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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 73

by Shannon Barczak

  “I tried to make sure she ate properly and went to bed at a decent time,” Holly yelled

  “Yes, dear, you were fantastic at doing that,” Forrest said sarcastically. “I distinctly remember all the wonderful meals we sat and ate around the dinner table. Please don’t me laugh, the only thing you know how to make for dinner is whatever you can cook in the microwave.”

  “Well at least I tried,” Holly responded before turning to me. “Please forgive us Princess Willa. Forrest and I tend to get a bit cranky if we’re around each other too long.”

  “No problem,” I smiled

  “So what has been darling daughter been up to?” Forrest asked. “She wasn’t caught trying to sell marijina?”

  “What is marijina?” Jeremiah asked. “Do you mean marijuana?”

  “Marijina is a herb that it used to calm one’s nerves,” Forrest explained. “It’s not as potent as marijuana and it is only grown here in Woodlia.”

  “Well you would know, you’re the expert,” Holly muttered

  “I don’t hear you complaining Holly Woods when you need money to buy all your massage oils.” Forrest said

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Jeremiah asked. “Are you a drug dealer?”

  “I am not a drug dealer,” Forrest said indignantly. “Marijina is legal to grow and sell within the Earth realm.”

  “In the Earth realm,” Holly said. “It is not legal anywhere else which is why we had to leave Fairlia.”

  Jeremiah and I stood with our mouths open. I think I was beyond even trying to speak at this point. Holly and Forrest’s interaction was better than watching reality TV.

  “Oh, you’re one to talk,” Forrest snorted. “I’m sure every legitimate massage therapist has the term ‘rub & tug’ on their list of menu options.”

  “Oh my,” Patcoena finally said

  “Wait a minute,” I said. “Just so I get this straight. Forrest, you deal the wacky weed and Holly, you’re a massage therapist that performs sex acts for those who pay for it?”

  “Forrest and I have an open, honest relationship,” Holly explained. “We both believe that it is important for everyone to explore and release their sexual energy. I like to help people not just with the massaging of their bodies, but I firmly believe in helping men get rid of any residual back up that they might have. It’s all part of a very spiritual program that I have come up with in my work. I also prefer to think of myself as a sexual healer in some cases. You wouldn’t believe how many men and woman that I have helped in the course of my career.”

  “I’m just not sure how this day can get any better,” I said. “Jeremiah, is this the greatest freaking day or what?”

  “I feel like I’m watching one of those really horrid talk shows,” Jeremiah said in amazement

  “Willa,” Patcoena said warningly. “We need to tell Forrest and Holly why we’re here.”

  “I know we need to talk to them but everything after this whole thing is going to seem so anticlimactic,” I sighed

  “What sort of trouble is Polly in?” Holly asked

  “Do we need to break her out of the slammer?” Forrest asked

  “Polly is not in any trouble nor do we need to break her out of the slammer,” I said. “I’m here to ask for your help.”

  Holly and Forrest looked both shocked and relieved. “We are, of course, here to help you in any way possible. After all, you are Polly’s best friend. In my mind that makes you our daughter as well.”

  “That is so sweet and slightly disturbing,” I said

  “Is there anywhere that we can go so that we may talk in private?” Patcoena asked

  “Sure,” Forrest said. “Our trailer is on the outskirts of the village.”

  “Of course it is,” Jeremiah muttered

  “Willa, shall we?” Patcoena asked, holding out his arm to indicate he wanted to teleport. I nodded and grabbed Jeremiah and Holly’s hand while Patcoena took Forrest’s arm. In a flash, we disappeared and landed in the front yard of the Wood’s camper a few seconds later. I looked around and shook my head in amusement as I took in the sight before me.

  Holly and Forrest lived in an Airstream camper just like their daughter, only theirs was a double decker steel beast on wheels. I wasn’t sure how they managed to get one camper on top of the other, but I had to admit I was horribly curious to go inside and check it out from the top to bottom.

  “Welcome to our home,” Holly smiled while gesturing for us to follow her inside the camper. I walked up the concrete block steps and stopped short. Jeremiah and Patcoena both ran into me suddenly.

  “Willa,” Jeremiah said. “Don’t you know it’s not polite to stop so suddenly? What on earth is the…”

  “Is that a velvet Elvis picture hanging over the couch?” I asked

  “Do you like it?” Holly asked. “We found it in Canada of all places and I just knew I had to have it for my home.”

  “I think it goes great with the red velvet of the couch,” Jeremiah said seriously. “It doesn’t clash at all.”

  The inside of the camper was a cathedral to velvet and beads. The red velvet couch and chairs that sat on top of the gold shag carpet was in good shape but looked horribly out of date. The purple velvet curtains that hung on the windows had orange and pink beaded trim and off to the side was a small kitchenette with avocado green appliances and in the corner was a small spiral staircase that I assumed led to the upstairs bedrooms.

  I walked over to the other side of the living room and peered through the hanging beaded curtain and spied a small room that looked to be Holly’s office. A large table was set up in the center, and there were big, overstuffed satins pillows in every color that lined the floor. On the walls were etchings that showed men and woman in various sexual positions. One wall contained floor to ceiling shelves that held bottles of oil and lotions.

  “Is that a greenhouse?” Patcoena asked as he looked out a small round window in the living room

  “Yes,” Forrest answered. “That’s where I grow my plants. Speaking of which, would anyone like a taste? I can roll a sample of the herb up in a jiffy.”

  “I think we’re all set Forrest,” Jeremiah said

  “I have to be honest, I can’t even remember why we’re here,” I said in wonder. “This has got to be the most hilarious and surreal moment of my life. I have to take some pictures because I don’t want to forget any details about today.”

  “Why don’t you all sit down and I’ll brew up some herbal tea?” Holly suggested

  “Um, what kind of herbal tea will you be making?” Patcoena

  “I was thinking maybe some spearmint tea?” Holly asked, holding up leaves. We all nodded vigorously in agreement as the crisp, sweet smell greeted our noses.

  A few minutes later we sat down and took a tentative sip from our cups. I sighed in relief as the familiar taste of mint hit my tongue.

  “So what can we do for you?” Forrest asked. I set my cup down and took a deep breath before starting to talk. It took me almost ten minutes to tell them as much as I could before I finally stopped to take another sip of my now cold tea. I could tell by the looks on their faces that Holly and Forrest were a little shocked by my tale.

  “My God,” Forrest final said. “You’re truly the Fae Sanctity?”

  “That’s what Patty boy here keeps telling me,” I answered

  “Not only me, Willa but the King has also confirmed it by showing himself to Willa in his ghostly state,” Patcoena smiled

  “So how can we help?” Forrest asked. I smiled at him gratefully. I thought it was pretty amazing that they both seemed ready and willing to help someone that had just met. I knew that Polly had probably told them about me but considering the fact they had never even seen me before was quite something in my mind.

  “We need to find a place in the forest that holds the King’s power of the earth,” I explained. “Are there any places you can think of that may seem off to you or creepy?”

  “No but I do of a place t
hat holds an incredible amount of energy,” Holly said

  “Are you talking about the clump of trees near the outer edges of the village?” Forrest asked

  “Yes,” Holly answered. “There’s an area not far from here that has always had a unique feel. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s a place that has always felt very magical and mysterious to me. It’s funny because Polly’s tree is right on the edge of those woods.”

  “What can you tell us about Lord Fonn?” Jeremiah asked. “I assume that you know or have heard some things about him over the years.”

  Forrest snorted. “Lord Fonn is the very reason we had to leave Fairlia. You see, Fonn doesn’t think much of us wood Nymphs or Sprites. He believes that we are inferior creatures, and he is highly resentful of the fact that the queen has not banished all of us from the kingdom.”

  “Why do you say he was responsible for you guys being expelled from here?” I asked

  “The Sprites are high strung people. Their life expectancy is much lower than anyone that resides here in Fairlia. For years, I had been giving them some of my herbal product as a way for them to find relief from their natural anxiety that is part of their genetic makeup. Lord Fonn reported me many times, but the Queen looked the other way. The last time I sold them some of my herbs, Lord Fonn had set up a sting operation. I was caught red handed, and there was nothing the Queen could’ve done, but enforce the law. We were banished from our home because he hates half-breeds as he likes to call us.”

  “He is an extremely bitter man,” Holly said. “I offered to set him up on one of my detailed programs so that he could help open up his chakras, but he declined in a rather nasty way.”

  “It’s interesting though,” Forrest mused. “I would’ve thought Lord Cual would be more likely to think of such a vicious plan.”

  “I’m confused why you and Machall say that about Lord Cual,” I said. “I met him a few weeks ago and he seemed to be a harmless albeit self-centered young man.”

  “I agree with Willa,” Jeremiah said. “I’ve known Cal for a few years and he has never once struck me as evil.”

  “The greatest deception men suffer from is their own opinions,” Forrest said. “I believe Leonardo DaVinci said that long ago. In Lord Cual’s case, his own opinions and lies are what lie slithering in his black heart. He believes if he portrays himself as harmless, people will look the other way when there are allegations brought against him.”

  “Lord Machall was right Willa,” Holly said. “You must not go to the Water realm without him. I have heard some truly horrible stories about what Cal does in his leisure time. Let’s just say that it is a well-known fact that he likes to hear the sounds of woman’s screams.”

  “Holy crap,” I breathed. “I guess my Spidey senses were way off about him. I thought he was a fairly harmless surfer dude.”

  “Well, I think we ought to get going,” Patcoena announced as he stood. “We don’t know how long it will take for Willa in the forest and time is of the essence.”

  “Is there anywhere I can freshen up?” I asked Holly. She gestured to a small room almost hidden behind the kitchen. I walked in the powder room and went about my business efficiently. When I was washing my hands I desperately wanted to reach out to Mathias. I wished with all my heart that he could be here with me. I never in a million years thought that I could miss someone so much just after a day and a half, but I did.

  I tried to calm my brain and my racing heart before I went back out in the living room. I had a vague sense of what I may be in for this time, but it still didn’t make it any less scary. I had a horrible vision of being sucked into the ground with dirt pouring in my mouth and lungs as a force drew me down to the core. I knew I was probably exaggerating, but I had to prepare myself for what was to come. In the cave, I hadn’t been fully prepared but now I knew what I was in for, and it terrified me.

  The only saving grace was that the earth’s magic had always calmed me, and I prayed that this time I would feel more joy than anguish. Fire is unpredictable, but the earth is solid and steady. I hoped it would be more peaceful than the last time or else I truly was in danger of losing my mind.

  I also couldn’t wait to get to the Air realm and finally meet a Sprite. In the grand scheme of things I knew that was pretty low on my list but still I had to find out more about these mysterious creatures that everyone seemed to think was so indescribable.

  “Willa, you have got to come see this,” Jeremiah yelled from the living room. I walked back in and saw him sitting next to Holly on the couch looking through a photo album.

  “Oh please tell me those are photos of Polly from birth all the way through the awkward teenage years,” I smiled

  “I tried to chronicle every milestone but I wasn’t that great at it unfortunately,” Holly said apologetically

  “I think you did a fantastic job,” Jeremiah said

  For the next few minutes, I sat and pored through pictures that showed my best friend from the time she was a tiny baby until about eighteen. I smiled over her chubby cheeks and laughed at her ever changing hairstyles and colors. Holly and Forrest may not be the most traditional parents, but you could tell that they adored their daughter.

  “I guess we should get going,” I finally said looking up at Patcoena

  “Yes,” he said sadly. “I wish we could stay longer but I’m afraid…”

  “We’re running out of time,” I finished for him. I got off the couch and took one last look around the crazy yet cozy living room. I hoped I would have a chance to come back again and visit longer. I can only imagine what Mathias’s reaction would be to the Wood’s unconventional home and lifestyle.

  When we all gathered outside, Patcoena asked Holly and Forrest, which direction we needed to go and soon enough we were off flying through the air. The second my feet hit the ground I looked up and saw the most beautiful and funky Japanese maple tree. I knew in an instant that this was Polly’s tree. It was like her soul called out to me as I walked closer to inspect the tree.

  “Can I touch it?” I asked Holly and Forrest. They both nodded their heads yes, and I softly placed my hand on the trunk. Memories flooded my mind as I stood there in silence. Polly walking confidently into my bakery asking for a job, laughing about guys while drinking beers in my backyard, an impromptu flour fight in the kitchen, and even the time we went on our infamous hike when she mistakenly threw a snake at me thinking it was a branch.

  I could feel tears well up in my eyes, and I shook my head in disbelief. I had no idea why I was so emotional but being here right now was almost sad. When I found out that Polly was a wood Nymph, I always thought I would visit her in Woodlia. I was finally here without her, and it felt wrong somehow. I was almost angry that I was standing next to her tree, and she wasn’t here to give me a tour. I knew that it was everything that was going on in my life right now that was making me feel this way but still it wasn’t right.

  I glanced over as something flashed in the corner of my eye. A gray Koala bear was sitting in a neighboring tree. I grinned as I thought about how this little guy woke Polly up from her sleep right before she came to the Isle a few weeks ago. My mouth dropped openly though when a tall, handsome and very naked man came around the corner.

  “Oh, g’day,” he called out. “Sorry, didn’t know anyone was here.”

  “Good day to you Alex,” Forrest said. “We are just showing some visitors around Woodlia.”

  “Hi,” Alex said to us. “I’m Alex and this here is Sydney.”

  “Hi Alex and Sydney,” I answered trying to stare into his eyes and not on his package. “I’m assuming from the accent, you’re from Australia.”

  “Yeah,” Alex said. “I’m from a small commune of wood Nymphs near Queensland. I decided to do some traveling, and my best girl and I came to Woodlia.”

  “Well, welcome to your new home,” I said before turning my back on him. I knew my cheeks must be flaming red by now. Luckily Jeremiah took over the conversation. W
hen Alex asked our names, we all froze until finally Forrest introduced as Jane, Dick and George. I could tell from Alex’s face he wasn’t buying our new aliases, but he was polite enough not to say anything.

  “I have to get going,” Alex said. “I need to pick up some things in town. Jane, Dick and George it was nice meeting you.”

  We all said goodbye and watched him leave. I let out a sigh of relief that Alex didn’t seem like the nosy type. I also almost laughed out loud when I imagined Polly meeting this blonde, tall drink of water from the outback.

  “He seems nice,” I finally said. Holly laughed, and we both exchanged a womanly look of understanding. I turned around and was just starting to walk towards a set of trees when Jeremiah grabbed my arm.

  “No,” he whispered. “It’s over there. Can’t you feel it? It’s almost like a drumbeat.”

  We all went quiet, and I closed my eyes in concentration. The faint sound of a drum drew me back towards Polly’s tree. I stepped around and there I saw a perfect circle of oak trees. The opening was large, but the canopy of branches and leaves made the area look like a natural gazebo. My heart started to pound, and it took me a minute, but I realized it was in tune with the sound of the drum that was emanating from the trees.

  I had given everyone a nod before I headed into the shelter of the trees. Patcoena, Jeremiah and Holly looked anxious, but Forrest looked fascinated. I decided to ignore everyone and focus on what I needed to do. I called upon the earth, and I stood still for a second. A deep musky scent filled my nose, and I walked forward as calmly as I could.

  The second I stepped in the middle of a natural tree gazebo; the branches unfurled themselves from their positions that they had probably held for hundreds of years. I looked over my shoulder as they entwined with one another and through the leaves I took one last look at my companions before they were completely blocked off from my sight.

  I saw green roots shoot out of the ground and slowly they made their way over to where I was standing. They wrapped around my body so gently it almost felt like they were caressing me. I was firmly encased with tree roots when I saw the dirt on the floor of the forest swirl in soft clockwise motions until it was nothing more but a light blanket around me. The warmth that poured through me relaxed every part of my being. A tear escaped my eye as I realized what was happening. The earth was trying to be as gentle as it could with me. It didn’t want to hurt me or overwhelm me right away. It wanted to almost mother me with tenderness.


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