The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 21

by Shannon Barczak

  “I had everything under control. If you would have listened to me and run like I told you then I could have slipped out of their puny grasp, and taken them out,” he replied coldly

  "Oh, I’m sorry. I must have misinterpreted the whole eyes bulging out of your head, and Jedi mind trick of you yelling for me to run in my little brain.” I said sarcastically

  “Jedi mind trick?” Rhoswen asked confused

  “Star Wars?” Jeremiah prompted.

  “Never seen any of them.” she replied ruefully

  “What the hell do you mean you’ve never seen Star Wars?" I asked

  “That’s amazing.” Jeremiah agreed

  “I haven’t watched a movie in over thirty years. They’re all a bunch of crap if you ask me. The moment the Duke died this whole world went downhill.” Cuddy said

  “The Duke?" Cecily’s brow furrowed

  “John Goddamn Wayne,” Cuddy said

  Winifred sighed. “Dear Gods, can we please, please, get back to the matter at hand?"

  “Willa used her witch fire and toasted them.” Mathias said

  "I prefer to call it my purple freaky fire,” I said

  “Purple flames?” Winifred repeated. “Let me get this straight, you called upon your fire and it was powerful enough to destroy the Rau?"

  “Yeah, so what? Hasn’t anyone ever killed them before with their fire?"

  “No Willa. No witch fire or even Fae fire has ever been known to kill the Rau. While it can be used to slow them down no one has anyone been able to…” her voice trailed off in shock.

  “Disintegrate them into little piles of ash in a matter of seconds?" Mathias asked

  “What does this mean?” Cecily whispered

  Everyone was quiet. Great another thing for me to stand out for, I thought, my freaky fire.

  "It means Willa’s a badass.” Jeremiah said smiling

  “I told you she was a firecracker,” Cuddy said laughing

  “Oliver, I want you to run a few tests on Willa tomorrow.” Winifred. “I think most importantly, blood work.”

  “I agree,” Oliver said quietly

  “I think Willa should rest. We’ll sort this out more in the morning.” said Cormac

  “I’ll take her upstairs to her room,” Serena offered but her eyes widen as she backed up and took in Mathias’s glare.

  “I got her,” he all but growled

  “We really need to work on how you talk to people. For example, what you could have said is, ‘Thank you Serena, I will take her up if you don’t mind’.”

  Mathias swooped down and picked me up while staring daggers at me. Apparently the big boss man didn’t like to be told how to do his job.

  “Thank you Serena, I will take this pain in my ass upstairs but she’s all yours after that,” he said sweetly

  Serena just stared at us open-mouthed, as a matter of fact; everyone was pretty much unabashedly enjoying our little repartee.

  “Well, you certainly know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” I rolled my eyes.

  Mathias grunted and then took off out of the room and up the stairs in a blur. We reached my room in about five seconds. He set me down on my bed ungraciously and shut the door.

  “Why did you tell everyone I spoke in your mind?” he roared at me

  “Because you said you told me. You didn’t speak to me. I heard your voice loud and clear in my head; it’s not like you were in any position to talk. Oh wait, is speaking in someone else’s mind another sign of ‘True Mates’?” I asked as I put my fingers in quotation marks

  “What the hell are you talking about now?”

  “Oh, Serena and I had a nice conversation this afternoon about vampires and how they can only fall asleep with their mates.”

  Mathias shook his head and walked to the window turning his back on me. “Willa I’m not speaking of this.”

  “Oh really? I would never have guessed that you would say that.” I mocked

  He turned around and stared at me. “For one, I don’t believe in that nonsense. Two, I told you do not go romanticizing me. I’m not your hero; I’m not your mate, and I’m not playing star-crossed lovers."

  “I’m not asking you too. All I’m asking for is the truth. Do you know what happened earlier?"

  “What are you talking about?” he said uneasily

  “When I saw them try to tear your head off all I could think was there's no way I’m letting them take you away from me.”

  “You’re attached to me because I’m the one who came and got you from your home. You are confusing me acting protective with what I am."

  "Perhaps,” I agreed. “But I’m pretty sure I'm not the only one who’s attached."

  Mathias came around and sat next to me. “When we were all gathered, or were recruited, by Queen Sidra, we made an agreement not to feed off any of the clan or develop any intimate relationship with them. We are here to protect and in turn we are fed and giving an opportunity for normalcy that was denied from us by our makers.”

  “You mean to tell me that in a several hundred year time span there have been no deviations of this pack by the Vampires or Gypsies? No stolen kisses or private moments? I don’t buy that.” I scoffed

  “The only time it has happened was with Robert, who was my mentor and my friend. That is why he is Denver not just because he was burnt out, but because he claimed he found his mate."

  “With a Gypsy?” I asked hopeful

  “Katya and her family came here from Russia seeking refuge about twenty years ago. The minute she arrived, it became apparent that she entranced Robert. It wasn’t long before their relationship was discovered.”

  “How?” I asked completely enthralled by the story

  “They were discovered by me and Winifred. I had accompanied her for her weekly ritual of casting the protective spells around the island and on our way back we stumbled upon them in an embrace,” he answered. “I had suspected something like this was going on but Winifred was shocked. She demanded that Robert stop seeing Katya and his response was basically fuck you, and they left the next morning.”

  “Robert was a good Guardian, the best we had. Now he is off with Katya, who does not speak to her parents, and they are all alone. No family, no real friends, and just each other,” he finished

  “Sometimes that’s all you need,” I said

  "Spoken like a girl who has never been alone in her life. You are a girl who has always had the support of her loving parents and a circle of friends. You have no idea how hard it is. How difficult it must have been for your parents. How with each sunrise you breathe a sigh of relief that you are alive."

  “Even though it may have been hard on them, they have never once regretted it as I’m sure Robert and Katya don’t either."

  “I would,” he said bluntly

  Those two words, two little inconspicuous words, shattered me. No matter what, no matter how many signs, no matter how many searing looks, Mathias would never give in to our attraction. If he did, he would lose his honor and break his word. I may have only known him for a week or so, but I already realized those two things were more important to him than the girl he just met.

  “Does this mean we can’t hang out and have a movie night now and then?” I asked with a little smile

  "It all depends on the movie,” he said

  I pulled my iPad from the charger and opened the case. “I’ve got ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’.”

  “That’s playing dirty,” he grinned

  “Why is that playing dirty because I’m tempting you with movies from the eighties?"

  His eyes went sad and solemn. “You tempt me every day.”

  For a moment, we just stared at each other. So many unspoken words between us, so many things I wanted to do and say but couldn’t. I didn’t know what was in Mathias’s past. I never had the courage to ask him the big question on how he became a vampire, but I sensed somehow that played a part in this.

  Resigned, I pulled out my secret stash of choc
olate and offered him one. “I’ll let you share my chocolate if you get the popcorn.”

  “Deal,” he said right before he sprinted out of the room

  Later that night as we lay side by side, watching a movie and munching on candy and popcorn, I could tell the air was different between us. Unfortunately, I had no clue if that was good or bad.

  The next morning Serena and I went to the hospital to meet with Oliver. I was impressed by the modern hospital facility on the island. Although it wasn’t large, the small two story gray and white craftsman style building looked inviting but businesslike.

  I let my Uncle and Aunt, poke and prod me for almost a half hour before they began to draw blood. Serena stepped out of the room while Rhoswen looked for a vein.

  “So is this where the vamps come to eat?” I asked unsure of the politically correct term.

  “Yes, the whole basement is a blood bank for the vampires as well as anyone on the island who may need it,” she smiled

  “So when do I start my donation? I’m assuming we all pitch in, including the royal family?"

  “As soon as we get your blood work done, you can come back and donate in a few weeks. Serena will have to come back with you. It’s important that she as your Guardian only partake in your blood for a while. That way she can establish a connection.”

  “What do you mean exactly by connection?”

  “Well, she won’t be able to read your mind or anything but she will have a direct link to any spike in your emotions.” Rhoswen answered as she stuck the needle in my vein.

  “Oh, wow, I'm not sure if that’s such a good idea.” I said as I started freaking out

  “Why?” she laughed

  “I am emotional, an utter train wreck, hot mess, whatever you want to call it. There’s no way I could do that to her. She’s too nice, and I’ll totally mess her up in the head.”

  “She’ll be fine.” Oliver said as he came back into the examining room.

  About twenty minutes later, Serena and I headed back to the castle to start figuring out how to move my stuff to my new house. I told her my worries, and she just started laughing hysterically.

  “Willa, I’m not going to feel every little emotion, usually just fear or intense joy."

  “You’ll feel my profound joy?” I asked. “Is that code for orgasm?"

  She just continued to laugh as we pulled up to the door. I glanced up and saw Jeremiah coming out in a hurry.

  “Jeremiah was a bullfrog…” I started singing

  "How long have you wanted to do that?” he smiled as he kissed both of my cheeks in greeting.

  “Oh, from day one, it was a real test of restraint for me."

  “I bet,” he said before looking at Serena almost formally. “Serena, it’s nice to see you.”

  “Jeremiah,” she replied in turn

  Hmmm, that’s odd, I thought. What was going on here?

  “What are your plans for today?" Jeremiah asked as he turned his attention to me.

  “Moving on up…" I started to sing again.

  “Need any help?” he offered

  “Nope, we’re good but thanks for asking.”

  “Let me know if you need anything. I have to run to the library. The Red Hat Ladies have their monthly book meeting this afternoon, and they tend to get rowdy,” he said as he started walking to a golf cart.

  “Have fun!” I yelled. I looked over at Serena, who was staring off at his retreating figure. My ass there’s been no indiscretions between vamps and gypsies.

  After taking in Serena’s business like expression, I decided that this conversation was so not happening in the castle’s courtyard. Maybe I could ply her with a few drinks and sweets one night and get the skinny.

  The door opened and standing there was Polly’s future husband. Riah was casually dressed in a pair of faded jeans, black long sleeve shirt, and motorcycle boots.

  “Princess, you’ve made my day. Thank you for the chance to gaze upon your beauty in the morning sunlight,” he greeted

  “Riah, good morning, you know I prefer Willa. Princess makes me think of the Scottish Terrier that my friend had growing up in Yuma.”

  “You could never be confused with a dog but I will address you by anything you wish of me,” he bowed mockingly

  I shook my head, “I don’t know whether to fall at your feet in adoration or break out singing ‘Rico Suave’.”

  His brow furrowed, “I’m not aware of that song.”

  “I’ll download it for you. So what’s shaking?”

  “I was wondering if you would do me the honor of having dinner with me this evening?”

  “Are you talking to Serena?” I asked and turned to look at her. She was trying to smother her laughter with her hand over her mouth


  “No, although she is lovely, and you are truly Serena, I was asking you,” he said

  “I thought it was pretty taboo for a Guardian and Gypsy to fraternize?"

  “In an intimate manner, yes but I am only asking as someone who is interested in being your friend.”

  “Said the lion to the lamb, of course, no one has ever accused me of being soft or innocent.” I mused

  “I swear on my life and that of my Queen that I have no nefarious intentions...yet.” he smiled wickedly

  I laughed. “Sure why not? Where and when?"

  “I will pick you up at seven this evening, Le Ciel Chambre?” he replied

  “That sounds good and very French. I will warn you though I am not the type of girl that just eats a salad. I will eat everything on my plate and probably half of yours too.”

  “I like a girl with a voracious appetite.”

  “Then you’re going to love me,” I said. “Oh, you know where my house is right?"

  “House?” he asked confused

  “I’m moving today. I rented a house on the point, the Lau’s old place? It’s right before Mathias’s.” I explained

  “Interesting,” he said thoughtfully. “You are one surprise after another. I look forward to spending the night with you… Willa."

  “See ya later Riah. Seven o’clock sharp. I hate people that aren’t punctual.” I gave him a smile as I strode past him through the door and up the stairs.

  Serena was quiet as we made our way to my parent’s suite of rooms. I opened the door and went right to my room to get started


  “Uh, Willa, do you think that’s a good idea? Going on a date with Riah?” Serena asked tentatively

  "Probably not but a girl has to eat. Besides I like Riah, he interests me in a strictly nonromantic sense. I’m not attracted to him, but there's something about him that makes me want to get to know him better. He may not like to hear this, but I have a feeling we’re going to be good friends. Is that weird?"

  “No, but I hope you let him down easy. So how do you want to do this?" she asked

  “I think I am going to try to teleport everything.”

  “Can you do that?" she asked wide eyed

  “I think so, I mean, I’m not sure.” I answered truthfully

  “Maybe we should see what your father is doing? It’s more of a Fae thing.” she offered

  “Good thinking…,” I broke off hearing movement in the living room. “Ask and you shall receive."

  “Hey dad!” I called

  “What’s up Willy Dilly?” he asked before nodding to Serena in greeting

  “I’m going to try to teleport this stuff to my new digs. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?” I asked waving at my pile of luggage and boxes that were scattered around the room.

  “It’s easier than trying to teleport yourself sometimes. Like anything, gather all the elements and we’ll go from there,” he explained

  Nodding, I shut my eyes and gathered my energy calling out to them. I was surprised how quickly I felt each one respond to my summons. I couldn’t help but smile in contentment as they gathered around me.

  “Simply astounding how quickly you can do that. N
ow you just need to picture where you want them to go and imagine them being sucked through time and space to get there. It may take a few minutes since you were only at the house once but…” his voice stopped.

  The minute he started speaking I pictured the living room of my new house. I saw the sea glistening outside the windows, the couches that were deep brown leather and the gold, brown and red swirled rug that dominated the room. I also saw the long dining room table with its wide, high backed mission style chairs. In my mind I transported every piece of luggage, every box and every item from my iPad to my toothbrush there.


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