Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series)

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Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series) Page 3

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  "Oh my," she says, tears rimming her lashes, holding the box to Chad. "You didn't have to," she said, reaching over and pulling me to her with one arm, hugging me tight kissing my cheeks. I kissed her back, releasing her to sit back in my chair, wiping at my eyes as tears threatened to flow.

  "Yes I did," I say as she takes my hand, "thank you," I almost whisper, the emotion of everything she had done for me overflowing causing the tears to fall slowly down my cheeks.

  "I'll always be here for you hun," she says, squeezing my hand and I smile, nodding my head. She took the earrings out and put them on, the little diamonds sparkling in the overhead lights. We settled back into our food, the rest of the meal passing with conversation of work and what Chad was planning on doing over the next two weeks. He was having some his SEAL Team members come up for a few days to party and camp out.

  "Thought we'd go out to Randy's cabin," he said, sending me a look as we loaded the plates into the sink to rinse them off before putting them in the dishwasher. My brother had purchased a nice cabin in the Shenandoah National Park a year before his death, for camping and hunting, but he only had gotten to use it once. It sat isolated among the Blue Ridge Mountains about three and a half hours away, off of a single lane dirt road, but it was a beautiful cabin being fully loaded with three bedrooms and a Jacuzzi hot tub. I had been up there in September to make sure it was okay, running the water and making sure the electricity hook up still pumped juice into the building.

  "Yeah, I can get you the keys tomorrow if you want," rinsing the plates off, I handed them off to him, seeing a smile on his face and hearing a light laugh, "What?" I stopped what I was doing, standing there waiting for him to stop chuckling to himself.

  "I was thinking you'd come with us," he said reaching in the sink and pulling out some of the dishes. Well that was unexpected; he wanted me to go with him and his buddies? "Are the others bringing their wives?" I ask, "Because I don't wanna be the only girl," I quickly add, trying to cover up the part that insinuated that I was his wife, oh God.

  "Well Martinez will be bringing his wife, but he's the only one that's married." He took the offered roasting pan, pushing the loaded shelf into the dishwasher and shutting the door, locking it. "Ask Kendall if she can go for Saturday and Sunday next week cuz Timmons would be gaga over her," a sly smile crept to his face and I elbowed him in the ribs. I shouldn't have done that because he retaliates with a vengeance; his fingers ferociously tickling at my sides making me cringe and squeal, trying to get away from him. His laugh makes me giggle even more as my face flushes red from laughing too hard, my hands trying to push his away from my sides. Randy and him use to do this to me all the time when I was little, but it was usually as a tag team. I finally got out from in front him, running into the dining room as he pulled at my sweater to stop me, but I skirted his grasp, slapping his hand away as I ran towards the front door.

  Turning the handle to try and escape outside, I was jolted to a stop, the door being locked, and Chad’s devious chuckle coming from behind me. Spinning around, I see that his arms are crossed over his chest, his index finger tapping at his stubble covered chin. Giving up, I slump my shoulders letting the giggles run out as he stalked towards me the same way he use to when he had cornered me playing tag when were little. The sound of a loud exhaust, squealing brakes and the passing of headlights over my head pull my attention to the driveway at my back, my breath fogging up the glass. "Damn it," I say noticing the lifted up Dodge Ram sitting at the curb as it's driver stalked his way up to the steps.

  Unlocking and swinging open the door I see Duke chugging down a can of Budweiser as he lumbers his way towards me, crushing the can and tossing it on the lawn as he burps loudly. He was six foot two and broad like Chad with huge shoulders, chest and arms, his muscular legs outlined in a pair of semi-tight faded jeans stained from work and god knows what else. His buzz cut blonde hair is hidden underneath a Dale Earnhardt Jr. baseball cap, torn and tattered from daily wear, his cheeks and nose red from the chilly air and his excessive alcohol consumption. He had blue-green eyes that on a normal day when he was half way sober could woo any woman, his lashes long and curly, but they were blood shot as they bored holes into mine. His bottom lip bulged in the corner, making my stomach turn as he spit out the Copenhagen he had bunched in there, his teeth baring the brownish remnants.

  Duke Orr had been a local hero in high school, being a Senior when I was a Freshman, all the girls fawned over him. He was the football star, an all-state running back that had college scouts from all over the country stalking his every move. It had all come to a screeching halt one night when Duke had decided to drive home from a house party drunk, crashing his car and seriously messing his right knee up causing the scouts to dismiss him, killing his dreams. He worked construction now for his uncle along with half of the town's men.

  He stopped on the walkway as I jumped down to the last step, his nose still a little above mine as he looked from me to Chad standing behind me. His friends Harlan Dow and Garth Cobb came around my truck, their faces both going to Chad. They were good guys, but they were followers and Duke was their leader. They had both been in the car that night of the accident, Harlan suffering a broken leg and Garth a piece of glass to the face giving him a scar from his left eyebrow down to his cheek bone. They both try to stick up for me the best they can, pushing Duke away when they can tell he's pissing me off, but like I said, they are followers.

  "What the hell are ya doin' here," Duke breathes into my face, the smell of beer and chew washing over me. I cringe a little at the stench, bringing my watering eyes back to his with an incredulous look on my face. I can't think of what to say without screaming at him and punching him in the face so he turns his attention to Chad, his eyes beaming in hate. "Navy boy here wanted his call girl?"

  "Oh fuck you Duke," I say, pushing my hands into his chest but it doesn't move him very much, his attention never wavering from over my shoulder. "Get the hell outta here, you're fuckin' drunk." I try to push him again, his hands shooting up and wrapping around my wrists, pulling me close to him.

  "You're my girl," he breathed down at my face, "what the fuck are ya doin' here?" I tried to pull my wrists from him when I could feel Chad looming over me, his large hands and camo clad forearms coming over my shoulders and shoving Duke away. He stumbled back, almost falling on his ass, Harlan catching him under the armpit to keep him up, "What the fucks your issue kid," he yelled at Chad as Harlan helped him to his feet. He was younger than Chad, so the 'kid' was a shot at Chad's ego.

  "Get outta here," Chad issued pointing to Duke's truck, "Before I get pissed." His tone frightened me and I moved to stand beside him. My wrists hurt and I rubbed them as Duke approached me again, stopping only feet from Chad with Garth's hand around his arm, his head shaking telling Duke to back off.

  "I'm not your girl," I add, trying not to sound like I'm scoffing at the idea because I only know he'll get even more pissed, "I've never been your girl. Maybe you got me confused with Holly," I could tell the mention of the girl who he had spent the last couple of nights with stung him, not knowing that I knew his little secret. I nodded, pushing past Chad to come face to face with Duke, my finger poking in his chest. "Word gets around fast when you bang the town whore, now leave," I nod my head to his truck and both Harlan and Garth tell him to come on, pulling him back, Duke shaking of their grasps.

  "I'm not fuckin leavin' here without you," he ground out, his blood shot eyes locked on mine. I shook my head, turning my face down to look at the ground, my palms pushing up against his chest, He had on a flannel button down and it was soft under my touch as I pushed him back lightly, "Go home Duke," I tell him again, turning back to go into the house.

  An angry grunt met my back as I passed Chad, still standing at the bottom of the steps looking at the three men. Turning back at the door, Duke looks up at me again as Harlan and Garth pull him around my truck, "This ain't over boy," he yells, pointing at Chad and kicking at the back quart
er panel of my truck. Harlan jumps in the driver seat as Garth pushes a still swearing Duke in, the truck roaring to life and peeling off down the road.

  Chad's blue eyes turned to me, concern creased in his crinkled brow. "Don't tell me you dated that ass," he asked and I felt a little put off. What business was it of his what men I choose to sleep with, it's not like I asked for a list of girls he sleeps with. Inside the house I just stood there in a sort of shock as Chad shut and locked the door behind him.

  "I didn't date him,” I answered with a snobby tone.

  He walked off towards the living room and I heard Dana's voice. Grabbing my purse and cell phone from the kitchen, I make sure the dishwasher is running before I pull on my cowboy boots. Going into the living room I notice that Chad has stripped of his camo over shirt, his Navy blue t-shirt tight against his chest as he turned to face me, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm gonna head home," I say, heading over to were Dana sat to give her a hug.

  "I'll walk you out," Chad says more to himself than to either his mother or me, following me to the door and helping me with my jacket. I looked around as we made our way down the steps, a feeling of being watched looming over me but I shook it off seeing no one. "You want me to follow you home," Chad said as I reached the driver’s door and I shook my head. He pulled the door open and I tossed my purse in and was about to jump up when his hand was on my waist, turning me to face him. "Tomorrow," he asked, his eyes on my lips as my pulse raced at being this close to him.

  "Tomorrow what?" I almost whispered, the heat from his body pulling me into his little cocoon. His fingers were looped into the belt loops on my jeans, my hands coming to a rest on his chest. My mind was screaming at him to kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. If only he could read my thoughts.

  "You wanna do somethin' tomorrow, after you get outta work," he tilted his head to the side his eyes roaming my face. I reached my fingers up to brush away some fuzz he had in his grey splotched beard, a smile caressing his lips.

  "Yeah, sounds good," I pat my hand on his chest, a blush filling my body from head to toe as my eyes fall to our feet. I lean my head in to rest on his chest and he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight.

  "Alright then, I'll pick you up," I felt him squeeze me again, placing a light kiss to the top of my head. As I nodded and got into my truck, our hands brushed, his fingers lacing into mine for a mere second, our eyes meeting again. The things this man did to me. He shut my door, issuing me a good night and I started up the rumbling truck, seeing him shake his head in my rearview mirror as he made his way back to the house.

  Following the familiar path back to my house I never paid attention to the radio. I was floating too high, still tingling from his touch and hug. Talk about love sick, I could be the poster child. I bet if someone could draw the emotions I was feeling it would be flowers and hearts, butterflies fluttering around aimlessly, red lips kissing at the air. Every time I saw that man he did this to me, whether or not he kissed or touched me. Just the sound of his voice or the mention of his name drove me wild. At times on the drive home it felt like I was going to combust from all of the heat floating around in my being, making my left leg shake nervously.

  If I didn't do something about this, whether it was make my move on Chad or get over him and leave him behind, it would have to be soon. I don't think my heart can take much more of this indecision.


  "So what are you and this hunk-o-rama doin' tonight," my boss, Jenna asked me with a sly smile, wiggling her eyebrows as she stood leaning up against the door frame of my little office. Lord, I thought shaking my head and rolling my eyes as she giggled like a little girl. She had been married for twenty years so any kind of romantic gossip was like a gem to her. I put my phone and bottle of Pepsi into my purse, grabbing my keys and light jacket from the back of my squeaky office chair.

  "Dunno," I simply say, giving her a small smile as I shut and lock my door. Issuing our goodnights with hers being followed by a 'be safe', I pushed open the employee entrance, the back parking lot being almost empty, my old black truck sitting by its lonesome. I hopped up into the cab, cranking the engine to life, glad that today was warmer, being around sixty degrees, as I pulled my heels off, pulling on my spare flip flops that I always kept in the enormous center console. I had the windows slightly rolled down as I rumbled down the highway, the breeze making my ponytail fly around.

  Chad's brand new, bright red, fully loaded Chevy Silverado sat in my driveway as I approached, his lean perfect figure propped up against my front porch rail. My heart jumped up into my throat as he smiled at me, slight dimples in his cheeks as I put my truck in park, grabbing my purse and the door creaking open. "Hey," he said, waiting for me at the top of the steps as I jogged up them, pulling open the screen door for me so I could unlock the storm door.

  "Hey," I say, feeling that all too familiar tingle in my stomach as I sensed his eyes on me. My trailer was warm so I cracked the window above the kitchen sink as I passed it, "What are we doin?" I nodded for him to help himself to the fridge as I pulled the black dress shirt over my head, making my way to my bedroom. Tossing it on the floor near the bathroom, I searched through the baskets of clean laundry, my closet and my dresser.

  "Prolly just drive around, maybe grab something to eat later," the closeness of his voice scared me and I turned my head to see that he was leaned on the door frame, one hand in his pocket as the other brought a Bud Light bottle to his lips. Those damn lips, I had to turn my face away, back to find a shirt. "You wanna do anything special," he asked and I thought about it, pulling an old deep V cut Coca-Cola graphic tee from the bottom of my closet drawer. Tugging it over my head, fixing the red tank underneath, I fixed my ponytail and rolled the bottom of my jeans a couple of times.

  "Nah, anything's good with me," I smiled, pushing past him to go get a beer for myself. Twisting the cap off I fling it into the empty sink, spinning around with my butt up against the counter. Chad was in dark jeans, clean Timberland boots, a muscle defining cotton t-shirt with a long sleeve light button down collared shirt over top. His grey streaked brown hair was down, the waves hitting just above his shoulders as he ran his fingers through it. "So where you wanna eat," I eyed him up as he chugged the last of his beer, putting the bottle in the recycling bin near the door. God, when he bent over my eyes went straight to his tight butt, the slight curve it had in his dark jeans. I had to close my eyes to stop from staring, bringing the beer up to my lips to stop from issuing a slight whimper of excitement.

  "We'll find someplace," he smiled. So it was going to one of those nights. Where we just drove around aimlessly, stopping wherever and whenever. That was perfectly okay with me. Finishing my beer, I grabbed my purse and an old sweatshirt from the coat hook, letting Chad hold the door for me again as I locked up. His truck was amazing, it even smelled brand new as I slid into the passenger seat. It had all the bells and whistles, the perfectly clear sounding radio thrumming to life with the turn of the key.

  I ran my hand along the pristine dashboard, playing with the radio buttons and opening and closing the center console. It was so clean, I just had to touch it, a slight chuckle coming from beside me. "It's like you've never been in a new vehicle," Chad laughed, backing out of my driveway, a wide smile on his face.

  "Oh shut up," I kid, punching him in the arm then squealing when he jabs his arm at me, trying to tickle me. "The road, the road," I squeal as his truck starts to swerve and I push his hands back to the steering wheel, his laugh warming my heart and making me giggle. Sighing I lean on the center console, my head lolled to the side and resting on my shoulder, a smile on my lips as I watch the almost barren landscape pass through the windshield as we drive out of town. I see him adjust himself in his seat, leaning towards me and my heart races as I see his arm hesitantly slide up onto the top of the console, his hand mere inches from mine. I try not to let him know I'm watching out of the corner of my eye as I see him shoot a look at my fingers tapping away
on the leather, his fingers wiggling as if he's nervous. Then he does it, he slides his hand forward, taking mine and interlacing our fingers, his slightly rough skin bringing my nerve endings to life. I had to close my eyes, the sensation of his touch making the breath catch in my lungs, then I opened them to look down at our hands, joined, resting on the new leather. He squeezed his fingers lightly, bringing my look up to his face and the sweet, childish smile that was on his lips causing one to pass over mine. The blush that followed embarrassed me, diverting my eyes to my lap Chad squeezed my hand again and I squeezed back, looking out my window at the darkened sky.

  We drove like that for probably an hour, silent except for small conversation, the radio blaring in between me changing the stations, the entire time our hands joined over the center console, never parting. I noticed the sign for the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge as Chad turned past the open gate, picnic tables and bike trails lining the road as we drive by. He pulled up in front of a covered pavilion, throwing it in park I look over at him with a raised eyebrow, "What are we doing?"

  "Come on," he smiled, releasing my hand and leaving it cold only for a second as he slams his door shut, jogging around to open mine for me, "we're gonna go for a walk." His hand was warm as I slid mine back into its resting spot, his fingers squeezing mine lightly as I threw my sweatshirt over my shoulder. I notice Chad spit out his Skoal pouch as we walk down a little sidewalk towards the sparsely lighted tree line and I can't help but giggle, getting his attention.

  "What," he asks, rolling his tongue around in his mouth, spitting onto the grass as we walk, his hand squeezing mine. I just shake my head, trying to cover my giggles with my left hand, looking out into the trees I notice a flame. I stop, pulling Chad to a stop too, his face still on mine then moving to see where my stare was centered. "That's what I wanna show you," his mouth was close to my ear and I jumped, shivers wracking my spine and goose-bumps filling my skin. He pulled me along, my eyes never leaving that flame in between the trees, Chad's smile in the corner of my vision as we got closer.


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