The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 42

by Shannon Barczak

  “I doubt that.” Oliver replied. He asked for us all to leave the room, except for Rhoswen so he could do an examination.

  “Willa, don’t forget tomorrow, bright and early.” Winifred reminded me.

  “Yes ma’am.” I said cheekily. “What’s your definition of early?”

  “Meet me at the cliffs.” she said in a low voice. “I want to keep our little sessions private so come alone.”

  “That’s sounds so clandestine.” I whispered back.

  My grandmother had given me a long look before she went over to talk to Gussie and Cuddy. I joined my parents who were conversing quietly with Julia and Jeremiah.

  “I’m exhausted.” Julia said. “I think I’m going to go back to the apartment and get some rest.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” Jeremiah agreed. “Sadly though I have to head over to Guardian offices and help Milton.”

  “I’m sure they can spare you for one night.” Cecily remarked.

  “I’ll only stay for a few hours. I love Willa’s recliner, but it would be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight.” Jeremiah said. “Besides, I ran out of clean clothes.”

  “Willa, you haven’t been doing his laundry?” my mother asked. “After all the help he has been giving you?”

  “This is how you repay me?” I asked Jeremiah

  Jeremiah just grinned before giving me a quick peck on the check. He said goodbye to everyone and left the hospital.

  “What are you going to do tonight Willa?” my dad asked

  “I am going to go home and see what my poor, neglected houseguest has been up to all day.” I replied

  “Oh no.” my mother said in horror. “You left Polly alone all day?”

  “What’s the worst that she could do?” I asked confidently

  I said my own goodbyes and headed home. I was looking forward to chilling out with Polly and the dogs this evening. I just wanted a few hours of relaxation before tomorrow which I had a feeling may be trying.

  It didn’t even register to me right away when I pulled into my driveway what exactly the steel contraption was on my back lawn that I could just make out through the trees. I slowly walked around the house hoping like hell it was some mirage.

  “POLLY!” I yelled when I finally found my voice. Polly came bounding out of the steel monstrosity happily. Her face glowed with excitement.

  “Can you believe it?” she asked. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Polly, what the fuck is this thing in my back yard?”

  “So I was hanging out in town today and met this great chick named Mary? She owns the kitchen store? She said she knew you. Anyway, we were talking, and I told her how I missed my Airstream camper and she told me her father made one. I guess he wanted to go camping or something at one time. So then she tells me he was just going to junk it but if I wanted to take a look I could.”

  “You bought a homemade Airstream camper and put it in my garden?” I asked astonished

  “No.” she answered. “He freaking gave it to me Willa. Isn’t that awesome? It’s ten times better than the one I had in Yuma.”

  I walked over to inspect this so called awesome piece of equipment. Yes, it did vaguely resemble an Airstream but the steel panels were shabbily welded together, and the windows weren’t windows at all, they were just cut out square holes with plexiglass in the frames. I didn’t even want to look inside.

  “Polly, at any time did you think you should have consulted with me?” I asked. “Didn’t you realize this may be overstepping the friendship boundaries?”

  “You don’t like it?” she asked hurt. “Willa, this thing rocks, look inside.”

  “Oh no, I’m good.” I replied

  “Come one. Just one peek and you’ll see why I am in love.” Polly said

  I walked a few more steps before tripping on a couple of huge wires. When I looked down I realized they weren’t wires, they were extension cords running into my house.

  “Oh my God, I feel like I just came home to find my distant cousin from hick town U.S.A. visiting.” I muttered

  “Ta, da!” Polly said as she opened the door that was hanging slightly off the hinges. “Ignore the door I just need to rehang it.”

  I took a deep breath before venturing into Polly’s new crib. My nose wrinkled at the slightly musty odor but overall I was pleasantly surprised. The living room area was neat and tidy, complete with black leather couches and a lime green shag throw rug. The kitchen area was small but functional. Even the bedroom was neat, if not somewhat weird, decorated in blacks and reds.

  As much as I hated to admit it, this place was Polly’s mother ship, and it had called her home.

  “All right, it’s not half bad.” I admitted. “But Polly I can’t just have an RV hooked up to my house and on the property. I’m sure there’s something in the lease that states this land is not to be put in use as a campground.”

  “Oh, it’s totally cool.” Polly answered. “Mathias said so.”

  “Mathias said so, huh?” I asked doubtfully.

  “Yes.” she smiled, “By the way, congrats! You guys sure worked things out in a hurry.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked perplexed. “Nothing has changed with us and our relationship.”

  “Didn’t look like that to me.” she replied raising her eyebrows.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When a guy brings several pieces of luggage into my friend’s house and informs me he’s moving in I’m thinking that’s a game changer.”

  I stood there dumbfounded. What the hell was she talking about? Not even saying anything I turned and ran inside the house with Polly hot on my heels. When we finally reached my bedroom, I went right to the bathroom and noticed a few things right away.

  “Vampires brush their teeth?” Polly mused. “You learn something new every day.”

  The double sink, which usually held my lone toothbrush, was now joined by another dark blue brush. I pulled open the doors on the left side and saw a few razors, shave gel, and some more toiletries. I turned around and spied a bottle of French shampoo and a large bar of cream colored soap in the walk in shower.

  I picked up the soap and inhaled the spicy scent that was imbedded in my brain. This was his soap. His soap that he used to lather all over his naked ripped body. There is no way I could ever take a shower after him and smell these fumes. I felt myself grow uncomfortable horny just imagining him in the shower covered with suds.

  “What was he thinking?” I asked. “The Fae aren’t due here for four more days.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Polly asked.

  I filled her in on the new details of my Guardian night watch. Polly started laughing hysterically.

  “Oh to be fly on these walls in the coming weeks.” she finally answered

  I ignored her and went into the closet. My mouth dropped when I saw half of it was filled with his clothes. His clothes that had his spicy scent clinging to them filling up my closet with their seductive fumes.

  “Wow, how many items of clothing can you have that are the color black?” Polly asked she walked over and perused his side of the closet that he had claimed.

  The half of the closet that Mathias had hung up his clothes, were in fact, filled with dark clothing, although I did notice some gray and navy blue tucked in here and there.

  “Where’s my phone?” I finally asked

  “In your pocket?” Polly replied helpfully. “I’m going to go up and cook dinner. Pasta, veggies with a little olive oil sound good?”

  “Sounds great,” I said in a monotone. I still was having a hard time wrapping my head around this new development. Finally, I pulled out my phone and hit his number.

  “What?” he barked. I was so shocked that he answered it took me a few seconds to reply.

  “Why is your entire wardrobe currently taking up valuable real estate in my closet?”

  “I’m not discussing this right now,” he answered. “I will talk abo
ut this with you later.”

  “No, we’re talking about it right now.” I sneered

  “You knew that I was going to be guarding you at night. I need to have my things there so I can go to work in the morning. You know, work? My other job which is the head of security of this entire fucking island?” he answered

  “I thought you were going to hang out at night and then leave at sunrise. I didn’t realize you were going to move in with me and become my roommate.”

  “Robert and Katya are staying at my house for the time being. I cleared out some space for them. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Yes, yes, it is a big deal.” I yelled. “You did something without consulting me…”

  “I don’t have time for this. I will talk to you later.” Click

  I was perfectly aware that I have a slight temper. I will admit that on occasion I lose my shit, but one thing that really pisses me off is someone hanging up on me.

  It took me two seconds to hit redial.

  “What?” he yelled. “What do you want?”

  “I want to talk about this. I deserved at least a phone call before you decided to move your stuff into MY house.” I replied angrily. “That’s not too much to ask.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” he said. Click. He hung up on me again.

  You want to know what a racecar in the red looks like? Picture me teleporting to the Guardian offices in a nanosecond.

  I strode angrily through the reception area. When I spied Veronica, I yelled out. “Where is he?”

  Veronica looked so shocked she just pointed to the command center.

  I pushed open the glass doors with enough force that I was surprised they didn’t fall off the hinges.

  Everyone in the room looked up at me as I stomped over to where Mathias was having, what looked to be a meeting, with Milton, Jeremiah, Robert, Christopher and Sabine.

  I didn’t break stride once. I walked right up to him, put my hand in his pocket where I noticed his phone bulged and yanked it out swiftly before he could even react.

  “What. Are. You. Doing?” he asked menacingly

  I smiled sweetly as I held out the phone in my palm and called my witch fire. My purple freaky flames destroyed the phone in a matter of seconds.

  “Next time you hang up on me, I’ll be pulling something else out of your pants and setting it on fire Wolfie.” I said before I turned away and teleported back to my room.

  Polly was lounging in the door, waiting for me.

  “I’m going to assume that phone conversation didn’t go so well?” she smirked

  “Went great,” I smiled. “I’m pretty sure Mathias is never going to hang up on me again.”

  Chapter Seven

  I woke up the next morning still slightly irritated and also restless. I had tossed and turned all night in my bed. I think some part of me wanted to see if Mathias had the balls to come over after I fried his phone in front of everyone.

  When I walked into the bathroom, I realized that he did indeed have some giant ones. The room was still slightly steamy from his shower, and I could smell his spicy soap. There was also a note attached to my side of the mirror.

  If you need to get in touch with me because you

  are physically hurt or bleeding, you can’t.

  If you are in mortal danger and need assistance

  please call, oh wait, you can’t.

  If you want to apologize for acting like a brat,

  you know where to find me.


  I grinned as I read his note. All of my anger vanished. I had gotten under his skin and for some reason that made me gloriously happy. I stripped off my pajamas and stepped under the hot sprays of water. I tried to ignore the bar of soap that still had small suds clung to it and went about my business quickly.

  I put on my favorite pair of dark skinny jeans and a loose, light blue, peasant top before heading upstairs. Mathias must have feed and let the dogs out before he left. I found myself in a pleasant but unexpected domesticated situation.

  I ate two cinnamon rolls that Polly and I had made last night before whirling off to the cliffs to meet my grandmother. Winifred was staring off at the calm ocean lost in thought.

  “Hey Granny,” I greeted. “How’s Pops?”

  “Better,” she answered. “Oliver is releasing him later on this morning.”

  “That’s fantastic.” I replied.

  “He didn’t have much choice. Archie was quite adamant after hearing what was going on here. He demanded to be released. He’s got it in his head that he can be of some help.”

  “Typical guy,” I remarked. “So what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “I want you to start focusing on controlling just one element at a time,” she answered. “I think it’s important that you learn to control each element. When you gather them all, you lose some of its powers.”

  We worked for the next few hours on each aspect of the four elements. As always air, earth and fire came more easily to me than water. For some reason, the one thing I loved was the one I had the hardest time trying to control.

  “The problem is just that very thing.” Winifred said. “Don’t try to control or manipulate the water. Use the power and ingratiate yourself within the water’s force.”

  I closed my eyes and stood as still as possible. I reached out towards the water and tried to relax. I could feel the power that the churning waves were giving off all around my body. I held out my arms and forced my energy to calm the sea. Time seemed to stand still as our battle of wits waged on. The water had no intention of giving in to me.

  I focused on what my grandmother had said, and I stopped trying to control the water. The second I ceased my efforts the water started lightly swirling around me. The cold mist enveloped my body yet I was completely dry. I gave thanks to my foe and released it from my magical grasp.

  “I see what you’re saying but that’s easier said than done.” I said exhausted.

  “We’ll keep working on it more every day,” she said. “We should head over to the Guardian offices.”

  “That reminds me,” I started. “I was thinking last night, if someone wanted to get to me, they would probably use the people closest to me, right?”

  “Yes, I’m sure that’s part of the plan,” she answered.

  “I think Julia is the most vulnerable. Not only are we close but her talents as a sightseer are unmatched. She could be a very valuable asset.”

  “True.” Winifred replied, almost surprised

  “I think that Julia and Jeremiah should both be guarded at all times when the Fae are here.”

  “Night Guardians?” she asked

  “Yes.” I answered. “I’ve already thought about this and I came up with a few possible choices for both of them.”

  I took a deep breath. “Riah should guard Julia. Not only is he going to be free at night but he’s also the person I trust the most.”

  Winifred nodded. “I agree. That’s a good idea.”

  “I was thinking about Jeremiah as well and I came up with Veronica.” I said

  “Veronica?” Winifred asked surprised. “Veronica is not really a Guardian so to speak. She is excellent at running the office but as far as guarding?”

  “She’s fast.” I said. “According to Riah, she’s almost uncatchable. Plus Jeremiah is in the library ninety percent of his life. Veronica loves it there too. She’s probably the only one that would be happier there than the offices of the Guardian’s.”

  My grandmother still didn’t look convinced. I racked my brain to think of another reason, but I was running out of options.

  “I see your point,” she said suddenly. “If there is any trouble all she has to do is get Jeremiah to safety. She has a quick mind and excellent reflexes.”

  I did a mental wiping of the brow and my face broke out into a small, victorious smile. They both could thank me later, preferably with chocolate.

  “That’s very good thinking Willa. I’m so prou
d of you. You have exceeded my expectations.”

  “That’s why I set the bar so low when we first met.” I replied

  “Get us out of here. I want to get this meeting over with quickly. I have to welcome my husband home.” she announced firmly

  “Oh really?” I asked. “Bow chica bow wow.” I hummed a bar of cheesy porn music

  Winifred just shook her head and grabbed my hands. We landed in the reception area of the Guardian offices and made our way to the conference room. The whole family, including Milton, Robert and Mathias had gathered and were waiting for our arrival.

  “Finally,” Mathias almost snarled

  “I wasn’t aware there was a set time.” I remarked. “Besides we were actually doing something important.”

  “Something you should have been doing months ago and not at the eleventh hour.” Mathias continued

  I choose to ignore him and turned to say hello to my Uncle Cuddy.

  “So what’s up Uncle C? How’s business?” I asked. Cuddy owned a shop in town that I would describe as his own hoarders paradise, but he loved it, and that was good enough for me.

  “Business is bloody blooming,” he answered. “Spring fever always makes people want to redecorate.”

  “I was going to ask you Cuddy, I’m on the lookout for a sideboard.” Rhoswen said

  “Sideboard?” he mused. “I have a few. Come in later, and I’ll help you…”

  “We are here for a meeting on the impending Fae arrival and the person who wants to destroy your lives. Not home furnishings.” Mathias interrupted

  Winifred cut in smoothly. “Yes, we are here for that Mathias. Thank you for reminding us.”

  “How many people from Fairlia are expected?” Robert asked

  “Sidra told me to expect four to five hundred last time I talked to her.” Winifred answered

  “Well, what is it? Four or five hundred? Christ’s sake she can’t give us an answer?” Mathias asked impatiently

  OK, I thought, someone is in a pissy mood. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “I should have a final head count this evening.” Winifred replied. “Of course the royal family and the Fae Lords will be staying here.”


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