The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 16

by Shannon Barczak

  “OK, let’s break down what you just said. How am I putting anyone in danger? Is this island not protected by magic boundaries? Furthermore, the Rau does not even know I exist. There’s no reason for them to stage an invasion just for me."

  “You are a child. An insolent, arrogant girl, who has no idea what the ramifications of her birth will cause if you are discovered by our enemies. The fact is, you should have never been born in the first place,” she said with a hiss.

  “Mother,” Cecily scolded.

  “That’s enough Winifred. You can yell at me all you want, but you will not insult my daughter,” Cormac said as he stood up and faced her.

  “No, its fine, I can take it." I said. “I’m sorry I’m alive. Funny thing is though I can’t take that back so you need to deal with it."

  “I thoroughly plan to. That is why, you and your father will be leaving shortly,” Winifred said

  “I have no problem leaving here but not without my mother,” I said defiantly

  “Cecily needs to stay here and train so she can one day take over the throne."

  “I realize you haven’t seen my mom in like a hundred years, but I want to refresh your memory. There’s no way in hell my mother will ever separate from my father and me."

  “Exactly what I was saying before you came in Willa,” my mother said

  “This throne is your legacy. I will not let you throw it away."

  "For what?" my mother prompted, “My husband and daughter? That’s not a choice. Where they go, I go. End of story.”

  “Together,” my father said as he clasped my mother’s hand and kissed it.

  “How touching Cormac but I don't expect you to have any honor. After all, you stole my daughter and took her away from the protective boundaries. You risked her life every second and deprived her of her training and duty to this clan."

  “I left with Cormac because I was in love with him, and I wanted to be with him. I’m not saying that what we did wasn’t foolish. At the time it was the only option I could think of and I for one do not regret it one bit,” Cecily said

  “If you had stayed and told Sidra and I, we might have understood,” Winifred replied

  “Please, Mother, there's no way you would have given us your blessing to be together." Cecily said

  “We’ll never know because you gave us no choice. Instead, you snuck off. We didn’t know whether you were alive or dead. Then you spring on me that you were able to conceive a child. A child who has reached adulthood, a child who has no magical training or knowledge of our ways, a child who if discovered will be coveted by not only the Rau but many factions of the Fae. The Fae, who I am sure, would love to use not only her powers but her connection to the royal family. Surely you are not blind to this Cormac?” she finished

  “I’m fully aware of this. That's why the safest place for Willa to be is here,” Cormac said

  “What do you mean by the Fae using me?" I asked confused

  “Oh, do tell her Cormac. Tell her how the Fae lords pick their brides by kidnapping them and sucking out their powers only to transfer them to themselves. Tell her all your sisters’ had male children and as of right now she is the only female born into Fae royalty in two hundred years. I’m not sure who I fear more the Rau or the Fae."

  “That’s why it's imperative we remain here on the Island where Willa will be protected from all threats and live an ordinary life. If we are not welcome though, we will go back on the run. We lived undetected for almost twenty-six years, I’m sure we can do it again,” Cormac said resigned

  “And you are willing to do that Cormac? Do you realize what this means? You would be giving up immortality by staying here. You have already been without your fairy nectar for some time." Winifred asked questionably

  “I would give up my life for my wife and daughter. There is nothing in this world more important to me,” Cormac said

  Winifred sat for a long moment to take in our faces. She sighed and rubbed her eyes before turning her attention back to me.

  “I will not lose my daughter again. I must insist though that Willa start her training at once. We will have to assess her strengths and weaknesses accordingly, and I demand that she act dutifully and respectfully."

  “Willa is a wonderful young woman. I’m certain that you will find her to be...delightful to work with,” my mother said haltingly.

  “Why the hesitation Mom? I don’t know where this bad rap came from,” I said as I eyed Mathias.

  He just raised his eyebrow and stared right back at me.

  “I know a smartass when I see one,” Winifred said

  “See one reflected every morning in the mirror do you?" I retorted.

  “On the contrary, what I see every morning, is someone who is dedicated to her people. People whose lives are now in peril because of you." she said her eyes narrowing

  “I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re not the type of grandmother that’s going to bake me cookies."

  “How on earth do you expect me to work with this?" she asked my mother, waving her hand at me.

  “With this? I’m a this? Not a her, not a girl, but a this?" I asked

  “Maybe it’s best if I start her training." my mother offered

  “A little bit of this, a little bit of that...” I sang

  “You are insane,” Winifred said looking at me with apprehension.

  “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet,” Mathias muttered

  “Wow he speaks, and all this time, I had been looking for your collar."

  “My what?" he asked in a low dangerous voice.

  “Your collar, I mean you are her lapdog right? Any good pet deserves a collar. Rhinestones would be a good look for you by the way."

  Silence descended around the room as Mathias walked over slowly to me. “I think we had this discussion earlier, you know the one about you growing up and being an adult. Now would be a good time to heed that advice."

  “You might have to refresh my memory. Where and when, did we discuss that? I have so many memories of our time together I just can’t pinpoint that in particular. Was it in the car, the hotel room or in Vermont?" I said deliberately provoking him.

  “Enough,” he said in a low voice

  “Ruff,” I barked at him.

  “Enough Willa,” he said again staring into my eyes. I felt like a chastised puppy and bit my lip while I looked away.

  “I think now would be a good time to leave. I will plan a training program for Willa and confer with you later Mother." Cecily said rising from her chair.

  “Yes, we will speak later. Don’t forget dinner will be at six o’clock. Your brother is eager to see you." Winifred said

  My parents, Serena and I left the room. As soon as we walked a few steps my mother turned to me.

  “Willa, provoking your grandmother and Mathias is not a good idea. They are here to help us, and we must be respectful of that."

  “I thought you were bloody brilliant,” Cormac said smiling

  “Cormac...” my mother said

  “Willa!" a voice yelled excitedly

  I looked over the staircase to the first floor. I saw the one person I thought that I would never see again. Polly was standing in the foyer. Pink streaked hair, black Goth clothes, and a wide smile. Cautiously walking down the steps I stopped in front of her; one hundred percent confused.

  “Polly, what the fuck are you doing here?"

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hey,” Polly said flinging her arms around me exuberantly. “Oh my gosh! It’s so good to see you. I was so freaking worried."

  “Polly, what are you doing here?" I asked again, carefully enunciating each word.

  “Oh, yeah, well long story short. I’m a wood Nymph. My parents were exiled from Woodlia, the wood nymph sanctuary on Fairlia, about ten years ago. We traveled; I ditched them in Canada, got a job at the bakery, figured out who you guys were and have tried to keep an eye on you. Fast-forward to a few days ago, I called Queen Sidra, told her
I was pretty sure you guys were in danger and now here I am."

  “There are like so many holes in that story I don’t even know where to begin,” I replied still shocked.

  “Of course, a wood Nymph, no wonder you didn’t raise any red flags to me. Except for the curious evergreen scent which I attributed to your perfume.” my mother said

  “Why don’t we start from the beginning, Polly?" my father said calmly

  “What? I just gave you the highlights." Polly replied.

  “This isn’t ESPN. I don’t want the highlights. Why were your parents exiled?" I asked

  “Let’s just say, my parent’s Holly and Forrest are a bit different. I mean they're good people, but they have had a tempestuous marriage and involved in some questionable activity."

  “Forrest Woods? Is that your father?" Cormac asked

  “Yup, that’s my old man,” she answered

  “Okay, hold on, Forrest Woods...really?" I interjected

  “If you think that’s bad, my grandmother’s name is Hardy. Hardy Woods, ridiculous."

  “If you tell me your grandfather’s name is Stiff then I will pee my pants,” I added

  “Nope, but he did have thirteen children,” she said bursting out laughing.

  “Forrest was an acquaintance of mine when I was younger. Good man, bad choices." Cormac said

  “That pretty much sums my dad’s life up in a nutshell,” Polly said.

  “How did you figure out who or what we are?" my mother asked

  “Well at first I wasn’t sure. I could sense that you were different, but it wasn’t until I saw Cormac that I put two and two together. Prince Cormac and Princess Cecily, the star-crossed Fae-Gypsy lovers? Classic."

  “And me? You started keeping an eye on me?" I asked. “I can think of half a dozen situations were the words epic fail come to mind."

  “Can we get over the rattlesnake incident from the hike from hell?" Polly said

  “You threw a poisonous snake at me!" I exclaimed

  “I mistook it for a branch. Goodness sake, that was forever ago. I said I was keeping an eye on you, not keeping you alive, which is way beyond my capabilities.”

  “Speaking of your capabilities, what about the bakery?"

  “The bakery is in far better hands with Jon and Eric. I told him my mom went on a bender, and I had to hit the road to pick her off the bar floor somewhere which isn’t far from the truth. Both my folks have been known to hit the bark brandy pretty hard."

  “Bark brandy? Never mind I don’t even want to go there,” I shook my head

  “I’m curious as to how you were able to get ahold of my mother. She is not known for being the easiest person, to get in touch with." Cormac asked

  “Oh, well, I called my Uncle, who sits on the Council. He then called the royal office which in turn deemed the information credible which led me to receiving a call from the Queen. Then a few hours later, when I was closing up the shop, Prince Kelvin, and his group of Royal 007’s showed up, and we went through a portal. I had a meeting with Sidra, who was so grateful for my loyal service has granted my family and me safe passage back to Woodlia. Then, a delicious vampire named Riah came to pick me up for a quick visit here before I go back there."

  “Speaking of Riah, I believe I have found my reason for living. I'm thinking of a June wedding,” Polly finished

  “And then?" I asked

  “And then what? That’s it." Polly said her brow furrowing

  “Oh, I was just wondering if you were going to say ‘and then’ again."

  “And then I kicked your ass, how’s that?" she replied

  “This is better than a movie,” Serena muttered

  “You should work with them every day. It’s not as amusing.” Cecily said

  “So you're going back?" I asked disappointed

  “Yes,” she answered sadly. “It’s cool though. Queen Sidra already promised that she would wake me to come back here in the spring with the Fae."

  “Wake you? Are you going to take a long winter’s nap?"

  Cormac chuckled. “Polly is a wood nymph sweetheart. When they’re born, their souls are tied to a tree, which sprouts at the same time. I’m sure Polly’s tree is desperate for her slumber."

  “Her slumber? So when she sleeps the tree is happy? I’m sorry; I’m not following."

  “The tree is a part of me. When I slumber I meld into the tree. It rejuvenates both my soul and that of the trees" Polly explained

  “So you become a tree? OK, so I’ll bite what kind of tree?” I asked

  “Japanese Maple, kind of funky, out of place in Fairlia, but it’s mine."

  “That’s perfect." I said sincerely

  The sound of footsteps coming down the hall broke caught our attention. “Oh boy,” whispered Polly, “It’s my future husband, be nice."

  The object of Polly’s affection came into the foyer, and my jaw dropped slightly. He was tall, lean, and beautiful in a bad boy kind of way. Riah looked like he could be James Dean’s son. His brown hair streaked artfully with blonde flowed to his shoulders, chiseled cheeks, sensuous lips, and dark blue eyes put together a package that radiated sin.

  Not to mention he filled out his jeans very well. Even my mother looked slightly rattled by his appearance.

  “Hello, Prince Cormac, Princess Cecily, It is indeed a pleasure,” he said, his voice exuded British charm.

  “It’s nice to meet you Riah. May I present to you my daughter, Willa?" Cormac said

  Riah gallantly bowed and took my hand. He raised it to his lips, and he lightly kissed my knuckles before releasing me. “It’s my greatest honor to make your acquaintance my Princess."

  “Riah, it’s lovely to meet you as well. That’s an unusual name. I assume its short for something?"

  “Zachariah Hawkins, fifth Viscount of Ravenwood at your service," he said with a flourish.

  “So what number is the current Viscount?" I asked flirtingly

  “The current spotty faced git is number eight,” he answered

  “I’m sure not nearly as handsome or as chivalrous as you." I replied

  “No but then again no one is." he said arrogantly

  “Riah,” Mathias’s voice cut through the foggy haze of our flirty banter as he came down the stairs and stood next to me.

  “Ah, Guardian Worthing how nice to see you,” Riah said. “I find myself in a most curious position.”

  “And what might that be?" asked Mathias, his eyes looking intently at Riah in a warning manner.

  “Why I find myself horribly jealous of you. The very thought of you accompanying our lovely Princess across America and being alone with her has feelings of envy shooting through me." Riah answered, his eyes twinkling

  “Well, I can think of other much harsher things that I can shoot through you if you like Riah." Mathias said almost nonchalantly

  I didn’t want to get Mathias riled up more or Riah for that matter, I quickly jumped in the conversation, “Thank you so much Riah for bringing Polly here to see me. I appreciate it."

  “Of course, anything for you,” he replied

  “Ms. Woods, I appreciate your vigilance and friendship towards Willa and her family. I’m afraid it's time for you to go, your family is most anxious for your return." Mathias said as he reached for Polly’s hand and shook it.

  “No problem,” she said, looking slightly awestruck at Mathias as she returned his handshake. Turning she gave me a wink before giving my parents both hugs and saying good-bye.

  “You promise to come in the spring?" I asked as she pulled me in for a hug.

  “I promise. There’s enough eye candy around here to make this girl happy. Besides, even though I’m going to miss it, I want to celebrate your birthday when I come, so dig out your dancing shoes,” she whispered

  “I will,” I said tearfully. “All right go be one with your tree. Did that sound as weird as I think it did?"

  “Yeah, but it’s cool." she said as she followed Riah out of the room.
“See ya later chica!"

  Laughing softly I just shook my head and said to my parents. “It’s five o’clock somewhere right?”

  After a light lunch, Serena took my father and me on a tour of the castle while my mother went to have a meeting with Winifred. The castle was not exactly what I expected. It was more in line with a Georgian style mansion. Granted there were a few turrets flanking either side of the front facade, but it was much more inviting to me than a huge stone intimidating structure. The inside of the house had large and small rooms all decorated in rich, warm colors.


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