Brody: The Callaghan Mafia #2

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Brody: The Callaghan Mafia #2 Page 13

by Rylan, Savannah

  “Brody, yes. Holy fuck, you fill me up so good.”

  “Not regretting this now, are you? I knew you’d like it. You nasty little whore.”

  “I could never regret you,” she breathed.

  “Come for me. Come for me, and show me just how much you love my cock.”

  “I love you. Brody, I love you so much. Please. Please. Brody, yes!”

  Her asshole collapsed around me, holding me tighter than I ever had. And as my balls pulled up into my body, my heart burst with delight. I dug my teeth into her other shoulder. Sucking and licking. Biting and nibbling. Until her skin was red and welted with evidence of me. She pushed herself back against my dick. Fucking her body on my cock. And as she drew from me every droplet of arousal I had for her, I collapsed on top of her. Sending us both falling to the floor of the shower.

  Before Abby started crying underneath me.



  The weight of his body felt outstanding. The pain in my ass and my lower back left me breathless. And yet, the pleasure throbbing throughout my body overrode all of that. I was confused. I was more vulnerable than I ever had in my entire life. I needed something, but I didn’t know what. I needed more, but I didn’t know what of. I’d never felt this way before, and it frightened me.

  But, feeling Brody’s weight on top of me like a weighted blanket brought me comfort.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  My broken breaths turned into soft sobs. The hot water falling around me did nothing to quell the shivering of my bones. I felt Brody’s lips against my skin. Over and over. Trying to calm me. Kissing my tear trails away as he shifted off my body. But I wrapped my arms around him. Tightly.

  “Don’t leave. My god, please,” I whispered.

  His lips fell to my ear. “I’m not leaving. Shift with me, baby girl.”

  He moved my body with his. And with every movement, I felt his arousal trickling down my slit. Dripping from my asshole. I already missed his weight on top of me as he helped me up. He sat against the wall of the shower, with the water running down his body. Sweat, intermingling with the glistening substance that coated his body and made him even more beautiful somehow. He pulled me into his lap. The mess from between my legs and my ass cheeks swirled down the drain as trails of hot water rushed against my skin.

  And with every kiss Brody pressed against my shoulder, I melted further against him.

  “I’ve got you. Calm down. Take some breaths for me.”

  I started trembling. “I don’t—know what’s wrong.”

  “It’s okay. Nothing’s wrong. Don’t fight it.”

  Every muscle that jumped, he massaged with his arms. Every twitch of my body, and he found a way to kiss it. I felt more alive and more needy and more clingy than I ever had before. And my heart soared at the touch of his skin against my own. I didn’t want him to let go. I didn’t want this moment to ever pass. I wanted to stay like this forever. Him, cradling me. My body, still precious to him. His voice filled with compassion instead of anger.

  I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

  “I’ve gotcha. You're not alone. I’m right here,” he murmured.

  “I’m so sorry. Brody, you have to believe me. I’m so—so—ugh.”

  I coughed and sputtered with my tears. He kissed my cheeks. My nose. My forehead. My lips. I heaved as my sobs grew. As my body shook even more violently in his lap. His arms blanketed me. Cloaking me and pulling me closer. Then, he reached up and pressed a button. Turning the rainfall of hot water into a mist that shrouded us from the rest of the world.

  A hot mist that brought relaxation to my bones.

  “There we go. Lean into me. Let me support you,” he murmured.

  “I love you so much,” I breathed.

  He stroked his fingertips through my wet, tangled hair. He let them trail down my back as my nipples puckered and my toes curled. How his soft touches filled me with such fire, I’d never know. Why he had this effect on me, I’d never be able to explain. But I knew if I had any chance of saving this, I had to talk.

  So, my lips rattled on as quickly as they could.

  “I was devastated when your mother called me.”

  “We don’t have to do this—”

  “I mean, just devastated. I didn’t even know he was missing, much less in jeopardy. I didn’t know anything until Fiona called me. And I was so angry. I yelled at her over the phone. Cursed her existence. Told her what an absolute bitch she was for not telling me anything about my father sooner. And I was angry at you guys. All of you. For not knowing anything about my own father before you guys knew.”

  His words silenced as my legs curled tighter against my chest.

  “And I was upset that he didn’t give me any part of his business. None of it. Not even a part of it I could run from Switzerland. There was just nothing. He didn’t try to groom me for anything. He didn’t take the time to educate me. Or teach me how to defend myself. He didn't even give me a chance to step up and show him that I could carry on the Callaghan name. That women aren’t property of men anymore. That we don’t live in the same world he grew up in. He didn’t even give me that chance, though. Just tossed me across the world when I was only eight or so years old and that was that.”

  Brody kissed the top of my head as I sniffled.

  “And I was mad at Declan. Holy fuck, I was so upset with him. When I got here and Fiona started filling me on what had happened, I wanted to kill him. I really did, Brody. And I’m so sorry. But when I realized that you guys coming over here coincided with when my money was completely cut off, I wanted to scream. It was like I was being erased from the family completely. ‘Oh, my father’s dead, so let’s get rid of the loose link.’”

  “We’d never do that to you. I’d never do that to you,” he murmured.

  “But I didn’t know that. All I knew was that my father sent me to boarding school, only visited on holidays and birthdays he could spare, got married, and gave his last name to a bunch of boys that weren’t his sons. That’s all I knew growing up. And I thought for the longest time that my father threw all this money at me as a way to apologize for feeling the way he did.”

  “How did you think he felt?”

  I coughed. “That he regretted me never being a boy. That he regretted having a daughter, and he was sorry for that. Because I know my father loved me. But maybe he felt guilty because I wasn’t what he needed.”

  “You know damn good and—”

  I looked up at him. “No, Brody. I really didn’t. I was cut off two weeks before I got a phone call from your mother that anything was wrong. Much less a phone call telling me that my father had died. I still don’t know details. No one is telling me anything. I had to practically put the pieces together to figure out that my father had been taken. It’s like I’m not really part of this family, even though I’m the tightest part of it. My father’s flesh and blood. Your mother is trying to cut me out of this family, so I came back with revenge on my mind. I freely admit that.”

  “Is that why you tried partnering up with Liam?”

  My body calmed. “Yes. My father and I had a deal, you see. When I graduated college, he’d hand over my trust fund to me. Completely. So I could live whatever life I wanted in Switzerland. So long as I didn’t come back to Chicago. And while I was angry at that, Switzerland was more my home than anywhere else. So, I agreed.”

  “What happened to the agreement?”

  I shrugged. “I don't know. You tell me. One day, he’s preparing to hand over the accounts. Yes, plural. And the next, him and your mother are showing up together to my graduation only to tell me he’s going to keep up the dividends he’s been giving me bi-monthly, and he’s not actually handing over my accounts.”

  He furrowed his brow. “That isn’t like Richard. A Callaghan’s word—”

  “—is their bond.”

  He sighed. “You think our mother had something to do with it.”

  “I’m almost certain
she did. And I came back with every intention on getting my hands on what is rightfully mine. What Daddy set aside for me to live my life and protect myself. Yes, partnering with Liam was a bad idea from the start. But I didn’t have any other ally at that funeral. You saw it. Most people didn’t even know who I was. Except for Liam. And I figured with his neutral ties to the family, he could help me persuade Declan—by any means necessary—to hand over those accounts. Not the business. Not more money. Just the accounts my father set up for me so I could go back, keep taking care of myself, and keep protecting myself.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “And that’s all?”

  I laid my head on his shoulder. “That’s all, Brody. That’s what happened.”

  “So, what about the kidnapping?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t plan that. At the reception, Liam and I agreed to meet to discuss things further. Then, I left. I left, and I got snatched up, and Liam went down his own fucking path like a maniac. Claimed he had to make it look real, so that’s why he didn’t fill me in on his little plan.”

  Brody tensed. “He took you without your permission.”

  “Yes, he did. And I swear, that’s the truth.”

  He growled. “He put his hands on you without your permission.”

  I nuzzled against him. “Take some breaths. It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  “He’s going to pay for this.”

  “I’m not done, Brody. Can you focus for me?”

  He cleared his throat. “What is it, baby girl?”

  I cupped his cheek and turned his eyes down to mine. And what I saw in them wasn’t anger. Or hurt. Or pain. Or betrayal. There was a softness behind them now. Something I’d never seen in his eyes before.

  “I took you up on your offer not to get closer to that money. But because you were promising me what I sought in the first place. Safety. Protection. Because even I know the vulnerable link I am now that my father’s dead. You promised me safety around the clock. You could’ve promised me just that—without your money—and I would’ve taken it.”

  “I’ll always protect you. Even if I’m piss angry at you.”

  I snickered. “Because you’re a good man. You’re a good man who has made me feel less alone for the first time in my entire life. Brody, I never made friends in school. Or in college. I don’t have anything to go back to in Switzerland except some condo with a view and a part-time job I’m pretty sure I don’t have anymore.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re okay.”

  “What I want you to know is that I was alone. Angry. Isolated. And then, even in my grief, we found one another. You found me. I found you, Brody. And I really do love you, from the bottom of my heart and everything I am. That’s why I never pursued anymore of that plan with Liam. That’s why I’ve stayed with you. Not because of your money, or even because of your protection at this point. But because I love you.”

  His hand cupped my cheek and his thumb slid along my skin.

  “I love you too, Abby. My baby girl.”

  I blinked. “You do?”

  He nodded. “More than any thing or any woman I’ve ever loved in my lifetime.”

  Tears rushed my eyes. “You really do?”

  His forehead fell against my own. “I’ll always protect you. I’ll always keep you safe. And I’ll always make sure you have everything you could ever want. What Liam did to you without your consent, he’ll pay for. In full. And no matter what happens from here on out, you’re mine. Do you understand?”

  I sniffled. “Completely.”

  “Good. Now, it’s time for bed. It’s very late, and I still have to work tomorrow.”

  I kissed his lips softly. “Take me away.”

  He reached up and turned off the misters. Then, he stood up with me in his arms. I didn’t know how he did it. But he did. And I loved it when he carried me like this. I curled against him as he walked out of the bathroom. We collapsed together, still dripping wet from the shower, in the guest bedroom of the penthouse. He covered us both up and held me close, kissing my forehead and whispering sweet nothings as I fell asleep.

  In his arms.

  Until his cell phone ringing woke up both up.

  “Hello?” he asked groggily.

  I stretched against him as his body tensed.

  “Gael, what's wrong?”

  Brody shot upright in bed and I followed his movements.

  “What’s going on?” I asked softly.

  Brody held up his finger for me as his face paled.

  “All right. Yes, we’re coming. Give us twenty minutes to get out the door. Uh huh. Yep. Both of us. See you soon.”

  Then, he hung up his phone and faced me.

  “Come on. We need to get to the family brownstone. There’s been an emergency.”

  He hopped out of bed as I slid to the edge.

  “What kind of emergency?” I asked.

  “No questions. Just come with me. I’ll explain it once we get out of here.”

  And I knew better than to press any further on the subject.



  Abby’s hand gripping my thigh rooted me to reality. As I sped us to the family brownstone, her fingernails digging into my skin reminded me of last night. The admission. The tension. The sex.

  The love.

  “Do you have any idea what’s happening?” she asked.

  “Not a fucking clue. But I know it takes a lot to fluster Gael. And he’s very flustered.”


  “Took the words right out of my mouth.”

  My car screamed through the gates of the brownstone subdivision. I skidded into the roundabout driveway in front of the double brownstone. With Abby’s hand in mine, I raced for the front door. Shoved my shoulder into it in order to get my ass into the house. And when I saw the family gathered in the foyer, I froze.

  “Spill. Now,” I said.

  Everyone’s eyes fell on Abby. On our connection. The way I clutched her hand. I looked back at her and saw her eyes wide with fear. With terror. With worry. I pulled her close to me, nestling her against my body. I slipped my arm over her shoulder, cloaking her from the family. Mom crooked her eyebrow and Declan narrowed his eyes. Even Gael had an odd look on his face.

  But no one said anything.

  Probably because they knew better.

  “Gael?” I asked.

  “What’s happened?” Abby asked.

  My brother sighed. “One of our warehouses has burnt to the ground.”

  “What?” Abby asked.

  “What is she doing here?” Mom asked.

  “You mean, other than the fact that her father owns this place?” I asked.

  She snickered. “I thought she was back in Switzerland, though.”

  “Disappointed?” Abby asked.

  “Not right now,” Declan said curtly.

  “Which warehouse?” I asked.

  “The one where we found Abby. The one Daly had access to,” Gael said.

  “Wait, that place burned down?” Abby asked.

  “The one Daly had acce—what the hell is going on?” Mom asked.

  “Don’t like being out of the loop, huh?” I asked.

  “And just what in the world does that mean?” she asked.

  “I think you know exactly what it means,” Abby said.

  “Enough!” Declan exclaimed.

  “Abby, are you thirsty?”

  Ciara’s voice pierced through the tension and the crowd parted. Ciara stood there in a beautiful outfit. One becoming of the woman who was now engaged to the head of this family. She smiled sweetly at Abby and I looked down at the woman at my side. A strong woman who had been eroded away to almost nothing these past few weeks. My heart called out to her. I wanted to do something to make Abby feel more comfortable in her own fucking home.

  A home that, by all accounts, she owned. Since her father’s name was still on the property.

  “Yes, I am actually,” Abby said.

  “Come on. W
e can fight another time. I’ve got some coffee made up,” Ciara said.

  Abby looked up at me and I nodded in reassurance. Then, I relinquished her to Ciara. She walked through the crowd and I couldn't help but notice how Mom leered after her. Sneering at her silently as she walked past.

  What have you done, Mom?

  “So, did Daly burn that place to the ground to cover his tracks?” I asked.

  Declan cleared his throat. “That’s the only working theory we’ve got. Because that place was torched from the outside in.”

  “We lost most of the supply trucks, too,” Gael said.

  “And a couple of our employees. Let’s not forget about them,” Mom said.

  “Rich, coming from you,” I murmured.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “This is a matter that doesn’t concern you. It concerns us. So, I think you should go make yourself comfortable until we get this sorted,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, Brody, but I will not take this kind of attitude from you,” she said.

  “He’s right, actually. This is business, Mom,” Gael said.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “Mother, go. Now,” Declan commanded.

  She scoffed. “If your father were still alive—”

  “But he’s not. And right now, I think you’re forgetting that there’s a great deal of your story that doesn’t make sense. I wouldn't anger those in a position to judge you right now,” Declan said.

  She blinked. “You can’t honestly think I had any hand in killing my own husband.”

  “Right now? I think everyone’s hands are a little too dirty for their liking right now,” I said.

  I stared off with Mom for a long time before she nodded.

  “Fine. I’ll be in my room if I’m needed,” she said.

  “Noted,” Gael said.

  We all watched her walk off. Walk up the stairs. And none of us talked until we were sure she was out of earshot.


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