Irvine, Frances Anita Plum, 200, 201, 227
Irvine, Gloria Wood White, 284–90
Irvine, James, 117–19, 199, 226–27
Irvine, James, Jr. (J.I.), 117, 118, 119–20, 227, 199–208, 281, 291
death of, 208, 214, 290
Irvine, James III (Jase), 200, 203, 206, 209, 282
Irvine, James Myford, 216, 226, 284–286, 288
Irvine, Joan (Athalie Anita), 209–28, 282, 287, 290
Irvine, Katherine Brown White (Big Kate), 205–6, 207, 281, 282, 284
Irvine, Kathryn, 200, 203–4
Irvine, Myford, 200, 201, 205–7, 208–209, 215–16, 225, 282–91
death of, 209, 216, 284ff.
Irvine, Nettie Rice, 118
Irvine, Thelma Romey, 202–3, 205–6, 207, 282–84, 285, 288–89, 290
Irvine Co., 207
Joan Irvine and, 214–25, 228, 282, 290
Myford Irvine and, 208–9, 283, 289, 291
see also Irvine ranch
Irvine Foundation, 207, 214, 217–18, 220, 221–24
Irvine ranch, 118, 268, 280
J. I. and, 119–20, 199–207
Joan and, 211, 214–27 passim
Myford Irvine and, 282–83, 289, 291
see also Irvine Co.
Jagger, Mick, 266
Janss family, 218
Jardine, John, 116
Jerome, Jennie, 139
Johnson, John H., 301
Johnson, Lyndon B., 302
Johnson, Opal, 287
Johnson, Samuel, 181
Jordan, David Starr, 129
Judah, Theodore, 51, 52, 53–54
Kalakua, King of Hawaii, 61, 62
Kalloch, Isaac, 75
Kaye, Danny, 87
Kearney, Stephen, 22
Kelham, Alexandra, 276–78
Kennedy, Edward M., 254
Kennedy, John F., 302
Kern County Land Co., 250–51
Kirby, Rollin, 178
Koshland, Daniel, 138
Koshland, Mrs. Daniel, 101
Koshland family, 101
Kretschmar, Emma, 63
Lady in the Dark, 87
land grants and grabs, 34–49
Lanin, Lester, 243
Lassen, Lake, 45
Leecing, Dr. Horace, 289–91
Leland Stanford University, 128–29
Lewis, Meyer, 250
Lewis, Oscar, 101, 130
Lewis, Tillie, 250
Lilliard, Frank, 203, 207
Lilliard, Katie, 207, 226
Limantour, José, 40
Little Town Club, 263, 268
Lloyd, Harold, 296
Locke, Calif., 259
Lodi, 245, 246, 248
Lompoc Valley, 28
López Portillo, José, 280
Los Angeles, 156–57
earthquake in, 30
growth of, 106ff., 211, 221, 269–70, 295
oil wells in, 24–25, 26, 28
water problem, 32, 44, 108–11
Los Angeles-Owens River aqueduct, 108–9
Los Angeles Times, 300
Lurline (yacht), 67
Lusitania, S.S., 67fn.
Lux, Charles, 41, 43, 251
Lyman, George D., 135
Mackay, Eva, 140–41
Mackay, John William, 95–96, 99–100, 123–24, 135, 139, 140
Mackay, Louise Hungerford Bryant, 99–100, 123–24, 139
Mackay family, 275
MacMonnies, Frederick, 188
Magnin family, 101
Mammoth Oil Co., 165
Mann, William d’Alton, 75
Manson, Charles, 274
Marat, Jean-Paul, 83
Marie, Queen of Rumania, 80–90
Marin Ball, 241, 243
Mark Hopkins Institute, 84
Marlborough, Duke of, 139
Martin, Eleanor, 126–27, 129–30, 140, 190, 194, 237
Martin, Glenn L., 120
Maryhill Museum, 146
Matlock, Joe, 119–20
Maxwell, Elsa, 88–89
McAllister, Ward, 100, 124, 126
McBean, Atholl, 275
McCallum, John Guthrie, 304–5
McCarthy, Andrew, 153
McClatchy, C. K., 258–59
McClatchy, Eleanor, 258
McCormick, Paul J., 174–75
McFadden, Arthur, 207, 216
McLaren, John, 187
McLaren, Loyall, 207, 214–17 passim, 219
McLean, Edward B., 169
McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 169
McManus, Mrs. Austin, 304–5
Mein, Sarah Miller Nickel, 48–49
Mein family, 136, 241
Merchant Princes (Harris), 86
Metcalf family, 136
Mexican labor, 252–53, 254, 281
Mexican Petroleum Co., 157
Mexican War, 22
Michelson, Albert A., 120
Millard, Bailey, 43
Miller, Barse, 80–81
Miller, Dora, 97
Miller, Henry, 33–34, 39, 41–42, 46, 60
heirs of, 48–49, 74, 251
and river water, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49
Miller, Mrs. Robert Watt, 275
Miller family, 136, 241, 251
Mills, Darius Ogden, 134, 142
Mills family, 131
Mizner, Addison, 263
Mobil Oil, 222
Modesto, 46, 245, 246, 251, 255, 277
Moffat, Frances, 73, 78, 127, 192fn.
Mohammed Riza Pahlevi, Shah, 296
Monaco, Dr., 288
Montalvo, 186
Monteux, Pierre, 232
Moore, Humphrey, 144
Morgan, J. P., 67
Morse family, 136
Morton family, 262
Mulholland, William, 108–11
Munn, Charles, 153–54, 155
Napa, Calif., 278
Napa Valley, 276–78, 283
Nestor Co., 107
Neustadter, Jacob and David, 138
Newhall, George, 275
Newhall, Margaret, 275
Newhall family, 136
Newlands family, 131
New York Motion Picture Co., 107
New York Times, The, 161, 297
New York World, 178
Nickel, George, 251
Nickel family, 48–49, 74, 136, 241
Nixon, Richard M., 171, 202, 302
Nixon, Stuart, 238
Oakland Tribune, 193
Oelrichs, Hermann, 98
Oelrichs, Theresa Fair, 98
O’Brien, William S., 95–96, 101, 135, 152
O’Brien family, 136
Oliver family, 136
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 129
Orange County Illustrated, 219
Ordaz, Diego de, 15
Orellano, Francisco de, 15
Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 45
Pacific Union Club, 246, 258, 270, 277
Pakzad, Bijan, 298
Palace Hotel, 132, 140
Palm Springs, 250, 263, 300–305
Panama-California Exposition (1914), 72
Panama Canal, 25–26, 157
Panama-Pacific Exposition (1915), 85
Pan American Oil and Transportation Co., 116
Parker, Suzy, 266
Pearl Harbor oil deal, 165, 181, 184
Peck’s 1837 New Guide to the West, 291
Peninsula Ball, 241
Penniman, Russell S. III, 213, 215
Penniman, Russell S. IV, 213, 215
Pennsylvania Railroad, 57
Peralta, Juan Pablo, 118
Peralta family, 278
Pereira, William, 221
Perlberg, William, 303
Peters Canyon Reservoir, 228
Petri family, 251
Phelan, James Duval, 185–89, 190–92, 195
Phillips, W. Robert, Jr., 276–78
phylloxera epidemic, 227
Pico, Andrés, 22, 38, 40
sp; Pico, Pio, 22, 38–39, 40
Pico, Rómulo, 22
Pico family, 34
Pictorial History of American Presidents (Durant), 164fn.
Pioche & Bayerque, 37
Placerville, 16
Plunkett, Robert, 166, 173
Pond, James, 285
Poniatowski, Beth Sperry, Princess, 140
Poniatowski, Prince, 140, 142
Portolá, Gasper de, 22, 34, 278
Post, C. C., 58fn.
Post, Emily, 71
Prohibition, 227, 272
Promontory, Utah, 55, 56
Quesada, Gonzalo Jiménez de, 15
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 15
Ralston, Mrs. William, 131, 132, 134–135
Ralston, William, 72, 131–35, 142, 143
Ralston’s Ring (Lyman), 135
Rancho Lomas de Santiago, 118
Rancho San Joaquin, 118
Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores, 38
Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, 34, 118, 279–80
Reagan, Nancy, 248–49
Reagan, Ronald, 249
Redington family, 136
Reid, Ed, 287
Reynolds, Debbie, 301
Rhone, Dr. Thomas B., 285, 287
Rio Vista, 47
Riparian Rights, Law of, 42, 49
Robbins, Mildred Brown, 238
Robertson, Cliff, 299
Robin Hood (film), 256
Robison, John Keeler, 161–63, 174
Rockefeller, John D., 21, 23, 111, 157
Rodin, Auguste, 85, 86, 89
Rogers, William Lister, 147
Rojas, Mrs. Manuel, 266–67
Rosekrans, Adolph Spreckels, 276
Rosekrans, Dodie, 233
Rosekrans, John, Jr., 230, 233, 276
Rosekrans, John N., 152, 229
Ross, Harold, 91
Rothschild, Baron Philippe de, 263
Royal Dutch Shell Co., 116
Ruef, Abraham, 189–92, 193, 194
Rumpff, Count Vincent, 139
Run River (Didion), 257
Sacramento, 29, 44–45, 46, 52, 245, 246, 248–49
Sacramento Valley, 41
Sacramento Valley Railroad, 51
Sage, Russell, 51
St. Francis Dam, 109–11
St. Francis Hotel, 77, 212
San Andreas Fault, 30, 47, 109
San Diego, 64–66, 72
San Diego & Arizona Railway, 66
San Diego Union, 65
San Fernando Valley, 108, 109
San Francisco, 270
art scandal, 185–95
culture in, 72ff.
earthquakes, 63, 84, 96, 190–91, 260
museum war, 78–91
society, 77, 94, 101, 124–28, 136–45, 236–46, 251
San Francisco Call, 187fn., 188
San Francisco Chronicle, 74–76, 78, 97, 189, 238, 248, 256
attacks the Spreckelses, 76, 81, 150
and Examiner, 73, 82, 127
and museum war, 86, 90, 93
San Francisco Cotillion, 238, 240–42, 243–44, 246
San Francisco Debutante Ball, 241, 243, 245
San Francisco Examiner, 73, 81–82, 86, 90–91, 127–28, 142, 144
San Francisco League for Service Men, 147
San Francisco Maritime Museum, 146
San Francisco Mid-Winter Fair, 78
San Francisco News, 80
San Francisco Social Register, 77, 93, 251, 284
San Joaquin Valley, 28, 41, 42
San Pedro, 157
San Simeon, 83, 91–92
Santa Barbara, 30, 260–70
Santa Maria Valley, 28
Santa Paula, 110
Santillan, Padre, 40
Sargent, A. A., 103, 105
Savage Tire Co., 65
Scarborough, James G., 207
Schlesinger, James, 280
Schmitz, Eugene, 190, 192, 194
Schroeder, Baron Heinrich von, 140
Schwabacher family, 101
Scott, Thomas A., 57–58
Searles, Edward F., 56
Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, 168–72, 183
Sennett, Mack, 107
Sepulveda, José, 118
Sepulveda family, 34, 278
Sergas de Esplandian, Las, 50
Serra Fra Junípero, 22, 278
Serrano family, 278
Shams, Princess, 297
Sharon, Flora, see Hesketh, Lady
Sharon, Fred, 144
Sharon, William, 131–35, 140, 143
Shasta Dam, 44, 259
Sierra Club, 222
Silliman, Benjamin, 28
Silver Kings (Lewis), 101
Simpson, Wallis Warfield Spencer, 141
Sinatra, Frank, 302
Sinclair, Harry F., 165, 169, 173, 183
Sleeper, Jim, 228
Sloane, John, 96
Smith, Uncle Billy, 23
Smith, George Washington, 263–64
Smith, Morton, 213, 225
Smith, Morton, Jr., 213
Smoot, Reed, 172
Sobre Vista ranch, 88, 89
Southern Californian, 106
Southern Pacific Railroad, 42, 43, 63, 66, 94, 119
beginnings of, 57–58
Huntington-Stanford feud, 103, 105
Spanish-American War, 26, 159
Spinsters, 242
Spreckels, Adolph B., 63, 64, 66, 195, 276
and his art museum, 79, 81
and Chronicle attacks, 76, 81
death of, 90
marriage of, 84
Spreckels, Adolph B., Jr. (Little Adolph), 150–51, 154, 155, 231, 233, 276
Spreckels, Alma de Bretteville, 76–77, 79, 146–52, 236
and her children, 149–51, 154–55, 229–34
death of, 233–34
and her museum, 81, 83–90, 93, 156, 185–86, 188–89
Spreckels, Alma (Little Alma), 149–150, 152–55, 229–30, 233, 235
Spreckels, Anna Mangles, 60, 63, 193
Spreckels, Claus, 59–64, 84, 191, 193
Spreckels, Claus Augustus, 63, 64
Spreckels, Dorothy, 149–50, 153–55, 233–35, 240
Spreckels, Geseina, 59
Spreckels, Geraldine, 150
Spreckels, Grace, 139
Spreckels, John Diedrich, 59
Spreckels, John Diedrich, 61, 63–73, 84, 139, 150, 156, 276
Spreckels, Lillie, 139
Spreckels, Rudolph, 63, 64, 189, 190–195
Spreckels family, 136, 139, 146–54
Sproule, William, 186
Standard Oil Co., 21, 111–12, 116
Standard Oil of California, 275
Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, 278
Stanford, Jane Lathrop, 84–85, 104, 128–30, 228
Stanford, Leland, 51–57, 66, 103–5, 128–29, 137, 275
Stanford, Leland, Jr., 104–5, 128
Stearns, Abel, 37
Stearns Rancho Corp., 37
Stevens, Roger, 219–20
Stewart, Dr. Humphrey, 72
Stewart, Lulu Crowell, 117
Stewart, Lyman, 26–28, 111–17, 156
Stewart, William, 27–28, 112, 114, 116–17, 156
Stockton, 46, 245, 248
Strauss, Levi, 138
“Sugar Palace” (Spreckels mansion), 67, 84, 149, 155, 220–30, 234, 235
Sutter, John A., 29, 33, 94–95, 256
Sutter Club, 258
Swamp Land Investigating Committee, 41
Swinden, Charles, 213
Swinden, James, 213
Symbionese Liberation Army, 273
Taft, William Howard, 103, 161, 162
Talleyrand-Périgord, Duc de, 139
Taubman, A. Alfred, 223
Tax Reform Act (1969), 220, 221
Taylor, Elizabeth, 301
Taylor, Frank J., 115fn.
Taylor, Zachary, 51
Teapot Dome scandal, 156–84
> tenant farmers, 43–44
Tevis, Lloyd, 144, 251
Tevis family, 131, 144–45, 241, 250–251
Texas & Pacific Railroad, 57–58
Thaw, Alice, 139
Thaw, Harry K., 193, 264
Theriot, Charles, 237
Theriot, Yvonne de Young, 77, 231, 235, 236–37, 242
Theriot family, 136
Thurmond, Strom, 214
Tilden, Douglas, 186, 187
Tilem, Joseph N., 298
Tilly, Count de, 139
Tobin, Constance de Young, 77, 231, 235, 236–37, 242
Tobin, Joseph, 237
Tobin, Michael de Young, 273, 275
Tobin, Patricia, 273
Tobin, Sally Fay, 275–76
Tobin family, 136, 241
Todd, Mike, 301
Town & Country, 265
Town Topics, 75
Trousdale, Paul, 208–9
Truman, Harry, 302
Tubach, Walter, 207–8, 209, 215, 290
Tucker, Nion, 237
Tucker, Phyllis de Young, 77, 101, 231, 235, 236–37, 273, 275
and her Cotillion, 238–44, 246
Udall, Stewart, 252
Union Labor party, 190
Union Oil Co., 28, 111–17, 156, 184
Union Pacific Railroad, 43, 55, 94
United Railways, 191, 192, 194
University of California at Irvine, 283
University of California at Los Angeles, 218
University of California at Santa Barbara, 264
Vanderbilt, Consuelo, 139
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Commodore, 51
Vanderbilt, Virginia Fair, 98
Vanderbilt, William K., 98
Venetia (yacht), 67, 71
Venetia—Avenger of the Lusitania, 67fn.
Victoria, Queen, 84, 129
Visalia, 248
Vitagraph Films, 107
Wales, Prince of (Edward VII), 100, 124
Walker, Arthur T., 56
Walsh, Thomas J., 168–72
Warren, Earl, 249
Watchorn, Robert, 112–16
Watergate scandals, 171
Weber family, 46
Weed, Steven, 273
Welty, Earl M., 115fn.
Western Sugar Refining Co., 60–61
Western Union, 100
Wheelwright, Mrs. Michael, 262
White, Ian McKibbin, 235
White, Stanford, 193, 263, 264
White, William, 284
White, William Allen, 167
Wildenstein, Nathan, 85–86
Wilding, Michael, 301
Willsey, Raymond, 201
Wilson, Woodrow, 162
Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII), 141, 233
wine producers, 251–52, 277–78
Winter Ball, 241
Wirtz, Willard, 252–53
Wolseley, Lord, 142
Woods, Frederick III, 275
Yorba, Bernardo, 278–81, 282
Yorba, Don Bernardo, 34, 35
Yorba, José Antonio, 34, 118, 278, 279
Yorba, Teodocio, 118
Yorba, Thomas, 34
Yorba family, 34, 282
Young, Brigham, 273
Yuba City, 248
Zellerbach family, 101
A book is many people, and the list of those who have offered to help with this one—giving false leads, unexpectedly supplying surprising bits of information—would be long indeed. But there are some who have been especially helpful and supportive and each is due a special word of thanks.
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