The Royal Search for Shenanigans

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The Royal Search for Shenanigans Page 4

by Nita Marie Clark

  Finally Princess Lilli, Prince Ryan, Princess Kaylyn, and Prince Aidan were traveling to the castle under the watchful eye of Miss Prudy.

  As the limo pulled up the drive to the castle everyone was curious to why there were several staff members standing out under the back portico, trying to comfort the cook. Lilli chuckled under her breath, “Wow, she must have really burned the main course for tonight’s banquet.”

  Little did Lilli know that was far from the problem. It really was partly Lilli’s fault the cook was having such a bad morning. Even before they had started up the long drive to the castle Miss Prudy was on her phone being briefed on the situation.

  A few hours earlier the cook had run out of the kitchen and refused to go back in. She was having some type of crisis, claiming her food was disappearing and there was a monster taking it! Unless someone had an idea to solve the problem there would be no lunch. Lilli felt a chill go up her spine, could it be Shenanigan?

  No way, it had to be just a figment of cook’s imagination. She had to get inside and check it out. Lilli whispered something in Miss Prudy’s ear. Miss Prudy shook her head no, but Lilli repeated her message. Miss Prudy gave a quick pause and then broke into a grin. After a brief conversation with the kitchen staff, Miss Prudy announced, “In one hour the Land of Zen’s world famous, Pizzalo’s pizza will be served for lunch in the main dining hall.”

  The Royal foursome listened to the sounds of their laughter and the echoes of their footsteps as they ran down the hall towards Lilli’s quarters.

  Lilli was not prepared for what she saw when she opened her door. It was obvious someone, or something, had been in her quarters and Lilli was pretty sure it was Shenanigan O’Toole. Now he was running loose creating chaos in the castle. She had no idea how he had gotten here, or why! Lilli knew she had a big problem and his name was Toodles!

  The change in Lilli’s mood was very evident to the others. She explained she had a strange story to share, but only if they would take an oath of loyalty.

  Without hesitation Ryan, Aidan, and Kaylyn were standing at attention with hands over their hearts and they listened intently. Lilli spoke the sacred words of the cousins’ pledge of silence, “I, as a royal cousin, will not reveal any information told to me in confidence. All words that come my way will stay a secret forever and a day, I so swear.”

  Lilli gave a quick version of her adventure, standing in front of the mural painted long ago. She pointed out the inscription left by Ruth. Lilli ended the story by showing them the white satchel with Flora’s name on the front. Then she opened her beloved music box, removed the locket and placed it around her neck. She then handed the music box to Kaylyn, sitting on the bench in front of the vanity, wide eyed and speechless. The story sounded impossible.

  Kaylyn and Aidan, waited to hear Ryan’s opinion. He was the oldest and they always followed his lead.

  Lilli felt panicky as the minutes ticked by and Ryan had yet to say a single word. What was he thinking? Had she just made a huge mistake? Had she ruined everything? Was he going to betray her trust?

  Finally Ryan stood up and started walking across the room. Lilli was so disappointed, she thought Ryan would always be someone she could count on to be an ally and confidant. But he was leaving. Where was he going and who would he tell?

  Ryan was almost to the door when he turned and walked back towards her and turned again. He wasn’t leaving, he just could think better on his feet. As he paced back and forth, Ryan assured her, “Yes, Lilli we will help you solve this problem. But first things first. We have only a few more minutes before lunch, lets look for Toodles!” Lilli was so relieved she had to wipe tears from her eyes.

  Most of the disarray was located around the closet, with a quick search they had found some answers. Located at the very back of the closet was a fake panel that had been removed, exposing an entrance to a secret passageway. It was very evident that whoever, or whatever, had been terrorizing the cook, had recently used the passageway and left behind the evidence to prove it, an empty bag of Fig Newton Cookies!

  Unfortunately, there was no time left to continue the search, it was time for lunch. Hopefully they could convince Miss Prudy to let them have lunch in Lilli’s quarters.

  Before they left Aidan insisted on doing one more important thing, they needed to choose a name for themselves.

  Every group needed a name, after all who would ever have remembered “The Three Musketeers” if they had not had a catchy title! They soon settled on The Royal Protectors of Shenanigan’s Secret Existence. Now and forever to be known as the “Royal P.O.S.S.E.”!

  With that done The Royal Posse headed to the main dining room to round up some pizza for lunch. Even in a rush Lilli stopped to pay her respects at the portrait of Queen Flora.

  When they entered the dining hall, it seemed strange to see the tables covered with the finest linen and set with the most expensive China, holding triangle slices of pizza! The shiny silver goblets filled with fruit standing like silent guards at each plate, just added to the humor of the morning’s events. However no one seemed to mind the casual and unusual lunch. This was the most relaxed and jovial lunch Lilli had ever experienced at the castle.

  Everyone was chuckling over how someone had entered the storage room next to the kitchen, put on one of the costumes stored there and played a joke on the cook. The cook had been so frightened that she refused to go back into the kitchen. It had taken quite awhile to convince her it was all just a prank.

  The cook was now back in the kitchen. However preparations for tonight’s banquet were hours behind schedule. While Lilli felt responsible for cook’s dilemma, she was very happy to hear cook was back to normal. Now she just had to keep it that way!

  Chapter 12

  The Hunt Is On

  With a little persuasion, Miss Prudy had agreed to The Royal Posse’s request to have their lunch in Lilli’s quarters, but not before reminding them that the rules are the rules. She had seemed relieved that the children would not require her supervision. Her help was much more needed in the kitchen.

  The Royal Posse was disappointed King David, aka Grandfather, was no longer sitting at the dining room table. They wanted to thank him. It was his, “How can children learn responsibility if they are never given responsibility” speech that had made the difference in Miss Prudy’s decision. They glanced around the room, but he was nowhere in sight.

  The royal foursome headed across the room and out the door, where they were greeted by none other than Grandfather. He gave them a big smile, a little wink and said, “I don’t know what you kids are up to, but stay out of trouble and have some fun.” Then with a quick motion of his hand he sent them hurrying back up the long hall, with a piece of good advice and a pizza carton in hand. Once in Lilli’s room they quickly finished their lunch and got to work.

  Ryan paced around the room. He looked quite serious and king like with his hands clasped behind his back. He cleared his throat and spoke in a very strong voice, “When trying to untie a knot, it is easier if you can see both ends of the string.” He was not sure what it meant, but his Grandfather was fond of saying it when he had a problem to solve.

  Lilli knew immediately what it meant, and he was right. They needed to know the history of the Land Of Shenanigans if they were to solve it’s mystery. The “When did it happen, how did it happen and who made it happen?”

  However the first problem they had to solve was finding out who had been in the passageway. If it was Shenanigan, they had to find him before he caused any more trouble.

  It was decided Ryan and Lilli would begin to search while Kaylyn and Aidan would remain behind to explain their absence, should the need arise.

  Ryan and Lilli tried to conceal their fear as they walked down the dark passageway. Miss Prudy’s whistle could be heard as she helped prepare for tonight’s banquet. If they were close to the kitchen, the door in front of them had to lead to the storage room.

  The door made a scary creaking sound
as they slowly opened it. As the door closed behind them both Lilli and Ryan were secretly questioning their decision to enter this big, dark scary room!

  Lilli was glad she had the flashlight from Kammy’s backpack, though it’s beam did cast an eerie light on the items that had been stored there for decades, creating weird shadows on the walls.

  Lilli held tight to Ryan’s arm, as they moved slowly through the room. Ryan was grateful for Lilli’s hand on his arm, it was comforting to know he was not completely alone. Neither had ever been so frightened. They had thought they sensed movement then quickly decided it was just nerves and their imaginations.

  Suddenly, a scary figure jumped out from the dark and terrified Lilli and Ryan with a loud “BOO!”

  Standing there with an ornery little grin on his face, was Shenanigan! His smug attitude made it clear he was pleased with the results of his prank. It was several minutes before Lilli and Ryan stopped shaking. At least they had found him. Or to be correct, Shenanigan had found them!

  Chapter 13

  One Shenanigan found, now what?

  For Ryan and Lilli the walk back up the passageway was much less scary knowing they had Shenanigan trailing behind.

  Lilli was trying to figure out what she was going to do when they got back to her quarters. She did not intend to let Shenanigan know that she was the one who had traveled through the magical entrance and she did not want him to know she was a princess.

  Lilli decided she would just have to solve one problem at a time. The very first was to let Ryan know he needed to take charge. The less Lilli had to speak the better.

  Kaylyn’s face lit up with relief, at the sight of her brother and Lilli. Unfortunately her feelings were not the same for the big green dragon, that they had in tow! In a blink of an eye, with the speed and agility of an Olympic gymnast, Kaylyn somersaulted across the room, landed up right on the middle of the bed, she snatched a pillow, did a quick bounce, then made a little twist and finally landed upright between the side of the bed and the wall, still holding the pillow in front of her for protection. It was quite an amazing yet funny sight to see, but Kaylyn was not laughing.

  No amount of coaxing, could convince her that even if this monster was dangerous, the pillow she was holding would be of little protection. This member of the Royal Posse was staying right where she was, behind the bed!

  Ryan knew he had to take charge, but how? He had no idea what to say to a big green dragon!

  Suddenly he knew exactly what to say, nothing! Grandfather always says actions speak a thousand words. Ryan assumed a strong stance, pulling himself up tall, chest out, stiff legged, his feet apart, his arms folded across his chest, and with a stern look on his face, he stared down his adversary. Lilli and Aidan joined him standing with the same stance. It only took another moment and as quickly as Kaylyn had landed behind the bed, she was out and now standing tall next to her brothers and Lilli, with arms folded across her chest still holding her pillow. Her help was needed and nothing, not even a big green monster could scare her enough to stop her from giving it. The Royal Posse was complete!

  By the expression on the big green dragon’s face he did not know what to do either. The room was so quiet you could hear the ticking of the clock.

  Moments passed before Ryan spoke in a commanding voice, “Why are you here and what do you want?”

  Shenanigan had been disappointed that his arrival had been met so calmly. Then it occurred to him that when the intruder returned from visiting the Land of Shenanigans he must have given his report so they were well aware of the circumstances of his visit. That would explain their lack of fear.

  In his best military voice he introduced himself, “I am Cadet Shenanigan O’Toole here on orders from His Majesty Prince Oden. My orders are to locate the visitor who had befriended me. Further more I am ordered to appear back to his castle in five days with this visitor. This is the second day of those orders, and I would appreciate your help and cooperation Sir.” Ending with a snappy salute and waiting for a reply.

  The young Prince choose his words carefully as he introduced himself, his cousin Lilli, his sister Princess Kaylyn, and his brother Prince Aidan. Ryan stepped as close to Shenanigan as possible and asked, “What reason does Prince Oden have to make such a command, does Prince Oden know you came to the Land of Zen, and would the visitor be in danger if they were to make an appearance at the Prince’s castle?”

  Shenanigan answered with, “I don’t know sir. I don’t make such decisions. I just follow orders. I was not asked where the visitor was from so I could not have told anyone that information. So to answer your question, no one else knows I’m here sir.” Then Shenanigan added, “Prince Oden is a very kind Prince. Sir!”

  Lilli was very amused by Toodles’ serious demeanor, but she did not find it humorous that he would not give any more information.

  Shenanigan was ready for a nap. It was agreed that he would spend the rest of his visit in the storage room and not cause any more mischief, and they would help in the completion of his mission. Lilli had her doubts if Shenanigan could resist the urge to have some fun, but at least it was a start of a plan.

  Lilli wondered why she had ever wished for some adventure in her life. She had never imagined that it would include a big green talking dragon! There had not been a boring minute in days. And things were about to get more complicated.

  Kaylyn could not believe what was laying on the floor in the middle of the room. Lilli’s music box! It was open upside down with the red silk lining from the lid laying several inches away. She felt terrible she had been holding the music box when she was frighten by Shenanigan. She hoped she could repair the treasured keepsake, it did not appear to be too damaged. She could not replace the lining, there was something in the way. A piece of paper so yellow and brittle, appearing to be very old. It’s message left Kaylyn and the rest of the Royal Posse, puzzled and confused.

  No one could figure out why it was signed Kaylyn, but the message had provided a big clue in solving the mystery of the beginning of The Land Of Shenanigans.

  Lilli knew she had to see the castle historian and Kaylyn had to go with her!

  Chapter 14

  Meeting with the Professor

  Even through the soles of their shoes the wide stone steps felt cold to their feet as Lilli and Kaylyn made their way down the damp musty stairway into the very lowest part of the castle. The corridor leading to the office of the castle historian was more pleasant, lined with bright lights and colorful art work.

  Large humidifiers made soft humming sounds as they cleansed and dried the air and did their jobs of protecting the books and delicate pages of government documents, many stored there for centuries.

  A large centuries old heavy wooden door with a gold plaque identified the office of:

  Professor Hugh Dooretee,

  Official Castle Historian

  The princesses worried that the door would be too heavy for them to open. Much to their relief the professor’s assistant opened the door for them. Their trip through the castle had not gone unnoticed. Professor Dooretee knew he was about to receive special guests.

  The Professor was everything Lilli had imagined. Sitting on a tall stool in front of an equally tall slanted writer’s desk, holding a quill pen in hand, with his half rimmed glasses perched at the tip of his nose, short neatly trimmed white beard and hair, tailored black jacket, striped tie, and love of history, he instantly became one of Lilli’s favorite people. She could picture him playing Santa at the annual Christmas Party, if he gained a few more pounds.

  It was an honor to have a member of the Royal family pay his office a visit. After exchanging a few pleasantries Lilli handed the Professor a list of questions. As he scanned the list one question seemed to be of extra interest. He gave Lilli a curious glance over the top of his glasses, did a soft whistle and went back to the list.

  When he finished the professor understood why he had been honored by the visit. He chose his explanation
with great care. He did not want their curiosity about history to be diminished, when he told them that they must have been the victim of a hoax.

  He explained, “The years 1682 through 1717, that you are interested in were actually known as the “Years of Legends”. Any stories that you may have been told about those years are not true. These stories were proven false by previous historians.” Then the professor decided to make their trip worthwhile, “I will tell you the complete legend as I know it.”

  “The legend dates back to a very strange and unusual event in 1692, that created the mountains that now tower behind the Zen castle. Obviously it had been an earthquake but people were very superstitious, so the following story was created to ease their fears.”

  Chapter 15

  The story of Avery and Alistair

  The Professor insisted that the story was not true. It was just folklore that had been handed down from generation to generation, however he would tell it.

  “In 1667 the then Queen of Zen gave birth to a set of identical twin boys. These twins were so alike no one could tell them apart. They were given the marking of AV and AL on their inner forearm for identification. But no one knew which twin was born first. This was a big problem as the first born always inherited the throne. Over the years it was a subject for conversation, then it became one of disagreements. By the time they were close to taking over the kingdom, it had become a real feud between the brothers.”

  “There was even talk of war, which really distressed their much younger sister. The princess was very quiet and shy. She loved both of her brothers very much and could not bear the thought of either of them being in danger or being the cause of such a disaster.”

  “She summoned all her courage and went to see the king and his advisers. The Princess had a plan, divide the Kingdom in half and let each become a king. That had seemed to solve the problem. Though a short time after the death of the king, the princess received word that Alistair had rounded up all the O’Toole dragons and was planning to attack Avery to reunite the kingdom under his rule, believing he was the first born and all the kingdom belonged to him. The Princess begged Alistair to reconsider but he would not.”


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