Beneath a Dragon's Wing

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Beneath a Dragon's Wing Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  He nodded again. “You don’t seem very happy about it.”

  “I’m not. Not in the mood to be gentle with you or treat you with kid gloves either.”

  “I can tell.”

  Silver smiled at the man. “Don’t take it as an insult. Would you rather I treated you like a pathetic child minutes before I fucked you?”

  The omega tensed again. He looked as though he was getting ready to jump right out of his seat.

  Then his shoulders relaxed, as though he was getting ready to accept reality.


  “Do you have someone else you love? Or, are you straight?”

  At least he was smart. He seemed smart. So far.

  It wasn’t uncommon for shifters to find their mates when they had already given their hearts to other people. Some shifters found their mates with people they absolutely despised, and others found their mates in people they held little to no attraction for whatsoever.

  “There is someone else. He’s dead.” Silver lifted the mug of lukewarm coffee back to his mouth. “You don’t have to worry about him.”

  Something in the omega’s eyes changed. Something that looked dangerously close to pity.

  Which was something Silver absolutely wanted nothing of.

  He stopped himself before he could snap at the other man. He thought he should dial it back a little.

  To be fair to the man, he had just been chased down by the Dog Chasers. He looked more than shaken.

  “Tell me your name.”

  The omega wouldn’t look at him. “Erin Brice.”

  Silver nodded. “My name is Silver.”

  Erin said nothing.

  “Do you have any family? Anyone I can call?”

  Erin shook his head. “No.”

  He had to be lying.

  “When did your alpha die?”

  Erin looked up at him, his eyes bright and wide. “Five years ago.”

  Same as Ajax. Second-wave illness then.

  Silver sighed. “I’ll let you sleep on this here. I don’t think it’s safe for me to send you back home. I assume those Dog Catchers tracked you from home?”

  Erin nodded. “I…work from home. I’m a freelance website developer. I don’t know how they found me. I was so careful to not give away my real name anywhere.”

  He knew computers. That was good. That meant he could be of use to the clan and wouldn’t be just sitting around, waiting for everyone else to provide for him.

  “Come on upstairs.” Silver stood and walked out of the sitting room. He only glanced back at Erin when it was clear the smaller man wasn’t going to follow him. “I won’t fuck you tonight. Let’s go.”

  He started walking. He didn’t have to look behind him to make sure the omega followed. He could hear it.

  How did he get himself roped up into this?

  Chapter Three

  Erin had no idea how he managed to fall asleep that night. Everything was so utterly fucked up. The Dog Catchers had somehow found him. Everything was different now compared to what it had been when he woke up yesterday morning.

  He was in a new house. He didn’t even know if he was still in the city. A dragon had actually saved him from the Dog Catchers. He was a prickly asshole to say the least, and worse than all he was Erin’s mate.

  Erin couldn’t believe he hadn’t smelled it in the rain like that, but the shower had really cleared things up.

  At first he’d scratched at his nose, not sure what the strange scent was coming in through the steam.

  But then his body had reacted. His dick had lifted, his nipples hardened, and if there had been a breeze in that bathroom, Erin knew he would have orgasmed.

  It was actually that sad and pathetic.

  Had the dragon smelled it after Erin touched himself?

  Fuck, he hoped not, but what were the chances that he didn’t? He clearly had an excellent sense of smell. He’d used it to discover they were mates when Erin hadn’t even been paying attention.

  Part of him wished he’d never run into the man if Silver was so determined to not have a mate, if he was still mourning another.

  Even then, if Erin had just picked himself up a little faster and kept right on running, he might have run away from Silver without ever knowing the man was his mate at all.

  He’d always hoped to find a mate who would love and care for him, but after all the alphas died out, Erin didn’t think he ever would find anyone.

  He thought he would be alone for the rest of his life.

  Never in a million years did he expect to be mated to a dragon.

  Erin swore he only closed his eyes for a minute before the sun was shining on his face. He opened his eyes and glanced around himself, for a minute forgetting where he was, what he was supposed to be doing.

  It was morning. He hadn’t dreamed. He could have been spending all night thinking about that dragon for all it mattered.

  He wasn’t at home, so it would probably be rude to sleep in when he was a guest in someone else’s house.

  Looking at the little digital clock next to his bed, he saw what time it was.

  Noon. Holy shit. So much for not sleeping in.

  Erin pushed himself up, then hissed a little as his erection moved with him.

  He glanced down, his eyes bulging at the sight that met him.

  Holy shit. He’d doubled in size. Fuck, he could have used one of those cock pumps and not got a result like this.

  This was insane.

  Maybe it would go down?

  Did he have the time to wait for something like that?

  Fuck. He needed to get back to the bathroom. He didn’t have extra clothes in here, and he wasn’t about to jerk off in Silver’s spare bedroom.

  Erin padded his way to the door. He opened it just a crack, to make sure the coast was clear before he went and did anything else, when the sight of Silver standing there made him almost fall back.

  Silver’s eyes widened. His fist was raised, as if he’d been about to knock.

  Erin shut the door a touch more, keeping the lower half of his body hidden.

  “I was going to check on you. You’ve been asleep for a while.”

  Erin nodded. “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I’ll get up now.”

  Silver nodded. “Got some food for you downstairs.” He lifted a brow. “You bashful or something?”


  Erin shook his head. “No. Not bashful. I just…”

  He just what? He couldn’t think of anything. His brain was blanking out on him, and he couldn’t think of what to say as an excuse for how he looked right now.

  Silver seemed to figure it out on his own.

  Erin could tell by the look in his eyes.

  “I see.”

  Silver tilted his head a little. “Want me to take care of it for you?”

  The heat in Erin’s face and body was going to make him catch fire. “I can do it.”

  “I’m eventually going to touch you. We might as well start getting used to each other.”

  Erin opened his mouth to argue that point, but then shut it again quickly.

  Silver was right. He would eventually be touching Erin. He would eventually be inside him.

  They were mates. That was part of the point of having a life mate. Sex was always involved in that sort of thing, so why bother putting it off?

  This could actually be a good time to get to know each other. To at the least, get comfortable with each other’s bodies.

  Really. What was he being so shy about?

  “I…I guess that makes sense.”

  Reminding himself that he was not naked and there was no need for him to hide his body like this, Erin opened the door a little wider, stepping out from his hiding spot. He presented himself to Silver.

  Hard cock tenting his borrowed shorts and all.

  He waited for the man to make some sort of comment. Erin wasn’t sure what he expected, something nice, something cynical and cruel.

  He di
dn’t get anything.

  Silver just…looked at him. As if he was studying Erin, making mental notes just before he stepped inside Erin’s room.

  “Aren’t you going to shut the door?” Erin backed up a little as Silver approached him.

  “What’s the point? There’s no one else in the house.”

  Okay, that was true, but still.

  “Are you sure you’re not bashful? It’s all right if you are.”

  The tone Silver was giving to Erin was much different now than the one Erin had received last night.

  As if the man was trying to be gentle with him.

  Erin didn’t know what to think of that.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Erin shook his head, growling softly about that beneath his breath. “No. I’m twenty-seven.”

  Silver nodded. “Good. Then you’ll know what to do.”

  The man gripped tightly to the back of Erin’s head, brought him forward just as Silver leaned down, and their mouths came together.

  The kiss was soft. But Erin got the feeling that wasn’t because Silver was trying to move at Erin’s pace.

  No. This was as though the other man didn’t know what to do in this situation himself.

  And Erin couldn’t blame him for that.

  How could he blame the dragon for being a little lost? Erin was his second mate.

  That was usually a hard pill to swallow for people who found new mates after their first ones had died.

  Maybe he was the one who had to be patient here.

  Erin didn’t want an unhappy mating, and even if this was something neither of them wanted, he was sure as hell going to try to make the best of it.

  He kissed the other man back. He felt Silver’s shock in the way his mouth briefly tightened, the way his eyes widened when Erin reached up and slid his arms around the man’s neck, but he ignored that.

  Let the other man be shocked. Let him be confused.

  Erin was going to take as much control of this as he possibly could. He was going to lead this as much as he could.

  This was his life, too. He wasn’t going to spend it miserable.

  Erin wasn’t sure how he managed to ignore the throb in his cock, especially as he pushed his body closer and closer to Silver’s. He wanted the friction. He wanted to feel good. He wanted that pleasure more than anything else.

  Except for one thing.

  Silver’s mouth.

  It was shockingly sweet.

  Erin pressed his tongue against the man’s crease, hoping against hope that he would be let inside. His heart pounded with the anticipation as heated hands slid down to his waist.

  He seemed to wake something up within Silver as the man suddenly gripped him tight, pushed him back, and shoved hard until Erin fell onto the bed.

  Silver crawled on top of him. He grabbed Erin’s wrists, lifted them above his head, straddled him, and stared down at him with those beautiful silver eyes.

  Erin panted for breath, the two of them just looking at each other for a long moment.

  Erin moved first. He thrust his hips forward, hissed and bit down on his bottom lip when the friction in his cock was almost too much for him to bear.

  Silver’s nostrils flared when Erin did that, and it was a gorgeous sight to see.

  “You are such a pain,” Silver said.

  Erin stopped, blinking up at the man. “What? I don’t understand?”

  Didn’t he like it?

  Silver shook his head. A piece of Erin worried that the man might get off him and decide enough was enough of this play.

  That didn’t happen. Silver’s eyes changed to a bright shade of red, and when he leaned in for another kiss, this time it was positively attacking.

  As though their mouths needed to come together. As though Silver had to kiss Erin or else he wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  And Erin wanted it. This frantic passion was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before in his entire life.

  The previous alphas of his pack, back when he’d had a pack, used to say what it felt like to have mates. They told stories of it around the fire, around glasses of vodka, or even to prepare young omegas coming of age.

  A pull. A sensation unlike they had ever experienced before or would ever experience again.

  It was as if both people needed each other to survive. It was more than just sex and the claiming cemented the body.

  Bodies entwined. Blood and semen mingled together.

  Until death.

  Which was why it was so damned hard for alphas or omegas who did know that feeling to experience it again with someone else.

  Erin was selfish. He was selfish and cruel because as much as he wanted to keep that in mind, that this was not something Silver wanted, he couldn’t hold on to the thought.

  The man’s kiss, his tongue licking deep inside of Erin’s mouth as their bodies writhed together, their clothed dicks thrusting against each other, was taking away all other thought from Erin’s head.

  He no longer felt the need to be gentle with Silver’s feelings. To be sensitive to his trauma and anger over having to do this to a man who was not his original mate.

  Now the only thing going through Erin’s head was how much he wanted the alpha to hurry the hell up. To fuck him. To claim him and make Erin come with Silver’s name on his lips.

  He wanted the man’s cock inside him. More than he’d ever wanted anyone else.

  Because their mouths were already occupied with each other, Erin tried to let the dragon know what was on his mind in other ways. He wiggled one of his hands free, touched Silver’s clothed chest, desperate to get his hand beneath the buttons so he could feel warm skin.

  Erin thrust his ass back against the other man again and again, desperate for even more friction than before.

  Ah, God. The heat was fucking wonderful. He could come right now and still be ready for more.

  And he wanted more. He wanted so much more than this. That was why he bent his knees. That was why he slid his hand against Silver’s smooth skin and found his nipple to play with it.

  He was never going to get enough of this. This was everything he’d ever wanted and so much more.

  Erin turned his face away from the man’s mouth. Tired of the kissing. Tired of not getting everything else he needed.

  “Stop that.”

  “You don’t want me to stop.”

  That was only half-true.

  “I want…I want you inside me.” Erin wet his lips, still struggling to breathe. “I want you…your cock. Fuck me, please.”

  He wasn’t sure if it was his instinct to mate that called out for him to put his ass in the air and take what Silver had, or if it was just Silver’s immense sexual appeal.

  His mate was handsome. There was at least that. Erin hadn’t gotten stuck with someone he had no interest in. Not that Silver was his type or anything, but he could definitely see himself learning to love the man’s face.

  And yet still, the man was actually hesitating.


  “Fuck me. Please. Fuck me.”

  Erin was grinding his hips now against Silver’s. Like an animal in heat. He didn’t care what he looked like, how ridiculous he seemed.

  This level of horny was off the charts, and he was willing to do anything to get off. He’d hump the furniture if he had to.

  Like last night, Silver began cutting away at the clothes on Erin’s body. Unlike last night, Erin had no complaints about it. At least they were Silver’s clothes this time around.

  As Erin’s body was freed, he sighed. It wasn’t as if he’d been overly constricted either, but it was as though his skin could suddenly breathe. As if he could suddenly breathe.

  “That’s it.”

  This was what he wanted. This was what he desperately needed.

  As his dick popped free, it smacked against his belly, curved and hot. Aching.

  Erin reached for it, curled his fingers around
it, and sighed as he stroked his dick.

  Silver watched him. He still had that look on his face, as though he was studying Erin’s movements.

  Now that Erin was finally getting somewhere with this, he had to say that he really didn’t mind the attention.

  “Inside me. I need it. I need you.”

  Was he even the one saying that? Or was that something else inside him? His instincts personified?

  That made sense. Erin would never let himself cry out like that otherwise.

  One of the alphas once described this mating sensation as being like taking all the right drugs but with no risk of overdose.

  Not that Erin had even gone to many parties or taken any drugs to begin with, but this sensation alone was enough to make him believe the stories he’d heard.

  Silver suddenly stopped looking at Erin with that expression on his face, as if he was studying him, and then he finally went into action. He started to move. He started to get his shit together as he pushed himself off of Erin’s body.

  Erin sighed, reaching out for the man now that he was gone, calling Silver back to him even as he pumped his cock in his fist.

  The pleasure he gave to himself was one thing, but he wanted the heat from Silver’s body, and the pleasure Silver could give back to him.

  Nothing else would do. Nothing else was worthy.

  Fuck. Erin didn’t even know if Silver was good in bed or not, and yet he was that convinced he needed Silver more than anything else in the entire world.

  He vaguely heard the other man running around the house as Erin fucked into his fist. When Silver came back, he had a bottle in his hands.

  The sight of that bottle sent a signal to Erin’s brain, and he groaned again, knowing he was finally going to get what he wanted.

  What he needed.

  “I got you, little wolf.”

  Erin nodded, and he smiled. No one had ever called him little wolf before. He liked it. Was this his mate giving him a pet name?

  A pet name before hard, fast, and wet sex sounded romantic.

  Already they were getting off to a great start.

  Silver grabbed Erin by his thighs and lifted his knees up high, exposing him. Erin didn’t care. He didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed by having his asshole out in the open like that.

  He just wanted Silver to hurry.

  “Hold these.”


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