his eyes.

  “Um, there isn’t really much to know. I’m from Arizona, raised by my mom, didn’t really know my dad. He came around every so often when I was a kid, but that stopped when I turned 12.”

  JD squeezed his hand on my hip and I took that as a sign to shut up. The thing about lying is that you need to keep it simple. Too many details and eventually you’ll forget the story you’ve told people.

  Diablo leaned against the counter behind him, his eyes unmoving from my face. “So you were abandoned by a biker, I assume, since that is what you said your mother liked.”

  “Uh…” I wasn’t sure how to answer him because it seemed like every question he asked was just another way for him to lead me further into whatever trap I assumed he was setting.

  He smiled. “I only ask because I find it odd that you would so willingly go running into the same type of life. A father should never abandon his daughter, if for nothing else but because he can’t protect her from a man just like him.”

  Taking a drink from my glass, I sipped slowly, relishing the feel of the cool liquid sliding down my throat and also taking the time to fo
rmulate my response.

  “Yeah, well, it wasn’t a bad life. Even though it was just mom and me, we made it through and had a good time doing it.”

  “I see.” His stare was molten metallic, the light filtering in through the windows glinting off his eyes as they burned into me. “I’d like to give you a tour of my house.”

  The offer came out of nowhere and JD’s hand gripped into my side, the fingers digging painfully into my skin. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. However, nothing was not a response suitable to Diablo.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  JD cleared his throat and, thankfully, answered in my place. “I’m not really comfortable letting my girl leave my side, but if you don’t mind taking both of us, I’d love to look around. I’ve never really seen more than the hallway and this room.”

  Annoyance flashed behind Diablo’s eyes, but a sly grin slithered across his face immediately afterwards.

  “When will your brothers be arriving? I’d hate to be lost in the many halls of the house and not have a chance to greet them when they get here.”

  This time, JD was at a loss for words. It was obvious he knew that something was up, but like me, he couldn’t put his finger on it. The silence between the two men was uncomfortable, so I took the time to look behind me and around the room. Diablo’s ‘friends’ hadn’t moved an inch and even though their attention seemed to be focused on us, I wasn’t sure they had any comprehension as to what was going on.

  “They’ll be here in an hour or so, but knowing how they ride, it could be sooner. Maybe we should just stay down here until they roll up.” JD’s voice was firm, his agitation an obvious slice to his words.

  “Or…you can wait for them. As long as they are greeted, I’ll feel at ease.”

  JD grew silent again, his hand still clenched firmly on my hip.

  Diablo smiled again. “Please, it would be my pleasure to escort such a beautiful woman around my property. I ensure you, I will return her to you in one piece.”

  Yeah, but would I be dead or alive? I suddenly remembered what JD had said about this guy and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. When Diablo looked at you, every natural alarm in your body went off, almost as if you were standing in the presence of pure evil.

  JD was reluctant when he released my side, but I understood why he wouldn’t keep arguing. To stay alive, we remained polite and under control. We were on Diablo’s turf and as such, we were at his mercy. As long as we could play this off, we’d walk away from here unscathed: JD to run off and live the rest of his life and me to be taken to Washington where I would face an entirely new bad situation.

  In order to break the tension between JD and Diablo, I interrupted to say, “I’d love to see the property, Diablo, but could you first show me to a restroom? I need to pee.” No, it wasn’t classy or well mannered for me to announce that, but I was playing the dumb slut character and I wanted to make it believable.

  JD glared at me for accepting Diablo’s offer, but by the looks on both of the men’s faces, it was either that or risk a fight between them and that’s the last thing anybody needed at this point.

  Diablo smiled finally, stepping out from around the bar and offering me his hand. Hesitantly, I took it and when I looked over at JD, I swear fire was behind his eyes. He was so angry that I could feel the heat roll off his skin and Diablo looked back at him, a sly smile across his face.

  “No worries, JD, she’ll be treated like the princess that she is. I have a special love for women. No harm will come to your girl.” He winked before turning back to me.

  With his hand wrapped firmly around mine, he pulled me from the room, only giving me enough time to glance back at JD. He’d stood up from his seat, his hands fisted at his sides and his mouth pulled into a thin line. Tension radiated over his body and I turned away from him, oddly upset that I was leaving him alone. I whispered silent prayers that Bandana and Bandit would arrive soon because I didn’t think JD would be able to remain calm if Diablo continued separating us.

  Once we’d traveled down the long entry hall and up a set of stairs to the right, we walked across a landing that ran parallel to a large group of picture windows. Diablo slowed his stride, allowing me to take in the lush greenery that surrounded his house.

  The scene was so beautiful that I forgot about the danger standing next to me in the form of a breathtaking charmer, a snake hidden and ready to strike.

  “What do you think so far? It took my gardeners years to import and grow most of the plants, but I think the money I invested into the project was well worth it.” Smooth and sultry, his voice sounded like music more than words. He had a slight accent, but it only added to his appeal.

  I was at a loss for words. Having grown up in a dust bowl, I’d never really seen anything as beautiful as the scene spread out before me. The shadows of mountains could be seen in the distance and I realized that Diablo’s compound was an oasis tucked away in the middle of rugged terrain. It was a perfect hide out, but I wondered how he kept his operations under cover without law enforcement noticing the odd property located in the middle of nowhere.

  “It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. Your men must work lots of hours taking care of it.”

  He moved closer to me so that our arms brushed against each other. His body was like an inferno, warm and overwhelming against the cold air that blew throughout the house. As I continued staring outside, I felt his finger run slowly down my cheek.

  “It’s not the most beautiful thing that I can see from where I stand.” The deep baritone of his voice vibrated across my skin and I was almost lulled into a false sense of security as a result.

  Suddenly remembering the situation, I was snapped back to reality, stepping away from him and smiling in hopes that he wouldn’t take the move as an insult.

  “We should keep going. I don’t think JD would like me being away long. He gets jealous.” My voice shook, but I kept up the façade of being in love with the man whose sole purpose was to abduct me for a rival club.

  Smiling knowingly, there was a secret hidden behind the brown-gold of his eyes when he replied, “Of course.”

  Taking my hand again, he led me away from the windows and down another hall. Rows of doors ran along both sides of the hall and I could hear muted voices and music, the sound of several people having sex from behind the walls. Diablo smiled to see me blush. The hall opened up into another large common area. Just like the last one, people lounged around on couches and chairs, their eyes unseeing even though it appeared they noticed we’d entered. Despite the fact that I knew better than to inquire, I couldn’t contain my question.

  “Are they all drugged? I don’t think I’ve seen anybody around here that doesn’t have that dead look in their eyes.”

  He stopped walking suddenly and I plowed into him before I could stop myself. Backing away quickly, I watched as he slowly turned in my direction, his mouth curled at the sides with whatever thought he hadn’t yet voiced.

  “They are not dead, Munch…” My name rolled off his lips with a touch of bitter contempt. “They are alive in their own worlds. They come here for refuge…for escape. I give them what they need and they repay that debt in any way I require. I apologize if my home is not up to your standards. I’m sure a touch of refinement is a long way off from the clubs where you’ve spent most of your time.”

  Quickly, backpedaling, I stammered when I said, “I didn’t mean anything by it. So, I’m sorry if I offended you. I just … sometimes I don’t think before I speak.”

  “That’s apparent.” He smiled wickedly, silently daring me to call him out for the insult.

  Biting the inside of my lip to keep from cussing him out, I returned the smile, continuing onward with the dumb act.

  “We should be getting back. I don’t want to worry, JD.”

  Diablo took my hand again, squeezing so hard this time that the small bones beneath the skin rubbed together. I tried to pull away, but he only sq
ueezed harder, pulling me against his body and placing his other hand on my lower back.

  When I struggled to break free, he chuckled. “I’m sorry, Munch, but I haven’t finished the tour. My home is three stories. It has 40 bedrooms, 50 bathrooms, 10 entertainment rooms, 4 kitchens and many other amenities. You could live comfortably here; a beautiful trophy that would show off my wealth and affluence.”

  I struggled harder, remembering JD’s warnings about the man who now embraced me in a painful hold.

  “I need to get downstairs.” My voice shook, the sound of fear slipping out to lace my whispered words.

  The sound of men struggling echoed up from the floors below us and my eyes opened wide when I heard JD yell, followed by the sound of gunfire. Locking my gaze to Diablo’s, I tried to pull away again only to be gripped harder, my strength no match for the arms that encircled me.

  “I hear that your other friends have arrived. It’s a shame that our polite acquaintance has to end so soon.”

  “I don’t understand, what’s going on? I need to get back to JD.” Giving up the fight, I pled with him to release me, desperate to find the comfort of JD’s arms in the illusion of paradise that existed within Diablo’s compound.

  A door opened behind me and Diablo released my body only to grip his large hands around my biceps. He continued trapping me in place, but allowed me the space to turn around and see who had exited the room where I remembered hearing loud music blaring as we walked past.

  A large man stumbled out, his long hair disheveled and covering his face. He stumbled forward, his body completely naked and held in such a way that it was obvious he was in pain. When another man exited behind him, he grabbed the back of the first man’s head, pulling the hair so that his head was tilted upward and his face was revealed.

  I gasped, suddenly recognizing the person who stood in front of me. I looked him over again, for the first time noticing the blood that dripped down the backs of his legs from his ass.


  His name was a faint whisper over my lips, followed by the dark laughter of the man that held me.


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