Beneath a Dragon's Wing

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Beneath a Dragon's Wing Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  “I’m sorry to ask, but you don’t get attacked?”

  “We do,” Lightning said, crossing his massive arms over his equally large chest. “Anyone who comes for me gets sent running with fire on their asses.”

  Rey slapped Lightning on the back. “Don’t worry about it. Any bad luck this asshole generates for us is set off by the good luck we get for having Gold and Silver around.”

  “Yes.” Lightning looked pointedly at Erin. “You’re perfectly safe from my influence.”

  Erin tensed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “You seem to say a lot of things you don’t mean.” Lightning curled his lip at him. “Maybe you should think before you speak.”

  Fuck. At least until Erin figured out what he was supposed to be doing around here, and how the rules worked in his new home, that was probably good advice to be given.

  That didn’t mean he liked hearing it.

  The rest of the introductions were made with the dragons that Erin could only think of as alphas. Like Gold, Rey, and Lightning, Storm, Blaze, and Drake were tall, broad-shouldered, and mostly good-natured men. They had a couple of battle scars on their hands and arms, and it was clear they were the ones who defended the clan from attacks from the witches and warlocks.

  Maybe even the humans from time to time, though that wasn’t so common anymore.

  Erin was just about to ask about that, to ask if these men knew that Silver had picked him up before he could be taken by the Dog Catchers before Lightning brought it up.

  “The Dog Catchers don’t stand a chance against us. This is not their territory, and if any of them try coming here for you, they’re going to have a hell of a time getting through us.”

  “Oh.” The heat in Erin’s face continued to get worse and worse. “Then you really do know about that, huh?”

  “Everyone knows about that,” Rey said, still smiling, as if the entire thing was funny.

  Maybe it was. Maybe he was just that confident.

  “We’re sorry your apartment got burned down,” Gold added. “Those motherfuckers. If they try that shit here, then there’ll definitely be some hell to pay.”

  “All right, that’s enough of that,” Silver said. He pressed his hand to Erin’s shoulder in a rare show of…not affection. Protection? Something, because it wasn’t possessiveness either.

  Regardless, Erin appreciated it. He was happy to have Silver at his side, and he reminded himself that he was going to make the best of this.

  He was going to be such a good mate that one day Silver would look at him and think about how lucky he was to have Erin at his side.

  “Thank you all for your support. I’ll do my best to be useful to your clan, and to Silver.”

  He looked back at the other man with a smile. That seemed to throw Silver off. His hand fell away.

  Erin didn’t know why he reacted like that. It wasn’t as if he was lying to the man. He meant what he said. He was going to try to be useful.

  Well, either way, he was happy to be able to say what needed to be said. To meet everyone here, and to have a place where he could be safe from the Dog Catchers.

  What he did with the rest of his life, he didn’t know. He still had yet to explain to Silver exactly what it was he did for his living, or how it might impact his time here.

  Would he be allowed to continue with his business? He had clients he needed to handle. Maybe he could restart everything. He didn’t like the idea of going under a different name, but if he used his real name and went back to his older clients, Silver and his men seemed sure that the Dog Catchers wouldn’t be able to come here while Erin was under their protection.

  “I can see you have some other questions. Let those wait for now,” Silver said. “For now, Gold and Rey, you guys come with me. I need to take my mate into town for some new clothes.”

  “Oh, right,” Rey said, his smile turning to something that looked a little more sympathetic. “The fire, huh?”

  Erin nodded. Honestly, he wished he could just forget about the entire thing.

  “This should only take us a couple of hours,” Silver insisted. “When we come back home, I’ll take you back upstairs so we can finish our mating.”

  Erin tensed. He glanced at the dragons he’d just been introduced to. The omegas walking around, who overheard Silver while watching over their young, chortled to themselves.

  Apparently, Silver had no sense of privacy.

  “Don’t look so bashful,” Silver said. “They’re going to figure it out soon enough. Rey, you can take care of everything over the next couple of days, right?”

  Rey mock saluted him.

  Erin wanted to sink into a hole somewhere and die.

  He didn’t have time to do that, because, apparently, his mate wanted to get Erin his new clothes as soon as possible.

  Erin didn’t see what the hurry was, especially if he was really going to spend the next couple of days of his mating heat completely naked, but he decided to just let his mate do with him as he wished.

  Dragons were strange. They definitely weren’t the same as wolves. Erin supposed that the sooner he got used to that fact, the better off he would be.

  Chapter Seven

  Silver had never spent so much money on clothes in his entire life.

  A three-thousand-dollar wardrobe. He couldn’t believe it, and it wasn’t as if he could blame his new mate. At some points, the little wolf was even telling Silver to stop, and yet he couldn’t seem to keep his credit card safely contained within his wallet.

  Was this what it was like to have someone he wanted to protect? Ajax had been an alpha. He’d hardly needed protecting. They’d known each other’s wants and needs, but Erin was not an alpha. He was an omega. He ran away from the fights, not toward them the way Ajax had.

  He was an omega whose life had just been upended, who had been chased from his home and had all of his worldly possessions destroyed.

  Maybe that was why Silver had insisted on spending the money. By the time they left the mall, his hands, Erin’s hands, Rey’s, and Lightning’s were all filled with the bags and boxes of clothes, shoes, boots, and even a new laptop for Erin’s business.

  And yet he still didn’t think he was done.

  Great. Silver had turned into his father. Trying to buy the love of other people with money.

  Thank God he hadn’t brought Gold with him. That idiot would be laughing his ass off if he could see the way Silver behaved right now.

  Lightning grumbled the entire way home. Silver didn’t blame him, which was why he didn’t snap at the man to shut up, and Erin, despite his embarrassment as he sat in the passenger seat next to him, couldn’t seem to stop saying thank you through that cute red face.

  Silver didn’t want his thanks. He needed those clothes, and it had taken much longer than Silver had wanted to get them to him since Erin had to try them all on, but they were still needed.

  A man couldn’t not have his own clothing, and winter was coming in three months, so the sweaters, extra jeans, socks, jackets, and boots…it was all necessary, as far as he was concerned.

  Wolves also couldn’t shift with their clothes intact the same way dragons could, so as far as Silver was concerned, it was all a necessary evil.

  He told himself that again and again as he thought of his bruised credit cards. Thank God his and Gold’s parents had left them with a hefty sum of money when they’d passed, otherwise, he might have spent them into the poor house.

  Silver didn’t need to work construction every day anymore, but he remembered what that was like, having to watch his money, to make sure he didn’t overspend on stupid shit.

  Meanwhile, the back of his SUV was so full of boxes and packages that he could barely see behind him in his rearview mirror.

  They couldn’t have gotten home soon enough. Silver had half a mind to command all the bags and boxes stay in the back of the SUV so he could take his mate upstairs, but he had to show at least a touch of control.
r />   He was the leader of his clan. He wasn’t about to let on how much his dick had been throbbing these last couple of hours.

  Watching Erin try on all of those clothes didn’t exactly help him to keep control over himself when he was in the middle of a mating heat.

  Fuck, he missed Ajax so much. Wished it was him he was feeling this lust for, but Erin was actually quite beautiful for a man.

  Long lashes, a slim but powerful body, and he certainly did look nice in all those new clothes.

  His constant blushing was something Silver never expected he would find attractive in another man, but it was there all the same.

  Erin was attractive, and Silver wanted to fuck him again.

  But first, control. He picked up some of the boxes, handed them to Erin, and gave his command.

  “Go and put these upstairs.”

  Erin nodded.

  Lightning and Rey helped. When Gold approached, Silver was glad he’d sent his mate on ahead.

  “We’ve got a bit of a problem.”

  Silver blinked. He cracked his knuckles when he realized what sort of voice Gold had used.


  “Not far. I did a quick flyby. They’re coming in a little closer.”

  Silver really didn’t want to have to deal with this right now. He looked toward the house.

  “A lot of them?”

  “Enough to be a pain in the ass.”

  Lightning wouldn’t like this. He fucking hated the witches and warlocks.

  They hadn’t made a nuisance of themselves in a while.

  “I’ll tell Lightning to keep an eye out. If they’re around, then I don’t want him caught off guard.” Silver looked at his brother, hating that he even had to ask this next question. “Can you all handle this without me?”

  Gold grinned at him. “I think we can manage. I only smelled about four of them. Lightning could probably take on that many on his own.”

  “There could be more hiding. It could be a trick.”

  Make them look one way just for the warlocks to attack in another.

  Gold shrugged. “Either way, they’re fucking stupid if they think they’re going to take Lightning. We’re fine with this. Spend some time with your mate. He doesn’t have to worry about this while you’re both…you know.”

  Silver nearly jerked back at that. “What are you? Twelve?”

  “I don’t like thinking of my brother having sex. Okay? Call me old-fashioned, but I like to avoid that trail of thought.”

  Silver rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You’re an idiot, but you’re still a good idiot.”

  He looked toward the house. Erin came back out with Lightning and Rey. Still blushing and embarrassed, but he was smiling now.

  That was good.

  Their eyes met, and Silver glanced away before he could get it into his head that such a smile could be for him.

  Gold touched his shoulder, grabbing his attention.

  “We all miss Ajax, but I am glad you’re getting the chance to be happy. I’m glad for you.”

  “I don’t want to forget him.”

  That was the most honest he could be about the situation to anyone else in that moment.

  His brother didn’t smile at him, but there was something in his golden eyes that Silver latched on to.

  “You won’t forget him. Neither will the rest of us. Just try to be happy. Honor your first mate by living. If Erin is worthy of you, then he’ll understand.”

  They barely knew each other. That was something of the problem Silver worried about.

  What right did he have to demand a mate be second in his heart?

  And if Erin did become first, then what did that say of his loyalty to Ajax?

  Silver sighed. “I’ll try.” That was the absolute best he could offer in that moment. He turned his attention to Lightning as the man pulled more bags out of the back.

  “Light. Get over here. Gold has something to tell you.”

  Lightning blinked. He put the bags into Erin’s arms and came over.

  Silver pressed his hand to the man’s shoulder briefly before walking to his mate.

  “Is everything okay?” Erin asked.

  Silver nodded. “It’s fine. Let me help you.”

  * * * *

  He was shocked when he got upstairs and found that Erin had been putting the bags and boxes into the spare bedroom where Silver had fucked him last night.

  And then his heart sank. Of course his mate would have thought it appropriate to bring his new items here. Why would he presume to bring his clothes into Silver’s room when Silver had chased him out just this morning?

  “Are you okay?”

  Silver wasn’t sure.

  He pulled in a deep breath before holding it, then letting it out.

  “These should come to our room.”

  Erin blinked. “Our room?”

  “Yes.” Silver turned and walked out of the guest room, still holding the boxes and bags he’d walked up the stairs with. “Our room.”

  He was going to have Erin living in there soon enough anyway. Might as well get the man in there right now anyway. It was going to happen sooner or later.

  “Are you sure?”

  Silver barely bit back a low growl. “Yes. I’m sure. Hurry up.”

  He and Erin walked Erin’s new things back to Silver’s room. Their room.

  It took a couple of trips, considering all of the stuff he’d purchased for his mate.

  So much damned stuff. He might have to get a whole second dresser to put it in. Luckily Silver didn’t bother with many clothes of his own, so there was some space in his closet.

  Erin put the box containing his new computer onto the desk and opened it, pulling the wires out and setting everything up.

  “Thank you again for all of this. I really do appreciate it.”

  “Say no more.”

  Could he grab his mate and fuck him right now? There was so much stuff on Silver’s bed. It would be a while before everything was put away, and he really wanted to take ahold of Erin right now.

  He looked over at the other man. Erin had his back to him as he pulled out the silver iMac, opening the lid and running his hand over the keyboard.

  He was back to smiling at least. That was something.

  Fuck it. Silver couldn’t wait.

  He walked up behind his mate, looking down at the computer.

  “That will help you earn work?”

  Erin nodded. “Yeah.” He smiled up at him. “I kept a lot of my stuff saved onto the Cloud, so I should be able to dip back into it without a problem. Thank you so much again!”

  Silver rolled his eyes. “I swear, that’s the twentieth time you’ve thanked me.”

  “I can’t help it. Sorry. I know it’s annoying.”

  A little. Erin was either constantly thanking him, or constantly apologizing for things that had nothing to do with him.

  “I should give your mouth something else to do instead.” Silver let his hands rest on Erin’s shoulder. He leaned in, his mouth finding that smooth neck.

  He felt it when his mate opened his lips and gasped. Erin’s heartbeat sped up as Silver let his hands slide lower, as he pushed them beneath Erin’s shirt, feeling the smooth muscle of his slim stomach.

  He pushed the man’s T-shirt up his stomach and chest, finding his nipples, pinching them, teasing them.

  Silver brought his mouth to Erin’s ear, whispering hotly. “I thought of this all day.”

  Erin shivered. “Me…me, too.”

  Was that so? That was good to know. Silver was glad to hear that he’d been having the same effect on his mate. What dragon didn’t like knowing he was attractive to his lover?

  Ajax had once said Silver was the most handsome guy he’d ever met.

  At the time, Silver had thought nothing of it. Ajax had been his mate. Of course he would say such things.

  When his mate had been taken from him by that damned disease, Silver had missed being complime
nted like that, and he wished he’d complimented Ajax more than he had.

  Which was probably why he felt it necessary to give Erin these compliments. “You are so fucking beautiful. I can hardly stand it. Do you even know what you do to me?”

  Silver let his hand slide down between Erin’s legs. He found heat there. The man’s cock was hard beneath his borrowed, baggy clothes. Erin closed his eyes, throwing his head back against Silver’s chest.

  His exposed throat was lovely.

  Silver kissed it as he stroked Erin’s prick, all the while thrusting his cock against the man’s ass.

  The friction, the heat, the lust, all of it came together, and God, Silver couldn’t contain himself.

  “I want to fuck you so bad.”

  Erin nodded, planting his palms onto the desk. “Then do it.”

  That was an invitation if Silver ever heard one.

  He shoved down Erin’s pants. It was easy enough after he got the belt loosened. The oversized jeans practically slid from his hips on their own after he unbuckled the belt.

  No underwear beneath. Of course Erin wouldn’t have any yet, and all his new pairs were still in their plastic wrapping in the bags on Silver’s, on their, bed.

  Silver was overcome. He wanted more than just his dick inside Erin. He wanted his tongue inside him, too.

  He knelt down.

  Erin gasped for breath, looking down at him, as though shocked, before Silver spread his cheeks apart and leaned in.

  Erin groaned, his entire body warming even more than it already felt in Silver’s hands when Silver pressed his tongue to that sweet pucker.

  “Ah God,” Erin moaned, then spasmed against the tongue that pushed inside him. “Oh fuck, that’s…that feels crazy.”

  Had no one ever done this to him before? Erin had said he wasn’t a virgin, but was it possible?

  He pulled back. Erin looked down at him, as though about to tell him to get back to work.

  “Has anyone ever done this to you before?”

  Silver didn’t think it was possible for a man to blush so much. All of Erin’s face was a bright shade of red as he shook his head.

  Silver lifted a brow. “Really?”

  “I haven’t had a lot of boyfriends, all right?”


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