The Congressman's Whore

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The Congressman's Whore Page 6

by Clancy Nacht

  The reporters plunged into the convo, and things got loud. Louder than Sloan could handle.

  He pulled out his phone, checked the time, and gave Sierra an apologetic smile before pointing toward the door. Her shoulders slumped, but she nodded and hugged him fiercely.

  “See you soon,” she whispered before releasing him.

  “See you.” Sloan stepped out and called his ride. He’d rather wait outside than deal with these people.

  By the time Sloan arrived at the hotel, he was completely sober. He fixed his hair and straightened his suit in the mirrored elevator and sank deliberately into Zane’s headspace. It was easier being Zane when he showed up looking like Zane, but this would have to do. He was a professional. He had this.

  Zane knocked at the door, leaned against the wall, and waited, lips set in an almost smirk, head tilted at a cocky angle. Fucking the powerful and famous was what he did. No sweat.

  When Elton opened the door this time, he looked a lot less like a deer caught in headlights. He wore a heather gray t-shirt and baggy jeans. His hair was still damp from the shower he must’ve taken. His gaze roved from Zane’s face down to his shoes.

  Elton’s brows rose as he grinned. “Wow, you look ready to lobby. I like it.” He stood aside. “Come on in.”

  Inside, there was an overnight bag on the dresser. Elton’s laptop was open on the desk, as if he’d been here for a while working. “Good to see you.”

  Zane watched Elton lock the door behind them and then surveyed the room before letting his gaze linger on Elton. He smiled and moved toward him, reaching out to tug the hem of his shirt. “You might enjoy me in a suit as much as I enjoy you in jeans.”

  It was true Elton looked more human and approachable dressed down. Less like the talking head on CNN and more like what he was—a handsome guy not much older than Zane.

  Tightening his fingers in Elton’s shirt, he tugged him closer and leaned in to press their foreheads together. Zane rubbed his nose against Elton’s and then brushed their lips together softly.

  “Jeans doing it for you, huh? I’ll have to keep that in mind.” Elton smiled, slipped his hands under Zane’s jacket, and caressed his back through his shirt. “Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Work’s been crazy.”

  While Zane had worried that Elton wouldn’t get back to him, he did know that Bennett had flown out to a protest in Wisconsin after the murder of a trans woman. As far as reasons for not getting back went, it was probably the best.

  Elton kissed Zane again. “Thought about you a lot.”

  “Mm?” Zane slid his hands over Elton’s back and down to his waist before tucking both inside the back pockets of Elton’s jeans. He nipped at Elton’s lips and whispered, “Why don’t you tell me what you were thinking about?”

  “Thought about how much I enjoyed our last visit.” There was hesitation in Elton’s touch. It was kind of sweet that even with a sex worker whose time he’d paid for that he wasn’t grabby or gross. He was such a force of nature in Congress that it was surprising how gentle he was in person.

  Elton pulled the back of Zane’s shirt free from his pants and pressed his hand to the small of his back. “Wondered how you were.”

  Zane tugged Elton closer and rolled his hips forward, grinding into him a little and gazing into his eyes intently. Elton really was a good-looking man, not quite Zane’s usual wankbait but... Those eyes were something else. Zane let himself get lost in them, let himself get drunk on Elton’s particular charms. It was all so much easier when the client had something so appealing to fall for temporarily.

  “I was just peachy, lover, once I heard from you.” Zane smiled and kissed Elton softly, kneading his cheeks through his jeans. “But it was a little touch and go those first few days.”

  Elton smirked and rolled his eyes. “Right. So, can I get you anything? I’m just having water, but…”

  Elton always seemed to pull away when Zane gave his usual sexy-client spiel. It was simultaneously intriguing and infuriating. What did Elton want from him? Real feelings?

  No. Elton wanted something a lot more dangerous. He wanted Sloan, wanted a real person in his bed and not a flimsy persona.

  That wasn’t happening, but Zane could recalibrate, change his trajectory, approach from a better angle. Be sincere, in his limited capacity.

  He reeled Elton back in, digging his hands deeper into his pockets, and nuzzled into his throat, biting at the juncture of neck and shoulder. “Don’t walk away from me.”

  Zane lifted his head to look into Elton’s eyes, searching his face. “I really did wonder if you’d follow through once the afterglow faded. Last time... That was beautiful. Watching you open up to new things, discover a little more of yourself... That’s why I love what I do, moments like that.”

  “I was sure I would; it was more a matter of when than if.” Elton gave Zane a wry smile. “Getting away can be a trial. Some guys seem to have the system figured out, keep it to forty hours a week. I feel like I’m on twenty-four-hour call.”

  Sighing, Elton backed them up to the bed and sat down. “But I did enjoy our time together. An aide reminded me that it’s all right to take some time for myself. Not sure this is exactly what she meant, but it reminded me that I should make contact once I was back in town.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Zane cradled Elton’s face in his hands, drew him in, and kissed him again, more deeply this time. He teased Elton’s lips apart with slow, forceful brushes of his own and then glided the tip of his tongue between them, penetrating his mouth in shallow strokes. He stroked Elton’s jaw with his thumbs, dropping his hands to rest at either side of his throat, and squeezed gently, not choking him but applying enough pressure to remind him that he could. He sighed into the kiss and then pulled back just enough to whisper, “You’ll be glad you did.”

  Elton took a long, shaky breath and lifted his chin, already surrendering to Zane’s touch. It wasn’t going to be the fight it was the last time. “Did you bring any of those toys you mentioned the last time?”

  “I brought a few things you might like to get us started. We’ll build from here, see where it takes us. If you decide you want more...specialized activities, you’ll need to see me a third time.” Zane smiled and stood. “I have some surprises in my clothes tonight.”

  While bringing the toy kit was dramatic in its own way, Zane hadn’t had an excuse to carry it around town. Instead, he’d brought small, portable objects curated to Elton’s preferences, and he could make just as big a show out of those. As Zane removed his coat, he pulled a thin bundle from the pocket—a fingerless fur glove. He tossed the glove onto the bed beside Elton and removed his silk tie, which he laid on the bed beside the glove, marking it as an object for play. He removed his shoes, socks, and then his shirt, leaving him in belted suit pants. Smirking at Elton, he pulled his belt free of the loops a few inches at a time and then stepped forward to loop it around Elton’s neck. With a flourish of his hands like performing a magic trick, Zane produced condoms and lube from one pants pocket and a slender silicone anal plug from the other.

  “Ta-da!” Zane grinned wider and then removed his pants, leaving him in a pair of black boxer briefs that hugged his body and enhanced his package.

  “Your hidden talent is that you’re a magician, huh?” Elton beamed and golf clapped.

  Zane dropped the items he held on the bed and then reached down to squeeze his cock through the thin black fabric, moaning quietly as he hardened and staring right at Elton. Then he lifted his chin and narrowed his gaze, playful, and asked, “Think I’ve got enough to get you off, honey?”

  Elton pulled his shirt off over his head, grinning. “Definitely some items to work with.”

  He lay back and unbuttoned his jeans, though they were so big on him, he probably could’ve just squirmed out of them. He had a decent body, particularly for a politician. There were signs that he could work out more, but nothing that made him unsightly or ruined the line of the impeccable suits
he wore on television. Naked, or at least stripped down to his prim, white boxer briefs, it was obvious he didn’t take care of himself as well as he should. Probably no time for it. It didn’t make him less attractive, considering.

  The fur glove attracted Elton’s attention. He picked it up and pressed it to his cheek. “This is for spanking?”

  “Yes. You seemed to enjoy it most when I soothed you after the swats. I’ll rub it over your spanked skin, give you a different, softer sensation than my bare hand.” Zane pushed Elton down into the mattress and straddled his thighs, pinning him.

  Then he picked up the plug and turned it over to show Elton the bullet vibrator in its flared base. “This is for you to wear while I spank you. I’ll turn on the vibrator, angle it against your prostate, and tease you with it. It’ll sensitize your opening like the spanking did without being quite as intense.”

  He dropped the plug and picked up his tie, drawing the silk across Elton’s chest and teasing his nipples with one end. “This has many uses, as does my belt. Light bondage—not safe for real restraint, but fun for a little play—and spanking, of course. A tie makes a fine gag. You might enjoy being gagged... It can restrict airflow a bit. We’ll see how you tolerate these toys, and if you think you want a little more intensity or variety in our play, I’ll arrange to bring the whole kit next time. Deal?”

  Elton’s eyes sparkled as he looked at the assortment. Where the last time there had been trepidation mingled with curiosity, now he led with interest. “Deal. This isn’t going to change how I view everyone’s ties, is it? I spend my day around them.”

  He flashed a dirty grin, one Zane never saw in his television appearances. Mischievous, sure. But this dirty grin… Zane enjoyed being one of its few recipients.

  Elton picked up the anal plug and clicked it on. That one he looked a little less certain about, but he didn’t object.

  “What is it?” Zane stroked Elton’s hand where he held the plug, running gentle fingertips down his forearm. “Don’t think you’ll enjoy that one?”

  “I might. I don’t know. I hadn’t really considered, you know?” There seemed to be a lot of things Elton hadn’t really considered. It was fun to show him the possibilities. Obviously, Zane wouldn’t push anything on Elton that he didn’t appear to be into. “Seems like it could feel good. You’re still going to fuck me, right?”

  Elton’s face turned adorably red, probably from the crudeness of the language. In moments like these, it was difficult to reconcile Elton the client with the Bennett on the floor of the House taking down conservatives with the passion of a fire and brimstone preacher. Granted, it was probably the language that seemed taboo. There were words politicians simply didn’t say in public.

  Behind closed doors, from what Zane had seen, they usually weren’t this squeamish. Zane had always figured Bennett’s squeaky-clean image had been a put on, but now he could see it probably wasn’t.

  “Yeah, of course.” Zane leaned in and kissed Elton’s chest, working his way up to his nipples and nibbling, smiling all the while. Who’d have thought Elton would be so cute? In the meantime, he reached down with one hand and caressed Elton through his underwear, trailing his fingernail over that sensitive flesh through the cotton. “After last time, you think I’m going to pass up an ass like that?”

  Zane chuckled and bit Elton’s nipple, tugging with his teeth and lashing the nub with his tongue. Then he lifted his head and smiled. “I’m just prolonging the foreplay, honey. The plug will help you be ready for me, keep you open and wanting. And it’s just a slender little thing. It won’t satisfy you like I will, just whet your appetite.” He squeezed Elton’s cock through the fabric and bit his own lip as he hardened further, distending his boxer briefs, making the waistband pull away from his belly.

  Elton smiled and reached for Zane’s cock. He traced it through the fabric, fingertips frustratingly gentle. Zane leaned into it, and Elton’s grin widened. He slid his fingers under the fabric and touched the hard length.

  When Zane thrust into his hand, Elton’s fingers curled around it, and he leaned up to kiss Zane. “You felt so good. Didn’t know I could come that hard. I’m in your hands.”

  “I’ll take good care of you, honey. Always will.” Zane sighed and rolled his hips, letting Elton explore and stroke him in a way he hadn’t really done last time. Some clients were fascinated with his size, but that didn’t seem to be Elton’s bliss. He seemed more excited to be giving Zane pleasure, and Zane let Elton see and hear his response, relaxing and giving himself to the moment.

  “I believe you. I don’t believe much sometimes, but I do believe that.” Elton continued to touch, to pull with a pleasant firmness. His other hand, still fur covered, slid up Zane’s chest. He paused at Zane’s nipples, tickling them with the fur. He looked sweet, particularly when Zane moaned for him.

  “Mm, you’re a natural, huh?” Zane grinned and rocked his hips, working with Elton’s motions, setting a rhythm for him to follow. “You come on shy, but you’ve got good hands.” He covered Elton’s fur-gloved hand with his own, pressing it to his chest affectionately, and smiled down at him. “I like you touching me.” He released Elton’s hand to trace the contours of his lips instead, outlining them with one fingertip. “I like your smile.” He tapped Elton’s bottom lip. “What do you like?”

  “Hm, I only booked two hours, so I’ll have to keep it brief.” Elton’s eyes glimmered playfully in the lamplight. Politician. “There’s a lot I like about you. I like your eyes. Your hair. Your skin. Your voice.”

  He bit his lip and took Zane’s hand. “I like how you treat me. How you do this, you know, where it’s…learning, exploring.” Elton squeezed Zane’s cock lightly, then slid his thumb over the tip. “I like that I don’t have to worry about what else you want from me.”

  “Simple,” Zane agreed, laughing a little. “But I wasn’t fishing for compliments. I wanted to know where to start tonight. What would you like to begin with?” He tightened his grip on Elton’s fur-covered hand, enjoying the tickle against his palm. “Or do you want to keep doing this for a while? If you like this, going slow, exploring, that’s all right with me. But if you want to live dangerously... Well, we’ve got a full array of delightful accessories to experiment with too.”

  “Oh!” Elton turned bright red and released Zane. He fussed with the glove to pull it off. “Sorry, I misunderstood. See, you can dress me up, but you can’t take me out.”

  He chuckled uneasily and set the glove back where it had sat before. “Let’s do some living dangerously. I obviously can’t handle the responsibility of going slow. Might be best to gag me so I can’t stuff my foot in my mouth again. Or, at least, I’ll have something to keep me from getting it so jammed in there.”

  “Hey.” Zane shook his head and leaned in to brush his lips across Elton’s tenderly. “No shame here. You didn’t put your foot in your mouth. You were sweet.” He smiled and kissed him again, more deeply, exploring his mouth in slow strokes before pulling back. “I like sweet. It’s novel. You see me as a person, and in a perfect world that’s how it would always be. Let me reward you for being a trendsetter.”

  Zane slipped off the bed to stand at its foot beside Elton’s feet. Then he grasped Elton’s boxer briefs by the waistband and hauled them down, manhandling as he stripped him, grinning broadly. He couldn’t help liking Elton. He had to be the nicest guy on Zane’s roster, by far. The others gave him exorbitant gifts, ridiculous trips now and then, but this...

  Well, it was worth something to Zane.

  When he had Elton naked, Zane kissed up Elton’s body from his ankles, nipped his inner thighs, kissed his cock, and finally nuzzled his navel. He sucked both nipples and rubbed his face in Elton’s armpits, his neck, and finally reclaimed his lips. Then, from Elton’s suggestion, he picked up the silk tie, brandished it for drama, and raised an eyebrow. “Open up, honey.”

  Elton’s skin had faded to a mild red, mostly pink with a few blotches, probably from Za
ne’s nibbles along the way more than residual embarrassment. Opening his mouth, Elton took the tie easily and looked sexy doing it. The steel blue in the tie highlighted the warmth and vibrancy of Elton’s eyes. His lips closed around the tie and Zane was struck by the night’s earlier revelation, that Elton did favor Paul Newman.

  Elton stretched out, spread eagle on the bed, legs open, arms spread and then extended over his head. He arched his back and then settled back down, pale on the dark bedspread.

  When Elton seemed comfortable, Zane leaned in close and knotted the silk tie, a knot he could pull free with one good tug, and then reached into the pocket of his discarded suit coat to withdraw his housekeys. He held them up and jingled them, then pressed them into Elton’s hand and folded his fingers closed around them. “You won’t be able to tell me your color with the tie in your mouth. Instead, if you need me to slow down, you jingle the keys. If you need me to stop, you can drop them or toss them on the floor. I’ll stop right away if you need me to. Okay? Nod your head for me, baby.”

  Zane waited for Elton’s gaze to hold his, for Elton to nod, and then he smiled and kissed his forehead. “Good boy. All right. Now I’m going to suck you until you’re squirming, and we’ll see how the rest of the night shakes out from there.”

  It was kind of adorable how Elton seemed simultaneously anxious and trusting, the way he let Zane experiment on him and wanted to discover new things about himself. How pent up was his childhood? Back home, Zane did all kinds of crazy stuff as a teenager, plenty enough that he was never going to have a career in politics beyond lobby anyway, even without taking up prostitution. But Elton...

  Elton deserved a good suck. He deserved to cut loose a little. And maybe it made Zane every inch the bad boy he’d always been called that he intended to personally introduce Elton to every dirty fantasy the man had ever had, but it wasn’t as if Elton got a do-over. It wasn’t as if he’d get a second life, a second chance to do all the things he didn’t allow himself that first go-round. This was it for him, and Zane was going to make damn sure Elton enjoyed it. No one should have to be that perfect all the time.


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