The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 10

by Shannon Barczak

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said as his smile faltered

  “No, it’s cool. I’m just more of a regular kind of girl. Titles make me a bit nervous."

  “Me too,” he said with eyes twinkling.

  “Hi, Princ, I mean, Willa. I’m Serena." said the second of the two. Serena was tall and had an athletic body. Her light brown curls were cut short into a flirty bob and her hazel eyes accented her heart shaped face and full smile complete with dimples.

  “Hello Serena, it’s nice to meet you. Thanks for coming to our rescue." I smiled

  “Of course,” she replied. “This is the most important rescue mission and extraction I have ever been a part of in my life as a Guardian."

  “So this often happens?" I asked

  “Well, not exactly. We occasionally get a few clan members here and there but rarely members of the royal family. Never in a million years did I imagine I would ever meet a Gypsy-Fae Princess. To be honest you’re a pretty big deal right.” she answered

  I glanced at my parents real quick. The idea of me being the result of a miracle birth anomaly was weird. I liked the occasional pat on the back for a job well done like anyone. The idea that I might be looked at with amazement and adoration because I existed was a little off putting.

  “Well, again, we thank you for coming so quickly,” Cecily said before she looked off into the shadows by the front door. “Mathias, come meet my daughter Willa."

  “Mathias?" I asked. “Wasn’t he your Guardian?"

  “Yes, isn’t it lovely that he is here? Now, of course, he is much more important as the head of security for the island.” she beamed

  As Mathias walked into the living room, I felt like someone had punched me in the gut, and small butterflies took off wildly in my stomach. While Frank and Serena could easily pass for human with their easy smiles, Mathias looked like the very definition of a dangerous vampire. Tall and broad shouldered he seemed to take over the room with his commanding presence. His short dark chestnut hair was thick with a slight curl by the nape of his neck. His mouth was lush and sensual. His eyes that burned into mine were a smoky whiskey color that did not betray any emotion. His cheekbones, wow, I thought my dad had a pretty killer one's, but you could sharpen a knife off of Mathias's.

  I stood there waiting for his greeting but unlike Frank and Serena he did not seem to be overly friendly towards me. He stood there rather stiffly regarding me with his eyes. I thought I saw a flash of the same awareness in his eyes. However, it was gone so quickly and replaced with such indifference I thought I had imagined it.

  “Hello Mathias." I said. Briefly I thought to hold out my hand but couldn’t bring myself to extend the offering. Instinctively I knew it would not be reciprocated by him. In fact, he almost seemed relieved that I did not offer any more of a greeting.

  He gave me a slight nod before turning to my father and addressed him. “Cormac, I believe you have a few things to go over with your daughter before Cecily drops the protection spell. Frank, I want you to do a quick check on the backyard. I’ll keep an eye on the front, Serena you stay here with Cecily and Cormac,” And just like that he turned and went out the front door.

  Frank gave a slight bow and went out the back, leaving us with Serena. Rattled by Mathias I stood there for a moment not sure what to do.

  “Willa, why don’t we all head into the study and go over a few things?” Cormac suggested.

  I silently nodded my head and followed my parents into the study with Serena closely behind me. We all formed a loose circle around the mirror and studied the smooth glass surface for a few moments. I heard Frank and Mathias talking quietly to each other as they came back into the house and stopped by the study door.

  “You know how we talked about gathering the elements and using them to create what we want?” my father asked. “What I want you to do is to focus on each element as you call them...”

  “I already have them with me,” I interrupted

  “What?" my mother asked. “What do you mean?"

  “When I was outside having my little pity party I decided to invite a few friends over and they rsvp'd right away. I asked them to stick around for the main event and help give me a little push. Although the liquid courage, I asked for didn’t come in the form, I wanted.”

  My parents were used to waiting for a few seconds for my punch lines stared at me indulgently but the Guardians were a bit perplexed.

  “What kind did you ask for from them?" Serena said.

  “Well, you know the whole water into wine thing?" I answered. “Apparently that’s something I haven’t mastered. Or maybe I’m just not divine enough yet.”

  Frank, Serena and my dad’s faces all broke out into smiles. Mathias just stared at me with his hooded eyes and my breath caught again in my throat. This guy was wreaking serious havoc on my stomach.

  My mother didn't seem to find the humor in this either. “Willa, you shouldn’t keep all the elements inside you for so long, especially since you are just starting out and learning your way. They’re not something to trifle with."

  “Nonsense,” my father said. “It's smart for you to reach out to them in your time of need even more so to keep them with you to help with your task."

  “Hmm, smart indeed Willa, but very Fae as well,” my mother huffed.

  “Sorry, I understand what you're saying Mom, but cut me a little slack ok? I didn’t intentionally seek them out; it just happened. It's a pretty good sign though, right? That I'm already able to call them on my own and so quickly?"

  “Yes, that’s a good sign,” Cecily conceded. “It’s amazing that you were able to do it by yourself for only the second time and keep them with you for so long.”

  “Impressive." said Frank in his soft voice.

  “So Willa,” my father continued, “I need you to gather the elements and focus on the glass. Try to picture the strands of each element forming to manipulate time and space. Mathias I think you brought pictures of the throne room for Willa?"

  “Yes,” replied Mathias in his deep, smooth voice. “I took several from different angles like Cecily requested."

  He crossed the room and stood in front of me holding out a stack of photos. I glanced up at his face and wished I hadn’t because I was immediately drawn into his eyes that varied in different shades of brown. I mentally kicked myself for probably looking like a star-struck teenage girl who just met a guy from a famous boy band. I dropped my gaze and grabbed the pictures from his hand.

  My mother came over and stood beside me as I looked through each picture. The throne room seemed pretty ordinary at first glance. Large but not cavernous, it was furnished simply with a few tall chairs (the throne’s I guessed) at one end. Wide chestnut floors looked a bit worn but cared for, and three high windows were set into one wall with pretty stained glass insets on top.

  The next few pictures must have been taken from the throne’s vantage point. In these pictures, I saw the mirror that would act as our portal. Set against a stone wall the mirror took up pretty much all the wall space. I guessed it to be around seven feet tall and at least double that in width. It was framed with full panels of dark wood, this mirror was not as ornate as my dad’s, but even more impressive because of its size.

  I glanced at my mother who fell silent and still next to me. I can only imagine what emotions must be going through her as she looked at the pictures. This was her home that she had left so long ago. I’m sure not only was she feeling homesick, but excited to see where she had grown up as a girl.

  “So is the mirror a fat mirror or a thin mirror?" I asked my mom with a secret smile.

  “I always found it to be a most flattering mirror,” Cecily replied with a grin

  “Ah, a big, wide mirror that makes you look thin, excellent." I said. All three men looked at us with a confusing expression, but Serena seemed to get it right away.

  “It’s wonderful. I always say when you're a little down or a bit bloated go to the throne room. We all need a pick-
me-up every now and then,” she said

  I liked her more and more. “There’s nothing like a mirror that can make you look smaller, and it’s in the throne room too. Are there any crowns in there? Talk about an ego boost,” I said smiling at my mom. I noticed her teary expression evaporated, and she had a little spark back in her eyes.

  "Can we get back to the opening of the portal part of our conversation?" my father asked with a slightly bemused expression.

  "Forgot about that, it’s not every day you find a large ‘skinny’ mirror. All right so I need to somehow to manipulate strands of the elements to create a portal that will drop us halfway around the world." I said shaking my head, “You know that’s just not a sentence I thought I would ever say."

  “Picture the throne room and then use what is around you to thrust into the mirror. Twist and form the strands to force the glass to open where you want,” said Cormac.

  "But be respectful. Too much power may unleash a violent reaction with your untapped energy. We don’t want the mirror to shatter." Cecily said

  “Easy peasy,” I smirked.

  “Cecily, its time,” Cormac said gently

  Positioning themselves around my parents and me, the Guardians stood alert immediately and any friendly smiles that Frank and Serena was now replaced with serious, watchful expressions. Cecily caught Mathias's eye and nodded. She closed her eyes, and her lips were moving as she began to chant her spell, but I didn't hear the words.

  Finally after a few minutes she opened her eyes. “That’s it,” her voice quivering. “The spell has been lifted."

  “Are you okay?" I asked, somewhat puzzled. “Dropping the protection I’m sure is stressful but why did you have to whisper it?"

  “Some spells are better-off said Willa quietly,” Cecily replied. “There are those that use and manipulate the wind craftily. The ultimate eavesdropping device you could say. The undoing of a powerful protection spell would be valuable information to the right people."

  “Gotcha although I’m surprised none of these Wind Casters or Fae work for the government."

  “Who says they don’t?" Frank snorted

  My father, who was standing on my left, grabbed my hand. “Before you look at the mirror Willa, close your eyes and gather the elements already inside of you."

  I closed my eyes I searched out the Earth, Air and Water. I found them still gathered somehow in my subconscious and held out my right hand. A short burst of heat from my purple fire began to dance around in my palm. I opened my eyes and looked to my father who was grinning at me.

  “Fantastic,” Cormac said as slowly a little blue light began to pulsate around his body. Soon enough larger but more refined flames began to appear in his outstretched palm. “Now look into the mirror and picture the throne room. See the distance across the land and sea. Imagine melting the glass with everything in you to open the portal. Open the door to our safety and new life.”

  I looked into the mirror and saw not only my reflection but that of everyone else’s. At first it seemed impossible but the more I stared and the more I gathered the elements, I got it. I saw exactly what I needed to do, and more importantly I did it without hesitation. The power that raced through me was intoxicating. More potent than any buzz alcohol or drugs could ever give you. I felt it in every pore of my body.

  I closed my eyes because the sensations were almost overwhelming me and my sense of sight. I could hear the whispers and gasps around me, but I ignored them. I focused on releasing every ounce of the elements that were coursing through my body into the mirror. My body was flying over the earth, its landscaping changing rapidly from desert to lush green in an instant. Then I was propelled over the surging sea, up and over massive waves until finally I abruptly halted and opened my eyes. I was shocked that I was still rooted to the same spot in the study. I looked into the mirror and saw the glass had changed.

  The throne room was exactly like the photos. Except one thing, a woman was now standing a few feet from the mirror, and her eyes were locked onto my mother.

  The woman, who I assumed right away was my grandmother Winifred, was of average height and built. She stood regally in a long old fashioned dark dress with a high neckline. Her heart shaped face was creamy in complexion, and her eyes were a dark brown like my mothers. Her hair, which was piled on top of her head in a large bun, is what drew me in though. While my mother’s hair was a dark red, Winifred’s hair was a lighter red with strands of brown, blonde and grays streaking through the strands.

  Aside from the gray it was exactly the same unique shade as my hair. I grew up without any relatives, so I always assumed my features came from my parents. Seeing Winifred though, I could pick out a few features that I shared with her. The hair was evident. I could also make out a little dimple in her right cheek like mine as well an impressive bosom which, unfortunately, my mom missed out on inheriting.

  Hair, dimple and boobs, yup, those were the things I saw right away that I had in common with my newfound grandmother.

  “Mother, it’s so good to see you.” Cecily said tearfully. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry but seeing you is so overwhelming. I've missed you so much."

  “As I have you,” Winifred replied rather formally. “There will be plenty of time for a good long chat. Right now we need to get you and Cormac here as quick as possible."

  Huh? I thought. Apparently I was either invisible or maybe Granny had a touch of Alzheimer’s. Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure she was aware of my existence especially since I was standing right in front of her.

  My mother was not going to let that slide. “Yes, of course, but first I want you to meet your granddaughter Willa. Who in the last few hours, not only called upon the elements twice for the first time but also practically opened the portal all on her own. A remarkable feat for one just learning wouldn’t you agree?"

  That's when Winifred finally fixated her steely gaze upon me, and I have to be honest I was a bit intimidated. Something in her eyes made my stomach a bit uneasy, like she was mad at me or disappointed by my presence. A few minutes passed while we eyed each other like two kids on the playground locked in a staring contest, a contest that I knew that I could not lose. Finally, she gave me a slight nod and broke away eye contact.

  “Yes, that is impressive. I look forward to exploring more of her gifts later. Now we must hurry Cecily,” Winifred looked over at my father with disdain before adding. “Cormac, how lovely to see you alive and well, I believe the last time I saw you I told your mother how proud she must be of her handsome son. It goes to show that even I make errors in judgment from time to time. Shall we?" she finished beckoning him over into the throne room.

  “Winifred, you haven’t aged a day, speaking of the last time we met, is that the same dress you were wearing? It’s held up well,” Cormac said before turning his back on her and facing me he rolled his eyes. “Looks like I’m up kiddo just stay focused on this end, and I will keep the connection over there."

  “Stay warm, it looks a little chilly," I quipped before giving him a quick hug

  My father flashed me a quick smile and gave my mother a hug before he stepped through the mirror followed by Frank. At first I didn’t see him appear, and my heart stopped. A few seconds later his image shimmered in front of me, incredibly, in the room with Winifred.

  “Looks good from here,” Frank said as he then walked back into the mirror and was once again in the study.

  My mother walked over to me and pulled me in the corner. We both watched as the three Guardians carted boxes and bulging suitcases of luggage back and forth for a few minutes. She then began adjusting a black Chanel quilted backpack on my shoulders.

  “What’s this?" I asked as she pulled the straps tight.

  “Back up,” she replied. “Just in case anything happens, everything you need is in here."

  “Why would I need a backup plan? Everything looks to be going pretty smoothly.”

  “It’s always good to have a plan B Willa. Remem
ber that. Things can change in an instant, always be prepared." Cecily said smiling at Mathias as he walked by to grab the last suitcase


  “I taught you well,” he said giving my mother a small grin, showcasing briefly, his white even smile.

  “You did,” she replied

  “Well, I appreciate Plan B a great deal, this backpack rocks."

  “Chanel never goes out of style,” answered Cecily

  Finally, all our belongings were through, and Serena and Mathias came to stand by our sides once again. My mother turned and gave me a quick, hard hug and whispered, “I’m so proud of you, you are the bravest, strongest, person I know. I love you so much.”

  I returned her hug just as fierce. “Thanks mom, I love you too."


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