The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 54

by Shannon Barczak

  I looked up into his eyes and what I saw made my heart swell. There was no red. There was only a warm brown color that stared back at me. I wanted to shout and proclaim my love but now was not the time. There were no words that were needed. I honestly wasn’t sure if they would ever be needed again. I had no doubts about his feelings anymore, nor would I ever.

  As he slowly began to move inside of me, I sensed the crescendo that was building. I urged him to go faster. My body met his growing thrusts, and I raked my nails down his back with impatience. Over and over again he and I danced amongst the sheets until finally I screamed out as the sensation after sensation hit me like an oncoming train.

  I heard Mathias whisper, ‘fuck’, and then he shouted a primal sound of release. Our breaths mingled together as we both tried to calm down. He nuzzled his face into my neck, and my hair sheltered him like a blanket. I lightly scratched his shoulders and knew that I had a smug smile on my face. Finally, after a few minutes he propped himself up on elbows and kissed my forehead.

  I was just going to push myself away so I could clean up a bit when I felt his cock grow hard inside of me once more. I looked up in disbelief when he started moving again. I quickly got over my shock as his tempo increased and soon my head started banging against the headboard. I didn’t feel any pain though, the only sensation I felt was from his furious pace.

  When we both reached our climax, I was limp. My body felt like I had run a marathon. I knew I was going to be sore in the morning but honestly I could care less. When he pulled out of me, I felt empty and incredibly I wanted more. He stood at the end of the bed before pulling my legs down swiftly. I looked at him in surprise.

  Mathias picked me up and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and pulled me in with him. As we lathered each other bodies, the only sounds we made were moans of approval and small chuckles. I had turned around so he could wash my back and was surprised when he pushed both of my arms on the shower wall and spread my legs with his own.

  I arched my back and heard his admiring groan. I leaned my head back as he entered me from behind and bite my neck once again. I tried to move, but he was preventing me with his arms and legs. Finally, I shimmied out of his embrace and simply got on the shower floor on my hands and knees. I said a prayer of thanks to the owners for the extensive walk in shower that they had built.

  Mathias accepted my new position with vigor. His slow thrusts quickly turned to almost a punishing pounding, but I welcomed him into my folds. When my next orgasm shuddered through me, I cried out but when my second one came almost immediately after I lifted my head back and shrieked until my throat burned.

  Later as we sat on the pebbled floor with the warm water beating down on us I started counting on one hand. Mathias cocked his eyebrow in question.

  “That would be five.” I answered smartly. “Five orgasms in one night are pretty impressive.”

  He reached around me and set me down on his lap facing him. “Five is an impressive number but what do you say we go for six or even seven?”

  The final count that night was eight.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A soft touch woke me in the morning. I reached my hand up expecting to find Mathias nuzzling my neck but instead I grabbed a mound of fur. I turned over and sighed at the sight of my dumb but lovable dog who was gazing at me with such adoration I couldn’t help but smile.

  That was until he decided to give my face a bath with his large tongue.

  “Eww,” I groaned. “Cupcake cut it out.”

  I pushed his massive body of mine and looked around. Mathias was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and wrapped my legs around my knees to contemplate last night.

  It had been the most amazing and beautiful night of my life. Aside from a few muttered sentences we still hadn’t spoken to each other. I knew that Mathias was never going to be the kind of person to pour out his heart, and I had accepted that. My biggest worry was that I was going to suddenly burst out with every feeling and every emotion I had running through my brain.

  When I heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs, I froze. I prayed it wasn’t Riah. I did not want to face him just yet.

  Luckily, it wasn’t. Mathias appeared in the damaged door frame and smirked as he noticed Cupcake on the floor.

  “Poor guy.” he said as he leaned down to pet his head. “Did your mistress kick you out of bed?”

  “I’m not keen on getting the tongue from my dog first thing in the morning.”

  “Get dressed.” he ordered

  “Good morning to you.” I snorted. “I thought maybe we could chill out in bed today and ignore the world.”

  “I fully support that idea,” he replied. “That’s why I want you to get dressed. I’ll be upstairs waiting. Don’t forget to bring a sweater or light jacket.”

  I just stared at his retreating figure. No good morning greeting or kiss? No, ‘hey last night rocked’?

  “Oh by the way.” he said as he turned around and came to stand by the bed. “I almost forget to tell you something.”

  “What’s that?” I asked breathlessly

  He placed a searing kiss on my lips before whispering. “Hey, last night rocked.”

  I pushed away his laughing body and threw a pillow at him. I must not have my usual block on my thoughts up yet. That could be a very dangerous and humiliating mistake.

  I quickly showered and dressed in jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I gave my appearance a pleasing smile as I took in my bright eyes and fabulous morning after hair. The auburn tresses were slightly mussed but still had waves that Polly had styled the night before. I grabbed my lightweight black fleece and happily teleported to the kitchen.

  “So what’s on the agenda today?” I asked as I took the hot kettle for my usual morning cup of tea. “Are we going to tell Sidra and Kelvin about everything?”

  “No.” Mathias said. His cell phone rang, and I sighed as he answered. Mathias had something up his sleeve but again was choosing not to share with me. It was becoming an annoying habit.

  “No, she’s fine Cecily.” he said. I looked at him inquiringly as he continued talking. “She thinks she may have a touch of food poising. You know the junk she sometimes eats,” he paused. “All she wants is to rest for the day. I’m afraid her ailment kept her up all night.”

  “I believe she threw up eight times.” he said. I almost spit out my first sip of tea. “That is a good amount of bodily fluids to lose. I’ll make sure she replenishes whatever she lost with my own unique concoction.”

  Oh my God. Did he just say that?

  “I’ll tell her.” he said. “Yes, I’ve spoken to Riah. He is going to cover for me at the office.”

  Mathias said good-bye and hung up. He calmly went back to sipping his tea before he met my eyes.

  “I threw up eight times huh?”

  “It was quite impressive.”

  “So now that we are free for the day, what will you do with me?” I asked

  “It’s a surprise.” he answered. After getting the dogs settled with a hung over Polly, Mathias asked me to teleport to the front door of his house. I took his arm and a mere half a second later we were standing on his deck.

  “Climb on my back.” he ordered. I let out a long sigh before finally jumping on. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and off we flew. I muttered a concealment spell around us and decided to enjoy the ride. We flew up high over the glistening ocean. The sun shone brightly in a cloudless blue sky. Even though, it was chilly in the morning air, especially at this height, I knew it was going to be a mild day.

  I spotted a large island and was surprised when Mathias started to descend towards the land. We landed in a bustling square. The buildings were meticulously well kept and painted a variety of pastel colors. The architecture was a mixture of French and English designs. I carefully looked around and when I spied an alley way I took Mathias’s hand and proceeded to undo the spell that concealed us. When we walked back out into the lively town I fin
ally turned to him in wonder.

  “Where are we?”

  “Saint Helier, Jersey.” he answered

  “This ain’t no Jersey.” I retorted, putting on my best New Jersey accent

  He chuckled, and we leisurely strolled down the colorful streets. I was so caught up in the sights and sounds. After being on the Isle of Skye for almost six months, I had forgotten what it was like to be somewhere else.

  “Why are we here?” I finally asked

  Mathias shoved his hands into his pants and looked around uncomfortably. “I thought, you know, we could go on a …date.”

  “A date?” I asked in disbelief

  “It’s not like we can go out for dinner and a movie at home. I thought here we could maybe have some brunch, walk around, sight see. Pretend to be normal for a few hours.”

  I continued to stare at him with my mouth gaping open. If there was anything, I yearned for more it was to have a normal life again. I didn’t regret coming to the Isle. I had felt at home the first morning I had explored the area. I did, however, miss the comfort of feeling safe. I missed going about my business and not have everyone look at me like I was either a freak or a celebrity.

  Mathias finally let out a frustrated sigh when I didn’t respond. “We can always go home…”

  “No.” I practically yelled. “You caught me off guard. I didn’t expect this. I didn’t think being normal was possible anymore. This is, without a doubt, the best date ever.”

  “You should probably reserve that judgment until the date is over.” he said wryly

  “Thank you.” I said. I put my hands around his neck and gently kissed him on the lips. When we broke apart, he led me down a few side streets until we arrived at a large building.

  “This is the Central Market.” he announced. “If you can’t find whatever it is you need here then it probably doesn’t exist.”

  I laughed as we started walking around. The market had everything you could want. There were stalls filled with fresh flowers. Tables were brimming with produce and vegetables that looked so beautiful they almost seemed fake. My mouth watered as we passed bakeries and cake shops. I had an immediate need to buy one of everything and rush home to recreate it in my kitchen.

  We finally settled on some scones and tea. I sat down, and when I bit into my cranberry-orange pastry, I let out a small moan of appreciation. Mathias grinned and took a bite out of his plain scone. Together we sat in silence as we ate, and people watched.

  I found myself staring at them in wonder. These people didn’t have to worry about someone trying to kill them or their family. They weren’t up late at night trying to figure out freaky supernatural powers. They were just normal Jane’s and Joe’s. I smiled as I saw a family of four walk by and I immediately knew they were from the southern U.S. by their slow drawls. For some reason that made me feel even more at ease.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Mathias asked. I wasn’t sure if he heard my thoughts or was feeling the same emotions.

  “I wish I didn’t know about the Rau…” I started to say

  “No. Not today.” Mathias said interrupting me. He put his finger over my mouth. “Today or let’s say, anytime we are here, we’re just plain old Mathias Worthing and Willa McCormack.”

  “I think that sounds perfect.” I said. When we finished our breakfast, we continued wandering around. I browsed while Mathias patiently waited for me. True to his word, Mathias made no mention of our lives or what waited for us at home. When we eventually left and started making our way to the water we finally talked about other things.

  I found out that he enjoyed reading historical nonfiction, as well, as biographies about that people that contributed to having a hand in all forms of government and wars. He also enjoyed reading about the creation of the United States and the pioneer movement. I suspected he also had a fascination with cowboys but didn’t push him on that subject.

  He loved farming, and he also enjoyed fishing as well. He said he felt more at home in the outdoors than inside four walls. He then peppered me with questions about my favorite things. Even though on our cross country trip I pretty much had told him my life story, there was still something’s he didn’t know.

  He knew I loved Jane Austen, but I also told him that I too, loved biographies, but usually those on royalty. I had always been fascinated with women who had ruled nations. I was surprised that he and I agreed on most social and political subjects. I was also shocked to discover that we loved watching the same popular U.K. car show.

  When we finally reached the pier a sense of contentment washed over me. I looked out at the boats and wished that we could have more time together like this. I prayed that one day when this was all over that dream could become a reality.

  “I have one more surprise for you.” he said. I smiled and shook my head. I wasn’t sure if I could handle any more surprises today.

  He gestured for me to get on his back, and I chanted the concealment spell once more. As we flew over the ocean, I noticed the sun was high in the sky. I realized it was afternoon, and a feeling of dread started settling in my stomach. I didn’t want to go back. I wanted to fly far, far away. I decided to ignore it and focus on the here and now.

  At least for the next few hours.

  I spotted the isle, and I stiffened automatically but to my surprise, Mathias flew around to the west. I had no idea where he was taking me and didn’t care. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the smell of his skin. All of a sudden I felt a strong force pushing me away. I gasped in surprise at the magic that seemed to appear out of thin air.

  Mathias looked unconcerned. He gently grabbed my wrist and sank his fangs into my skin. I was too shocked to comprehend what was going on. I saw him drip my blood towards the wall that was preventing us from moving forward. Suddenly Mathias pushed through and landed softly on a small beach.

  The island that we had landed on seemed to be inhabited. My brain was so full of questions I didn’t know where to start. Mathias had stepped away a few feet from me before he spoke.

  “Welcome to my home.” he said quietly

  “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “Your home is on the Isle. We’re neighbors.”

  “No, that is my house, this is my home Willa.”

  I tried to take in my surroundings but where the land started away from the beach was so heavily wooded I couldn’t see any structures. He grabbed my hand, and we started walking into the thicket of trees down a well-worn path. When we came upon a pool of clear water with a small waterfall, I smiled in delight.

  “Go ahead,” he gestured. “Dip your fingers in the water.”

  I cautiously poked a finger in the water. I had expected it to be cold, but to my surprise it was warm. I looked up at him in question.

  “There are hot springs underneath.” he explained. I wanted to peel my clothes off and dive in but instead I followed him further down the path.

  “Did my grandmother do the enchantments for the island?” I asked

  “No.” he answered. “I did.”

  “How is that possible?” I asked, stopping dead

  “My mother was a witch.” he replied. His eyes danced as he took in my expression. “Not as powerful as you or Winifred but she was adequate in her skills. She taught me that the most powerful spells should be sealed with blood. Any amount of blood, large or small, is considered a sacrifice.”

  His words were almost too much for me to comprehend. I listened as he continued to talk while we started walking again.

  “I’m not sure what my family’s genealogy is. I have no idea if we are descended from the Fae or the Gypsies. My mother learned from her mother, who sadly died when she was thirteen. My grandfather grew up in Wales on a small farm. He was poor, but he was very smart. He bought his own land and then continued for the next several years to buy as much as he could around the area. Some of those transactions were with money but most were won in card games.”

  “As time passed, he bec
ame extremely wealthy and prosperous but you would never know it by looking at him. He never dressed in fine clothes. He rarely had fingernails without dirt under them. He was brilliant. My mother was considered an oddity. She was beautiful, but there were always whispers of her using witchcraft. By the time, she was three and twenty she was considered a spinster because she was unmarried.”

  “My father was the third son of a Viscount, which means he had to either buy a commission in the army or find himself a rich wife. He decided on the latter. He charmed my mother, but my grandfather was wary. He was so desperate though for my mother to produce an heir he chose to ignore his concerns. My father, of course, thought that by giving him a grandson he would reap the reward.”

  Mathias chuckled. “He obviously never knew him very well. When my mother gave birth to a second son, my brother Darias, he realized that he would never get his hands on any money. So he decided to make everyone’s life a living hell. He was spiteful to my mother. He used to bring his whores around and make them dote over Darias like they were his mother. Benedict was also very cruel to me.”

  “I don’t have to go into details but I found out just the kind of man he was by the time I was four. When my grandfather died, my father was livid. He fully expected to gain access to everything the estate had to offer, but my grandfather gave it to me. My father knew that by the time the courts were to make a decision I would be eighteen so it would pointless.”

  “He made sure to get his revenge though.” Mathias said as he stopped. He had placed his hand on a tree for support before he started speaking again. “I was so upset when my grandfather died. He was my father in every way, shape and form. The night after his funeral I was slightly drunk when I went upstairs to retire for the evening. I thought I heard crashing and went to check on my mother.”

  “When I heard her cry out, I raced down the hall to her room. I pounded on the door, but she told me she was fine and to go to bed. I walked back to my room, but I knew something wasn’t right. I was getting undressed when I heard her scream. I went back to her room and broke the door down. She was lying in bed naked; her face bruised and my father was calmly buttoning his trousers.”


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