The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 78

by Shannon Barczak

  “All right,” I said. “Let’s do this.” I chanted a concealment spell over Jeremiah, Patcoena and I before we followed Machall out onto the cliffs and walked a short distance to a small field strewn with wildflowers. I could see down the hill the outline of a small village with brilliant white stucco houses. The island was beautiful and vaguely reminded me of the pictures I had seen of the Mediterranean.

  All of a sudden a flash appeared and Lord Cual teleported into the field. He sauntered over to Machall, and it was then I saw what everyone had been trying to tell me. On the Isle of Skye, Cal had appeared to boyishly charming in a surfer dude kind of way. Right now, his smile gave me shivers. It was so cruel and arrogant.

  “Mack, this is quite an honor,” Cual said. “You hardly ever show up here. I was beginning to think that you didn’t like me.”

  “I’m here to talk to you about what happened on the Isle of Skye,” Machall answered

  “How boring,” Cal said. “I would much rather talk about the lovely Princess Willa.”

  “I’m not sure what your deal is with Fonn but I have already claimed Willa.” Machall said

  “Now I am going to have to put up a fight on this one,” Cual said. “I have plans for her.”

  “Eww,” I mouthed to Jeremiah who looked at me with the same disgust

  “I know you want the weapons for yourself,” Machall said. “Once you fight Fonn for them you will have no use for Willa.”

  Cal laughed. “I have many uses for that Gypsy-Fae freak. I will thoroughly enjoy hearing hear her scream as I rip not only her powers but her womanly assets to shreds.”

  I turned to Jeremiah and cocked my eyebrow. It took every ounce of control that I had left not to show myself and kill the sick fucker

  “I don’t care what the two of you do, all I want is Willa,” Machall said

  “Fine,” Cal said dismissively. “Take her. I think I fancy her cousin Julia more than Willa.”

  I grabbed Jeremiah’s arm as he started to lunge forward at the sound of his sister’s name.

  “We have a deal then?” Machall asked

  “It’s a deal Machall,” Cual said as he grabbed his hand and held onto it tightly. “If you screw with me Machall just know that I will destroy you.”

  “Don’t threaten me,” Machall said

  “It’s not a threat,” Cal said. “I must go and play a friend to Fonn. I will see you in a few days.”

  Cual teleported off into the horizon, and I grabbed Patcoena and Jeremiah’s hand. Since I had no idea where we were going I let Patcoena take the lead on this journey. We landed a few seconds later on a small stretch of sand. It curved around underneath a cliff, and as I walked towards the rocks I could feel the magic pour off of its surface.

  I walked around trying to get my bearings as I waited for Machall to join us. A few minutes later he landed right next to me and smiled.

  “That was very impressive Willa,” Machall said. “I’m not sure how you managed to stay hidden, but I am very much in awe right now at your control.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” I said in an almost bored tone.

  “I would offer my help but I’m sure I will have to wait in line behind the King of the Sprites,” Machall offered

  I smiled faintly, but something caught my eye out in the water. I could see a large rock jut up through the surface. It was not just the rock that gave me pause, but the sight of a big letter ‘C’ carved into it that made my stomach have butterflies.

  “I know I should probably have mentioned this earlier but the water has always been the one element that has given me the most trouble to control.” I said

  “Well it’s a good thing Cal has left for a few days,” Machall said as he sat down on the sand

  “You can do this Willa,” Jeremiah said earnestly. “It’s the last one and then we can go home.”

  I nodded before slowly making my way out into the water. The second I stepped in; the waves rose around me and pushed me back. I fell over in the water and spat out seawater before getting back up again. I moved more slowly but again the waves kept pushing me back. I started to kick and yell at the water in frustration. Why wouldn’t it let me out there? I thought. If there was one element that I knew wanted to kick my ass and torture me, it was the water.

  “Maybe you’re trying too hard,” Jeremiah yelled. I turned around and flipped him off before trying again. This time I made it all the way up to my thighs before it again spit me back out onto the shore. I sat and sighed while I tried to rack my brain for a plan. Patcoena came over and stood next to where I sat. He knelt down and looked out towards the ocean before saying anything.

  “Water is the hardest to manipulate because it is so temperamental,” he said, “It hates to be controlled.”

  “That’s what Granny Winnie always said,” I replied as I stood up and brushed the sand off of me. “I’m not ready.”

  “What?” Patcoena looked surprised

  “I want to have a bonfire with hotdogs and s’mores,” I announced to the three men. “Who’s with me?”

  An hour later we sat around a roaring fire and finished off the last of the hotdogs that Machall had conjured up with magic. I laughed as Patcoena made his first s’more and proceeded to get marshmallow all over his face. Machall had never had one either, so it was hilarious to watch the two of them eat the sticky treat.

  Jeremiah and I started to sing along to the country song that was playing on my iPod. Machall had helped me magically hook it up to a small antique radio from Beatrice’s house that we found. I jumped up and started to dance when a Tim McGraw song came over the speakers and Jeremiah joined me. He and I twirled around on the sand until we were both out of breath.

  “I like it, I love it, I want some more of it,” I sang before finally sitting down

  “Don’t forget to turn out the lights,” Jeremiah said before sinking down next to me

  “What is that music?” Machall asked

  “It’s country,” Jeremiah and both said with a southern twang before bursting out laughing again

  “I like it, I love it and I want some more of it,” Machall smiled

  “The tide’s coming in, I suppose we should move,” Patcoena said as he stood up to gather some our things

  “I’m going to stay here,” I said. “You guys go up to the cliff.”

  They all stared at me before finally nodding. I watched them walk away and sat as the water started creeping its way towards my feet. I knew it was waiting for me, and I was finally ready to face this last test. I didn’t walk out into the water boldly as I did before. I sat calmly waiting for it to take me out to sea.

  The more water pooled around my body, the more relaxed I became. I didn’t fight its power. I understood for the first time that I could never truly be in control of its awesome force. My body began to drift away into the deeper waters, and I still remained floating on top of the surface. When I reached the rock with my grandfather’s initial, I knew I had arrived at the point of no return.

  I started being sucked under, and I could barely make out the waves that crashed over me. I sank to the bottom and waited while my lungs burned. All of a sudden a whirlpool flung me around and thrust me back up to the surface. I had gulped in the air before I again felt myself dragged under the pounding surf. I don’t know how many times this happened, but it almost got to the point where I didn’t even realize when I supposed to suck in the oxygen I needed to keep going.

  I knew it was playing with me, but I didn’t know what it wanted me to do at first. Finally, I could hear a sound that echoed under the sea.


  I was confused at first and thought I had heard wrong but when the echo again reached me I became aware of what it wanted from me.

  The Water wanted me to show that I was strong enough to absorb its energy. Even though, everything inside of me screamed not to fight and not to try to overpower the element, I knew that this is what I must do finally to gain its approval. I was plunged u
p again before being swirled back in the cyclone of water. I went around and around faster than before until finally it spit me onto the rock where I lay gasping for breath.

  I had no desire to go on anymore, but I knew that I had too. Instead of weakening me like the other elements the water had given me the strength and courage finally to grasp at what I was truly capable of now. I stood up and looked around me as the waves grew higher and higher. I couldn’t even see the land anymore. The Water had completely engulfed itself around me.

  I held out my hands and called upon my fire. The water tried to put out the flames, but the more I held onto it the steadier they grew. I stood on a rock and could feel the earth start trembling beneath me. It had waited long enough. It was begging for me to release its fury.

  An earthy scent filled the air as the ground lifted the rock I was standing on steadily. Again the water tried to break through but it could not make any cracks in the wall of dirt that now surrounded me.

  I took a shaky breath before calling the Air and immediately I heard the familiar howl of its fury come across the sea and into my small area by the rock. The Air seemed to whip the Water into a frenzy. I smiled as I realized they greeted each other playfully like old friends. The flames of my Fire grew bigger as the Air fueled it into an even greater intensity of nature.

  I knew the Water was waiting for me. I was fully aware that it wanted me to call out to it and finally make it a part of me. I hesitated because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but something inside me took over and all of a sudden the Water almost yelled out a shriek and joined the fray of the other elements.

  A wave that was higher and larger than I ever thought was even possible lifted around me in a perfect circle. I smiled because I could feel its joy of finally being able to unleash itself. It had waited so long for me, and it had missed being used to its fullest potential. The Air, Water, Earth and Fire erupted magnificently around me, and I felt the most amazing sense of happiness as I finally manipulated them all together.

  I had done it, I thought. I was now in control of all the elements.

  It was the last thought I had before I lost my mind as the power overwhelmed my brain and my body.

  Chapter Ten

  Time seemed to stand still at that moment. Fire, Water, Air and Earth almost suffocated me with their power. My senses were so overwhelmed by the elements. There was a part of me that wanted to push through their folds, but I couldn’t. My whole body was humming with almost painful vibrations. I tried to open my eyes, but even my eyes felt like someone was jabbing me with sharp needles.

  I could hear and smell so many different sounds and tastes. It was intoxicating. I thrashed around until finally I found some relief as I hit the water. I felt wrapped up in the waters silkiness and moaned in appreciation. Even when the salty liquid filled my lungs, I felt no panic. I knew that I would not perish in the ocean. The water wouldn’t let that happen to me.

  What I didn’t know was that Jeremiah, Machall and Patcoena were frantic as they dove in the ocean to search for me. I saw their murky images coming towards me, and I shrank in fear. I felt myself being pulled up out of my comfortable cocoon and I wanted to scream. I didn’t want to leave. Didn’t they know the surface would bring me more pain? I wanted to ask, but I couldn’t get the words out. I just screamed and kicked at them.

  “Willa,” I heard a voice yell. I didn’t know what or who Willa was nor did I even care to find out. I spit out the water’s refreshing brew that was in my mouth, and when the air sucked back into my lungs I started scratching at my chest. It was too much. I could feel the massive amount of energy enter my body, and I wanted to get rid of the pain.

  Something pulled my hands from my body, and I lashed out with the only weapon I could conjure. I opened my mouth, and a stream of fire came out in a rush. I heard yells, and I smiled. It felt so good to finally release the flames that had been building up inside of me.

  “Willa, please,” someone yelled. “Don’t hurt me.”

  Hurt you? I asked myself. Why would I want to hurt anyone? All I wanted was to enjoy my power and let it out of my body. It had been building up for so long, and I wanted to free it so that we both could find peace together.

  I writhed around on the course sand and felt the earth start to enfold my body with its warmth. I drifted in and out of consciousness completely unaware of the chaos that I had unleashed. I didn’t want ever to leave my snug sanctuary. I felt safe being surrounded by the elements. They didn’t want to hurt me. They just wanted me to use them and cherish them. They had waited so long for me and now that I was here they didn’t want me to go just yet.

  I knew instinctively that they wanted me to stay in the safety of their cocoon until I was ready. I was aware that I should tell the people around me that piece of information, but I couldn’t speak.

  “Jeremiah,” Patcoena said. “We must get Willa to court. The queen can help us.”

  Jeremiah was still sitting on the sand in shock. He couldn’t believe what he just saw. One minute Willa had been dancing around on the sand and the next she had been standing on a rock in the ocean being lit up like a fireball of nature.

  “What are we going to do?” Jeremiah muttered

  “We are going to take her to the Queen,” Patcoena answered. “After that we are going to go to the Isle of Skye.”

  “Do you think Sidra or my grandmother can help her?” Jeremiah asked

  “I don’t know,” Patcoena said. “Willa is much more powerful than I thought. I’m afraid the only one who may be able to help her now is Mathias.”

  “Why is Mathias the only one that can help her?” Machall asked

  “Mathias has a connection with Willa that no one else has,” Patcoena explained. “He will be able to put the pieces back together in her mind.”

  Jeremiah’s head shot up. “She’s not Humpty Dumpty. You can’t just glue her back together. Her mind is shattered and I’m not sure that even Mathias can use his sexual prowess to help her. That is utterly ridiculous.”

  Mathias, I thought. I know Mathias. I wanted Mathias here with me now. I wanted for him to ride this wave of pleasure with me. I moaned his name but when I didn’t feel him near me I started to plead.

  “Mathias,” I said. “Please, please, Mathias.”

  Jeremiah ran back over to Willa’s side. “Willa, we’re going to get you to Mathias.”

  “This is a good sign,” Patcoena said. “She recognizes Mathias’s name.”

  “We must get inside,” Machall said. “There is a long mirror in the room Willa was using. Patcoena you need to open a portal to the castle and bring Willa and Jeremiah there.”

  “You’re not going with us?” Jeremiah asked

  “No,” Machall answered. “I am going to see Fonn and tell him that Willa has found the weapons.”

  “What?” Jeremiah yelled.

  “I have to Jeremiah,” Machall answered calmly. “If I tell Fonn that Willa has found the weapons then he will assume that she has talked to Sidra. I’m hoping this will make him panic and disappear for a while. He’s probably going to want to regroup and rethink his plans. Hopefully, this will give Willa time to recover.”

  “Machall’s right,” Patcoena said. “Fonn and Cual will both be running a bit scared. We don’t know how much time Willa will need to recover…”

  “If Willa recovers,” Jeremiah interrupted

  “When Willa recovers we can make more definite plans,” Patcoena said. “How will we get in touch with you Machall?”

  “Use the old system,” Machall replied. “I believe I still have an old crystal ball kicking around.”

  “Wait a minute,” Jeremiah said. “You guys use crystal balls to communicate?”

  “We used too,” Machall answered before taking out his cell phone. “Now we have more modern ways to go about things.”

  “The crystal ball will be better than a phone,” Patcoena said. “It’s impossible to put a trace on a crystal ball than a phone.”

  “God, I wish Willa was conscience to be a part of this conversation,” Jeremiah muttered

  “Come,” Machall said. “I’ll get Willa.”

  I felt myself being lifted up and cried out in a panic. No, I don’t want leave here, I thought. This place was so warm and cozy. I felt safe and comforted by my protectors of nature. I thrashed around and felt a tremendous amount of satisfaction when my hand connected with something hard.

  “Dammit,” Machall swore. “She broke my fucking nose again.”

  “I don’t think she wants to leave,” Jeremiah said

  “No, of course not,” Patcoena mused. “This is where she feels safe. Let’s put some sand in her clothes and hair. The Earth will probably make her feel better when we move her.”

  Machall muttered as Jeremiah and Patcoena covered my body with sand. I sighed in contentment as the warmth seeped into my pores. I didn’t protest when I was being picked up this time. The air blew around me before silencing abruptly. The Water rose into a huge wave and crashed into the sand before calming down. I knew they were saying goodbye for now.

  The element of Fire though stubbornly wouldn’t leave me. I felt it settle down inside of me though, and I smiled as my belly filled with a small glow.

  I drifted off in and out of sleep. I didn’t want to succumb to the rest my body was screaming for, but I knew on some level that I had to rejuvenate myself so I can start learning to use my new powers. I felt like I was floating, and it wasn’t until I was laid down on something soft that I let myself fall into the dreamy darkness.

  “Thank God, I think she’s asleep,” Machall said after he placed Willa on the bed

  “Afraid she’ll break something else?” Jeremiah snickered

  “Why don’t I break your nose a few times and see how you like it?”

  “You better watch it Machall, my cousin is the most powerful being on the planet,” Jeremiah said cheekily


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