The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 80

by Shannon Barczak

  Pain, I thought, so much pain, why wouldn’t it go away? How come nobody could help me? All of these powerful people were left powerless at the sight of me

  “What are we to do?” Cecily sobbed. I heard my father start crying, and I wanted to stop but I couldn’t as another spasm came over me.

  I started screaming so loud that it vibrated throughout my body. I raked my nails up and down my face. I had to get this out of me somehow. I had to release the magic before it killed me.

  I felt someone grab my hands away from my face, and I wanted to yell in protest. Didn’t they realize that this was the only way?

  “Mathias, you’re the only one that can help her,” Patcoena said. “You must take her away from here. Somewhere where there is no magic. I’m afraid your island has too many powerful enchantments.”

  Mathias’s island, I thought. Images flashed before me, but they faded as the pain grew worse.

  “Why on earth is Mathias the only one that can help her?” Winifred demanded. “We’re her family. We’re the ones that have the necessary resources to bring her back to health.”

  No, I cried. No, you can’t. I was beyond you now.

  “Only Willa’s true mate has that power,” a soft voice said gently.

  Summer, I thought. Summer was Patcoena’s wife. Summer knew about Mathias and me but Granny Winnie did not.

  I felt his arms around me, and I instantly relaxed. His arms were where I belonged. It was the only place I wanted to be. My screams calmed down to a whimper, and I felt my face wet with tears.

  “Why is she hurting herself?” Mathias asked in a low voice

  Because it’s the only way Mathias, I answered wordlessly. It’s the only way I can find any relief.

  “She was trying to release the elements and the power from her body,” Sidra answered

  Yes, I thought. Someone understands what I was doing.

  Silence came over the room, and I heard crying all around me, but I didn’t even care. Mathias was with me. I almost started to believe the worst was over but then the hum of magical energy began to wash over me again. Oh no, I thought. I can feel it. Please stop. Stop whatever it is you’re doing. The intensity of it became too much, and I screamed and thrashed once more. Not even Mathias could help me. I felt my fire start gathering itself in my belly, and I didn’t want to release it but I had no choice. I opened my mouth, and the flames came out in a rush.

  I was horrified. I tried to control it but in a way I think it had been trying to protect me. I thought of Mathias and knew I had to get away from him. I didn’t want to kill him with my deadly flames. I also didn’t know what they would do to anyone else in the room. I gathered my air and flung it in every direction before jumping up and using its power to fly to the other side of the room.

  I shrunk into a corner. I was disgusted by what I had done. I could’ve killed everyone, including Mathias, who had been the closest to me. I started shaking because I was petrified by my power, and I was so tired. I knew that it was only a matter of time before I lost it again, and I would rather kill myself at this point.

  The problem with that though is I knew the elements wouldn’t let me. I felt stuck in between pain and insanity. No one knew what to do with me. I wanted to tear down the walls of the castle with my bare hands. I wanted to kill every Rau I could find. I had to get this out of my body before the power ended up destroying me.

  I finally opened my eyes and stared at Mathias, who was looking at me in horror. I winced when I saw his expression change to anger. He was losing control, and there was nothing that anyone could do to stop him. I saw pick Patcoena up like a rag dog and slam him into the wall. His roar of fury gave me goose bumps.

  “What the fuck happened to her?” he yelled

  “I didn’t know,” Patcoena answered helplessly. I saw his sad face turning to fear as Mathias lost control. His fangs came down, and his eyes turned a deep garnet color. Everyone shouted when they saw him. I knew that they were scared but for some reason the sight of the animal coming out in him comforted me. I needed his strength right now not his compassion. Mathias was the only one that could see the urgency of the situation and what was brewing inside of me.

  He was the only one that could save me from myself

  I felt no anger or sense of outrage when I saw him grab my grandmother Sidra by the neck.

  “Open the portal,” he demanded

  Yes, get me out of here, please. There’s too much energy surrounding me.

  “Where?” she whimpered in fear

  I saw Mathias standing in silence. I knew that his mind was racing as he tried to think of somewhere safe to take me. I also was aware that he was not going to say it out loud. The animal inside of him didn’t trust anyone right now except for me.

  He whispered his demand, and I saw Sidra nod weakly. The second she started chanting the spell to open the portal, I began to squirm. My body was so tired. I had no energy left to scream or weep. I wanted to fade off into nothingness.

  Mathias started walking over to me and knelt down. He put his face against mine, and I sighed with relief. I didn’t protest when he picked me up in his arms. I finally felt safe.

  “Willa, you have to trust me. I’m going to take away the pain,” he said

  Oh thank you, I thought. I know you will take care of me, and I prayed that I would be able to let you.

  Mathias had stopped before he went through the portal. I tried to steel myself for the onslaught of magic that I would feel when we stepped through the waving air.

  “We are leaving. Do not try and follow us. We will come back when Willa is well.”

  I never want to come back, I thought. I want to leave and forget about everything. I wasn’t sure if there was ever going to be a time when I could be around these people that emanated enough magic to fuel the entire world.

  “Mathias…,” Cecily cried. “Please be in touch. I will go crazy not knowing.”

  I forgot about my mom and dad. We’ll be in touch, I thought. I love you both so much.

  Mathias looked at Granny Winnie, and I saw them exchange a glance. “I will be in contact with you soon. There are decisions that we need to make immediately.”

  “I understand,” she said before adding. “I agree.”

  Mathias tightened his grip on me, and we plunged through the portal. I focused on Mathias’s face and tried to take in his warmth so that I would forget about the agony my body was going thru at the moment. When we came out the other side, I breathed in the crisp, clean air and almost moaned. There was no magical energy here. I had no idea where we were, but I didn’t care. The only thing I cared about was the man that was staring back at me tenderly.

  Mathias leaned his forehead against mine and the familiar gesture brought me to tears. My body trembled as I finally relaxed against in his arms. I closed my eyes as we took off into the sky and flew far away.

  Jeremiah burst through the living room door. He was followed closely behind by Riah, Julia, Veronica, Augusta, Cuddy, Archie, Rhoswen and Oliver.

  “Where’s Willa?” he asked as he looked around the room in panic

  “Mathias took Willa,” Winifred answered

  “Where did they go?” Oliver asked

  “I hope somewhere far, far away from here,” Sidra said

  “This is bullshit,” Cuddy said gruffly

  “Cuthbert…” Gussie said reprovingly

  “No, I’m sorry Queen Sidra but who lets a young woman do this to herself,” he yelled. “Why? So, that you don’t have to get your hands dirty, Sidra?”

  “Cuddy, please be careful how you speak to my mother,” Cormac warned. “She didn’t know that Willa was the Fae Sanctity.”

  “Julia,” Cecily cried. “Have you seen anything? Have you had any visions about Willa? Will she get better?”

  “I haven’t had any visions as of late,” Julia answered as she looked at Riah briefly

  Robert, Winifred’s Guardian ran into the room flowed closely by his Gypsy ma
te Katya.

  “I just heard,” he said. “I assume that there is a plan in place?”

  Winifred nodded and held out her hand to her husband Archie for support before answering. “Mathias and I discussed contingency plans when he came back to the island.”

  “Well, what are they mother?” Oliver asked

  Winifred sighed. “We talked about what might happen if Willa was not able to procure the weapons. Now, of course, this was before we knew she was the weapon herself but there was one specific option that we discussed at length.”

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Cuddy said. “Just spit it out Winnie.”

  “We discussed performing a spell similar to the one we use for the Rau,” she answered. “This spell though would be for the Fae.”

  “A spell that allows you a protective barrier that works against the Fae?” Sidra asked

  “Yes,” Winifred said

  “Let’s do it,” Cormac said. “We have no idea if Willa will ever get better, but even if she does I do not want her to try to use those powers ever again.”

  “I agree,” Cecily said. “If we can make it so that no Fae can come here then we need not worry about this Fae Lord storming onto the Isle of Skye and harming not only Willa but everyone else.”

  “It’s not as simple as that Cecily,” Winifred said softly. “We would have to cut off the portal.”

  “Wait, what about you mother?” Cormac asked as he turned to Sidra. “Surely this doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t be able to come here?”

  “I’m not sure,” Sidra said after a pause

  “But…” Cormac stuttered

  “But nothing Cormac,” Cuddy said. “The most important thing is that Willa and the rest of us are safe.”

  “Sidra’s the queen. She must be powerful enough to bypass any spell that we could perform?” Gussie said

  “If the barrier is weak enough to let me in than any of the Fae Lords could probably break through as well.” Sidra said before walking over to Cormac. She held his face in her hands. “I love you my son. I know you just came back into my life, but I will not sacrifice your life or my granddaughters for my own selfish needs.”

  “I love you too mother,” Cormac said. “You’re right though. I can’t let my daughter be in any more danger. She has gone through so much already. I can’t lose her. I would die if that happened.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel,” Sidra said sadly

  “I’m sorry,” Riah interjected. “I hate to ask a stupid question but if this spell repels the Fae, what about Cormac and Rhoswen?”

  “Cormac and Rhoswen are already on the island Riah,” Oliver said confused

  “Yes, but when we bring any Rau prisoners here, we have to either kill them or let them go within twenty four hours or else the spell that keeps them out will kill them.” Riah explained

  “I’m sure we can think of something,” Gussie said

  “My mother’s right,” Julia said. “I’m sure there is some clause you can put on the spell, right grandmother?”

  “Of course there is,” Cecily said

  “Willa, Jeremiah and I overheard Lord Machall, who, by the way, is on our side, talking to Lord Bran,” Patcoena said. “Lord Bran told him the Lord Fonn was working with another witch and a warlock. If Sidra can find a crack in the spell that will allow her to come thru, then I’m positive that Fonn will be able to as well.”

  “I don’t know if it’s possible that Cormac and Rhoswen would be able to stay here on the island if we perform the spell to repel any Fae from coming here,” Winifred said

  “That’s not an option,” Oliver said angrily. “Rhoswen is my wife and she is also a healer on the island. She needs to be able to stay. I need her here with me.”

  “I’m well aware of that Oliver,” Winifred said

  Everyone went silent as the seriousness of the situation came over the room. All of a sudden Robert straightened up and looked at Winifred. “There is an option though for Cormac and Rhoswen?”

  “Yes,” Winifred answered solemnly

  Robert and Riah both swore. Jeremiah joined in a second later. “Oh God no, tell me that you guys are not thinking what I’m thinking. You know Willa will not want that to happen. She will freak the fuck out.”

  “Jeremiah!” Veronica said in shock

  “Sorry Luv, I’ve been hanging around with Willa twenty four seven. Her sailor mouth was bound to rub off on me.” Jeremiah said sheepishly

  “Did you just call Veronica Luv?” asked Julia intrigued

  “Yes, so by the way Mom, Dad, Grandmother,” Jeremiah said. “Willa’s not the only one mated with a Guardian of Solas or whatever Mathias is, Veronica and I have mated recently as well. I know that you already think highly of her, and I’m positive that you will come to love her as much as I do.”

  “Willa and Mathias are mated?” Cuddy asked. “You have mated with Veronica as well? What the devil has been going on around here? How did I miss all of this?”

  “Oh, it was so obvious,” Gussie said as she patted Cuddy’s hand before giving Jeremiah and Veronica a hug. “Welcome to the family Veronica.”

  “Thank you,” Veronica answered shyly

  “Well if it’s a night for announcements,” Julia started to say before Riah grabbed her arm and shook his head

  “Don’t touch my sister like that Riah,” Jeremiah said before sighing, “Oh Christ, not you too, Julia?”

  “I feel like the biggest idiot in the world,” Cuddy said. “What do you mean by that Jeremiah?”

  “Riah and I are mated,” Julia announced

  “What?” Cuddy asked in disbelief

  “Again, am I the only one to notice these things?” Gussie asked. “Are you all blind?”

  “I’m slightly speechless,” Winifred said

  “Join the club,” Oliver and Cecily said at the same time

  “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude but can we get back to what we were discussing?” Cormac asked. “Congratulations to all of you but my daughter just lost her mind and I may never see my mother again.”

  “Why did you say that Willa would freak out?” Cecily asked. “What did you mean by that Jeremiah?”

  Jeremiah just stared at Cecily until Cormac sucked in his breath and went pale before looking at Winifred. “Is this is an option you discussed with Mathias?”

  “Yes, Mathias was against it but I know of no other way.” Winifred answered

  “Will someone please tell me what the bloody hell is going on?” Cuddy asked

  “Mother, whatever are you talking about?” Cecily asked

  “There is a way for Cormac and Rhoswen to continue living on the Isle of Skye,” Winifred answered

  “Well, what is it?” Rhoswen asked

  “You and Cormac would have to become…” Winifred’s voice faltered

  “Would have to become what?” Cecily said, her voice suddenly filled with fear

  “Cormac and Rhoswen would have to become vampires.”

  Part Two

  In western lands beneath the sun

  The flowers may rise in the Spring,

  The trees may bud, the waters may run,

  The merry finches sing.

  Or there maybe ‘tis cloudless night,

  And swaying branches bear

  The elven stars as jewels white

  Amid their branching hair

  Though here at journey’s end I lie

  In darkness buried deep,

  Beyond all towers strong and high,

  Beyond all mountains steep,

  Above all shadows rides the sun

  And Stars forever dwell:

  I will not say the day is done

  Nor bid the stars farewell

  -Journey’s End by J.R.R. Tolkien

  Chapter Twelve


  The cool air swirled around Willa and me as we flew through the air. I wasn’t sure if she was trembling from the cold air or because she was frightened. Lights came into view a
s we soared overhead, and I looked down to reacquaint myself with the layout of the town. I was lucky that night had just fallen in Estes Park, Colorado otherwise it would have made flying up towards Robert’s cabin impossible.

  Standing in the living room, surrounded by everyone, I had to make a split second decision on where to take Willa. The only place I could think of that was safe and completely without magic was Robert and Katya’s secret cabin that was in northern Colorado. I knew that they went there to relax every so often and that they also used it as a place to hide away for an extended period so that people wouldn’t get suspicious. One of the downfalls of being immortal or living a long time was you couldn’t stay in one place for too long.

  The higher we flew, the more relaxed Willa seemed to get in my arms. I spied the towering hill up ahead and slowly landed in the field that was spread out before the cabin. I sprinted towards the door and kicked it open. A thick steel door guarded the entrance, and I punched in the security code. The cabin may be out in the middle of nowhere, but Robert wasn’t taking any chances, especially when it was just Katya there by herself if he went off exploring.

  The large windows were all covered with metal bars on the inside and thick wooden shutters on the outside. I had set Willa down on the couch before I punched in another code to slide the bars into the lower window casings and threw open the shutters so that way Willa wouldn’t feel confined. I looked around and was thankful that Robert and Katya had been here a few weeks ago, so everything looked well kept.

  The large open kitchen and living room was cozy but airy. A towering stone fireplace was massive in size and rose almost three stories to the ceiling. The walls were a calm taupe color, and the kitchen was small but functional. I raced up the stairs and went into the loft bedroom that overlooked below. The roof was a little low for me, but the skylights set in the ceiling made the sloped chalet feel more expansive. The floor to ceiling windows that covered the entire back wall was boarded up, but I figured I would deal with that later.

  I went into a good size bathroom off the bedroom and panicked when only cold water came through the taps into the claw foot tub. I swore before I realized Robert had probably shut the water heater off before he left the cabin to come to the Isle of Skye. After racing around, I finally found the switch and made the bed up with fresh sheets while the water heated up in the tank.


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