Filthy Love

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Filthy Love Page 25

by V. Theia

  “I just want you, Colton.” Her eyes were luminous. And wanting him. “The bedroom is back there on the left,” she told him breathlessly and his brain detonated.

  Sweeping her off the countertop, he had her legs wrapped around his waist in seconds, striding through her house to get to the bedroom.

  The way her sigh kept blowing air against his neck was the most distracting thing of all. And twice he stopped to slam his lips to Gia’s, needing a fix of her taste.

  By the time he plonked in an overstuffed armchair by the window with her on his lap she was panting, and his heart was going off like a fucking bomb igniting in a small space.

  The kiss she gave him was bottomless. A direct hot blade to his heart and it was the way she moved her tongue, languid, tasting him in the same way he always savored her that brought the noise in his head to a standstill.

  Brushing her hair back from her flushed face he just looked at her.

  His body was raging for him to get on with it. To give him the climax inside her he’d waited a lifetime for.

  But right then it wasn’t only about sex.

  He wanted to savor every second with her before it was over. Before she was gone from his life for good.

  Because that’s what would happen. Eventually.

  Gia was uncut diamonds and he was trash on the ground.

  “What do you want, little bit?”

  She answered before he got his last word out. “Colton. You.” Taking matters into her own hand she crushed his mouth, kissed the ever-loving fuck out of him and shimmied her little body like she was going for the grinding championships of the world.

  Everything became harder.

  His blood boiled keeping hold of her hips.

  Fuck. She drove him insane like nothing else.

  “Don’t tease me if you’re just gonna reject me again, Colton.” She bit his lower lip then licked it right after. Her fingers played in his beard, stroked into his freed hair and pressed her body into his.

  Hawk could barely breathe let alone think.

  “Reach into my back pocket, grab my phone.” He husked leaning forward for her fingers to dive into the denim. She looked at him perplexed through deep navy eyes. “Open the email app and read the first one.”

  When she did her lower jaw went lax, she raised those eyes to him. “You didn’t tell me you’d been for a health check-up.”

  “Pissing into a cup and having blood drawn to test me for diseases isn’t my finest hour, little bit.”

  He watched her run her thumb over the screen, like she was touching the words that gave him the all clear. Fucking miracle. And when she lifted her head her eyes were glassy and no doubt about it he read lust clear as day.

  His dick throbbed wanting to go home.

  She took the decision from him by kissing him hard again, his tongue stroked over hers, tasting his little bit of a thing like he was dying any second and needed to imprint her in his black, lifeless soul.

  Fuck, she undid him.

  “Now,” she panted against his lips, almost ripping his hair out at the roots. He liked it and pressed her for a tighter pull. “Can we have sex?”

  “As much as I try to push you away, you should be aware, Gia, I’m hard up for a fuck between your pretty thighs. Always have been.”

  She licked her wet lips, further tempting the monster he was, eyes shining, tits rising and falling in his face, throwing her on the bed, he followed her down to strip her clothes in record time.

  “I take the pill. I want to do this with nothing between us.” She told him.

  He was a filthy bastard with a filthy bastard’s appetite and fucking her with no condom even though he’d brought a whole fucking box of them with him, he almost came on the spot.

  He was done asking why she’d let him touch her, taste her, fucking adore her with his mouth and hands skimming down to hold her hips while he kissed the bones and then her inner thighs up to the apex where her scent fucking knocked lust through his belly like a wrecking bell. He was done holding himself back.

  She whined a sweet noise, bumping her hips up so his mouth connected to her pussy. He parted her folds with his tongue, swiped real damn slowly.

  “Put your fingers in me, Colton, make me wet and shiny.”

  “You want my fuck, little bit?”


  To the knuckle he slid two fingers in and made her whimper when he touched the place she liked, pumping slowly. “I'm going to hell for this.”

  She smiled her sweetness at him, threading her fingers through his hair as he prowled up over her. “I'll follow you down.”

  He was lost after that.

  “It’s time you lost the pants and made me feel good.”

  Oh, she chose her words carefully, didn’t she? He could see it in her eyes. Hawk was dumb as shit over most things, but over the weeks she’d learned his fucking triggers and knowing he was pleasing her he would have walked into Hell and dragged out a hellhound if that’s what made her feel good.

  He groaned, letting her attack his belt and zipper while he yanked the shirt over his head by grabbing it at the back of his neck, even before they were tossed on the floor she wrapped her whole palm around his cock, petting him from tip to balls.

  Hawk nearly passed out.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Gia. Fuck. You gotta stop before I pour into your hands.”

  “You feel incredible. I’ve wanted to do this forever. So hard. So soft.” She whispered, and didn’t she just stroke his slit and cause his back to break in two. “Next time I want to make you come this way, okay?”

  He would have agreed to his own murder.

  He pinned her to her soft, white bedding, her hand fisting his cock trapped between them. A bed made for a princess not a fuck up like him.

  “Stop thinking,” she chided, running a finger over his length. “We need this, please, Colton.”

  It should be him doing the pleading.

  But he got between her legs, widening them with rough hands.

  She was so goddamn wet and pink.

  “You can still change your mind,” he reminded her. Half wanting her to kick him out, so he could obsess in peace. Because he knew once he got inside her it would be game over.

  He’d told her it was just sex.

  What a fucking joke.

  “Never,” she kissed him, and together with their fingers threaded around his cock they led him to her wetness.

  As Hawk lined himself up, a shudder wracking his spine, he penetrated the only woman he'd ever loved with all his deranged heart, he got the sense he was floating dead somewhere and this moment was his purgatory on a loop for a punishment for his life-long wrongs he'd committed, starting from the moment of his birth that had been orchestrated by evil people.

  “God fucking damn.” He ground out, slipping another inch inside. She was tiny and tight, and she was hugging him so fucking close he was drowning in sensation.

  “Oh, Colton,” he heard, trying not to go at her like a bull.

  He couldn't believe Gia would let him inside her body. A pure soul allowing a monster to fuck her.

  He should stop. He should stop.

  He churned harder to reach the bottom of her, delicate fingers clutching his sides, her knees bracketing his hips.

  He’d memorized every facet of her being over the years. Stolen sights of her. Her smile, the way she threw her whole body into laughing. The shimmy of her curved hips when she walked in heels.

  He was a fucking predator, stalker, monster, deviant or all the above, but he loved her hands, he loved her hands when she brushed hair off her face or ate a sandwich. The way she’d touch her lips, but most of all he loved her slim fingers when they’d wrapped around his raging cock and she’d told him to fuck her.

  The feeling was indescribable. Waves of pleasure became his every breath. He sucked in air and pushed down hard, wet warmth greeted him. Oh, fuck, he was gonna lose it so fucking fast.

  “You feel so good,” she
mewled, his head reared up, met her eyes, his body stalling mid-thrust like he’d been prodded with a 1000-volt taser.

  She liked what his disgusting body was doing to hers?

  His cock swelled larger knowing he was making her feel good.

  He felt her vice around his cock and died right there with the thrill of it.

  She squeezed, and he died again, grunting low in his throat.

  “Gia…” he warned, not sure against what, it was impossible to pull free, he needed to stay inside her forever.

  He was going to hell.

  He just didn’t factor in Gia wouldn’t mind how he got sent there first.

  The sounds of hard fucking stung his ears.

  The bed springs.

  The headboard.

  And hard, heavy moans.

  It washed up in lust he couldn’t fucking handle—the slap of skin, the draw of her sex for his cock, the sound of labored breaths—notched up Hawk’s arousal to a level he’d never reached before.

  Sweet fucking death taking him.

  Gia’s grip on his dick was so tight, so firm that he just about had to fight his way back out. He used his hand to support himself while the other dug into her hip, holding her body for his attack.

  Jesus, it felt good, he could barely breathe. The in-out motion was addicting, he’d known it would be. The minute he got inside her he knew he’d be fucking screwed for the rest of his life. The feel of her strongly clasped was something he’d dreamed of, fucking hungered for.

  “Gia. Shit.” Good going, dickhead. Just curse in her face.

  She looked like an angel beneath him.

  All pouty, panting lips and glassy eyes with sex-sweat dotting her forehead.

  Hawk fell harder in love with her.

  “Touch yourself. Show me how you like it,” he grunted low with exertion, trying to slow his thrusts so it would last longer, but the way she fisted him, encouraging him to drill her, he was losing that battle fast.

  She followed instantly sliding fingers down, his greedy eyes followed, she started rubbing, hard—rougher than he would have imagined she liked.

  “Oh, Hawk. Please,” she whimpered. His next downward stroke took him all the way to her depths and the pleasure punched him in the temple.

  As much as he ached to thrust forever, he knew he was on a losing streak as pleasure gathered like a tornado at the base of his spine. But he wouldn’t let go until she did. “Go over for me, little bit. Come for the man who doesn’t deserve it.”

  “I will. I am.”

  And she did.

  At those words, Hawk felt the greatest feeling of all fucking time when she compressed around him with every inner muscle her sweet pussy had.

  It was the catalyst to Hawk letting go in hard and needy jerks of his hips, shooting inside her in long, unremitting streams of come.

  Oh, fuck. Jesus, fucking Christ.

  He was blind. Her pleasure and his pleasure combined was too much, it blurred his vision as she arched beneath him, and he strived to drag as much from her shuddering body as he could. Her knees gripped either side of his waist, latching on like a snake and he pumped inside her for what seemed like an endless amount of time until there was no more air left in his lungs and he was in danger of blanking his shit out.

  She had all of him. Everything.

  He’d die for her. He’d live for her.

  Fucking completely owned by a little bit of a thing, her face glowing—smiling, and her fingers danced over the sensitive part of his ribcage.

  It was hard to accept he’d made her feel good.

  He’d made her feel good. She’d come more than once for him.

  “Fuck,” was all he seemed to be able to get off his tongue.

  He tried to move, so he wasn’t crushing her and failed, instead Gia cradled him in between her legs and Hawk let her.

  He felt her giggle and if he could he’d open his eyes sometime soon to check on his woman.

  “You’ve destroyed me,” he croaked, kissing her neck.

  No truer words.

  Gia was quiet except for a hum, her fingers lazily moving over his sides. Hawk didn’t want to raise his head and see regret in her eyes.

  He’d held out longer than any man ever would.

  Maybe he should have—

  “You’re thinking loudly, Colton.” The sweetness of her pleasure-soaked voice caressed him.

  “I’m thinking the right amount for a guy who just got his skull fucked off.”

  Maybe in the harsh light of day she’d realize who she let into her body.

  Hefting himself up, he found her bathroom and strode back into the bedroom holding a warm cloth slightly damp.

  “Is it always like that?” She asked quietly, curiosity in her tone as she allowed him to part her legs and clean her off and pat her dry with a second towel.

  Hawk kept his head on his task, her pussy was so fucking lovely he probably cleaned her way too much.

  What a pervert.

  But he answered her truthfully.


  “I thought so,” he could hear her smile. “It’s never been that way for me.”

  He reverberated a dismissal in the back of his throat. As far as he was concerned his little bit hadn’t experienced any other body inside hers and he was sticking to it. He wasn’t a modern man, he could give a fuck if he was outdated. Any other woman could fuck herself raw and he wouldn’t have an opinion about her enjoying herself. His Gia was as pure as the fucking driven snow on angel’s wings. End of story.

  A strange yearning inside his chest made him heel a hand over his breastbone.

  Hawk was so familiar to the battering of obsession that this feeling he’d never factored to experiencing. Love so fucking strong he knew it could bring him to his knees if she crooked her little finger.

  Jesus, he was done for, wasn’t he? A complete imbecile in love and what do you know, he didn’t scowl, didn’t feel an ounce of remorse.

  He just wanted to repeat the process.

  But what the fuck did he do now he’d had her?

  Hawk’s heart raced.

  “Hawk?” She sounded dreamy and satisfied, he wanted to bottle that sound, so he had something to listen to when he was forced to jerk off.

  “Yeah?” He rasped.

  “Come back to bed.”

  Naked, he walked through the darkness and climbed back into her bed.

  Into the light with Gia.


  “If these are the sins of a monster, I’ll sin for a lifetime.” - Gia

  “Shhh ... I’m whispering … because I am.” The phone in one hand, and the comforter clutched over her chest, Gia stole a quick glance at the man sleeping silently in her bed.

  Her belly flopped over triple time remembering just what they’d done twice more in the middle of the night.

  Her aching inner thighs were a stark reminder.

  Grace Kelly cackled on the other end. “Oh, you bad girl! Is he still there? You had an overnight guest I take it and I can guess which brooding crush it is. Tell me everything.”

  “I’m not gonna do that.” Gia felt her cheeks heat. Not that she wouldn’t tell her best friend everything, or most of it anyway, at another time, just not when Hawk was sleeping inches away from her. “You called to confess your dirty soul, Gia. I know you. So, go ahead, I grabbed a morning coffee, you can tell Gracie all the nice details of how your biker rocked your brains out by hitting your cervix like he was trying to reset you back to factory setting.”

  Giggling to herself, Gia covered her mouth. Stole another glance at him.

  “He was good to you?”

  “God, yes.” She sighed. How good he’d been to her. So incredibly good nearly to the detriment of his own pleasure which he held off for longer than she imagined any other man would.

  Attentive was not even the word.

  It was then a hand came through the sheets and palmed her belly making her jump. That same hand moved u
p and cupped her bare boob and encouraged her nipple into hardening.

  Oh, god.

  Her eyes sought out Hawk’s to find those drowsy almost too pale eyes half-mast trained on her.

  “I have to go, but I’ll call you tonight. Love you.” Phone placed on the bedside table she cleared her voice, turned five different shades pinker as she smiled at him.

  “G-good morning, Colton.”

  He moved then, tugging the sheet away from her chest he kissed first her upper arm and then down between the valley of her boobs. Entirely captivated in his reverent, purposeful exploration of the top half of her body.

  “Since you’re still in bed and not at the door with my boots in hand ready to kick me out, I figure you want me here, little bit.” He spoke around her boob, sucking and licking and besides it feeling completely amazing, she was swept off her feet by the declaration that she stole her fingers into his soft, tangled mane and made him groan when they scratched over his scalp.

  She’d discovered during the night hours of lovemaking Hawk enjoyed being scratched everywhere.

  He thought she’d kick him out?

  Silly man would never learn her feelings for him were genuine and deep as the ocean.

  “Who were you declaring love to?”

  “My best friend Grace Kelly.”

  He popped her nipple out of his mouth, looked up, brow cocked. “You talking to the dead now?”

  She laughed and began to explain her friendship.

  “Tell me later.” His voice like grit interrupted, he flattened her to the messy bed causing a riot of butterflies to stampede through her nerves.


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