Filthy Love

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Filthy Love Page 30

by V. Theia

  “You got company?” A suspicious Ambrosio asked her.

  “No.” she squeaked a reply. “Radio is on in the background.”

  Hawk chuffed air against her nape. She elbowed to shut up.

  “You comin’ over Wednesday? We got a cookout going on.”

  “Maybe.” A hand slid around to her belly and began drifting southwards. She stopped that naughty hand in its tracks before they gave her brother a phone call none of them would ever be able to forget. “I’m looking at a few office spaces.” She told him.

  “Want me to come with you?”

  Ass-shimmying the man behind her, she basked in his large paws holding her belly. “I’m good, thanks. Who all is gonna be there, Uncle Jed? Your boys?” She asked casually. Meaning would Hawk be there. He hadn’t mentioned it.

  “Zara, Jed, Helen, and whatever boys are around, they’re never far from free grub. Capone, Tag, Preacher and his brood are coming that I know of. Grinder with his old lady, too.”

  “Capone’s gonna be there?” She smiled feeling Hawk’s hand tighten on her hipbones and he bit the back of her neck. It was sheer will of the reincarnation of Samson’s ghost that stopped her from moaning.

  The dirty thing started grinding her ass with slow rolls of his groin and didn’t he just try to inch his hand under the shirt and between her legs, coasting a long finger down her inner thigh edging towards where she was soaked and aching.

  Oh, god. It felt good. Gia’s brain checked out.

  “The fuck, squirt?” Rebuked her brother. “You’re not going near Capone. Don’t even think about it. He’s too old for you.”

  She burst out laughing. Capone was younger than Hawk. Oops. At least both her boys had the same way of thinking on something. “I never said I was, relax, grandpa. I’ll see you later.”

  Hawk spun her around and bared his teeth. “No, little bit.”

  She smiled up at him, toying with the ends of his wet hair. They’d shared a great shower.



  “Relax. I can only handle one badass biker at a time. Are you going to this cookout?” He kissed the tip of her nose, moved her out of the way and finished making her coffee. “Dunno. Why didn’t you mention you were looking at offices?”

  “Two just became available, I only received the email from the realtor last night and as you know I was too busy with a grouchy guy to tell you about it. My home office works fine for right now, but I’d like a space for when I get actual clients again.”

  “I’ll come with you. Don’t want some yuppy jumpstart ripping you off.” He said.

  He was so protective it made her belly flip.

  Without warning, he grabbed and deposited her on top of her table. “Now you’ve had your coffee…”

  “I had a sip, Hawk. A single sip!”

  “As I said.” The feral, hungry look in his eyes sent hotness pooling low.

  “Give me something to keep me going today while I’m working under a shitty engine with oil dripping on me,” his tone dropped to husky as he dragged a kiss along the length of her throat. He’d folded her down on the table and she prayed the thing was strong enough. Legs around his waist she listened to the sexy sound of his zipper lowering and then he was there at her entrance. “Fuck. This is the kinda dripping I want, Gia. This sweet-begging pussy soaking me.” Oh, dear Jesus. There was nothing sexier than her man taking his throbbing cock in his hand and stroking it base to drenched tip while he watched her through lust-drunk eyes.

  “Why can’t you be this unfiltered with everything?” She asked widening her legs on his slim hips. He hitched her ass up, ground down, burying in one thrust.

  “Because there’s nothing more I like talking about than your pussy. Feeling it hug me fucking tight like a strangle hold. Wanting that burn as I push in ‘cause it’s too tight and I feel like you wanna push me out, knowing it’s me who makes you cream your pleasure.”

  She panted. Eyes rolling to the back of her head. “I don’t want to push you out. Oh, god. There. Right there.” Table sex was the best, oh fuck. Because Hawk was tall it put him at the right height for maximum depth without him having to break his back. Fingers clawed her hips holding her steady and then he just dug in making her cry out.

  She made sure he felt every inch of beauty in their filthiness. He could deny his own emotions all he wanted, but as Hawk slammed into her, thrusting as deep as her tight body could take, she made it known how much she enjoyed it, begged for it, made him hear her cries of pleasure. He could deny all he wanted that they were wrong for each other, but an orgasm didn’t lie. The shattering of her inner walls squeezing his thick cock wasn’t telling untruths as she let go and whimpered his name.

  He might be filthy, as he claimed. But he was her filthy. And no one, Hawk included, was taking that away from her. “Again. More.” She demanded, grabbing him around the back of his neck, hauling him down over her, watching the surprise etch on his beautiful face before she took his mouth, hungrily, wet and sloppy, suffocating him in her love. “Ten years, Hawk. Fill me up with new memories.”

  He yanked her up, fingers biting into her hips, only to jerk her down. It was just as filling as the first devastating thrust and when Gia threw her head back with a keening cry so saturated in pleasure she felt Hawk’s mouth on the base of her throat. Sucking hard. Branding her with all his body inside and out. The muscles inside of her clenched to keep her from floating away.

  “God damn.” He groaned using her hips to jack himself off was about the hottest thing she’d ever experienced in her life.

  “Keep going.” She whined. Their foreheads met, breaths mingled. “Fuck. I love this, Gia.” He rasped working her hard, his cock pistoned and scraped every ridge and vein against her much-used inner tissues causing explosion within her. “This body, being inside it, you letting me inside it, fuck, Gia. It’s fucking perfect.”

  His nostrils flared, and he threw himself into fucking her. His thrusts became ragged and disjointed, sending Gia’s body into a tailspin of pure sensation.

  “No matter how many times I jack into you, you’re always this tight. My little bit feels fucking amazing.”

  Too soon it was over, their climaxes detonating at the same time. Too soon he was coming hard, masking his grunt in his throat, like he didn’t dare utter a sound of enjoyment, so he could scowl at her afterward for his weakness. He’d given her more of himself last night and this morning than ever before and she was holding on to every word.

  She’d crawl into all his secrets just as soon as he trusted her enough and show him her loyalty.

  To love Hawk was to love every damaged part of him and she wasn’t about to hand him back now.

  Keeping her legs locked around him, even as he sagged, his warm breath brushing her throat, she fluttered her insides, milking every drop of pleasure out of him and was rewarded when he gave a fresh thrust and grunt combo.

  God, she loved his body.

  The heaviness of it. The strong muscles bunching and releasing. The smooth skin that tasted like salt and man. She kissed her tattoo.

  “I love you, Colton.”

  He was made for her.

  He resisted at first, but she was good at countering his complaints, and when he relented and let the hand on the back of his neck pull him down to meet her mouth Gia didn’t celebrate by hollering as she wanted, the victory felt massive, it pounded a heartbeat in her belly as she nuzzled his lips.

  The table was doing a stellar job of holding them up.

  With her last puffs of air, she said. “You give me so much pleasure, baby. I think we should do that again.”

  His taste was a drug and she was addicted, going back for more, she had his tongue in her mouth before he could reply.

  Her body wanted sex and wanted it now.

  Hawk stepped his huge body back an inch, sweat glistening on his chest, breathing as hard as she was. The look in his eyes caused belly butterflies to turn manic. He really was a ma
gnificent sight, particularly when he was into their lovemaking as much as she was. Taking his cock in his hand she rose up on her elbows to watch him tug from base to leaking tip until he was fully hard again in seconds.

  With his free hand he pulled her to the very edge of the table. “Not letting you fall,” he said and fed his length back between her legs.

  Gia’s eyes rolled with pleasure, her neck fell forward.

  “You worked up, little bit?” One long stroke from her clit downwards, he dragged his cock and made her shudder. “Hawk. God. Yes.” It was never enough. Her body could honestly do with a break, she was sore and tender, swollen and achy, but the want never quit. “I need this big body.” Hawk grunted that sexy noise she was used to now as he took her mouth savagely, licking her tongue and teeth and then with a hand lifting her butt he impaled her in seconds, and swallowed her keening cry.

  It was always a shot of electricity to her mid-section to have him sunk inside her.

  She tightened her inner muscles, braced her hands behind her and nearly blushed to death when he told her in his sex-roughened voice, his eyes down between them.

  “Drop your knees and open up. I need to watch us fuck.”

  Offering her mouth at the same time she let her knees fall open, Gia smiled coyly up at her man.

  It was the perfect way to begin the day.

  And it was how they started the next four days.


  “My name is Rider Marinos. You fucked my sister. Prepare to die…” - The Prez

  The irony of what he was doing didn’t side-step Hawk that night when he climbed off his Harley and pulled on his skull adorned leather gloves. The leather was old and worn in places but fit his fingers like a second skin with enough grip to control his bike gears and to have enough traction that when he choked a motherfucker that same motherfucker couldn’t slip through his hands.

  Zipping his coat to the chin, he steepled his fingers together making sure the gloves were on good and tight as he waited for Lawless to do the same.

  His brother in arms pulled on a black skull cap and rolled his neck.

  They hadn’t talked much since their fight, but that wasn’t unusual, Hawk wasn’t a talker.

  And they had a job to do.

  He’d gone from fucking Gia on all fours just hours ago on her home office floor, making her tell him all kinds of dirty things from her good-girl mouth while he pounded orgasms out of her, to now, walking towards violence.

  After bringing dinner knowing she’d had a long day already with her online clients whining their little fucking heads off, she’d been sweet and addicting and he’d walked out of her house on a fucking high, climbed on his bike and met up with Lawless to do what they did best together; murdering.

  The streets were dark and eerily quiet and not two blocks away the unmarked SUV the club used for moving bodies would be parked already with the prospect behind the wheel waiting for his signal to collect their damage.

  Being a prospect wasn’t an easy job, he knew that more than most. His first year when Rider had brought him into the Renegade Souls, with Rex still being their president, he’d done a lot of back breaking grunt work, shit no decent man would be able to live with himself afterwards. Good thing for Hawk since he had no fucking soul. These types of nights sorted out the men from the boys.

  Tensions heightened when Hawk prowled into church earlier that day. Work was called to a standstill around lunch time and the core brothers were summoned to their closed-door meeting room.

  “What’s going on that you had to interrupt my fucking romantic shower?” Bitched Snake as he followed Hawk in smelling like he’d dunked himself in a vat of shower gel. He took the seat across the table from Hawk’s VP chair.

  “The fuck is a romantic shower?” Asked Arson. “On second thoughts, don’t wanna know.”

  Snake smirked and made a jerking motion in the air with his hand.

  Sitting on Rider’s side Hawk already knew what the meeting was about since he’d talked to him earlier. So, he sat silently and thought all kinds of soiled things he was gonna do to his little bit later. God, he loved her screams of enjoyment.

  “We have the bratva underboss swinging by tonight.” Rider announced, and voices arose around the table asking what the fuck and similar protests. Waiting for the brothers to shut their traps Rider went on. “While I’m letting him kiss my ass, our resident evils will be picking off two of his men. The pigs will be fed well tonight and all before Grigori leaves Renegade Souls turf. And while he’s scrambling to find out what the fuck happened, we’ll do the same tomorrow tonight and the night after. Steele is gonna do the same with his crew.”

  “Grigori is gonna look to us for it, how’s that gonna help?”

  Rider smirked his cocksure grin and arched a brow, Hawk noticed and knew his friend was confident in their plan otherwise he wouldn’t be going through with it. “Gotta prove it first. We were all here entertaining his Russian ass with Vodka and blunts. Musta been the Mexicans, we know they hate the Russians for what happened two decades ago.”

  The boys cackled.

  Hawk just wanted to put the hurt on them. They were gonna pay for their fucking mistake.

  “You gonna talk at all, or we still having a lover’s spat?” Asked Lawless in his rusted tone. Keeping his eyes ahead and his steps steady the pair of them headed towards a strip club not far. When he thought about it, sex and murder were not far apart.

  Both emotions were out of control.

  But if he had to pick one or the other right then he’d rather be at home spooned around Gia’s sated body.

  Jesus fuck. He really was gone over her.

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

  “I’ve been told a time or five,” chuckled the outlaw who was most like himself, unoffended. But then nothing much rattled Lawless’ cage. A demon didn’t get scared he just got even. “So, have we made up?”

  “Sure. Keep the fuck outta my head, Law.”

  “Can’t I just want you to be fucking happy?” He asked, making Hawk’s neck crane around to see those deep eyes, shrewd like a ghost, staring at him. The look sent chills down his spine. Creepy bastard. Hawk shrugged and ignored his claim, because he only got touchy-feely with emotions for Gia. “Let’s get this done, you, weird fuck.”

  Lawless appeared to be content with Hawk’s response because he smirked, and shoulder checked him before they rounded the corner into an alleyway where down on the far end a couple were hooking up with loud flair.

  “Show time.” Murmured Lawless pulling out a thick clear bag from his pocket.

  The woman pinned to the wall for all intent and purposes appeared to be having a fuck of a time. Hawk couldn’t care less one way or another who was digging into her pussy. She was a nothing as far as he was concerned. Most people landed in the nothing to him.

  If that made him a sociopath, he was fine with that.

  It was only when Lawless emitted a low whistle that the chick suddenly dropped her legs and pushed out from the heavy-set guy who spun around to find two grinning dickheads.

  Maybe Hawk wasn’t so good with reading facial expressions or body language, but this Russian was because he blanched and tried to use the bitch as a shield.

  It was too late though. Hawk had already sprung forward to grab him from behind, anchoring both the guys arms as far back as those fat limbs could stretch and he used one of his own legs to coil around the Russian’s leg while the man spat out curses and threats in his mother tongue.

  Hawk grinned and held tight.

  Lawless handed over a roll of notes to the chick who cocked a hip and fingered Lawless’ jacket. “Thanks, babe. I’ll see you this week?”

  “You might. Now run along.” He dismissed. They waited until she was out of sight before Law whipped that clear bag, industrial thick, no biting through it, over the Russian’s head.

  Safe to say the fucker fought for his life, but with two murdering shitheads working
in tandem to stop the guy breathing it was a no brainer who won.

  When the heavy weight of the Russian underling, went out from under him, his face mottled, eyes bloodshot and spit dribbling out of his mouth, Lawless was the first to move, removing the bag, he made a quick call and not two minutes later Slider strutted around the corner leaving the rig at the end of the alleyway.

  “Jesus, he’s a fat one. The hell are they feeding ‘em in Russia? I thought it was all bread and vodka?”

  “Hand me the cling wrap.” It wasn’t Lawless’ first time wrapping up a corpse for easy transfer from one scene to another. Hawk worked from the feet up and Law from the head down and they met in the middle, handing off the thick roll to Slider who tucked it away in his backpack. Next came the duct tape.

  “Grab his feet, kid. Me and the VP will get the heavy end.”

  It took three of them to move the dead mobster to their truck and toss him into the bed under the tarp with his former team mate who suffered the same fate just an hour previously. That one was even easier having found him gambling in one of RS’s own card games at the back of an Italian restaurant. They’d only needed to wait for him to stagger drunk outside to take a piss when they’d jumped him.

  Both murders, too easy, hadn’t even spiked Hawk’s juices.

  As he climbed into the passenger seat, Slider in the driver’s side and Lawless chose the back, he recounted back on that irony. Two sides to the same evening and both couldn’t be more polar apart.

  This was his life. Nothing was gonna change with that. He did what he did not because he enjoyed it. Okay, maybe a little. But the routine and danger of their MC meant that tonight’s excursion was not the first or gonna be the last time and now he was straddling a new line with Gia and his brain was having a hard-fucking time keeping up.

  It went without saying he didn’t want her to know what he was, she’d run for the hills and his addiction was finally being sated and no bastard, crazy, insane or monster would give that back when they had the taste of perfection on his tongue.

  He needed to decide.


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