The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 18

by Shannon Barczak

  “Well, God forbid, anyone should infringe on your job with emotional distress."

  “I’m glad you understand,” he said

  “Crystal clear,” I muttered.

  “Of course if my pep talk didn’t get you motivated I had something else up my sleeve." he said gravely

  “Really what’s that? An invitation into your own private torture chamber that’s conveniently located beneath the castle in a spooky dungeon?"

  “How did you hear about that?" he grinned. “No, I have much more powerful tools at my disposal, food.”

  He lifted off the large dome sitting on top of the platter and revealed the most beautiful looking object I had seen in a while.

  “Is that a cheeseburger?" I asked breathlessly

  “Double cheeseburger, with bacon and fried egg, smeared with a cilantro-horseradish aioli."

  “Holy Moley, an aioli."

  “It is compliments of the chef who has been anxious to show off his skills of barbecuing to the castle’s new American guest. Bon Appetit," he said with a bow as he walked to the door.

  “This will go perfectly with ‘The Princess Bride.' Thanks so much Mathias... for everything.” I said as I eagerly placed the plate on my lap.

  “‘The Princess Bride’?" he asked as he turned in the doorway. “As in “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

  “Yeah,” I said nodding my head slowly and looking at him with wide eyes.

  “Move over Buttercup." Mathias said as he went around the bed and settled in on the other side of me

  “As you wish,” I said, reciting a famous line from the movie and maneuvering the screen between us. A cheeseburger, Mathias and The Princess Bride, life was looking up for me.

  The next morning I stretched cautiously, just in case last night’s movie buddy still hung around. To my disappointment though, Mathias must have left as soon as I fell asleep. I jumped out of bed and tore open the curtains. To my delight, sunshine was finally breaking through the clouds that had plagued the island since I had arrived.

  I threw on a pair of dark jeans, a white long sleeved top, and arranged a deep red scarf artfully around my neck. I shoved my feet into brown knee-high boots and grabbing my purse and cell I stepped out into the living room where I was greeted by silence. A quick check showed my parents had already left to do their own thing.

  I called Serena on the phone she had given me and paced around the room until she answered.

  “Willa?" she asked alertly. “Is everything ok?"

  “Everything’s great. I was wondering if you were up to giving me a tour of the island today. I have a few things I need to do and was hoping you would join me."

  “Sure,” she answered. “What time do you want to go?"

  “Anytime that’s convenient for you, I’m dressed and ready, so whenever you can get away."

  “I can leave right now, do you want me to come up and get you?"

  “Nope, I’ll find my way, be down in a few.” I hung up the phone feeling happy. Today was the start of my new life, and I wanted to waste no time in getting up and going. I only got lost a few times before finally locating the main staircase. I skipped down and didn’t even notice Riah until he was almost in front of me.

  “Good morning Princess. You look incredible this morning. You have a spring in your step. May I inquire what brought this around?"

  “Good morning to you Lord Hawkins. The spring in my step must be because I had the most amazing dream last night about you.” I answered brightly

  “Well, I am now your captive audience please share and spare no details." he said leaning against the wall

  “A lady never kisses and tells, or in this instance, dreams and tells.” I said regretfully

  “That’s a shame, now how can I work to make it come true?"

  “Oh well, I guess some things should stay secret."

  “You know now it’s going to be my mission in life to uncover this." he said moving closer to me.

  “If you want to know,” I hedged seductively

  “There is nothing in this world that I desire more in this world."

  “All right, well, you were wearing…" I paused

  “Yes?" he prompted

  “The most amazing, black, leather...dress, I woke up torn between laughter and slight envy of your bodacious body."

  “That’s cruel," he said walking away from me

  “Cruel? You looked great. Although I think in the dream, you insisted I call you Rhea not Riah. Then we went carousing for hot men, and I, unfortunately, woke up before it started to get interesting."

  “Have a pleasant day your highness,” he said as he walked out of the foyer

  “You too Rhea,” I shot back, giggling to myself. I looked up as Serena come down the stairs.

  “Hey, good morning,” I greeted her

  “Good morning to you. I have to admit I was a little worried about you."

  “Nothing to worry about Serena, I just took a few mental health days, I’m great now."

  “All right, then let’s go!" she said enthusiastically. We walked out the front doors and stopped in front of a four-seated golf cart. I looked around the courtyard and realized there were no cars parked in the yard just a long row of golf carts similar to the one Serena hopped into before she motioned for me to join her.

  “Do you have something against motor vehicles here?" I asked as I swung into the seat next to her.

  “The island is pretty small, only about seven miles long and six miles wide. Winifred thought the best way to conserve the island and its natural beauty was to outlaw cars and implement golf carts." Serena explained as she navigated down the hill.

  "So what about when you get deliveries from the mainland? Do you use a horse and wagon?"

  “There are a few box trucks on the island. Those are used strictly for deliveries and moving though."

  “Well that sucks, I had my heart set on getting a monster truck.” I mused

  Serena laughed as we began to get closer into town. She banged a sharp right and slowed down as we came upon The Isle of Skye Library and Archive Resource Center.

  “Oh, this is where Jeremiah works, how pretty.” I said taking in the three story Victorian style house with a stone facade.

  “Yes, this is the library. Now when you go past it, you will hit the large residential section, schools, hospital, and the park that you can just make out."

  “What’s that farther away with the smokestacks, a factory?"

  “The Isle’s primary job and income resource was a business your grandmother founded forty years ago. Island Party Pieces and Decor is the factory that employs almost half of the people that live here."

  “It’s funny, if the island is under an enchanted mist, how does anyone get deliveries or even ship any items from the company?”

  “That is a question you would have to ask your grandmother. I believe she has some connections within the British government, but that’s all pretty much a secret.”

  “Interesting and the other half?"

  “Oh, you’ll see when we get into the town square,” she grinned as she made a flawless u turn and proceeded down the road. About a minute later we passed more streets lined with trees and pretty little houses. When we came over a small hill, I was blown away by the active town center that spread out before me.

  “Now down there are the docks as well as a few shops. We are going to take a right at the statue though and here we are."

  I was entranced the moment we entered the downtown area. Three blocks were lined with the quaintest stores. Up and down Serena went until we stopped at the seawall and walkway area next to a small town beach. I got out as soon as she parked and breathed in the salty ocean air.

  I turned to Serena. “I want to see everything."

  Two hours later we had walked and stopped in so many shops that my head started spinning. I was unprepared for the attention my appearance would bring. Apparently everyone knew exactly who an
d what I was and they all wanted to say hello.

  When we turned down Queen Street, I was tired, a little hungry and pretty much all talked out. I looked up and did a double take when I saw a sign for the store on the corner. Cuddy’s Curiosities, my uncle’s store, oh I had to see this.

  When I walked into Uncle Cuddy’s store, it reminded me vaguely of walking into our old neighbor Mrs. Bard’s house. The place was crammed with so much crap that I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Uncle Cuddy was a hoarder. The only difference between him and Mrs. Bard was that he was trying to sell this stuff.

  “Willa, my dear niece, I wasn’t sure if we would see you again,” he said as he came over and gave me a big hug, which I will forever refer to it as ‘A Cuddy Hug.'

  “Hey Uncle Cuddy,” I said. “Why on earth wouldn’t you see me again?"

  “Well, everyone said you were depressed and wouldn’t get out of your room, I thought they would find you in the bathtub with your wrists sliced." he said.

  “Uncle Cuddy I was taking a few days to acclimate myself not planning my suicide. God, that’s the most morbid, fucked up thing anyone’s ever said to me." I said shaking my head. “You know I adore you, by the way, you are now, officially my favorite Uncle."

  "Of course I am!" his loud voice echoed through the cavernous store. “Let me show you around the store."

  Thirty minutes later I couldn’t decide if he was a wacko or a genius. The way his store was laid out, at first seemed haphazard, but when he explained his system, I worried when I realized I got it.

  “I would love to expand next door that way I could display some of the vintage clothing I have better. Winifred’s dragging her heels on turning Archie’s old bakery over to me." he said sadly

  “The old bakery is next door?" I asked

  “Right through this wall,” he said pounding his fist lightly.

  “Well, Uncle Cuddy we have to go, I’m starving, and there’s a lot more to see.” I said backing up to the front.

  “Now remember, you need help designing your new flat, you come to me. I would love to do something midcentury modern, what do you think?” he asked thoughtfully

  “I’m down with that." I answered

  “Have a good afternoon ladies, enjoy the rest of the day." he waved at us as we walked out the front door.

  I returned his wave halfheartedly before grabbing Serena’s hand and pulling her next door.

  The building itself was narrow but had two bow front store windows and painted a dark cranberry color.

  “What’s going on?" she asked wearily

  “Serena, I need you to break into this building for me. I mean technically it’s not breaking in. My grandmother owns it so really I just want you to open the door ever so roughly of my future inheritance."

  “Willa...” she started

  “What? All the windows are covered up. I need to see this building Serena." I pleaded

  “Oh, all right." she grumbled. She looked around inconspicuously first before she turned the knob and pressed her shoulder to the door and just like that it was open.

  "Thank you, thank you, and thank you." I said stepping in through the door. The old bakery had definitely seen better days, but it was still charming in an old fashion way. The floors were a faded black and white checkered tile. The plaster walls which had once probably been a brilliant white were dull and scuffed.

  “Willa, what’s up? Are you thinking of opening another bakery?" Serena asked

  “Shh,” I said holding up my hand to silence her as I took in the abandoned space. Three gorgeous glass display cases formed an inverted u near the back. They were dusty and a bit dirty but a little elbow grease and they would shine once again. I walked around them and spied a magnificent old brass cash register. I pressed the buttons and realized to my delight it still worked.

  I went through the swinging wooden doors that led to the back. I let out a little sigh at the sight of the wide, long, white marble table in the center of the kitchen. I ran my fingers over the surface and could almost feel the flour and sugar that must have been rolled out on there for decades.

  The ovens though were another matter altogether, all the appliances, needed to be updated. I spied a few store rooms off the back and calculated that they could work for a walk in fridge and freezer. Two doors off the right revealed a small powder room and a tiny office.

  “Good afternoon Serena, I must say I am a little shocked to find you here. May I ask why you have broken into our Queen’s store?" I heard a voice say

  “Hi Leo, well the...” Serena started, but I had quickly walked back out to the front rescuing her from this somewhat awkward situation.

  “Good afternoon, Leo is it? I’m Princess Willa, Prince Cormac and Princess Cecily’s daughter.” I interrupted smoothly

  “Oh, oh my, Princess, this is a delight. Forgive me, I was walking by and saw that the door was opened, so I got worried.” Leo stammered

  “No worries, I’m afraid I convinced my Guardian to break in for me. You see Leo I owned a bakery where I lived and was fascinated to see the one that was here.” I explained

  “So now you're a Princess?" Serena muttered to me. “Willa may I present to you Leo Lestavian.” she introduced

  “A pleasure Leo,” I smiled

  “No, it is I, who has the honor." he said as he bowed his head.

  “So what is it that you do Leo?" I asked

  “I am the Isle’s only Real Estate Proprietor and Housing Specialist,” he replied proudly

  “Perfect, you’re just the man I wanted to see,” I said brightly

  “Uh, really?" he asked

  “Leo, I would like you to draw up papers to negotiate a lease for this property."

  “But, but," he stammered. “Your Grandmother, the Queen owns it, I’m sure she would just let you have it."

  “Perhaps but something that’s important to you shouldn’t come free or easy."

  “You are so wise,” he said adoringly

  Serena snorted. I ignored her and continued, “So can you draw up the papers for me?"

  “Of course, it would be a honor." he said

  “Good, but before that, I need you to find me a place to live. Are there many properties for rent on the Isle?"

  Both Serena and Leo looked at me in horror. I almost felt like turning around to see if a guy in a scary mask with a chainsaw over my head was behind me.

  “Willa, what are you talking about now? The royal family lives at the castle. It’s the safest place on the Isle. You can’t live somewhere else." Serena said

  “She’s right." Leo agreed. “All the royal family lives there, I’m sure the flats that are available will suit you just fine."

  “No, I want my own space, thanks." I said

  “Willa, think about this. Think about the security issues alone,” Serena groaned

  “My fate will be that of the rest of the residents then. I’m sorry Serena, I know that you think you’ll get in trouble, but I need to do this. I can’t live there. I need my own home, my own sanctuary, free of Guardians lurking around and disapproving family members."

  “OK, but do me a favor,” Serena said

  “What?” I answered

  “Visit me in the dungeon, maybe bake me some sugar cookies?"

  “You may be part of the royal guard Serena but you are my Guardian. No harm will come to you. Not on my watch. Mathias may throw us both in a cell together, which would be cool, huh, roomie?” I smiled. “All right Leo, show me what you got."


  Two hours later we had seen a small flat, a three story townhouse, and a little outdated cottage near the castle. While none of them was necessarily bad, none of them felt right either.

  “I liked the townhouse. You were literally in my backyard,” Serena said

  “It was cute but not what I was thinking of for my own place." I answered

exactly are you envisioning Princess?" Leo asked as he pulled over on the side of the road.

  “Something private but beautiful,” I answered. “I would love a view of the sea and a large kitchen. That’s all I guess. I’ll know it when I see it."


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