The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 25

by Shannon Barczak

  Soon after Christmas, they will be bringing someone in, she's a Caster and highly dangerous. She will be able to place a spell on us that will make us reveal things that would be detrimental to the island and that of its security.

  We will hold on and stay strong under the torment that they, the Rau, will inflict on us. We will not, I'm afraid to report, be able to hold out from the black magic that this woman will cast.

  Now, on to a few details, you must come through a portal with Frank and Mathias. My mother’s room has mirrors on her ceiling. I’m sure I do not need to go into any more detail on that. I do want to reassure my father that the rape of her body and, mine as well, will not happen if we get out in time.

  Leona, Frank’s wife, is going to be tortured and starved. When I told her what I had seen and what my plan was, she agreed without hesitation. Frank can save her. I’m not exactly sure where she is being held though. I think it’s located one floor below us. Only two guards will be outside her cell the night you come.

  Willa, you and Mathias, need to lift my mother out and into the portal first. Uncle Cormac will stay on the other side holding the connection. After that, Mathias will come to my room and fetch me. I will go through the portal after my mother while you both wait for Frank and Leona.

  I can’t wait to meet you. I've had a few spotty visions, but I can tell you that we are going to be as close as sisters. Don’t let the pink bedroom fool you, I have many hidden depths.

  Most sincerely,



  Mathias is awaiting your arrival at his house….he just is not aware of it yet.

  I sat there in total shock and disbelief. My mind was racing in so many directions that I forced myself to calm down and take several cleansing breaths. I had reread the letter once more before I skimmed through the rest of the book. There were maps, drawings, and even a few names of people that were in residence of the Rau compound.

  There were also short notes written to everyone in the family as well as to Serena, Frank and Mathias. I skipped over most of them. Those were private. I couldn’t resist though reading her note to Mathias.


  I realize right now you are terribly angry with me for involving Willa and putting her in a dangerous situation. I must tell you if you do not include her in this mission; you, Frank and Leona will not survive.

  I also debated whether to tell you this, but I must.

  They are here Mathias.



  I had no idea who ‘they’ were, but I was aware of one thing. Julia must have seen what happened with Mathias and me. The idea of her seeing visions of me totally freaked me out. The fact that my fate had already been decided months or even years ago made me extremely uncomfortable.

  I stood up and looked at Cupcake. “Come on fur ball, we need to go to Mathias’s house and you better be good."

  Cupcake got up off the couch and gave a loud woof. I grabbed my black fleece jacket and off the two of us went. My mind was so overwhelmed with what I had read and what I needed to do. It didn’t even occur to me until I rounded a bend on Mathias’s driveway that this was the first time I had seen his house.

  I pondered walking over a few times, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go that far down Stalker Lane. I was not entirely surprised to see that it was somewhat similar to mine in design, very modern and with lots of windows. While my house was a horizontally long one story structure with high ceilings, Mathias’s house was narrower and much taller vertically. It was also set high up on a rocky hill with the ocean spread out before him.

  Right before I started to climb, I doubled over and all of a sudden my mind was flooded with images, images that terrified me. I ran up the stairs with Cupcake on my heels. I got about halfway up before I willed myself to slow down the pace. Not only because I was afraid my heart was going to leap out of my chest, but because my legs were about to give out from the exertion.

  I appreciated the design, but not the million stairs it took to get up to the front door. Poor Cupcake looked like he was going to pass out right on the stairs. By the time, we reached the deck; I was breathing so hard I could barely talk.

  Which is how Mathias found me and my poor dog, panting and looking pissed off.

  “This is why you don’t have any friends,” I gasped, holding my side and trying to catch my breath. “Nobody wants to climb those damn stairs."

  “Why didn’t you just teleport up the stairs?" he smirked

  “Fuck,” I said now extremely irritated with myself and apparent lack of brain cells.

  “What can I do for you Willa?" he asked

  “That’s a loaded question,” I replied while Cupcake and I edged past him into his stark living room. Cupcake had given me a grunt before he sprawled out in front of the fire, and I sat down on the black leather couch.

  "All right, long story short because honestly I’m not sure how much oxygen is in my lungs. I stole a book from Julia’s room, which was magically bound, got it open, saw my name, ran home, and read a letter she had personally written to me months ago. She needs us to rescue her, Aunt Gussie, and Leona. I also just had, I don’t know, a vision I guess, that pretty much scared the piss out of me."

  “Here,” I said handing the book to him when he came to stand in front of me. “There’s the address, maps, some details, and notes to everyone, including you."

  “You wouldn’t happen to own a pair of slippers? These boots are killing me." I continued while I unzipped my boots and took them off, letting out a sigh when my feet were free.

  I finally looked up at him and noticed his expression. I took a small measure of pride in the fact that I think I am the only one who could put that befuddled look on his handsome face.

  “Don’t stare at me like that. Just read the book." I ordered

  Mathias gave me one last confused glance before he opened the book and started reading while he paced the floor. I finally took a good look around the room. The open concept living room, kitchen, dining room was decorated with all very modern pieces of furniture. The living room had two black leather couches that were very square and slightly uncomfortable. A large glass top coffee table held a few art books and a red, glass blown, funky vase.

  Black granite was placed all around the fireplace from the top of the three story ceiling all the way to bottom hearth. A small but elegant dark walnut dining table was just to the left of me and behind me was a surprisingly large open kitchen. White sandstone counters, stainless steel appliances, and sleek black cabinets gave the room a stark, almost, clinical feel.

  The real drama in the room was the windows. All four sides of the house had tall windows. What little wall space there was in the room had impressive, modern paintings that had splashes of reds, orange, and lime greens colors.

  The house was beautiful but devoid of any real personality or so I thought until I spied a collection of old, rusted farm tractor toys that were placed on a small table to my right. The few small toys made me curious. Did they use to be his? Did they use to be (gulp) his son’s? Or did he just really think they were cool and decided to buy them?

  Mathias swore under his breath breaking through my silent perusal of his home.

  “Is she insane?” he hissed. “She must have lost her mind."

  “Mathias,” I started

  “Absolutely not,” he said. “I am not endangering your life or anyone else’s on a vision from Julia. A vision that she had months ago.”

  “Mathias, there's no other choice." I said forcefully

  “Yes there is, we have a very clear choice. We are not going to go on this foolish rescue mission.”

  “Did you see her note to you?" I asked

  Mathias tore through pages of the book until he found the one written to him. I watched his face as he looked and noticed how he went still went he got to the end.

  “Who are ‘they’ Mathias?"

  “None of your concern and not anyone you will ev
er meet,” he finally said after a moment

  “I realized coming here I was going to have to fight you on this,” I held up my hand when he started to protest. “No, wait. On my way here, I had a vision. This woman Julia mentions? I saw her. She’s not just some witch hired to do a certain job; that’s only the tip of the iceberg, she’s really working for a Fae Lord."

  “What are you talking about?" he asked carefully

  “I couldn’t see their faces, for some reason it was shrouded but I heard her talking to him. They're using the Rau. They couldn't care less if they wipe out every single person on the island. They only want me and my power. I think he wants to overthrow my grandmother, Queen Sidra, but I’m not sure what her motivation is in all of this."

  “They want you?" he asked. “You heard this?"

  “Apparently, this Fae Lord offered to split up my power with hers, when they capture me. Their plan is to get out what they can from Aunt Gussie, Julia and Leona. Then when all the Fae come here in the spring they will break down the barriers, let the Rau in to capture or murder the clan and then kidnap me."

  “Don’t you see?” I continued, “We have to get them out of there. Not just because we want to save them and bring them home safe and sound, but Julia was on the right track. This woman is evil, to be honest with you, I’m more afraid of her than the Rau.”

  Mathias was quiet as he began to pace the room. I started to talk again, but he just held up his finger and shook his head. Finally, he came to a halt near me and stared into my eyes.

  “Get your boots on,” he ordered as he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. He almost immediately starting talking

  “Christopher, I need you to get in touch with all the royal guards and tell them to go to the meeting room at once. I will be briefing them on a situation that has just been brought to my attention as soon as I speak to the royal family. Please ask Frank to meet me in the living room of the castle. The family may still be there but if they're not round them up and have them gather there."

  “Yes,” he replied glancing at me. “Princess Willa is here with me, so Serena doesn’t need to worry about getting in touch with her. We will be there shortly.” he ended the call and put his phone back in his pants.

  "Why do I have a feeling that this is whole thing is the start of something big?” I scratched my head. “Everything is about to change and I’m scared. It’s funny, coming here, dealing with all this, I was never scared or afraid but now I am.” I continued

  “You have no reason to be scared. I will never let anything happen to you or your family,” he said solemnly

  “But I don’t think you can protect me from her Mathias. It’s ironic that the only person I think they fear is the one person who is afraid of me. That’s my grandmother. Winifred is the only one that can protect me, and the only way she can do that is by teaching me how to protect myself."

  “Then you ought to stop being such a wise ass all the time and start listening to people that is trying to help you.”

  “Yeah, and maybe I’ll shave my head and have people start calling me Tilda. This is who I am, and I think I've been rather accommodating to everyone while trying to deal with all this bullshit."

  “Like moving out of the secure castle to a remote house of your own?"

  “That has nothing to do...” I scoffed

  “That has everything to do with it,” he interrupted. “But, again, let’s all make poor Willa happy. Let’s go along with her moving out. Let’s be supportive of her opening a business when she should be focusing on figuring out her powers. Yes, let’s all kiss her ass. God forbid we don’t want to get her upset again because then she’ll crawl into bed and stay there for months instead of a few days."

  “Wow,” I said as I sat stunned. “Is that how you see me? Like I’m some bratty little girl?" I said as tears pool into my eyes, and I turned away.

  “No, I see you as a brave but stubborn woman who needs to realize there are people around her that know more than her and are genuinely concerned for her wellbeing. Your actions have consequences. Maybe not out there in ‘the real world’ but here on the island they do. You are the future, and I’m pretty damn sure Queen Sidra thinks so too."

  “You’re talking about me taking over one day as Queen?" I asked

  “Yes,” he answered. “So please, starting right now, listen, observe and think before you leap. You're right, I sense it as well. This is the start of something. So now is the time to be serious. I’m not saying you have to bite your tongue all the time, but you need to start thinking not like Willa the Bakery owner, but Willa, the future Queen."

  “No pressure,” I said under my breath.

  “Get on my back,” he said

  “I thought I already was your monkey?" I asked

  “Willa...,” he said shaking his head

  “What about Cupcake? I can’t just leave him here. It’s a strange place, What if he gets scared?"

  We both looked over at Cupcake, who lay sprawled out in front of the fireplace. Only now he had accumulated a nice puddle of drool near his mouth. Oscar, Mathias’s regal looking dog, was lying near him, looking at him with a resigned expression.

  “Hmm, they remind me of you and me.”

  “See, he’s going to be fine. Can we can now? Don’t forget the book,” he reminded me.

  I grabbed the book and blew Cupcake a kiss before climbing onto Mathias’s back. When we got outside, I expected him to start doing his supersonic sprint towards the castle but he jumped in the air and took off across the night sky as my heart leaped in my throat.

  “A little warning Superman,” I shrieked. “Holy Moley, what if I fall? What if I slip off and go tumbling….. Ahhhhhhhyyy!"

  Mathias moved slightly and all of a sudden I was falling through the air towards the ground. Before I could even start screaming again, I was swept back into his arms, and he cradled me tight against his chest.

  “If you fall, I will catch you,” he grinned

  I just pursed my lips and looked away. A few minutes later we landed on the second story balcony off the dining room. Mathias set me down gently and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He was waiting for a reaction from me.

  He didn’t have long to wait, I shoved against his chest with all my might and tried unsuccessfully to push him into a brick wall behind him.

  “You, mother...F-er. If you ever do that again I will use my freaky fire on you Mathias, I swear to God; I will.” I yelled

  "Mother F-er, that’s it? That's all you got?” he smirked as he opened the balcony door.

  I didn’t even think twice. I called upon the elements and summoned my fire. A short burst of purple fire slammed into the bricks, beside his head, shooting mortar in the air.

  "What the hell are you two doing?” Winifred asked, appearing in the doorway and looking at us disbelief.

  “He started it!" I yelled

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake, Willa,” Winifred said. “Get in here both of you. What the hell is going on with you two?"

  “One moment Winifred, is everyone gathered?" Mathias asked calmly

  “Yes, we were all just about ready to retire for the night. Is something wrong?"

  “We’ll be in right after you.” Mathias said and gestured for Winifred to go back inside the castle. She gave us both a quick look as she left but not before rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

  Mathias turned his menacing glare at me, which I returned in kind. No way was he getting out of this.

  “Don’t. You. Ever. Use. Your. Fire. On. Me. Again.” he enunciated slowly

  “Don’t. Ever. Drop. Me. When. We. Are. Flying. Through. The. Fucking. Air. Again,” I returned

  “You were never in any danger, unlike me, who was almost eviscerated with your uncontrolled fire.”

  “I was in perfect control, thank you very much. If I hadn’t, you would be dead."

  “Didn’t we just have a discussion about you trying to act more seriously?” he reminded

bsp; “That was before you dropped me in midair Wolfie.”

  “Are we done?” he asked, “Because there are a million more important things that we have to discuss right now."

  “I was all focused and ready to do that before you scared the crap out of me."

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you might have been a little fearful,” he said

  “Oh, whatever, you're right, we have more important things to do right now." I agreed suddenly feeling foolish. My cousin, my aunt, and Frank’s wife were counting on us. I wasn’t going to let them down by acting like a child, even if I did want to give Mathias a giant wedgie.


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