Adventures of a Scribe

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Adventures of a Scribe Page 8

by Michael Deyhim

That was when we saw six wargs in front of twenty goblins. No way could we take that many. “We have to help.” George whispered.

  “And die? No way we can kill that many. The wargs alone would run us down. If you have a better idea then dying I will listen.” I said. They had nothing to say. “I do have a plan, sort of. Let’s grab our stuff and follow them.” We scrambled back and then went to get our gear. We then followed at a distance to the large group while I explained what we would do.

  “We follow them and ambush them at night. They have been probably chasing those people for a bit, like a game. They aren’t running and could easily catch up. Also those wargs were being held back my rope so they won’t run off. I am not fighting that group in the day. Our best shot is at night with a couple of flash runes and taking out the wargs like we did before.” I said.

  “That many will be tough. I don’t think I can hold off two wargs.” Bran said.

  “Well then George will just have to shoot them all in their eyes won’t he?” I replied.

  “Yeah, I will do that.” George said. He didn’t sound confident about that level of accuracy at night.

  “I do have something if things go to shit, but don’t count on it. I have two healing potions.” I said.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” George asked.

  “Because they are expensive and they won’t save you if you are dead. They are in my side pouch on my pack. They cost a silver each, like I said, not cheap.” I said.

  “Got it, no dying, no counting on expensive health potions.” Bran said.

  “Trust me, the mana and stamina ones are even worse. Ten silver for mana and five for stamina.” I said.

  “Wow.” Bran muttered. The day continued on and we caught occasional sight of the goblin group in front of us but made sure to keep back for the most part. They went right up until it was almost too dark to see and then set up camp.

  This time all the wargs were sleeping around the outside of the fire pit while the goblins slept next to it. They didn’t keep sentries but every once and a while a warg would lift up its head and then settle back down.

  I wrote up flash runes while we hid in the forest as night dragged on. “Okay, I think I can get most of the wargs before they wake everyone up. George you need to aim for the eye. Shoot the one to my right while I work my way to the left. Kill a second one if you have the chance. Bran follow me, if they wake up I will use the flash rune. If there are still wargs alive we retreat, if they are all dead we attack. Meet up spot is our camp at that valley if we get separated. Questions?” They both shook their heads.

  “Okay let’s do this.” I began to walk into the clearing while Bran followed me. I positioned myself in front of him just before we came up on the wargs. “Slow, slow.” I whispered at the one I was aiming for and the one George was shooting at.

  I stabbed my blade straight into its skull while George landed his shot perfectly through the eye. Bran was moving onto the next warg and I went onto the fourth. The last warg almost got off a yelp but George managed to land a second arrow perfectly in its eye silencing it. With that done we started on the goblins. After killing three Bran missed with a shoot and wounded one, waking the rest up as it screamed.

  Once that happened we killed two more before I called out the flash rune. “Three, two, one!” I yelled out and looked away. The flash of light went off and the parchment crumpled. With that done Bran and I killed four more and George a fifth before they recovered.

  That left ten goblins. I used slow another time and was out of mana. George saved the battle by keeping up an arrow every ten seconds. Most of them were only wounding shots but it was enough to break up the goblins from overwhelming Bran and I. He definitely had an easier time with his shield while I was forced to keep backing up and swinging my blade to keep them off of me.

  By the end of the fight I had taken three light cuts and Bran had been stabbed in the thigh. “Little pieces of shit, that hurts.” Bran cursed. I handed a potion to him. “You don’t-“

  “If that gets infected you will lose your leg and it is deep. I am not hauling your fat ass out of the forest. You can buy me an ale when we get back. Now drink it after I yank out the dagger.” I said and handed him the health potion.

  “Thanks, you aren’t th- AHHHHHHHH.” He out a shout and downed the potion as I yanked the dagger out. “Thanks.” He said. I took the glass vial back from him.

  “Come on, let’s loot these bastards.” We got to work cutting off ears and checking over the corpses. The big find of the night was an actual decent short sword. It was about the same quality as mine and Bran’s. Despite Bran coming from the shit end of nowhere he actually had decent equipment. As we were finishing up I heard movement in the forest.

  “Ambush!” I called out and we all readied our weapons.

  “Hold, hold, we mean no harm.” We relaxed a bit. “Coming out, don’t shoot.” It was one of the people from before that we had seen the goblins chasing. He stepped out into the clearing and the light of the camp fire. “My name is Riven also an adventurer.” He held up his medallion, copper so a one.

  We were all silent and kept staring at him. “Umm, well I wanted to thank you and I was wondering if we could party up until we get back to Jopel.”

  “You just happen across us in the middle of the night and want to party up. I think I can safely say that is a bit suspicious. So you can either be truthful or you can just turn right around and leave.” I said.

  I heard more movement and the other three people from before stepped out. “You are an idiot Riven.” One of the others said. There had been five before and now only four, that was incredibly suspicious. “I am sorry for our party leader. I am Oxfort. These goblins were chasing us, thank you for stopping them.”

  “Not a problem. Anyone else hiding back there?” I asked.

  “Unfortunately that group was killing one of us a day letting the others run. There used to be eight of us after we were ambushed.” Oxfort let out a sigh. “They took our weapons so we had no way to fight back.”

  “Alright, my group is going to discuss this over for a moment.” I said. I turned towards George and Bran while still keeping one eye on the other group. “I don’t like them. They are idiots especially that Riven guy.”

  “Just escort them back, no party, no loot sharing.” Bran said. We looked at George.


  “Alright but one of us stays on watch the whole time…” I turned towards the group and saw Riven advancing on us. “What are you doing?” I held up my sword.

  “Just getting back my blade.” He gestured at our pile of loot we had been sorting.

  “Nope. That is goblin loot. We killed the goblins hence it is our loot.” I explained to him with a smile.

  “That is my sword!” He shouted and began advancing to take if off the ground. I stepped forward and slashed him across the arm he was reaching to grab it with. He cried out and fell backwards scrambling away.

  “I think Riven just wore out his welcome here. The three of you are welcome to stay, but he has to leave.” I said. After that came a lot of shouting. After a couple of seconds I ignored them and gestured to Bran and George to help sorting out the loot and pack it up. I made sure to put my shiny new blade in pack while keeping an eye on the rest of them.

  Once they realized that we were ignoring them the shouting got worse. We then pulled out our rations and enjoyed bread and dried meat. The rest of them kept looking on as we sat near the fire waiting for dawn. They probably hadn’t eaten in quite a bit but I wasn’t going to share with assholes. George looked at his food and I shook my head.

  I am not an asshole, but I am not going to be walked over. We saved them and we all knew it. They had also said the goblins only took their weapons, not their money. I could see one of them had a visible money pouch. With our meal done and dawn finally breaking, we all got up and left. I kept to the rear while Bran led us through the woods. I only said directions once or twice to keep us heading
towards Jopel. Every once in a while I saw the four of them struggling to keep up. We weren’t setting a grueling pace but they were clearly exhausted and on their last legs.

  Learning how to navigate in the wilderness had been a complex task from just books. The sun always rose in the east and set in the west. As long as I got my bearings around those times it was fairly simple to keep to a direction most days.


  Four days of hiking and we got to Jopel just before midday. Surprisingly the four of them managed to keep up with us. Probably helped they had no packs. The first thing we did was go to the guild hall, I knew these were the type of people to start complaining the second we got back.

  Boron was there like usual and smiled when we came in. “Back again and still alive. Anything interesting?”

  “Two things, eight wargs and twenty eight goblins for the bounty being paid out, fifty two copper. Just make a tab for us. Also we ran into another group. We saved them from pursuing goblins but when we were discussing if we would escort them back here one of them tried to steal some of the loot and I cut his arm. He claimed the sword was his, but had no proof and it was taken off a goblin.” I pulled out the blade and put it in front of Boron.

  “Hmm. Well normally the guild hall resident resolves disputes like this, which is me. I am guessing you just want to keep the blade and leave it at that?”


  “Hmm, well let me hold onto until I hear their side. If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow you can keep it.”

  “Thanks, so one room two nights and double meals today and tomorrow.” I said. We had discussed this the previous night and we all agreed we wanted some large meals and two nights off here in town.

  “Big spenders then. That is fifty three copper.” So the bounties didn’t cover it.

  I pulled out elven copper. “Start up a drink tab with the rest, I think we will need it.” I said. It was perfect timing as Riven and this three friends stumbled in the door. The two adventurers sitting at tables gave them a look and turned away.

  “He stole my blade and let us starve.” Riven began to move forward while the rest of his group trailed behind him.

  “Those are some serious accusations.” Boron said and picked the blade off the counter and inspected it. “Not a unique design, but not cheap either. So can you explain how he stole it and let you starve?”

  Riven looked confused for a moment before speaking. “I am Riven Auxilla, my word is enough.” He was definitely a noble. Probably a third or fourth son if he was running off to be and adventurer. Unfortunately for him the guilds were as powerful or more so than any noble. We were all adventurers so it would be for the guild to handle.

  “You see that doesn’t work in the guild. You can be the crown prince of Aurulian himself and that doesn’t mean shit.” Riven look like his world fell away. I held back my grin over being right in my assumptions. “All adventurers are based on their rank. So if you were a rank five that would be enough, but since you are both rank one you have to explain yourself.”

  Riven spoke slowly, like he was tasting something bitter. “My group was ambushed after killing many goblins. Once that happened we were forced to flee and I dropped my weapon in combat. These three arrived and killed the remaining goblins and then claimed everything.”

  I put my hand on George’s shoulder since he seemed ready to explode at the lies. “Uh huh.” Boron said. He then looked at one of the other guys. “Tell me how things went down.” After that it quickly became obvious that Riven was lying as Boron pressed them for information and they started contradicting themselves.

  After a bit he told them all to shut up. “I have heard both sides of this. If you disagree you can appeal to the main guild hall in the capital. I don’t recommend that since they can and will fine you for being stupid. You all were clearly captured since none of you have weapons or packs. Any idiot can see that. Therefore the goblins had the sword and the other group reclaimed it by killing the goblins.”

  “As for letting you starve, they were willing to help the others if you left. Since you didn’t that just compounds the problem. It wasn’t nice, but there is no rule about sharing in the guild. They get the sword and if I hear of any of you making trouble in this, then you will be getting fined ten silvers each. Yes, I can do that. I sense some of you are the revenge type. Thank you for sharing your names and where you are based out of. I am sending a note back there to keep with your file. Just a warning, but make sure those don’t add up.”

  Boron then handed me the blade and a key to a room. We left up the stairs while the other group gave us glares. With that nonsense done with we had to try a couple of rooms before the key worked on room six the last one up there. There were four beds and a table in the middle of the room and four chairs. An upgrade, that was totally awesome and I wouldn’t have to sleep on the floor. Boron was an alright guy for sure.

  We all began to unpack and settle down. “So do either of you really want the sword?” I asked.

  “I do, can’t keep relying on my bow for everything.” George said.

  “I don’t mind, but the lack of money is hurting. Without that blade, we will probably only get thirty copper from the metal. I won’t have the funds to head back out and I owe Ed a healing potion.” There was a moment of silence.

  “I will pay for our food next round out.” It hurt to give up money like this.

  “Really?” George asked.

  “Yes really. It can’t be a regular thing and like I said Bran, just save my life and we will be good.” I was more concerned about gaining levels and increasing my skills than anything else. Working with these two, I could kill far more goblins than by myself. Also if things got bad I could run away and leave them to die while I made my escape.

  “No problem. I already did that three times on the last expedition.” He smiled at me.

  “Three I only counted one and a half. You get that half since you stink so bad you distracted the goblins.” I said.

  “We all stink. Ed please, please, please.” George looked at me. I looked back at him. I wasn’t inclined to waste money on something like a bath and clean clothes but I did feel disgusting.

  “Clothes washing and a bath. If you can find a place then yes.” I said.

  “I will never insult the noble profession of scribe ever again.” George said.

  “You both better learn to read. That way you don’t have to ask me every time.” I said.

  “It melts my brain. Like fish guts in a barrel.” Bran said.

  “How does that even work? Fish guts melting in a barrel?” George asked. I really wish George had not asked that. There were some mysteries better left unknown.

  “Well you see after you gut the fish you toss the guts in a barrel with salt water and stir it up real good. Then after a ten-day it sort of all oozes together into a meat mix. Then you bring it on the boat and start tossing it over to attract larger fish. Why do you think my town is called Fish Guts?”

  “No offense, but I never want to see that or think about that again.” George turned towards me. “Ed if I ask Bran about fish, stop me.”

  “Got it. So, shall we grab dinner?” I asked. We all went down stairs and saw the four sulking in a corner we chose a table further away from them. There was no need to start a fight. I note that their eyes went to George who had the sword on his hip.

  “I wonder when we can get rank two?” Bran asked.

  “Probably at level ten from what Yonson said. I mean rank is about respect and capability. I think we are all rank two material but just need a bit more time to show others. These people sitting around, the other adventurers they probably talk to Boron to give him their opinion.” I said.

  “Yeah probably. I am not sorry for missing that group though.” George said.

  “What a disaster.” Bran added.

  “Oh and both of you are buying your own bowls tomorrow.” They looked at me. “Don’t give me that look, I am getting a ladle so next time I
cook we don’t all have to eat out of the same pot. Savages.” I said to them and they both grinned.

  Boron brought out the other table’s food first, single servings for each of them. It was annoying but not enough to make a deal about. The way they ate they were clearly starving. “Huh, that’s how goblins eat.” Bran whispered. George and I had to stop from bursting out laughing. It took a bit to calm down and I had to make sure not to look at the other table.

  “Can you give us some light? We were in the dark for so long.” George asked.

  “Not really, I don’t like mixing up ink if I have to and it will clue that group into my skill. Also I am not made of money. It costs about ten copper to draw one up. Just think about all your fancy sword skills you will learn now.” I said.

  “You have any?” Bran asked.

  “No, you?”

  “A shield one. I give up stamina and mana to enhance my shield.” He said.

  “I was wondering how it just kept going and going without being hacked apart.” I replied.

  “It makes me wonder how you are so good at killing things. Like they sort of lock up just before you attack.” Bran gave me a smile. “So what is it?”

  “We can talk about it later, alright?” I really didn’t want to get into it but they probably wouldn’t stop asking.

  “Sure, not trying to pry, but it is really bugging me.” Bran said. “I mean you kill the wargs and goblins so easily. I thought I was good.”

  “Later.” He nodded at that.

  The food finally came, double portions were the best thing along with a mug of ale. I noticed the other group just staring at our larger servings. Riven was about to get up and complain but one of the others put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. After the meal we went upstairs.

  “Let’s go to sleep and talk in the morning.” I said forestalling any conversation when someone could be listening in.


  The next day we all got up and talked to Boron about where we could get breakfast and a bath. He explained that the only inn in town offered baths and served breakfast, which was perfect. We made our way over there along with our packs. It was tempting to leave them in our room, but I didn’t trust the other group not to attempt something.


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