The Soul of a Vampire Book 2

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The Soul of a Vampire Book 2 Page 1

by Rachel E Rice

  The Soul of A Vampire

  Book 2

  by Rachel E Rice

  Copyright 2017 by Rachel E Rice

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Author’s Note


  Chapter One-Zoey

  Chapter Two-Zoey

  Chapter Three-Sebastian

  Chapter Four-Ryan Cole

  Chapter Five-Zoey

  Chapter Six-Zoey

  Chapter Seven-Zoey

  Chapter Eight-Sebastian

  Chapter Nine-Zoey

  Chapter Ten-Zoey

  Chapter Eleven-Zoey

  Chapter Twelve-Zoey

  Chapter Thirteen-Sebastian

  Chapter Fourteen-Zoey

  Chapter Fifteen-Zoey

  Chapter Sixteen-Zoey

  Chapter Seventeen-Sebastian

  Chapter Eighteen-Zoey

  Chapter Nineteen-Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-One-Sabastian

  Books by Rachel E Rice

  Author’s Note

  I am Rachel E Rice and I am an author of paranormal romance, however, I write in different genres. I have three books planned for my vampire series “The Soul of a Vampire.” This is book 2 and you can get book 3 the first week of June, 2017. If you enjoy my books try the Insatiable Werewolf series. There are 11 books in the Insatiable series with the first book free everywhere, and a prequel coming in April as well as book 11 “A Werewolf’s Passion,” which will be available in June, 2017.

  Sign up for my newsletter for chapter reveals and free books below. Or if you want to be on my ARC team contact me at: [email protected] Thank you, and please leave a review.



  Copyright © 2017 by Rachel E Rice

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

  Chapter One-Zoey

  As I rushed for the door, Sebastian caught my arm. The shock of his cold hand spread through me sending a floodtide of emotions. I loved him. I hated him. I desired him and needed him to make love to me and prove to me that he desired no one but me. Prove to me I was his beginning and I was his end in a world that didn’t make sense.

  I wanted to forget him and forget what I had seen and how it terrified me and aroused me beyond belief. My breasts swelled at the tenderness of his touch and I became blind to all that had filled me with disgust.

  “Don’t leave, Zoey. You don’t understand.” His tongue slid over his lips, his deep breathing caught me by surprise. The taste of her blood arousing him more than when we lay together. More than when his cold manhood entered the warmth of my opening.

  The jealousy of the dead girl made little sense to me, but I couldn’t help but think how my body never gave him as much satisfaction as he had received from the drinking of the girl’s warm blood.

  He stood searching my face, my neck, and my breasts with his heated eyes, once blue, but now red and glowing with lust, thirst, and hunger.

  After he wiped the gore and satisfaction of his plunder from his mouth onto the cuffs of his silk black robe, I could see he didn’t want to lose one drop of her tantalizing sweet blood, and as much as it horrified me to see him standing in front of me, a prisoner to the blood of someone else, I wanted him to take me and make me his. I needed to see that same look of pleasure on his face when he fed on me. When he made love to me.

  I wanted to be with him forever and not have to worry everyday about anyone coming to take me from him. It was too tiring to have to go through this anymore. I had given up and given in to my weakness.

  I didn’t have the strength to resist him nor did I want to.

  Sebastian stood close to me. His erotic hungry lurid eyes studying me, his incestuous look boring through me. This had been the brother I knew as a child and I couldn’t bear to admit now I wanted him more than life.

  His blood stained robe pressed against my gown. My heart strummed being close to him. I could feel his hard body bringing me pleasure, and yet I desired the pain I knew would come from him changing me.

  Looking into his face with its firm classical features, his expression showed power and youthful timeless strength. The softness of the lights overhead shimmered over his sensuous strong face, dropping streams of warmth to counter his icy glow. The sensuality of his bold features only made me more jealous and determined.

  Because now I saw what that young woman felt by looking into his face and eyes—she needed to lose herself with only him.

  My skin ached when he touched me. My body craved every part of him. His beautiful lips quivered when I rejected him.

  Rushing to my room in this cold dark ruthless castle, I turned to see him standing behind me as I closed the door. My eyes and lips fell open in surprise and I said, “What do you want now? I have nothing to offer you that you would want from me.” It was then I thought he would do what I now accepted as inevitable.

  He stood like a statue, his eyes now cool and blue against a backdrop of a pale face, now magnified by my pink heated skin.

  “You have everything to give me. This may be the last time I see you.” He touched my hair and slid his finger across my lips. “You’re burning up,” he said with a smile of intense pleasure and a raised eyebrow.

  “And you’re cold,” I said to him watching into his eyes. I thought then he would do it. He would take me and turn me. By the wanton look in his eyes he wanted to. He wanted me the way he had wanted that girl.

  I saw his cold lifeless expression. He wanted to suck me dry, and savior my body forever.

  In a quick second he had lifted me and wrapped me in his arms and lay me on the bed. He threw off his robe and it landed on the floor. His strong muscled body pale and cold lying over me. With one hand he ripped the gown from my shoulders, and with one quick motion he threw the gown across the room.

  His eyes no longer blue or green, but his lust scorching red gaze seared into my flesh, causing the heat to explode through me. I let out an unwelcomed moan. His lips touched mine only for a second, and then with the cool brush of his mouth over my nipples, I felt an arousal deep down as I waited for him to take me. I almost begged him to do whatever he needed to do to make me his.

  Turning my neck to the side with my vein throbbing and my heart hammering and my body thrashing about, I knew I had distracted him. What difference did it make now?

  I wanted him and not Aare. I had said I would rather be with that animal than to be in the arms of Sebastian. I needed to hurt Sebastian because he tore my heart from me when I saw how he enjoyed drinking the blood of that young woman, and it was my fear that he wouldn’t enjoy me the same way he did her.

  Why couldn’t he love me that intense soul crushing way?

  Running my hands through his hair, I reached and grabbed a fist of his dark silky curls and raised his head to me.

  “Feed on me as you make love to me. I want to see that look on your face, that look you had for that young woman when I walked into that room.” He placed his manhood over my opening and eased in slow and then he fi
lled me with his cold hardness. The sensation and passion of my fullness sent blood pounding through my heart and veins.

  A breath of satisfaction and relief rushed through my lips.

  “Do it Sebastian. What have I to lose? I need to be with you,” I whispered into his mouth. I brought my hips up as he bared down on me pounding his body into me as he wavered back and forth indecisive about what he should do. I felt his lips, his mouth opening and closing on the heated flesh of my neck.

  At one point, I heard his fangs skim my skin and then puncture it. I bit into his cold shoulder and he groaned as we reached our orgasm together.

  I thought then he would do what I had asked. But he didn’t. He would leave me as I am—a mortal who is left to the whims of a sadistic animal like Aare.

  He never enjoyed me the way he enjoyed feeding on that girl, and now I knew he would let me remain with Aare just to keep me human, but for what end, and for what reason, I wondered.

  I couldn’t ask him because when I turned to protest, he was gone. I had for a second turned away to watch at the moon. How I wished for Ann and Robbie to help me. I let out a sigh.

  I had finally made my choice now. It would be with Aare. Maybe he would give me what I desired so I could walk in Sebastian’s world.

  When Aare asked me to have dinner with him in the dining hall, I thought it was he and I sitting and having a pleasant talk, where I would plead for Sebastian’s life and give myself over to him willingly.

  I loved Sebastian and to me when you sacrifice so much for the one you love it’s not really a sacrifice. Sebastian had saved me at the cost of losing his family, his birthright, all gone for me; the human he wanted to save and protect from them.

  It was nothing to do the same for him.

  Aare had made it clear earlier that there wasn’t a doubt that Sebastian would come for me, and I would have to make a choice; to live with him as a human, or watch Sebastian come to his end in the tower at daybreak.

  However, when I was summoned by Aare, I didn’t expect the disgusting spectacle of seeing Sebastian with his teeth sunk into a young woman’s neck who appeared to be my age and bore an uncanny resemblance to me. Revulsion at the grisly sight filled me with terror knowing that he was capable of such barbaric behavior. All I could do was run to my room, throw myself down on the bed and cry.

  With my hands buried in my face after Sebastian left me, I turned over on my back and watched up at the ceiling to think. I regretted what I had said to him. How could I want or think of marrying Aare. If Sebastian was horrible for what he had done, then Aare had to be far worse.

  My only solace was he did love me. I tried to rationalize his behavior with the young woman. I wanted to believe him when he said that she asked him to kill her. I wanted to believe him so much. What did I have anymore but him? I didn’t know if my father was still alive, and my best friend was dead.

  The bed wasn’t the place for me. I stood and tried to look out of the window. The smell of the sea air would be all that I could hope for so I took it. This castle isn’t a place for me without Sebastian. I gave out a sigh and then I smelled something before I saw it. It was the smell of rotting flesh. This place reeked of it. Not even the scented candles burning in the room, and throughout the corridors, could stifle the odor.

  Feeling the presence of something or someone in my room, I turned quickly. It was a woman standing in the shadows. My hair on my arms bristled. Could it be Samantha? She had made me a promise to come to me when I had forgotten about her and when Sebastian was dead. But Sebastian was still alive.

  “Who are you?” I said. I didn’t fear for my life with Sebastian and Aare a few feet from me. No one would dare attack me.

  Chapter Two-Zoey

  “Don’t you recognize me?” The voice familiar but weak, however, there was no way I could know that voice. It would be impossible to know anyone who lived in Italy because I had never traveled here before now, at least that’s what I thought, and could remember.

  “Come close,” I said waving my hand. She wore a tattered long dark dress. The room faint of light didn’t provide a clear picture. It wasn’t until she came close to me and the full moon shown through the curtain-less windows when I saw her.

  I jumped in surprise and placed my hand over my mouth not because of the sight of the person, but to cover the unpleasant smell coming from the figure standing before me.

  “Zoey, it’s me.” The woman’s voice hoarse and distant. I backed up a few steps to the wall.

  “But who are you?” I narrowed my eyes trying to make out the outline of her face. Her teeth were all that I recognized. I had seen those teeth before in a smile, but I couldn’t put a face to those teeth.

  “Don’t you recognize me?” she said with a sad tone. “I’m Terry.” I continued moving to the side grasping the wall as if that would protect me. I stirred around in a slow pace to the corner of the room until I hit the wall with the bed separating us.

  She held out her hand. They were covered with blood, and her dress I thought was a dark color, it too was filled with dried blood making it appear to be black.

  “What the fuck happened to you, Terry?” That came out all wrong. I wanted to hug her and cry and ask her all sort of questions I didn’t have a chance to do after that night at the bar.

  “I guess I trusted one too many handsome men,” she said with a half-smile. Leave it to Terry to find some humor in everything.

  “Don’t come close, Terry. You scare me.” She stopped at the foot of the bed. “What are you doing here? I thought you were dead,” I said my voice trembling and giving me away.

  Hell yes I was scared. I was just trying to make sense of this world I had found myself thrust into, and now this? I had just accepted that Terry was gone forever. And now this.

  “I almost died, but Aare gave me a choice. When you were lying unconscious and his brother Sebastian was carrying you away, he raised me up and said either I die now, or I could live with him in his castle. I didn’t want to die, Zoey, at least that was my thoughts then. I was too young to die. I hadn’t fuck enough good looking men yet.” She gave out a small smile and shrugged her shoulders.

  “But I didn’t realize that the life he had instore for me wasn’t a life after all. But I believed him. You know how I fall for good looking soft talking blond men. Well I fell for him. And here I am.” She opened her arms out wide in front of her.

  “You looked fucked up, Terry.” I know I shouldn’t have said that either because she placed her hand on her long hair and looked at it as she slid it across her face. Maybe to hide behind. Her hair mousy brown, dry and lifeless, and longer than I had ever seen it. It dropped down her shoulders and reached her waist.

  She dropped her head down like a child who had been scold for getting into her mother’s makeup and wearing her high heel shoes.

  I felt so bad by my careless words. She couldn’t do any better than what she was doing now. She had been through hell almost dying and coming back to this.

  Terry glanced up at me after playing with a few strands of her hair. “I know,” she said softly trying to pull at her hair with it falling strand by strand into her hands.

  “If you don’t get leave here, you will be like me or worse,” she said biting her long nails and staring at me. I couldn’t imagine being worse than that.

  “How can I get out of here and where will I go? They will catch me,” I said pleading with her to tell me something, anything.

  “Will you come with me?” I said. But she knew I was trying to be kind.

  “There’s no hope for me. But as long as Aare doesn’t change you, you have hope. But you have to leave soon before you marry him.”

  “But he said that he wouldn’t harm Sebastian if I agreed to be his wife, and he said I could remain as a human. If he keeps his wish then maybe I could find a way to get home and keep Sebastian alive.”

  “And you believed him? Look at me. What do you see?” I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, if she
had anymore to hurt. Terry had been a proud young woman.

  She took pride in her dress even if they were bought at second hand stores, but her clothing were bought at the best consignment shops. Her outward appearance with her hair and makeup was always perfect, trashy chic, but nonetheless, her style. Now she didn’t even have a style if you want to call dead and loving it a style.

  Her face no longer bronze from the tanning salons. She wore a thick paste on her skin to cover the emaciated pale look she now had, which gave her the look of a hundred year old woman who used power to hide the wrinkles, and in her case to hide the deep black holes lining her forehead and cheeks.

  You could see where she drew in her eyebrows where there were none. Once they were as thick as Madonna’s when Madonna was young. Sadly Terry looked like she had taken a paint brush and blotted a new face on to gray skin, and added blood red lipstick to draw a mouth which was once full, but now drawn and withered.

  The thought of me ending up like Terry frightened me. I would take Aare up on his offer of marriage if it meant that I didn’t have to look like that. It was a futile thought but then I’m only twenty-one and hoping I make it to twenty-two.

  Putting my hand to my nose, trying not to offend Terry, I’ve never smelled a dead rotten corpse before, but she had the smell of death on her and her clothes reeked of dried blood.

  “Can’t you do something about your face and hair? And some new clothes would help,” I questioned ready to offer her assistance.

  “Maybe you will feel better. I could give you some of mine. Maybe you will feel like living.” I was trying the things I thought would encourage someone alive who had something to live for. I watched at her and my words weren’t helping but driving her into a deeper depression.

  I moved to her even though I couldn’t stomach the smell. I tried not to let her know, but she knows me and she saw my nose twitch from her decaying smell.

  “I’ve tried, Zoey. I will remain like this until, well I don’t know when,” Terry said with a sigh, and suddenly becoming more conscious of her looks.


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