Sexy Six

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Sexy Six Page 25

by Ahren Sanders

  “Hey, guys! Shannon Rails here for this special treat for all you Shannon Says viewers. Today, I’m with the Miami football team that has clinched their place in the playoffs with the win today. As you can hear, the celebration is underway in the locker room.

  As much as I’d love to keep talking, let’s see what’s happening with our winning team!”

  She flips the image again, and I’m transported into the locker room where people are wall-to-wall clapping and whooping as the team enters. A few guys I’ve met before, including Eddie, walk into the limelight, dancing and pumping their fists in the air. There’s so much noise it’s hard to understand anything until the crowd starts chanting, “Sexy Six”.

  My heart lodges in my throat when I see him. Like the others, he’s removed his shoulder pads and is fresh off the field. The tank top he’s wearing is visibly drenched with sweat, and he’s dirty. Memories flood my mind, and my mouth waters instantly, thinking he’s the sexiest man on the earth at this moment.

  He gives a few high fives then waves humbly in the air. His blue eyes shine with happiness when he spins in a circle pointing to his teammates.

  “This isn’t me. This is us!” he yells, and the crowd ‘whoops’ again. The room starts to quiet when he waves his hands to the ground, trying to encourage silence.

  “I’m so proud to be a part of this team for so many reasons. Today is proof that hard work and dedication pay off. When we get our heads in the game and focus, anything is possible. Keep doing what we’re doing, and we’re headed back to the Super Bowl!”

  There’s no way to hear anything over the triumphant cries as families swarm the guys and champagne corks pop. Shannon flips the camera back to herself with a wide smile and starts talking about the next three games being important, but with the division records, Miami can’t lose their spot in the playoffs… Blah, blah, blah…

  My eyes stay glued behind her where Bizzy, Shaw, Mathis, and Claire all give hugs to Nick. He smiles warmly, his face softening when Bizzy whispers something in his ear.

  From somewhere behind him, a beautiful blonde bounces in and leaps into his arms. He catches her, his hands firm on her waist. I view in horror as his eyes grow wide right before she plants a kiss on his lips.

  This doesn’t go unnoticed by Shannon, who steps full into the frame with bulging eyes. “Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! Maybe Sexy Six has a new good luck charm! Just remember, you saw it on Shannon Says first!”

  Bile rises to my mouth as I click exit and throw my phone to the floor with all the force I can muster.

  Logically, I know what I saw can have a hundred explanations, but it hurts no less. I’ve watched women throw themselves at him for months, one in my own house. But he’s always rejected the attention.

  Then it hits me full force, and I know I can’t do it. Logan was malicious, but he was right. Besides the gallery, living in Miami has revolved around Nick.

  I may love Miami, but maybe Miami doesn’t love me.

  Chapter 27


  I wipe my sweaty hands down my jeans and jump out of my truck, watching Grace through the window. She’s on the phone, making notes, and nodding. My heart leaps at the sight. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her in person. It hasn’t been for lack of trying. I’ve texted her, asking to meet for lunch or dinner, but she’s continuously rejected me.

  Just when I thought I’d go crazy, and I was going to force her to talk to me, she skipped town for two days. Everything has been a blur since leaving her house.

  Eight days—that’s how long I’ve been deprived of her.

  Eight excruciating days.

  My lower back twinges in pain, and I flex to try to work out the kinks. I haven’t been able to sleep in my bed since the last time Grace was there, so I moved to the sofa, which fucking sucks. But I’m not going back to that bed until I have Grace with me.

  I’ve gone through the motions. Practices, films, meetings, all of it, trying to appear normal. It’s all been an act, but today, it’ll be worth it. Grace finally contacted me and asked me to meet her at the gallery today. I’ve been pacing my living room for hours waiting until I could get to her.

  I run my hands through my hair and suck in a deep breath then head straight to her.

  She peers up and gives me a small smile when I walk in, finishing her conversation. Logan comes from the back, his lips going tight when he spots me.

  We’ve spoken exactly three times since I left him on the floor last Monday night. None of the conversations have been pleasant. The last was after his grandpa sent a message through him that we’d fucked up.

  If that wasn’t a kick in the gut. Fucked up wasn’t even in the right category of what we did, but it was done. Now, it was time to fix the mistakes.

  “Logan, can you lock the front door and meet us in your office.” Grace hangs up and motions me to the back.

  I eagerly follow, my hands begging to snatch her into my arms and carry her. She steps inside the door and stops, pointing for me to sit.

  “Hey, Sweet Peach, it’s good to see you.” I bend and kiss her cheek, my lips lingering on the soft skin before I go to the chair.

  Logan comes in and sits on the corner of his desk looking at her expectantly. “Are you actually going to talk to me now?”

  “I’ve been talking to you.”

  “No, you’ve been answering questions and emailing every chance you get. Even from fifteen feet away, you email me.”

  “There’s a reason.” She flips her hair over her shoulder and looks between us. Her eyes are clear and expressionless, her face unreadable.

  “I asked Nick to join us because I wanted you both to hear it from me. Your ploy worked. It’s taken a few days, but I’ve been able to rescind my rejection, and I’m going to study with AIT. I leave in a week.”

  All the air is sucked out of the room at her announcement. Logan drops his eyes to the floor, while I stare at her. A week? She’s leaving me in a week? That’s not enough time to clean up the mess I’ve made.

  “I’ve obviously had to make some changes to my schedule, but the organizers were kind enough to work with me. You both should know that I’m grateful for the push. It turns out my talents have gotten the attention of some pretty renowned people, and I didn’t have to plead for another chance. Thank you both for your faith in me.”

  “Grace, this wasn’t about faith. This was about you, all about you,” Logan tries to explain.

  “In order to leave you in the best possible position while I’m gone, I’ve been making calls and scheduling interviews for some help in the gallery. When you check your email, you’ll see I’ve updated both our calendars with interviews scheduled and resumes attached. If you’re unhappy with my choices, please feel free to start your own search.” She goes on as if he didn’t speak. “But I’ll be honest; these are the best I’ve come across. If their interviews go well, you’ll have a hard choice because they’re all eager to get their foot in the door of an art gallery such as ours. All of them would clean the toilets if we asked, for a chance to learn the business from you. Ultimately, the choice is yours.”

  “Grace, stop being so aloof. The choice is ours,” Logan snaps at her, and I ball my hand into a fist, ready to pound him if he gives her more attitude.

  “Whatever.” She shrugs and goes to the other side of the desk, careful not to get close to either of us.

  She gathers a handful of papers, and my heart dulls to a slow thump. She lifts her eyes to mine again, but this time, there’s a fire of righteousness as she aims her words at me.

  “One thing I learned from my grandma was to dig deep until you discover the root of the problem. Well, I did my digging and uncovered a string of deceit.” She lays out the emails Logan retrieved from her private account. “If I didn’t know it already, here’s the proof that you two were in cahoots. Why and how, I don’t want to know, but your gig is up. I’m aware now that I never stood a chance to explain myself and my reasoning. You bot
h took it upon yourselves to dictate what was best for me.”

  Oh, fuck! My neck can no longer support my head, and I drop my chin to my chest.

  “But I’m not mad. I love you both, and I’m going to follow your wishes.”

  My head snaps up, my neck cracking painfully, but I stare at her. Hearing her say she loves us give me hope that there is a path to forgiveness. Logan stays quiet, too, his lips in a tight line.

  My hope dies as she goes to the door again, her back to us. “In case you haven’t figured it out, you hurt me deeply. Regardless of the motives, I’ve never felt so inconsequential in my life. But that’s over now.”

  “Logan?” She looks over her shoulder. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. We’re moving on from this.”

  “Nick.” She twists enough to speak directly to me. “I’d love if we could have dinner before my trip. It would be nice to clear the air before I get on that plane.”

  With that, she’s gone, leaving me to stare after her with my jaw hanging and my ass glued to the chair.

  “Welp, we’re both fucked.” Logan lets out a loud breath. “That was Grace’s way of dismissing us both.”

  “Bullfuckingshit!” The shock wears off, and my legs find strength, pushing me up. “I’m going after her.”

  His hand lands on my forearm as I pass, and I growl at the interruption. “Good luck,” he says, snatching his hand away.

  I ignore him and run to the back door, screaming her name. “Grace!” I throw open the door in time to see her driving away.

  Hell no, she’s not dismissing me anymore.

  I give her the courtesy of knocking twice before using my key to let myself into her apartment. Music blares from her room, the sound drifting through the place. Boxes are stacked neatly along the walls, all labeled with her belongings. Her scent hangs in the air, but otherwise, this looks nothing like her place. It’s barren, every picture, knick-knack, and piece of art packed.

  An ache pierces my chest. Not only is she leaving, but she’s been doing all of this alone. I should have been here, helping her.

  “NICK!” Grace shouts, causing me to whirl around. She stands at the foot of the kitchen with her hand over her chest and a look of fright on her face.

  Without delay, I stalk to her, lifting her in my arms and pressing her as close as possible. “You’ve never been inconsequential. You’ve always been number one,” I say into her hair. “Always, Sweet Peach.”

  She squirms, shoving hard to get away, which makes me tighten my grip. “Let me down.”


  “Nick, I’m having trouble breathing.”

  I loosen my hold, but only enough to shift back a few inches so I can see her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “Okay.” Her response is robotic, without an ounce of sincerity.

  “I’ll apologize every day of my life if you will forgive me.”

  Pain flashes across her face while she braces on my biceps, trying to get away.

  “Stop fighting me.”

  “Then put me down.”



  “Because I need you to accept my apology with more than an okay.”

  “What exactly are you apologizing for? We can start with conspiring with Logan and end with you making out with the busty blonde after the game on Sunday.”

  My arms go weak, and I place her back on her feet before staggering back. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The blonde that leaped in your arms after the win. It was all over the internet.”

  “You know I don’t look at the internet.”

  “Well, unfortunately, I did, and the image is burned in my brain. I especially like the part when she leaned in to kiss you so sweetly while everyone stood by smiling from ear to ear.”

  I vaguely recall Sunday after the game, remembering very little after leaving the field. The only reason I walked into that locker room chaos, instead of heading straight to the press room, was because Shaw encouraged me to be a leader to the team. I knew what he was doing, trying to help lift my spirits by seeing the celebratory mood. But I didn’t feel like it. I did my job, and all I wanted was to get to a phone and see if Grace had called.

  Looking at her face now, I understand why. The memory comes crashing back.

  The girl, the jump, the kiss.

  Then me throwing her away as if she was diseased and Bizzy threatening to kill her.

  “Grace, it wasn’t what you think. I swear to you.”

  She nods, walking back to her room and turning off her music. I’m on her heel, ready to explain, until I see her room.

  Her beautiful room, her gorgeous décor, the bright colors and all her personal belongings… Gone. Packed away, exactly like the living room. Every trace of Grace is disappearing.

  It’s almost more than I can handle. The overwhelming need to beg her to stay is on the tip of my tongue. She can’t leave like this. I can’t have this distance between us.

  “Grace, that woman is no one. I don’t know her name, and after Bizzy threatened her life, Shaw had her escorted from the stadium and banned from the player quarters. She was searching for her five seconds of fame. If she knew anything about me, she’d know I’m taken.”

  A menacing smile appears on her face as she gives a guttural laugh. “Not anymore. You need space, remember?”

  “You have to know I didn’t mean any of it. You understand the position I was in.”

  She tilts her head to the ceiling, and for a split second, I think I’ve gotten somewhere… until she shakes her head.

  “Nick, I really can’t do this tonight. I’ve got a crazy week beginning tomorrow. Let’s get together on Saturday when I get off work and talk.”

  “Saturday, I’m in Denver.” Has she forgotten my schedule already? I programmed all my away games into her calendar. Did she delete them?

  “When do you come home?”


  “That’s no good. My parents are flying down to see me off and help me get my stuff into storage. Then I leave on Tuesday.”

  “TUESDAY? I thought you said a week. Tuesday is six days from now!”

  “Tit for tat. It’s almost a week.” She says it with such blasé, terror sets in.

  “No, Grace, it’s not tit for tat. It’s an entire fucking day I’m losing with you.”

  “You’re welcome to come to dinner on Monday night with my family.”

  “This shit is ending now, Grace. Quit with the tough act. We’re going to dinner tonight. We’re talking this shit out. We can do it here or at my place.”

  “Well, we can’t do it here. My fridge is bare, and my dishes are packed. We can go to a restaurant.”

  “We’ll stay at my place.” The thought of having her back in my bed thrills me to no end.

  “No, Nick, you’ll stay at your place. I’m staying here. Dinner is it. Take it or leave it, but whatever it is, be quick. I’ve got a lot of shit to do, and tomorrow’s a big day of interviews.”

  My sweet Grace has disappeared, and in her place is a woman I don’t recognize. But I’ll take what I can get. “Dinner it is.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll meet you in the living room.” She rips the hairband out of her hair and disappears into her bathroom, shutting me out.

  I leave her alone, fighting every instinct to wrap her back in my arms. I avoid her kitchen like the plague, the thought of going back in there sending a scorching pain to my gut. This apartment is full of too many memories, the good weighed down by the last time I was here.

  Then it hits me like a freight train. The memory of last year, in Charlotte, with Bizzy. No matter what Shaw’s intentions, he shredded her with his motives.

  He thought he was protecting her, shielding her from the situation at hand.

  She felt abandoned, alone, and like their lives together were over.

  He fucked up.

  I’ve done more than fuck up. I’ve fucked up to the point of epic proportions. The love o
f my life needed me to have her back, trust her decision, understand her… believe in her. I let her down.

  Thinking quickly, I send a text to Shaw.

  I’m in trouble here and need help. Tomorrow morning, your office. All hands on deck, including Gail.

  My body starts buzzing as I come up with a new game plan. One thing I know about is the game—the planning, the strategy, the perfectly played execution.

  The anticipation of the defense.

  The thrill of the score.

  I also know, actions are the only thing that matter.

  Chapter 28


  “That’s the last of it.” I drop the roll of tape on my sofa.

  “Not everything.” Claire points to my room.

  “My dad is going to break down the bed on Monday,” I explain. “I need somewhere to sleep.”

  Bizzy and Claire exchange a conspiring look.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is no.”

  “Sorry, we are under strict orders.” Bizzy types something on her phone, and immediately, my front door opens. Shaw strolls in casually followed by Mathis.

  “What’s going on?”

  No one responds, but Bizzy directs them to my room.

  “Hey, stop that!” I yell when Mathis easily stands my mattress on one side and props it against the wall, doing the same with the box springs.

  “The movers will be here tomorrow to get your stuff into storage,” Shaw tells me.

  “That’s not my plan.” I stomp. “Don’t you dare disassemble my bed!”

  He raises an eyebrow at me with a smirk, not phased at my childish behavior.

  “Seriously, guys, this is nice of you to help, but it’s enough already.”

  “Grace, stop being stubborn. We’re your friends, and we want to help.” Bizzy digs in the bag she dropped on my floor earlier and hands Shaw a drill.

  He crouches and starts to remove the screws in my headboard, ignoring my death glare.

  “If you are really my friends, you’ll stop this right now! I’m not staying with Nick!” I shout.

  “Told you this wasn’t going to be easy,” Mathis says to Bizzy, taking the drill from Shaw. “But it’s going to be fun to watch him worm his way out of this.”


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