Sexy Six

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Sexy Six Page 10

by Ahren Sanders

  “Fuck, Shaw, I don’t need that visual. And not to get into your business, but if you can’t distract her, you must be doing something wrong.”

  I can’t stop the giggle that escapes, and I slap my hand over my mouth, figuring Shaw hears me.

  “Fuck you, Nick! It’s that damn ESP or voodoo shit you two have going on.”

  Nick’s eyes land on mine and turn warm. He seems to be thinking about this and grips my thigh. “I’ll take her to lunch tomorrow and explain everything.”

  “Maybe you can explain it to me, too.”

  “I don’t think I need to explain it to you, Shaw.”

  There’s silence followed by a loud roar of laughter. “Son of a bitch, you have until tomorrow.”

  The line goes dead, and he slides the phone back in his pocket.

  I try to think of what to say. I have a sneaky suspicion the call was about me. He tags me in closer and rests his chin on my shoulder.

  “What are you thinking, Grace? I can’t read your face.”

  “I kinda heard all that.”

  “You’d have to be deaf not to. My brother’s a loud mouth.”

  “Was it about me?”


  “Is Bizzy upset?”

  “I wouldn’t say she’s upset, just curious.”

  “About me?” I repeat.

  “Sort of, but since she doesn’t know about you, she’s more curious about me.”

  I stiffen in his arms, not liking where this is going.

  “Hey.” He slides a hand up to massage my neck, gently turning my head to face him. “Whatever you’re thinking is most likely wrong. She doesn’t know about you because when I asked Shaw to find you, I also asked him to keep quiet until I could talk to you again, find out more about you. I had no idea what your life was like, and I wanted to learn on my own. I wasn’t hiding you.”

  Some of the tension eases from my shoulders as I understand what he’s saying. A flashback of last Thursday runs through my mind, when he asked me if I was seeing anyone. It’s hard to believe it was only a week ago he walked back into my life. “And now?” I ask, holding my breath for his answer.

  “And now, you better get ready because Bizzy is a force of nature. As soon as she finds out you’re back, and we’ve reconnected, she’s going to be unstoppable.”

  I start to get nervous. What if she doesn’t approve? Surely, she knows how I disappeared and never returned his calls. If anything, it was extremely rude, regardless of the circumstances. She’s his best friend. She could hold a grudge.

  “Your face is scrunching again, which means you’re probably thinking the wrong way.”

  “Does she know about me disappearing and never returning your calls?”

  “She knows a little. I played it off, pretending it didn’t matter even though it did.”

  My gut rolls with another round of regret. “Ugh, she’s going to hate me.”

  “She’d never hate you, especially when she hears you’re back.”

  “What are you going to tell her?”

  “I’ll tell her the truth, but it won’t be necessary. She’ll see it written all over my face. We kinda share a weird sense of understanding.”

  “The voodoo ESP?” I repeat Shaw’s words.

  “Yes, I guess you could call it that. Have I ever told you about how Bizzy and I met?”

  “No, but I’d love to hear it.” And I would. I’d love to hear anything about Nick’s life. In all my following him through the years, Bizzy has been pictured but nothing said except a few mentions of his volunteering and commitment to childhood cancer. But she’s an Oncology Nurse so that seems logical.

  He surprises me by standing, balancing me in his arms. “Let’s clean the kitchen then we’ll have story time.”

  “Aren’t you hungry?”

  His eyes take on the same shine from earlier today in the gallery, and I gulp, a small tremor running through me. “Forget I asked. It’ll make a great midnight snack.” I lean in and run my lips across his.

  He shifts so I’m forced to straddle him, linking my legs around his waist as he walks us to my kitchen.

  “I’ve always been a fan of midnight snacks,” he says against my mouth.

  The small tremor from earlier returns, and this time, I shudder in in his arms. He notices and gives me an approving wink.

  I’m pretty sure he can read my thoughts by the way he’s staring at me, but I can’t seem to care.

  “You survived cancer together?” My voice breaks saying the word. My head fills with images of a fourteen-year-old boy fighting for his life.

  “We kicked cancer’s ass. Together, we were a great team. Neither of us ever gave up hope. We encouraged each other on our darkest days and celebrated the smallest victories.”

  “She sounds like an amazing person. I had no idea of the depth of the friendship.”

  “A lot of people can’t understand. She declared we were best friends. No question, no arguing. That was it. We’ve been pretty much inseparable ever since. Our families were already close, but now that she’s married to Shaw, we’re truly a blended group.”

  I clutch his shirt tighter and try to burrow deeper into Nick’s chest. He lazily rubs circles on my arm and kisses the top of my head.

  “That’s one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever heard.”

  “So why are you crying?”

  “Because I can’t imagine the heartache and worry. Your families must have felt so helpless.”

  “Yeah, but you want to know something? Throughout the years, the bad memories have faded, and I remember things with a more open perspective. Don’t get me wrong, it sucked—the chemo, the tests, the waiting... all of it—but when we both hit remission, we were on the road to full recovery. I had her, and she had me. It’s been that way for over ten years. That’s why people think we have the voodoo ESP, because we can pretty much feel when the other has something going on.”

  I start to feel sick again, knowing the bond between Bizzy and Nick is almost too much to think about.

  “Look at me, Grace.” He tries to lift my chin, but I press back, not wanting him to see my undoubtedly splotchy face.

  “What if she doesn’t like me?” I say my fear out loud, not able to stop myself.

  He tries again to lift my face, but I fight him, wiggling so my butt is now between his legs and my arms are wrapped around him like a vice.

  My new position lasts a millisecond before I’m flying back on the sofa, and his body comes over mine. I’m now forced to let go of him. He positions himself with his back to the couch and pulls my body as close as possible. When I raise my eyes to his, I suck in a deep breath. He’s staring at me, his eyes full of determination.

  “She’s going to like you, Grace. She loves me, and she wants me to be happy. You make me happy.”

  “I make you happy?” My stomach starts to do a twisty-turny motion as my skin starts to prickle.

  “Babe, I’ve never dated in my life. The only girl I ever wanted to date slipped through my fingers and ditched me. For years, no one has even turned my head. My life has been football and family, and I’ve been fine with that. But the moment my eyes landed on you at the foundation dinner, things changed. You’re almost all I think about. For days, I’ve had to force myself to concentrate on the field. Then today was pretty much torture, leaving you at the gallery, especially after getting my first taste of you.”

  The skin tingling intensifies all the way down to my bones. Each of his words seep into my skin, and I fight to control my racing heart.

  “I didn’t ditch you,” is the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

  His eyes crinkle, and his lips start to twitch. “You ditched me.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Sweet Peach, you did. And for two years, it was not at all funny. But now that we’re here, you’re in my arms, and we’ve moved past it, we can joke about it.”

  “You’ve never dated?”

  “Are we going to dis
sect everything I said sentence by sentence?”


  “Okay, well, did you hear the part about today being torture and getting my first taste of you?”

  “It’s slowly processing.”

  He starts to laugh, his chest shaking against mine. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I haven’t really dated either.” Why I tell him this is a mystery.

  He cocks an eyebrow, and I remember the brief conversation in the kitchen earlier.

  “Pledge wasn’t dating material, and the only reason I invited him to the event at home was to try to dissuade the town nosy nellies from setting me up. There was nothing between us. That decision backfired. Other than him, my life was pretty busy with school and home obligations.”

  His eyes scan my face, and he licks his bottom lip, pressing me closer to his side. “Does it make me a total asshole that I’m pleased with this piece of information?”


  His expression grows serious, and he leans in closer until his lips are at my ear. “Good, because as of this morning, that changed.”

  I want to ask him more, but when his mouth starts to kiss along my jawline, my mind goes blank.

  Chapter 10


  Shaw was right; Bizzy was on a full out mission. I didn’t have time to call her and invite her to lunch because she is ringing my doorbell at seven forty-five in the morning. I get a glimpse at my alarm clock right as my phone starts to ring.

  “Biz, you okay?” I answer groggily, still half-asleep.

  “Yes, I’m at your door.”

  “So you’re the crazy one ringing the doorbell at this ungodly hour?”

  “Um hmm.”

  “Why don’t you use your key?”

  “Because I didn’t know if you were alone.”

  “When have I ever had someone spend the night?”

  “Are we really going to discuss this right now? I’m standing out here!”

  “Use your key. I’ll be right out.”

  She disconnects, and I hear the beep of my alarm when the door opens. There’s a rustling and the sound of running water. I say a silent thank you that she’s making coffee.

  There’s an ache between my legs, and I groan, remembering the dream I was in the middle of. Grace was wrapped around me, naked, as I moved inside of her. She was moaning low, whispering my name, and I—

  “Nicky, take your time. I’m going to make you some breakfast.” Bizzy’s voice interrupts my thoughts, and it’s like ice water on my throbbing cock.

  I throw my legs to the side of the bed, standing, and wince at the pain in my lower back. That’s going to suck at practice today. Slowly, I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face, and run some water through my hair. Then I prepare myself for the inquisition.

  When I get to the kitchen, Bizzy is in the middle of whisking eggs and dancing around in her scrubs. Her face breaks into a smile when she sees me, then she puts the bowl down and comes straight to me. The first thing she does is cup my chin, roaming her eyes over my face, then leans in for a hug.

  This is something she’s done since we went into remission. We both need this reassurance that we’re okay.

  “Morning, Biz.” I kiss her temple and step to the coffee maker, pouring us both a cup. “You just get off work?”

  She nods, picking up the bowl, and starts whisking again.

  “Well, this is a nice surprise, but I was going to call you today and take you to lunch.”

  “I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to see you, talk to you.” She cuts straight to the chase, giving me an all-knowing look. Her grey-blue eyes shine with unspoken questions.

  I take a sip of my coffee and mix hers the way she likes it. Once I hand it to her, I hop up on my island and tell her what she wants to know.

  “I’ve met someone. Actually, that’s not true. I’ve reconnected with a woman I met a long time ago. She’s recently come to Miami, and I ran into her. We’ve been spending some time together this last week. That’s why I’ve been a little busy.”

  She sets the bowl back down and leans against the counter, watching me, waiting for more.

  “She’s pretty special, Biz. I can’t explain it, but I’m interested in her. She’s amazing.”

  I stop myself from gushing more because, even if it is Bizzy, I need to keep some of my pride. The room remains quiet, and I feel the heat of her stare. Finally, she speaks.

  “Grace Monroe.”

  I snap my head, my eyes narrowing. “How’d you know?”

  “Because I remember… everything.” Her tone is snippy.

  “Things weren’t as they seemed. It was a long time ago.”

  She opens her mouth right as the door opens and Mathis and Shaw walk in. They both half-wave in greeting as if this is a normal everyday thing.

  “Did I agree to have a party and miss the invitation part?” I grumble.

  “No, but when I found out my wife wasn’t coming straight home after her shift and instead was heading over here to cook breakfast for your sorry ass, I invited myself.” Shaw shoots me an evil glare and goes to Bizzy, drawing her into a kiss.

  I turn my head, not wanting to lose my appetite before the food is cooked. Mathis slaps me on the shoulder, also avoiding the over the top public affection between Shaw and Bizzy.

  “I was on shift last night and overheard Biz telling Shaw she was coming over. So I called him and picked him up. No way we were missing this.” He moves to a barstool to sit. “Besides, I’m starved.”

  Bizzy gives a little squeal, and I turn to see Shaw now has her in his arms.

  “Stop that shit!” I bark.

  Bizzy breaks their kiss and glances at me apologetically. She scoots down his body and goes to the fridge, grabbing more eggs.

  “Did we miss anything?” Mathis asks her.

  “Yes and no. I’ve discovered that Nicky is seeing a woman he met in college briefly. We were about to dive into the details, so I’d say you’re just in time.”

  Her eyes dart between Shaw and Mathis, waiting for their reaction. When neither of them even flinch, her face starts to heat up. She places the eggs on the counter and puts her hands on her hips, glaring. “Why aren’t either of you surprised?”

  Mathis takes a gulp of his coffee to avoid answering as Shaw starts to back away from her. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smirking.

  “I’ll ask again… Why aren’t either of you surprised?” This time, her question is accusatory.

  “Bizzy, I may have mentioned Grace to them.” I try to appease her.


  “LastweekwhenIthoughtIsawherandneededhelpfindingher.” I say it so fast even I can’t understand.

  Big mistake.

  She crosses her arms and gives me an icy glare. “Did you just say last week when you thought you saw her and needed help finding her?”

  I nod, slipping off the counter and moving away from her reach.

  The room is silently still, each of us waiting for her to blow. She takes a few deep breaths, throws her head back to the ceiling, and exhales loudly. Then she steps back to the counter and starts breaking more eggs into the bowl.

  “I’ll deal with you all later, but now, we have more important things to discuss.” Her voice is controlled, but even I’m worried about what ‘later’ means.

  All heads turn to me, waiting for what’s next.

  “There’s not a lot to tell. She had a death in the family and left school. During the last two years, she’s lived at home, finished school, helped her brother open an art gallery, and is now living here. Easy story.”

  What I think is a good explanation obviously doesn’t quench their curiosity.

  “That story fucking sucks. I need details. Did you think I’d accept that?” Bizzy starts to bang pans on my stove.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything,” all three of them answer in unison.

  I think about gl
ossing over the details and instantly decide against it. So I settle next to Mathis on a barstool and start talking. They listen intently as I explain everything that’s happened since last Thursday. When I get to last night, I skim the part about making out with Grace like a teenager on her couch until two a.m. when I forced myself to leave.

  Bizzy stares at me in awe when I stop talking. Her eyes are glassy, and I start to get nervous.

  “Bizzy, don’t—“

  “You really like this girl.”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “No, I mean you like her, like her.”

  “Yes,” I repeat, unsure why she’s harping.

  She twists to Shaw. “Can you get us an invite to the opening tomorrow night?”

  He pulls out his phone, and I know he’s about to perform his ‘Shaw Magic’.” There’s a two-second chance I can stop this.

  “Wait!” I throw my hand up. “Don’t do it.”

  “Why?” There’s a trace of hurt in Bizzy’s tone. “Don’t you want us to meet her?”

  “Of course, but this is our first official date. I know her, and she’s already on edge. If she knows you’re coming, she’ll be even more anxious. This is a big night for her, and I want it to be perfect.”

  “I can understand that, Biz. Maybe another time would be better.” Mathis throws in his support.

  “Maybe they’re right, baby. It’s still new, and all of us showing up may be overwhelming,” Shaw agrees.

  She chews on her bottom lip and nods, giving in. “Okay, but soon. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  I give a little sigh of relief that went so well. Bizzy can be relentless if she wants.

  “So it sounds like getting in her space is working out for you.” Mathis punches my shoulder jokingly. “Glad to know we don’t have to appeal a restraining order.”

  “Ha ha ha,” I mumble as Bizzy serves our plates.

  Once everyone is seated, I think of the perfect way to introduce Grace.

  “Hey, Shaw, I need a favor.”

  When I explain what I want, Bizzy gives a loud cheer, clapping her hands and dancing in her seat. Mathis chuckles as Shaw assures me it’s no problem.

  Now I need to tell Grace… and get her to agree.


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