Keep Me Safe

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Keep Me Safe Page 6

by Duka Dakarai

  “Ok, what’s the story?” Kane presses on.

  “Bortsov is hanging on to life at the Chelsea and Westminster. If he makes it through the next couple of hours, then he must be fucking blessed or something. It looks like poison…..same as the hooker from Sky’s documentary or so the early indications show. But they haven’t confirmed all the test results yet.”

  “Bortsov is not my concern, Jack. He’s not calling the shots strapped up to life support.” Kane throws a look to his team. Storm and Dalton instinctively understand the hidden message. “So who is the threat?”

  “We are grasping at straws here, Kane. Someone close to Alexei wants him dead. The woman who attacked Sky at the Hilton is the key to all of this. The hooker was just an unfortunate side show, we are guessing. Sky poked her pretty little nose in and now they / whoever want to shut her up before she digs any deeper. That niggle in her mind she keeps talking about is the answer to all of this. And someone wants to make sure she never finds out what that niggle is. This mess just got fucking messier, Kane”

  Kane snatches the phone away from his ear. He gestures to the Russians. “Start talking. Tell us everything you know. Who might want Alexei Bortsov dead? And make it fast……because that woman in there making you coffee and fetching you something to ease your pain? Someone wants to shut her up permanently……and that is making me really, really angry. You understand?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Natalya slides herself off his cock, pulls down her skirt and reaches for a cigarette. She takes a singular long slow drag before handing the nicotine tube to the overweight and sweaty man with the big, fat grin on his face.

  She eyes him cautiously feeling only repulsion. Yet she pouts playfully before speaking. “I’m still unsure, my love. Maybe we should have waited before poisoning Alexei. The timing was all wrong. Now the English Police will put two and two together…..they will realise that Alexei is not the one who is trying to erase that fucking journalist. And what happens if Alexei doesn’t die?”

  “Alexei will die. You had enough in the syringe, didn’t you? Tell me again what he looked at when you were sucking his cock and stuck the needle in.”

  “I’ve told you two times already.” Natalya turns away from his face.

  “Then tell me again. It will make my cock hard once more and then you can suck me off. You love to suck me off, don’t you, my sweet.”

  She forces a wide smile and lies through her teeth. “I live for it, my love.”


  Luckily, the neighbours bought the story that the commotion and noise were merely boisterous party antics taken too far. Jean was on the verge of calling in the Police when she saw four strangers leave the coastal house looking dishevelled and battle weary despite Viktor’s friendly wave to her as he and his guys exited the driveway. I was duly sent to bat my baby blues and provide reassurance that all was well at Creek Haven.

  Now that this Safe House has been effectively breached, we are on the move again. We rush through our goodbyes to the neighbours as Kane leads our convoy out of Mylor Village heading east. We have all heard of the saying ‘hidden in plain sight’ right? So that is why we are headed back to London as that is the last place anyone would expect to find me.

  Kane draws my hand into his and thumbs across my knuckles. He senses my anxiety regarding returning to London. I am anxious yet I trust his judgement. We have driven in silence for the majority of the journey so I jump slightly when he suddenly speaks.

  “We haven’t had time to talk about last night. I think we need to make sure we are on the same page before we get to the new house and are surrounded by the others, don’t you?” He shoots me a side glance.

  Instantly, I feel a sense of dread. I’m not sure I do want to discuss last night. Last night was incredible….mind blowing. And last night Kane claimed my heart. I gulp back the heavy feeling lumping in my throat before responding.

  “On the same page?”

  “Yeah. Last night was amazing, Sky. But when Alexei’s men turned up to party, I should have been protecting you and ready, not lying next to you thinking of wicked ways to wake you up so we could make love again.”

  “But you did protect me, Kane.” I counter.

  “I don’t want to argue, Sky. Yes, this time I did protect you. But what about next time…..and there will be a next time. I’m trying to be upfront with you. Whoever wants Alexei Bortsov dead is still coming after you, too. They think you know more than you think….and they are probably right and….”

  I interrupt him. I just want him to cut to the chase. Last night was a one off. “Just say it, Kane.”

  “You know what I’m trying to say. You’re a highly intelligent woman. But when we get to the new house, we are in separate rooms from now on, ok?”

  I quickly turn my face away to stare out of the window. I know he is right. I am not stupid. But that doesn’t stop the rush of feelings or the solitary tear trying to escape from my eye. I spend the remainder of the journey pretending to sleep.


  The London borough of Richmond upon Thames incorporates some 1,714 streets. Home to the rich and famous for centuries, from Henry VIII to Mick Jagger, Richmond-upon-Thames boasts magnificent houses and gardens, many of which stem from the river that forms the heart of this popular enclave. Marble Hill House, the Thames-side villa built around 1724 for Henrietta Howard, mistress of King George III, can also be found in this rich and vibrant borough. The finest feature of the borough is Richmond Park, with its herds of red and fallow deer. The most magnificent park in the capital, this expanse offers some of the most attractive countryside in Britain.

  From the exterior, Meadow House is truly deceptive set behind wrought iron gates and located within a short walk of the pedestrian access to Richmond Park, Stag Lodge Riding Stables and the shops of Kingston Vale, which include a Post Office/ Newsagent, Dry Cleaners, Food / Grocery Store. With the added security of private enclosed gardens both front and rear including a ‘look-out’ roof terrace, it is ideally suited to lend itself as an inconspicuous Safe House.

  We pull into the gated driveway, pile in through the entrance and deposit our luggage into our individual rooms. Brains and I set about preparing a supper for us all. I am aware of her watching me intently. As we load trays with breads, cheeses and fruit, she elbows me sharply in the ribs.

  As I turn to scowl in response, she gestures to me to hush. “Ok, what’s with the long face? I know something is troubling you so spill it, Sky.”

  “I’m just tired, Brains. There is nothing to spill.” I fake a quiet smile.

  “I know you and Kane slept together last night. That was obvious.”

  “And it was a one off. I know exactly where I stand with Kane. So there is no more to discuss. As I said, I am just tired.” I finish loading the remaining items onto the trays and begin to make my way through to the dining room. She follows closely behind. She watches as I robotically lay the table.

  “You’ve fallen for him, haven’t you?” She looks me directly in the eyes. I turn to avoid her gaze, announcing to the guys that supper is ready.


  Storm stretches out his long legs, shakes out tired shoulders and leans back into his chair on the roof terrace. No passers-by or neighbours would question why two people would be sat here on a balmy summer evening. No-one but them would consider that this is a perfect look-out to spot potential intruders.

  He steals another look at his boss. Kane is engrossed watching over Dalton and Sky deep in conversation in the rear garden. Occasionally, he assumes that Dalton must have said something highly amusing that would make Sky laugh so freely, given the seriousness and tension in her current circumstance. He should be admiring Dalton, he knows, for helping her to relax but instead he finds himself balling his hands into tight fists.

  Storm eyes the tension held tight in the face and neck of Kane, shakes his head slightly, and coughs to get his attention. “You know he’s just doing his job, right?”
br />   Kane snaps his head towards Storm. “What the fuck are you talking about? I know he’s doing his job.”

  “Then why are you looking like you are ready to nail his ass? Are you in deep?”

  “In deep?” Kane scowls in puzzlement.

  “You and Sky. What you have going on.” Storm pokes out his chin, gesturing to the garden.

  “There is no me and Sky.”

  Storm rolls his head back, momentarily closing his eyes. “You sure about that, buddy?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alexei Bortsov pulls his heavy eyelids apart and is immediately blinded by the glare of the overhead lights inside his private hospital room. Confused and disorientated, he slowly lifts his head to find both arms are attached to machines by an abundance of wires. He lays his pounding head back against the pillows, swallowing hard. His tongue feels swollen and alien in his mouth. For a brief moment, he is scared, until the realisation dawns upon him that he is alive. At least he thinks he is.

  He blinks away the fear trying to remember how he got here. Has he been in an accident? How long has he been here? Think, think.

  The door to the room opens. His gaze falls upon a heavy breasted nurse who smiles kindly as she walks purposefully towards the plethora of beeping machines. She pats his hand lightly, leaning into his face.

  “Well, it is good to see you fully awake, Alexei. You have been drifting in and out for a couple of days now, but you probably don’t remember any of that. I will get you something to wet your mouth in a moment. How are you feeling? You will be confused, I am sure. But all of this will be explained to you by the Consultant who is on his way. Are you in pain?”

  “My head hurts. How long have I been here?” He struggles to form words as his tongue gags in the dryness of his mouth.

  “I will get you something for your headache. Now let’s try to get you sitting up a little so you can sip some water.”

  As she elevates the bed into a slight upright position, the door opens again to expose the presence of a uniformed Police Officer holding position. For a moment Alexei and the Officer hold eye contact. His forgotten and buried fear returns to lay heavy on his chest.

  “Why is there a Policeman guarding me? I want to know what happened to me.” Alexei grunts trying to sit up fully before dizziness beats him. He slumps back into the comfort of the pillows.

  The nurse pats his arm reassuringly. “Hush now. The Consultant will be here any moment and will answer all your questions. You just focus on trying not to gulp that water or you will make yourself sick.”


  Brains looks at me, her eyes wide and her mouth loose. “You’re not going to do it, are you?”

  “He caught me off guard. I was in a rush, just wanted to get him off the phone as quickly as possible, and besides, he agreed to send my fee to a hospice that I support. I had forgotten all about it until now. It was months ago when I stupidly agreed to do it but now I’m obliged. And anyway, Lily Cole and Dr Victoria Zdrok are doing it. Think of it as empowering women, right?” I fold my arms across my chest as if to emphasise the point.

  “If you say so. Will you be naked in the pictures?”

  “It’s Esquire Magazine, not some tit and ass publication. They assured me it would be tasteful and I have no reason to disbelieve them. The feature is Beauty and Brains, not get your tits out for the lads!” I huff defensively.


  Kane is not happy. Storm and Dalton have spent the majority of the morning mooning over the idea that Sky will be posing, probably near naked, for a men’s magazine this afternoon. Kane had tried to talk her out of it giving reasoned arguments against the prior commitment, but she matched each reason with a counter. Eventually, she sunk him with the fact that she was actually free to leave the house if she wanted to. It was her decision to remain in a Safe House and that he was employed to keep her safe…..not imprison her.

  And so here he is driving her through London towards Broadwick Street, Westminster to the headquarters of the UK Esquire Magazine. Storm and Dalton are shadowing in the car behind. He is in a foul mood yet he has convinced himself that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she will be posing seductively for millions of men to ogle at. Absolutely nothing to do with it.

  He pulls up outside the glass fronted building ushering her quickly inside. She is greeted by the features editor and taken through to the dressing area adjacent to the studio where the photographer awaits. Kane follows closely behind. In answer to the questioning look from the editor, Sky passes Kane off easily as her quote me and I’ll deny it new beau.


  “Can you give us a minute, guys? I’d like to speak to my girlfriend alone for a couple of seconds.” Kane smiles through a clenched jaw.

  The photographer, his assistant and make-up artists all huff in unison but quickly do as he asks when he folds his arms purposely across his broad chest. As the door to the studio closes, I hurriedly cover myself up with the dressing gown, before throwing a scowl at Kane.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I question him.

  “I could ask you the same thing!” He barks at me.

  “What is your problem? You know what I am here for……”

  “Yeah, to pose near naked for all the world to see.” He growls.

  “Again, Kane, what is your problem? I can do whatever I please. You are acting like some jealous boyfriend. And yet you made it quite clear that I am merely your client……and nothing more.” I smirk emphasising my point.

  He strides right into my personal space before grabbing me roughly by the shoulders. “I am here to keep you safe, not make love to you. You know the situation. Do you need to know if you still affect me, is that it, Sky?”

  “I know the situation. Leave me alone, Kane…..I….I….” I stumble over my words as a sob traps in my throat.

  He shakes me gently before pulling me in the direction of the chaise long. “If that’s what you need then take the dressing gown off. I’ll fuck you wherever you want, Sky.”

  His words sting, enraging me. I push hard against him and force myself out of his grasp. I slump down onto the sofa, and let the tears that were threatening to come, flow free. He curses himself before crouching to engulf me in his arms. I wriggle and fight against him but he holds me tighter still. “I’m sorry, Sky. I didn’t mean it. You do affect me. You affect me too much.”

  I take a deep breath inward peeking up at him through wet eyelashes. Suddenly he crashes his mouth upon mine. He growls deep onto my lips and I feel the vibration of his arousal, sending heat surging through my body. My body instantly melts against him. My lips part under the increasing pressure of his tongue and suddenly he is inside of my mouth, tickling and dancing, taking what he needs, tasting me. A groan escapes from my mouth, my tongue finding his. He sucks the tip of my tongue building the heat to my sex. I can feel his erection building hard against my thigh. I reach out for the nape of his neck, pulling him deeper into me.

  We hungrily seek our fill before a gentle knock at the studio door pulls us apart. I straighten myself before getting up to open the door. As I turn the handle, I turn my gaze to Kane. “Can you wait outside please? I won’t be long.”

  He makes to speak but I raise my hand to silence him. He stalks out of the room, his fists clenched at his sides.

  The photographer enters, instantly puzzled, as he watches me begin to scoop up my personal belongings. I throw him a quiet smile. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time but I have changed my mind. I will pay back my fee of course” And with that, I make my way to my dressing room to put my clothes back on.

  Chapter Fifteen

  DCI Jack Mercer thumbs through the contacts of his mobile phone. He presses the little green telephone image and lights up a cigarette almost before he has exited through the entrance doors of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

  His call is answered after three short rings. He grunts his usual greeting before making the reason for his call known. “Bor
tsov must be blessed, after all. He woke up a couple of hours ago. I have spoken to him briefly but his head is all over the place so I didn’t get much sense out of him. But he did admit he is afraid - for himself and for Sky. He was insistent that she should know that. He cannot remember why at this time, but he knows whoever did this to him, will try to do the same to her. Kane, I’ll keep you updated as you know. Tell Sky I will call her later.”

  Kane tosses his mobile back into his pocket. He takes a swig of his coffee. “That was Mercer. Bortsov woke up a couple of hours ago. By the sounds of it, he’s not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot. But he’s alive so now hopefully Jack and his team can get some answers.”


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