The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 70

by Shannon Barczak

  Machall stood up from the table and walked over to the window. “I was returning to my apartments at the castle a few nights later after having a fun filled night of debauchery when I first saw her. She was standing by a small pool in the park. A shaft of moonlight was shining on her through the trees. Her hair and face glowed with beauty. I was so awestruck I tripped. She turned when she heard me stumble, and that is when every cell in my body froze in delirious happiness.”

  Lucia sniffed, and I was momentarily lost in my own thoughts as I thought about the first time I saw Mathias. When he stepped out of the shadows of my parent’s foyer I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach and instead of pain, I felt butterflies erupt from the very depths of my soul.

  “She was weary of me but I could tell she felt the same awareness as I did. Her name was Beatrice, and she had been turned into a vampire when she had travelled to the human world for a visit. The Rau had killed her parents, but decided her beauty was too much of a waste. They knew that she was Fae and that there was a chance that she wouldn’t be turned fully into an evil creature of the night, but they decided to take that chance.”

  “When she woke, she made a split-second decision to run away. She was lucky because soon after she found a small den of Fae and light vampires. She was welcomed into their sanctuary and tried to settle into her new life. It wasn’t long after that Sidra recruited them and invited the group to Fairlia. The Fae vampires were overjoyed to be home, but most of them quickly found that they were rejected by their families and loved ones. Beatrice had no family, but she did travel to the Water realm where she was from originally and tried to ingratiate herself within the community.”

  “No one there made her feel like an outsider but they certainly weren’t very welcoming. She had decided to come back to court and try to decide what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go. I immediately offered her a place within my household, and I was grateful that she accepted. The next few months were the happiest of my life. I had never known a woman to be so kind and genuine yet she was also smart and quick witted.”

  “When I asked her to marry me, she said yes but soon after fear and doubt crept into her mind. I introduced her to my parents, and I’ll never forget what my father said that night. He told her that he could see she was insecure about how they would reply to their son marrying a vampire and what their reaction would be to this news. He also told her that as long as I was happy that was all that mattered for love is blind to race, color and being. Love cannot acknowledge the prejudice of others; it only sees one’s soul.”

  “That’s beautiful,” I said. “Your father sounds like a wonderful man.”

  “He was wonderful,” Lucia said

  “A few days later as I was basking in the glory that only true love can bring, Fonn came to see me. He told me that the time had come for us all to band together and get rid of Sidra once and for all. I laughed and threw him out of my home. I told him I had no desire to join him on his dangerous journey, and I also threatened him. I said if he was going to talk like that then I had no choice but to report him for treason. He smiled and left. A week later my father was killed. The only thing they found next to his body was a note that said ‘Choice wisely’. ”

  “And yet you still didn’t go to Sidra?” I asked in disbelief

  “I was making plans to go to court when I woke up the next morning, and I discovered Beatrice was missing. I ran and teleported around the entire realm furiously. I couldn’t hear her. I could feel her, but it was so odd because I knew she was not in any of the realms. I immediately went to the Air realm where I started thrashing the hell out of Fonn. My grief was greater than his madness or so I thought.”

  Machall snorted. “He laughed at me. He told me that if I ever wanted to see my blood sucking bitch of a whore again then I would go along with his plans. I must admit I did not react well to his words, again though his laughter stopped me. He told me that Beatrice was alive, but he and Sabine had wiped her memories of me from her mind. Then they cast her out into the human world. I was wild but in a moment of weakness I agreed. I asked him what he wanted from me. He told me that there was a prophecy and this prophecy stated that one day there would be a child born. Two members of the royal family of both the Fae and Gypsies would conceive this child and he, or she would be the only one who had the power to wield the Fae Sanctities.”

  “Fonn wanted my help to find this child and when we did, the power in each weapon would be transferred to him. When that happened, he would give Beatrice back her memories and return her to me. I was in shock when he first started talking. I knew that only a Fae could conceive with another Fae, but I agreed because I had to get away from him. The very second I left was when I started forming my own plans.”

  “Which were…?” I asked

  “I was going to do everything in my power to help this individual find the weapons and then kill Fonn but only after I tortured him to give me the information on the whereabouts of Beatrice.”

  “And you want nothing else?” I asked. “You want nothing in return?”

  “The only thing I want is my Beatrice,” he answered

  “I’m assuming you knew right away that it was Willa who you had been waiting for?” Jeremiah asked

  “When Cormac disappeared with Cecily, I think we all thought that it was a possibility. Our suspicions were confirmed at the Yule Ball. Sidra took us aside and told us that Cormac and Cecily were back on the Isle of Skye. She then told us that they had been able to conceive a child, a girl who was now a grown woman. Little did Sidra realize that she had written her only granddaughters death warrant when she imparted that news.”

  “Fonn was ecstatic, and I have to admit for the first time in many years I felt hopeful. I thought maybe this would finally be the end. After the meeting with Sidra, Fonn held his own meeting with us. He wanted to make plans. He asked all of us to charm Willa and then he asked me to use my talents on her. He surmised that if you were able to resist my mind imaging, something only the Queen can do, then that would be enough confirmation that you were the child prophesized.”

  “And the only images that you could come up with were you and I in bed together?” I asked in disbelief

  “Machall,” Lucia said in disgust. “You had no right to do that.”

  “I’m sorry Mother but Sabine had informed us before the reception that she suspected Willa and Mathias were true mates. I knew that if she was indeed mated, as well as powerful, then she would have no problem pushing through my spell.”

  “You’re lucky I didn’t push through your mouth,” I said

  “My fairy white teeth and I are grateful for your restraint,” he grinned

  “I’m sorry but if you wanted to convey your willingness to help that wasn’t the way to go about getting me to trust you,” I said

  “The night of the ball, I wanted to get you alone. I knew with Mathias around that I wouldn’t have many opportunities. Unfortunately, before I could explain you punched me.”

  “Goodness, you’re somewhat of a loose cannon aren’t you?” Lucia remarked

  “She gets that from her grandfather, Prince Kelvin,” Machall muttered. I smiled as I thought of my Fae grandfather who had punched Machall in the stomach when he had come to my rescue with Mathias after Machall had teleported off with me at the ball without my consent.

  I shrugged. “OK, so why don’t you explain that little scene with Sabine,” I asked. “You know when you asked her if everything was all set before you tore her clothes off and had sex with her?”

  “I wish you would’ve stayed around a few more seconds. If you had, you would’ve witnessed me place her under an immobile spell. It only lasted for a few minutes, but I figured it would give me enough time to sound a warning. I went right to Sidra and Kelvin and briefly told them what was happening. I then went through the portal to come back here and have been waiting for you ever since.”

  I sat quietly for a few minutes. I thought about what Mathias
had said to me before I left. He told me to trust my gut, and since I was on my own now I had no choice but to do just that. I believed Machall, and I also knew that he could be a very valuable resource to me as I to him, to place my trust in him though I had to tell him the truth.

  “I believe you Macky and I would be very appreciative of whatever help you can give me.” I said

  “I am honored to help you,” Machall said

  “I hate to tell you this though, but there are no Fae Sanctities,” I said. “There are no weapons.”

  “What?” he asked in disbelief. “But that’s impossible. The prophecy was something that many seers foretold a long time ago. Sabine herself confirmed it with her own sightseer.”

  “There are no weapons so to speak Machall,” Patcoena said

  “What does that mean?” Machall yelled

  I stood up and walked over to him. I stared into his eyes, which I could see were filled with despair.

  “I am the Fae Sanctity, Machall,” I said strongly. “I am the weapon.”

  Chapter Four

  “That’s insane,” Machall announced. “There is no way that is even possible. Only the King or Queen can handle that much power.”

  “Do you doubt my awesomeness?” I asked mockingly. “I’m hurt Macky.”

  “But,” he stuttered. “You’ve already shown amazing capabilities. How on earth are you supposed to absorb that much power on top of what you already have?”

  “Well, apparently it’s either going to kill me, make me go completely bonkers, or it’s just going to be a walk in the park.” I answered. “I’m hoping for the third option but I figured since I’m already halfway to becoming a mental patient option number two is more likely.”

  “What are we to do if Willa does go mad?” Jeremiah asked Patcoena

  “There is a plan in place if that happens.” Patcoena answered

  “What is it?” Machall asked

  “I think that information should be kept private.” Patcoena replied. “It is of no one’s concern but Willa’s.”

  “I have to right to know.” Machall said. “I’m risking a great deal to help you. If Willa does indeed go insane, I need to know that she’ll be able to come out of it so that we can continue with our plan.”

  “Do we even have a plan?” I wondered aloud

  “Willa,” Jeremiah said seriously.

  “Trust me when I say this, ok, you don’t want to know.”

  “No, we do want to know.” Jeremiah replied

  “Oh my gosh,” I whined. “I don’t even know how to answer this question without offending you.”

  “Only Mathias will be able to help her if she may is struck with a temporary madness from absorbing the elements power.” Patcoena answered

  “Mathias?” Machall said. “Surely Sidra or Winifred would be able to support her more than Mathias.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked up at the dining room ceiling before answering. “Fine, you want to know how Mathias is going to get me out of my insanity induced coma. He’s going to have to give me intense sexual healing therapy.”

  “Oh God,” Jeremiah groaned. “You’re right. I did not want to know that.”

  “Told you so,” I shrugged

  Lucia smiled. “I think what Willa and Patcoena mean is that Mathias will have to teach Willa to channel her energies elsewhere while she adjusts to her new powers.”

  “I personally like to think he has to bang it out of me but your way of putting it sounds fine too.”

  “Please,” Jeremiah said. “I beg you. Do not ever say that around me again.”

  “She bangs, she bangs...” I sang

  “That is Ricky Martin, yes?” Lucia asked

  I nodded my head enthusiastically before continuing, “Oh baby, she moves, she moves.”

  “Dear God in heaven can we please get back to discussing a plan or even the weather?” Jeremiah asked

  “All right, I suppose we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it,” Machall said. “I’m assuming you know where to look in each realm at least?”

  “Nope,” I answered quickly. “Patty has no freaking clue.”

  “The King did not divulge that to anyone,” Patcoena said. “That is why Jeremiah is here. He can sense magic from great distances.”

  “All we know is that the powers are located in a cave, a cove, a forest and a mountain,” I said

  “That is not only vague but could describe each realm as a whole,” Machall said before turning around and looking out the window.

  “I wonder…” Lucia started to say

  “What?” I asked

  “Machall,” she said softly. “What about the caves located on the outskirts of the village? You remember the smaller ones that none of you children would ever play in when you were younger?”

  “That’s what I was just thinking,” he answered before turning around. “Now let us discuss what we are going to do.”

  “Thank you,” Jeremiah said gratefully

  “We will travel to the caves and see if we can find the power source there. After Willa absorbs the King’s power of fire, we will then travel to the Earth realm. Willa, I’m sure you can perform a basic concealment spell?”

  “Yes, of course,” I answered

  “Great,” Machall said. “I want to have a talk with Lord Braonan. We need to find out what Fonn has threatened him with so we can maybe use that to our advantage by offering to help him. I am going to need to stay and visit with him because he’ll be suspicious if I don’t. You three need to go to Woodlia. The Nymphs will offer you sanctuary and hopefully their guidance.”

  “Woodlia?” I asked, “Holy crap, I am so going to find Polly’s parents.”

  “Holly and Forrest Woods will be excellent guides,” Machall agreed. “If anyone knows of any spooky places in the forest, it will be a wood Nymph.”

  “Did you just say spooky?” I asked. “Wow, how very Scooby Doo of you.”

  “God, help me but I thought the same thing.” Jeremiah said

  “After you find the power source in the Earth realm you must leave quickly. Fae Lords can sense any shift or massive use of power within their realm. Go to the Air realm next. You must find the Sprites that reside in the mountains that surround the realm.”

  “I’m finally going to meet a Sprite,” I remarked. “I have to be honest I’m a little wet my pants excited.”

  “Be careful,” Machall said. “They’re cunning and downright nasty creatures but they have a common enemy. They loathe Fonn. He has been trying for years to get total control of them. We can only hope and pray that the power source is located far away from his castle. I think we can all agree that Willa needs to keep as much distance as she can from Fonn.”

  “What about you?” Patcoena asked

  “I will meet you there,” Machall said. “If for any reason I don’t make it in time, leave and make your way to the Water realm. I must warn you though, do not seek out Lord Cual.”

  “Why?” I asked. “He seems harmless enough.”

  “It is a well and carefully crafted façade that he has spent years perfecting,” Machall said. “I don’t want to get into it right now but trust me when I say that Cal is not as he seems.”

  “So when do we start?” Jeremiah asked

  “Right now,” I answered quickly. I wanted to get this show on the road as soon as I could. I had no desire to waste any more time than I had too.

  “Oh surely not so soon,” Lucia said regretfully

  “I have to agree with Willa,” Machall said. “Time is of the essence.”

  We all left the dining room and made our way to the front door. Machall and Lucia were standing close to each other talking quietly before embracing. Lucia gave each Patcoena and Jeremiah a hug before turning to me.

  “Be safe Willa,” she said. “I know you must be overwhelmed but after meeting you I have a feeling that you are the type of person that can do anything you set your mind too.”

  “That’s fun
ny,” I said. “My granny Winnie says the same thing.”

  “When this is over, I hope that we can spend a proper afternoon together,”

  “It’s a date Lady Lucy,” I smiled before turning to the men. “All right fellows, let’s get going.”

  We followed Machall out of the house and stood on the front steps. He turned to his mother and gave her a small smile before reaching out and grabbing my hand with his left and Patcoena’s with his right. I wrapped my other hand around Jeremiah’s arm, and we teleported off into the unknown.

  A mere few seconds later we landed in a fallow, dusty field. I could just see over the hill to my right what looked to be the start of the town. To my left however was nothing but large rocks and sandy hills dotted with brown vegetation.

  “I’m assuming those are the caves…” I started to say but was cut off by the sight of Jeremiah sprinting towards the rocks.

  “Jeremiah,” I yelled. “Where are you going?”

  “I can feel it,” he yelled back. “It’s amazing. I’ve never felt this much power before.”

  Patcoena, Machall and I scrambled after him. I started sneezing at the amount of dust we were kicking up by our sprint. We finally caught up to him outside a small cave, and that’s when I felt it as well. It was almost like my senses went into overdrive the minute I stopped running.

  “Wow, this is crazy, I’ve never felt so much magic in one place before,” I said breathlessly before turning to Patcoena. “So what do I do now?”

  “Now you must enter the cave alone,” he said. “The rest will come naturally.”

  “No, she’s not doing this on her own,” Jeremiah said. “I’m going in with her.”

  “I’m sorry, Jeremiah,” Patcoena said. “This is something that Willa must do herself.”

  I turned to Jeremiah, and he immediately folded me into a giant bear hug. “It’s ok J, I’ll be fine.”

  “Willa,” he whispered. “I love you and I thank the Gods every day that you came into my life.”

  I felt tears welling up in my eyes. There were no words that I could even say right now. Jeremiah was not only my cousin. He was the brother I never had yet always secretly wanted. He and his sister, Julia, were not only part of my family, but they were also my friends. Neither one ever judged me. They both accepted me right from the moment we met, and I never told them how much that meant to me.


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